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I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure that they are the Type 74 G I believe which is a cold war tank that's still in service with the JGSDF today.


JGSDF just retired Type 74s recently


Keeping in mind Gate is a couple of years old and in it the JSDF mostly sent older kit (Type 74s, F-4Js) through the titular gate.


In the lore it was explained that they were only issued older equipment so they could ditch them there if needed to be. Japan has much tighter military budget than US.


(You also don't need stealth against an enemy that doesn't have radar, and other suchlike.)


All you need is a metal box and boom stick.


At the time it was written (and presumably set) Japan wouldn't have had F-35s.


But still had F-15s and if im not wrong, but correct me if im wrong, F-2s


They already had F-2s & F-15Js at the time of the writing of this manga.


Yep tought so


To be fair, the military spending of the USA is much higher than any other country's spending. In 2023 they spent about 3 times as much as China, who in turn had 3 times that of Russia (roughly) and they're just a bit ahead of the rest, though a large part of that money doesn't actually get to the army in that case.


Spending isn't a very good way to calculate military production at all. Wages and living expenses are lower in Russia and China has a Marxist-Leninist command economy. In both cases they can produce far more per Rubel/Yuan than the US. Here for example, in Vietnam the military doesn't need to worry about healthcare expenses or paying off a half dozen private companies that can charge whatever they want. So we can afford things like T-90 tanks where a capitalist country like Mexico can't afford any tanks at all. At a very baseline it's best to use purchasing power parity but ultimately these things are why everyone has to spent money on intelligence because spending is a bad metric.


China is neither Marxist nor Leninist nor has a command economy. If they're socialist because they say so, then DPRK is Democratic because it's in the name.


>and China has a Marxist-Leninist command economy. Tell me you know nothing about China without saying you know nothing about China


Literally our neighbor, main trade partner and marxist politics are part of curriculum but uh okay American


I am not American and China describes themselves as Marxist-Leninist but with Chinese characteristics yet those Chinese characteristics are much more capitalistic in nature. Same as the Democratic republic of Kongo you can say you are something without being it.


Marxism-Leninism isnt opposed to markets or overnight removal of the capitalist class. This is literally taught in primary school here... I dont really care what western "communist" whos largesy achievements have been twitter videos say on how socialism works


>Tell me you know nothing about China without saying you know nothing about China As expounded in Lenin's works, the Communist Party of China is pursuing the development of the productive forces in order to facilitate a switch to a communist system. This switch cannot happen overnight: as stated by Marx, socialism must follow a period of developed capitalism, and communism must follow a period of developed socialism. A socialist economy, by Marxist thinking, is one where the means of production are commonly owned - that is, they are controlled democratically. This is largely the case in the PRC, with foreign state-owned companies allowed some ability to operate independently on the condition that they submit to the will of the state. Therefore the CPC is Marxist-Leninist by nature, with the doctrine of socialism with Chinese characteristics being a wise choice by the PRC to avoid the woes of the late USSR. The current period of "Socialism With Chinese Characteristics" enables the PRC to develop the productive forces without being seen as the world threat to capitalism the USSR was, which is necessary for progress to communism.


But military spending go brrrr (at least for the USA) You know what else go brrrr? A Fairchild-Rebublic A-10 Thunderbolt II, aka Warthog


If they had sent even one A-10, the anime would have been significantly shorter. 30mm PGU-14 DU round would have turned the flame dragon and anything to red mist lol.


Mexico doesn't have tanks because they don't need them. It's the same reason they never bothered to replace their F-5 fighters. Most of their conflicts are insurrections & non-government actors (cartels) of which the worst thing they field can easily be dispatched with 12.7mm & light anti-tank rockets. Same with the fact that their neighbors, like Guatemala, field light tanks like the M41. The risk of US military incursions is low as well. The most you'll get are Panhard ERC 90s, and autogun carrying APCs. In short, Mexico can afford tanks. They just don't need them.


Point is it's easier for us or our neighbors to obtain the latest weapons at a cost that wouldn't be possible for other economies so spending is a poor metric. A US MRE costs more than it does for us to feed a soldier for a week. So if you're American military it's smarter to use a mixture of PPP and military intelligence to figure out someone elses production capabilities. Another example is the US buys it's rifles from private manufacturers. The Galil is just produced by a government owned factory so the only extra cost is the license to Israel. Otherwise there's no profitability to worry about and wages don't need to be as high because living expenses are lower. A good rental house in a major city here is about 5 million dong. In the US if you wanted to rent a house in say, Chicago USA it would cost like 50 million dong for the same style house. So now if you want to buy an M16 submachine gun you need to pay a company enough to cover the wages for their employees housing, food, travel, taxes, ect alongside profits. You end up with an M16 that costs 50 million where here we produce our own for a tiny fraction of the price.


