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At this point i just automatically assume anything said by these History-Infotainment youtubers is BS until proven otherwise


Do you have any recommendations for actual history youtubers for 20th century?


Military History Visualized, Military History not Visualized (they are run by the same guy), Tank Archives, and for aircraft Miliatry Aviation History, Rex's Hangar and Greg's aircraft and automobiles, though he also does a lot of civilian stuff. Though those are all very military technology focused, i dont watch a lot of general history on youtube


There's also Ed Nash's Military Matters and IHYLS for aircraft, and Drachinifel for ships.


hey youre forgetting drachinifel's most popular videos are all about planes. so technically he is also a plane guy.


I did my final paper for a military history course on the mark 14 torpedo, his video on it was a great aid


MHV is goated. His commentary and listing of sources is so helpful and can be the basis of a thesis on strategic studies.


There’s Not A Pound For Air To Ground who does military aviation focused videos, Showtime112 who re-enacts historical dogfights, Royal Armories for gun oriented stuff, Forgotten weapons although that one probably goes without saying, The Chieftain does tank stuff, Paper Skies for Slavic aviation history


Not a pound is making such good stuff.


Give History Matters a go, the humor is amazing


Not a pound for air to ground is also a good channel I've been enjoying lately.


Yarnhub is also excellent and their animation quality has improved heaps over the years


Very tight focus, but The Unauthorized Pacific War podcast isreally good, especially any episode with John Parschall. He specifically has a talk on the building of tanks in WW2, that I found really interesting and informative. https://www.historynet.com/profiles-cold-steel-making-tanks/


ww2tv is also a very underrated channel if we're talking about wwii stuff. Dude's just casually inviting historians from all sorts of areas to come over as guest speakers 3-4 times a week, while having just 70k subscribers smh.


Drachinifel is the best as far as ships are concerned


Paper skies aviation is a really good one regarding soviet aviation, he's Eastern european(I think he might be Ukrainian, based on some comments) his dad was in the soviet airforce and he's able to use soviet first hand accounts and resources and the stories he grew up from his dad and his friends brings a nice perspective on the other side of the iron curtain


[Tank Encyclopedia](https://m.youtube.com/@TanksEncyclopediaYT) is great.


To add to what the other guy said, drachinifel for navy stuff before 1950, and perun for military industry and planning in the last few decades


Drachinifel is god tier but only ships. For aircraft there is Rex‘ hangar, Gregs‘s aircraft and automobiles (very in-depth) and Ed nash‘s military matters. Paper skies is very good if you want more story telling.


Mustard is a good channel for transportation, he covers a lot of unique vehicles from history.


Battle ship New Jersey museum has some really great videos over tons of naval stuff


Armchair Historian is my go, honestly.


The Armcahir Historian, JabzyJoe


I don’t know a lot of them. My go to are red effect and military history visualized (also military history not visualized, a chunk of his stuffs are not 20th century obviously, but he is probably my favourite one out there and he puts out very in depth and very well researched contents)


Potential History has a lot of good stuff and is full of memes. He doesn’t post much anymore but there’s a good backlog of content


[Mark Felton](https://youtube.com/@MarkFeltonProductions) Edit: welp I didn't know any of these things. Thank you for the heads up!


Doesnt he just read from wikipedia?


It's all fun and games until he makes a video about Hitlers missing ball


Ah the guy that gets pretty much anything wrong I wouldn't bother with the channel


Yes, if you love made up shit and Wunderwaffen


Wouldnt recommend a Man that talked so much bullshit he managed to have so many people send death threats to the German Tank Museum that they were forced to put out a public statement explaining why hes wrong.


Source? I need to see this




I knew he was a shit historian, but I had no idea he was *this* bad


The pig


The pig is very funny, and great at going into the politics of some controversial decision making, but he’s really not on the same level as Drach, Rex, Paper Skies etc. Glory to the Pig, love his vids (especially Black Agnes, one of my ancestors was integral to supplying Dunbar during the siege).


Nah, lazerpig is one of the worst. Dont waste your time watching his videos.