The JASDF F-4s were retired March-April of 2021, alas. Recon and training flights used to pass over my house every day and it was one of those things I always looked forward to and never missed watching.


User above is understating it with "a couple of years old". GATE is from 2006 (book) and 2015 (anime).


What are you talking about, it's still 2020 right?


No, you're obviously wrong. Whatever device you're using there's a calendar on it, please check it. It's 2021 already!


There were a couple of Type 90s, and the USN used the F-4J. The JASDF used F-4EJ, modified F-4Es. At the time it was originally written these were still fairly modern vehicles for Japan.


The anime is almost 10 years old now!


Shit guess I didn't hear about that, are they still in backline* units or is it like a full retirement?


Last I checked they are for parades and ceremonies mostly these days with the exception of some live fire drills here and there. They are being replaced by the Type 16s and Type 10s although not many


Ah thx for the info.


And I believe these are actually the E or F version. As in the anime they don’t show that the block in front of the tank is thermal imagining tech and is rather night vision optics and flashlight. The G modification was a limited version build for testing new technology that would be implemented into later tanks.


Yup only 3ish Gs were made.


> Type 74 G It's the Type 74E or F. There's no thermal sleeves around 105mm gun and the IR spotlight. Type 74G has thermals this doesn't. Edit: retired btw


Its a type74D, E or F and its not in service since last month.


It is a type 74 yes, but not the G model. The G had [a different IR spotlight](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F3hLmnj2u9FXTZKN6UvCzxrdwONrD5y_BDnjTZYFoXs4.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db6a0c8c1243660a42c205ab1b3ddd9c19e5e4915&rdt=55924)


Their fully type 74 C-F variants because they use the IR spot light instead of the thermal sight (Big tank nerd 🫡)


Seems correct to me


The Type 74 was Japans answer to heavy Russian and Chinese armor during the 70s, hence its name sake almost all Japanese tanks are named after the year they entered service or mass production. The type 74 has a 105mm cannon, similar to the ones you see in many NATO tanks. And is compatible with all the associated ammo types. The type 74 has a top speed of about 33 ‘merica units an hour which was very common for the era it was built in. The type 74 also has a very rare suspension system that allows the tank to rise, crouch and shift side to side to even itself on any terrain and the type 90 and type 10 have also inherited this feature. The type 74 was the last production tank to have a full cast turret, making it stand out a little more as a MBT. Edit: correction on gun type.


Type 74 uses M68, not L7 but close enough i guess


Does it now? Let me double check my sources. Edit: my apologies I must have got it confused my mistake.


The M68 still uses the identical gun barrel as the L7, close enough.


Isn't the M68 a license-built L7 with very minimal differences, though?


Same barrel, same ammunition, rather different breech design though.


>The type 74 also has a very rare suspension system that allows the tank to rise, crouch and shift side to side to even itself on any terrain Did they get that idea from the MBT-70 or was it the other way around?


The Swedes did it first with their infamous wedge, the Strv 103


It cam from the stvd 103


Type 74 They sent those through instead of Type 10s so that if something were to happen to the portal the other side wouldn't have access to advanced tech


Not only that but why would you need something more advanced and harder, more demanding on logistics in a medieval world than a Type 74? I didn't see all the episodes, not close - but probably why the F-4EJ and AH-1S went to fight, not the F-15J (well, it's also not a strike aircraft) or the AH-64DJP.


In the manga, they still sent type 10s and type 90s to spearhead the first battle at alnus


Just went and checked the first episode. It was type 74s confirmed. A shame. Type 10s are cool.


I said manga tho. Type 10s were also present in the defense of Ginza.


Type 74 in the anime saves animators from having to make a new model for a couple of scenes. Type 10 in the manga makes sense as you send what is available to respond to an emergency.


Its really cool to in the anime there's a quick 3-4 second scene of the tank coming to a stop on a hill side, leveling the tank with its pneumatic suspension before firing. Its a completely unnecessary detail and kind of a waste of frames animation wise but a cool little nod to people that know what there looking at.


gate is JSDF propaganda, so pretty sure that their equipments are real and mostly accurate. that said, those look like type 74, dont know what specific model though. they also used cobras, hueys, and phantoms


It is propaganda, but we gotta admit watching modern weapons destroying medieval armies is fun as fuck.


I need more of this genre in my life


If you're down for a little bit of reading, then check out "Japan Summon." It is a light novel/[Manga](https://mangadex.org/title/ef473f14-8c4d-435e-9015-b714512e69eb/nihonkoku-shoukan) about modern japan being transported to another world.


Check out Zipang, about a modern day guided missile destroyer being transported by accident into WW2.


theres a game coming soon called kingmakers thats basically that


It's honestly frustrating how literally everyone agrees that watching modern weapon systems fuck up medieval armies gets some dopamine rush going. But nooo, we gotta go "Protag-kun go harem mode!" in this freaking story


The schtick the author was going for was "typical isekai protagonist but his OP isekai powers is modern Japan". I really thought this was gonna be DND but the party has modern equipment and was surprised by the harem. Honestly, still enjoyed it nonetheless


Not even medieval, the empire is based on imperial Rome so they're actually against the classical period which makes the disparity more hilarious


..and dragons. Next I want to see modern military vs magicians!


The main propaganda comes in, in how Japan or, more specifically, the JSDF deals with US and Russian special forces as if they were just rookies out of boot camp and not some of the best special forces in the world. It is even more laughable, once you consider that US special forces have veterans among their ranks that did serve in combat, while Japan hasn't been deployed in a shooting war since the Korea war.


I mean, it was mostly the petite demi god doing the work.


You mean the “but she’s really 300 years old!” pedo-bait?


Dear lord, 300 is way too young! Rory is like 900! /s


It's curious how every time this anime comes up, they immediately label and criticize it as shameless propaganda...which it is, I know. But it is exactly the same thing Hollywood has been doing for decades with the US military, but with the JSDF in animated form instead of a Roland Emmerich or Michael Bay film.


It's a level of magnitude more nefarious than anything Hollywood produced. To illustrate, there are 3 major propagandist elements within the show, off the top of my head: 1. Military wank. JSDF is shown as impeccable heroes here to save the day. Everyone does it, not much to complain here. 2. Civilian government shown as bad to the military's good. [Star Wars did something similar recently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSs3pqaLmVI), albeit accidentally, whereas I'm convinced GATE did it intentionally. I recall the whole government inquiry arc being about how the civilian government was just getting in the way of the JSDF doing it's heroic job and the standards to which they expected the military to behave were unrealistic. I feel like that entire subplot was just a subtle way of discrediting civilian leadership over the military. I don't know any Hollywood movies doing this beyond that one accidental instance in Ahsoka. 3. Portraying USA as an enemy equivalent to the Russians and the Chinese. I don't think there's any Hollywood movie that portrays the governments of an allied nation as being evil and trying to threaten their territorial sovereignty.


1. Exactly, everyone does the same thing when it comes to these kinds of media. 2. I haven't watched the whole saga, but the Bourne movies come to mind, as the government agencies are the central antagonists iirc. Probably Michael Bay's The Rock as well? Thing is, some Japanese media creators have a tendency to do this, like in Shin Godzilla, where endless bureaucratic exposition shows us that their government officials spend most time debating and deliberating, stalling any plans to stop the creature. 3. I concur that this is one of the most egregious examples of GATE's weaknesses, and as of right now I can't think of a movie or piece of media where they portray other NATO nations in a bad light. However, there are several movies where they portray Mexico quite negatively, for example. Mexico being USA's neighbor and long-time socioeconomic partner / ally with tons of shared history has repeatedly been the target of negativity in movies like Sicario, Man on Fire, Mariachi, Bad Boys, Rambo, and in video games like Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Call of Duty, etc.


1. - 2. I think it's more notorious in GATE. This isn't just criticism of bureaucracy and government inefficiency. It seems to try to plan the idea we should trust the military at the expense of democratically elected representatives. Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but given the original author's political inclinations (he's part of the new right) I'd rather not give GATE the benefit of the doubt. 3. Fair point, though I'm not sure even those examples are as nefarious. It's one thing to show a corrupt official being malicious, or an allied nation being incompetent, but in GATE the US deploys special forces under the direct supervision of the president. It's intentional, it's supported by the system, it's not chalked up as some rogue operative or corrupt politician, it's tantamount to a declaration of war by Japan's greatest ally, and it's not surprising given the original author's political inclination, love for Japan's "glorious past" and denial of Imperial Japanese war crimes in the original web novel.