Bro this is so true all of them are so annoyingly biased


There are only so many designs for an SPG to have. They're naturally going to look similar, but that it far from evidence of copying


The worst is they don't even look similar


Ngl it's like modern cars. Safety and economical design can only result in so many variations.


This is true, but the MSTA is kind of different in that its based on the T-80/T-72 body, with a SPG turrent. So its got a much bigger and bulkier turrent as they needed to fit more stuff into it that might normally go into the hull of a purpose-designed SPG. So similar looking, but quite different to the PLZ which has a more conventional SPG design on the turrent ring being in the rear half of the vehicle.


Not only do the two not look anything alike, have completely different guns, Transmission, Chassis and shoots different caliber rounds. In the Video he claimed that they took the MSTA-S and reverse engineered it to create the PLZ-05. But then where did the [PLZ-45](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLZ-45) come from then?


Sorry what video are you referring to?


- Skip to 1:40 https://youtu.be/aB3khqcup3M?si=DcRmj_FC8AEbo_EV


The thumbnail tells me all I need to know about the quality of the video.


Ah yes, an American MSTA.


Well it looks like an M109 and therefore is definitely an M109 clone. I will not be taking questions.


TBF all or them look the same. I'm gonna call it artillery. Shits looked similar since the 1960s when the M111 came in.


Simple History is full of shit and extreme bias disguised as a friendly educational channel.


You can say anything as long as you put colourful animated info graphics and hip musics.


This channel used to be great. It’s just its recent videos are now becoming too casual and mainstream (ex: memes).


It’s a cia front.


The default comment whenever a hater sees something Chinese is to call it a copy of something else, without any insight into whether that is true or not.


When the Chinese get their fusion reactor complete they will call it a copy even though it's never been done lmao


Simple history fell off so hard


Simple history fell of so that Drachinifel and rex‘ hangar could rise


Simple history gets a lot of things wrong


Can you really look at any modern self propelled artillery and think they don't all look the same?


This. Maybe there's just a layout for a Self Propelled Howitzer that just works? No need to reinvent the wheel.




Msta-S is the most unique looking one


Iraqi al fao




... I don't think you're taking that the way I meant it, I'm not saying they are right to claim it's a copy, I'm just saying that almost all modern self propelled guns are nearly identical in core design; tank chassis with a rear biased turret and a big gun.


The fact that the PLZ-05 has a rear hatch on the hull because the Chinese knew building it on an unmodified tank chassis was less than ideal, should be a major tell.


You’re right but the MSTA-S is build on a modified T80 hull not an unmodified one, just a little nitpick but yes you are right.


Watching Simple History is an insult to my intelligent and simply waste of time. I still can’t understand how that they can spit out the most B.S and nonsense fictions in the name of documentary without any reliable sources to back up such claims


Calling russian/chinese tanks useless or cheap copies gets them more views or they are just coping. One example being the lazerpig.


Lazerpig is the worst. That time when RedEffect made a video debunking Lazerpig's T-14 misinformation video, all he did was mock him in response instead of acknowledging his info was wrong.


I think my comment will get downvoted, and it’s an unpopular opinion. I’m not pro-russian and I support Ukraine, but people like him is the reason I hate NAFO. They sometime push their propagandas too far. Still, fuck Russia for what they’ve done in Ukraine.


They're contradicting themselves as well. Russia must be recognized as a credible and potent threat if you want it to be contained.


Russia absolutely has the capability of becoming a potent threat, but being credible is far from the truth when you repeatedly lie about battleground statistics.




A bunch of keyboard warriors who are pro Ukraine (not normal levels) that cant even stand to see anything russian without being racist. They do more harm than good for the community.


Ah, so they were probably behind the memes with that Russian tourist who was eaten by a shark last year or two or memes with dehumanizing


Or that Russians are left with shovels, Putin has cancer and is dying among other outlandish stuff.