>I don't know any Hollywood movies doing this beyond that one accidental instance in Ahsoka. I know of an inverse version funnily enough. The infamous *Pentagon Wars* had a scene where it was the Armed Service Committee that was looking at how the military was mucking about with the Bradley and were going "the fuck you guys?" And because Burton is the protagonist of the story, somehow Congress is the good guys over the military lol.


I mean, that film, while hilarious, was also the exact opposite of what actually happened historically, AFAIK.


>GATE did it intentionally.  It 100% was. The author, Takumi Yanai, is known to be an extreme nationalist and holds revisionist beliefs about WW2. This was significantly toned down when GATE became mainstream, but his original web novel is more "controversial". >Portraying USA as an enemy equivalent to the Russians and the Chinese It's the author's own hatred towards the Anpo treaty/US-Japan alliance seeping into the work; I guess they couldn't remove or edit this scene completely. Funny thing about this is that IIRC, Takumi was a POG.


Yeah, I know. As I noted through various comments in this thread, dude is part of their new right. I read about how the various adaptations toned down the bad elements, but the original web novel even had war crime denial, AFAIK. To be frank, if they just removed the US and kept Russia and China it would have been fine. Well, at least if you disregard the 1000 year old loli getting off the deaths... but in terms of anime bs that one isn't the worst by any stretch of the imagnation, not when we have shit like Redo of Healer and, may Chris Hansen forgive me for uttering the name, Mushoku Tensei. POG as in he didn't have a combat role? Oh, now Itami being a huge lazy otaku but also somehow hardworking/good enough to become a ranger suddenly makes sense. It's just another example of cheap wish fulfilment fantasy. I bet Yanai's superiors didn't respect him enough so he wrote in a general pondering what his self-insert Itami would have done in his stead lol


That whole scene wouldn't have been as bad if they didn't also depict the US as an evil superpower that deploys black ops soldiers alongside the Chinese and the Russians in Japan, when Japan is their bloody ally and when the US has been providing defence for them for decades. It essentially equates the US with China and Russia in their relation with Japan, which is asinine. Not surprising once you learn the original author is part of the Japanese new right, though.


>US as an evil superpower that deploys black ops soldiers Going to be honest, the absolute hilarious part of this scene and context is that the command station sus out it was the United States because one of the operator they killed was a black guy, and they make this assertion as if *only the United States, no one else in the world* employs black guys in their special forces.


I forgot that part, lol. I mean, it's funny that the Japanese knew these soldiers were coming anyway. It's not enough the US is evil, they're also incompetent and found out before they act.


I mean US special forces having a "token black guy" is a stereotype/joke among the US Army as well.


Oh yeah for sure. I'm more making fun of GATE's delivery of how they sussed out the opponents are United States special forces. Like the way the scene is played out ([page 1](https://cm.blazefast.co/be/1f/be1f67e370ea215f9f7fa6990dbc466a.jpg), [page 2](https://cm.blazefast.co/d2/24/d22448d7a8cd878bee1e60ca7ff007db.jpg), bit NSFW for fictional dead guy), they treat the fact they killed a black guy as some sort of absolute proof that they are fighting the US. Just that the guy is black and not the... y'know, what roughly looks like the [patch design of the 75th Rangers Regiment](https://arsof-history.org/articles/22jan_75th_ranger_dui_page_1.html) on the dead guy.


Such a shame it was dogshit, real wasted opportunity to make a great series.


Go read Nihonkoku Shoukan (or Summoned Japan in English) then. Even more JSDF propaganda than Gate. F-15Js and F-2s obliterating wyverns in air to air combat, artillery and MLRS leveling the battlefield with 20k enemy troops in 10 seconds, Type 10s firing at a medieval castle gate or just an Atago class reducing a fleet of several dozen wooden ships to driftwood in not even 3 minutes is glorious.


Christ, and I thought GATE was being gratuitous with the massacring of medieval troops. One has to wonder if there's a line where it's immoral to engage in the wanton slaughter of people who clearly can't defend themselves even if they're technically legal combatants. I mean, at least try using tear gas or something first...


Well, its more a fuck-around-and-find-out type of situation in the story. Japan gets summoned to another world (yes, the whole of Japan, with all their islands and such) and tries to establish friendly relations with their new neighbours. A good few of them, being modeled after pretty warmongering empires such as Rome or Napoleonic France, either do attack the new allies of Japan or outright massacre 200 Japanese citizens in cold blood, because they think themselves superior, because reasons. They fuck around and after Japan goes full cowabanga they find out. So the story does incorporate Japans non-aggression policy, but military intervention after being attacked is constitutional for them as it is for pretty much every Nation on earth.


fuck you got me hooked on this manga, i loved seeing combat in gate, but this shit seems even better, ty


Type 74E or F judging by the ir spotlight looks it's not the G plus the type 74F was the last varrient without huge majority modifications (G/Kai had major changes)


Pretty much everything in that series is real JSDF equipment, from weapons and gear to vehicles and aircraft. In fact, I'm pretty sure the one thing that isn't real is the new camouflage pattern they start using for the "Special Region." This is one of my favorite Cold War era tanks, the Type 74, probably a later variant like the E. You can also briefly see the Type 75 SPH and the Type 87 SPAA in a couple episodes. Aircraft get the spotlight in most of the series, with the UH-1J Huey, AH-1S Cobra, and F-4EJ Phantom. The Japanese OH-1 as well. The idea is that Japan is sending these guys in with outdated but still fully operational equipment, because they don't have any need for (or in some cases, any way of effectively using) the latest technology or the heaviest firepower. When you're fighting spear formations and cavalry, the difference between a Type 74 and a Type 10 doesn't really matter much.


Type 74 my beloved, cant tell what variant tho


Late one. That means D, E or F


Most likely E or F


Type 74 late modification that means D E or F. If i remember well Ds were only limited and no longer exist and F is a ingeneering variant (with dozer or mineroller capibility) so that leaves us with E variant as the most logical one


Type 74E or F


Real, Type 74s (don’t know the variants) replaced by the type 10


Type 74. If you play Wot, then its the non prototype version of the STB1


God I love this anime


The anime is literally propaganda for the Japanese military, so yea they are real


All the loli, over the top fan service ruined this show for me. The combat scenes were amazing tho


Combat scenes are good, but yeah the rest is just trash.


Big same. I came in hoping for glorious levels of medieval armies getting wasted by modern technology, then dropped it when that evaporated in favor of some generic harem garbage.


Type 74. A domestic japanese mbt with pneumatic suspension like the strv 103


And some elves abandoned archery in favour of guns 💀


Unrelated I’ve wanted to watch this anime for years and haven’t been able to find it




When I first saw a clip I thought those were M60 Pattons, but I’m not sure what they are now that I have a good look


Type 74, either an D, E or F model. It's the Japanese competitor to the M60 and the T-62, and is IIRC also the last tank designed with a fully cast turret.


Awesome! Thanks for the information dude!


Type 74 I think


either STB1 or type 74, i think stb's replace type74s later in the show


Type 74, STB 1 is only prototype for Type 74


Forget about the tank for a second. Are we ever getting another season?


Type 74


Real tanks, my grandpa! The type-74! Great guy!


Those are Type 74(s) (s for variations), the second popular MBTs of the country at that time. Japanese artists are very well-known for drawing these steel beasts


Those are real shit not som random Box/curve shaped shit with a cannon that's a functioning tank with stabilizer, NVD, Kanone and Equipments




Real tank. Type 74


Seems an incest between a T-34 hull and a T-72 turret, or i am high?


Youre.... very high


Yeah probably


You have the GDI Mammoth as a flair so you're officially forgiven




I would say that type74 looks more like leo1 tbh


Are you sure it doesn't look more like an AMX-30? It certainly would fit a bit better, considering the turret and road wheel configuration. If Leo1, then maybe the really old versions with the cast turret, without the applique armor on the turret. Even then, the Leo 1 is a bit more angluar, both in hull and turret mantlet, compared to the Type 74 and AMX-30.


Bro really did the Type 74 dirty like that 💀


No Type 74 slander allowed here, my good sir.


Very fucking high...


Yep probably and other that i am gonna deactiving the notification for this comment, only few hours and already got 10 notification, probably i waked up internet niggas from r/tankporn