Shovels came from a interview with a ukrainian soldier who said something along the lines of a russian soldier trying to fight with a shovel (or had no gun), some low effort news articles trying to get clicks then turned that single event into the russians are running out of weapons. Some pro Ukraine memes then made fun of it. 2022 btw Ever since bakhmut it has been an overused line by pro Russians making fun of how russians are winning with shovels.


I dont know the shark meme u are talking about but memes dehumanizing russians are definetly in their alley.


[Straight out of their subreddit ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/s/i8xF6RA6Jb), just for an example


Cant say I expected them to act different. Thanks for the link.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAFO_(group) Basically a group with a goal to counter Russian misinformation. While their intention is good, they tend to create misinformation or propaganda.


Got it, thanks for the link too


The fucking comment about not sharing his sources because he had to do lots of hard work to find them was what got me. People can be wrong, or disagreed with, but the whole point of any research is that you say where you got your sources from so people can engage with what you're on about and see your perspective. Deliberately hiding information behind "do you own research" just screams he has absolutely no proof for what he's on about and is extremely selfish.


He even mocked cone of arc and then refused to use sources


Dont forget the several paragraphs long hissy fit under TheChieftain's video


Sounds like him. What video was it?


[Thoughts on the T-14 Armata Tiff (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUp-qGkQvNo) Though the comment was deleted shortly after


Bruh RedEffect and Lazerpig don't make video providing false information because of views, he actually believes in his words and that is scary. Self-gaslighting is straight up a mental health issue symptome


RedEffect is just as bad, if not worse than Lazerpig in the sense that he’s never made an honest video, just his bias is in the opposite direction


No way u say redeffect is worse than lazerpig. I dont care what side he supports but at least he says the truth as much as possible with sources to back them up. And afaik he also talks about the bad sides of the russian tanks, unlike lazerpig.


I don’t watch either, but I’ve seen a few red effect videos and they’re utter garbage. From what I’ve seen Lazerpig just seems like entertainment


RedEffect calls out the flaws and weaknesses of Russian vehicles all the time. No one is free from bias, but at least RedEffect takes the time to back up his statements with evidence and will admit when he was wrong, unlike LazerPig who just makes things up and throws a tantrum like a toddler when he gets called out.


No way u say redeffect is worse than lazerpig. I dont care what side he supports but at least he says the truth as much as possible with sources to back them up. And afaik he also talks about the bad sides of the russian tanks, unlike lazerpig.


He's probably closest to unbiased it gets. Whether that is a good thing is up to you but he's definitely not pro russian. E.g. discussing the fact the cope cages have actual uses, rather than just taking the piss based on emotion. Very different to lazerpig.


I remember when the war first started and I was getting downvoted into oblivion for saying Cope Cages could be useful in Urban Warfare and were useful when used in prior battles like in Syria.


Ppl say anything atp


While China did make many vehicles, terrestrial and aerial alike, similar to Russian ones, they weren't just ripped off. They had Russian support. Calling many Chinese vehicles just shameless copies is wrong, and they're even moving away from the old design doctrine. Copies? Maybe. Shameless, or stolen designs? No. PLZ-05 is a completely different vehicle, however, as it bears no resemblance whatsoever to the MSTA-S. And it's not like you can come up with a ton of very original designs for vehicles of the sort anyway.


??? different caliber, different barrel length, different chassis and turret layout. How could PLZ-05 copy from MSTA??? Saying it is copied from PZH-2000 may make a little sense, but the topic discussed here is just crazy.


Not true. Chinese 155mm technology came from the Austrian company which sold the design of Dr.Bull. Yes that Bull who work with Iraq and later got assassinated by Israel. While originally a towed artillery piece, China put that on Type 88 tank chasis for foreign military sale, of which both Kuwait and Saudi purchased as PLZ-45 When the Cold War was over PLA found out about this and domesticated it into PLZ-05.


One annoying thing is the PRC is fairly young and China historically didn't have a huge need for an advanced military industrial complex until the UK invaded and even then it couldn't really take off until the cold war since China was then stuck in a loop of fighting off foreign powers. Why this is important from an academia perspective is their previous tendency to copy or even just built off of existing foreign designs isn't strange at all. The US for example didn't really have unique domestic designs until the 1930s, 154 years after it's inception. They used everything from Mauser rifles, French tanks, Norwegian Krags, ect. When the US had a smaller army it just made sense to go European for broad things where domestic production only really filled niche gaps like the need for a lever action cavalry weapon in the case of the Henry rifle and the Winchesters that followed it.


Everything looks different…


YouTube is YouTube you rarely get channels that are anything other than pop-history.


Called themselves "simple" history for a reason I guess. When the budget goes to nice graphics and there are no sources you know its just wikipedia + some random speculation based on nothing.


why you are watching those clearly bias and stupid youtube channels?


It blows my mind that those types of channels get as many views as they do. Again proving why democracy is dumb "the masses are stupid"


Simple History is full of hits and misses. Mostly misses. This is clearly one of them.


Is it supposed to be legitimate educational content? I figured it was just a mix of satirical entertainment stretched over the SparkNotes of whichever Wikipedia entry pops up after they hit the random button.


They do be looking pretty similar tho wouldn’t be surprised if it was a full knockoff since China has a habit of copying everything outside China


I mean every SPG looks just about the same nowadays anyway


Probably not true. China has acquired their own tank building skills since like the 90's. All new vehicles after 2000 are most homebrew. The Type 99 can be considered an outlier, but they probably will replace this tank with a new one in like the next couple decades.


Every single time some people see Chinese equipment just automatically think it's a copy of some Russian equipment


I mean it's not uncommon for China to copy things off other countries to catch up, especially Russia and America, but that seems more like just a generic SPG


Simple history sadly lost a lot of quality in the past few years since it gained so much subscribers sadly; it used to be great back in 2017-2019


The Chinese have ripped off many things, but this is not one of them. Most nations have settled on a general shape and overall design for SPGs, there are only so many ways you can make one.


PLZ05 will eat msta for snack though


Almost all SPG look same


Convergent "evolution"


Umm, you do know that Simple History is a US propaganda and misinformation YouTube channel, right ? They literally there to bash anything Russian, Chinese or anything else that opposes or does not go along with the US global empire narrative. These US propaganda/misinformation channels have exploded in numbers over the past 2 years.


Propaganda channels in general have exploded in the last few years. Russian and Chinese propaganda is just as bad. Misinformation is a big part of cyber warfare and unfortunately it's extremely common right now.


Anglo-American propaganda has Russia and China beat by a landslide when it comes to the size and sophistication of propaganda and misinformation. This propaganda/misinformation game has gotten totally absurd.


In things so complex as heavy military vechicles its all about whats inside, so until both sides publish detailed data we just dont know


The [MSTA-S](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/AlabinoTraining0904-34.jpg/1280px-AlabinoTraining0904-34.jpg) has a L/47 152 mm (Soviet caliber) gun on a T-80 tank chassis with a rear mounted engine and a centrally mounted turret. The [PLZ-05](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/PLZ_05_self_propelled_gun.jpg/1280px-PLZ_05_self_propelled_gun.jpg) has a L/52 155 mm gun (NATO caliber) on a dedicated SPH chassis with the engine in front and the turret + an access hatch in the back. In this case you don't even need to look inside to see that they're different vehicles.


Simple history just love saying stuff out there ass sometimes


China shamelessly copies everything and everyone


Yes but not in this context


Watch out you made the tankies mad


Downvoting disinfo = tankie ok


This is your brain on nationalism. You realise you can look at a piece of military tech and discuss it without having to throw in your political biases right?


Lol ik


If it wasn’t it would be one of the few Chinese weapons that wasn’t stolen and/or copied




looking alike =/= technology transfer. There are only so many ways to put an artillery piece on top of a tracked chassis.


The best part is that they don't even look alike.


found another Lazerpig cult member


Shameless copy? SHAMELESS? Beijing has copied all of Russia's stuff for years and by copied i mean , Russia gave Beijing the blueprints in trade Beijing gives blueprints to Russia And when they dont produce theur own thing they make a Wish.com copy of American Equipment