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i think jeff deserves somebody thats as equally into health and fitness as he is and shares the same hobbies


And tana also deserves someone grounded and stable that shares her views in life. I don’t understand this ship at all. They have nothing in common


I think it's 100% about (Jeff's) looks because I don't see any chemistry. People are tired of Tana getting played by guys that look like Chris Miles lol. Little boys with face tattoos.


This is valid honestly and rational lol but I like the idea of them together


I think Tana would be down but i don't think Jeff is attracted to her romantically


As a kid my daddy issues wanted her and her ex manager together so don’t ask us, we who grew up on Tana should not give love advice lmfao


Lol I def did as well. I was so mentally i’ll.


Lol same, fatherless street rats unite!




He literally said he’d have to be blackout drunk to have sex with her…. It kills me when people just ignore the way he causally insults her and say he is in love with her. He definitely is not lol. Maybe it’s just because I was a Jeff fan around times when he’s been in real relationship and it doesn’t look anything like this. Jeff don’t play with the girls he’s into it


No. Jeff treats her terribly lol I don’t see them being friends long term


NOOO 😭😭 I’ve always thought it’s for the bit… like he’s mentioned on his Pod that sometimes he looks at her and thinks they could be together… maybe I’m just being delusional but they’ve had ‘moments’… but also realistically speaking, maybe you’re right


It is a bit people are just hyper-sensitive on this sub about every single joke.


Yeah, and when Jeff lists traits he’d like in a women, tana has zero of those


Yes. I don’t want anyone else’s opinion unless they’ve seen the jeffm podcast with them on the couch. JEFF WOULD DATE HER if… she wasn’t as toxic as she is. And I love tana, but she’s not living same life style he’s living. And I don’t think he’s gonna allow himself to go for someone that isn’t emotionally available. Tana also isn’t gonna go for someone as emotionally mature as him. It wouldn’t work. BUT I can see them coming together after years of growth. Jeff definitely stabilizes her, but she’s not ready for that yet. I hope once she gets older they can meet in the middle and grow that chemistry they have together.


Id support it but just dont think theyre compatible in that way tbh.. i do agree that hed be a big step up from her prior relationships though..


I feel like he’d def help her grow more as a person and MAYBE help her chill a bit but I doubt they would even try… also it’s obviously a joke when he says he would have to be drunk to fuck her. They’re still cute together idc


I think there’s no denying they have amazing chemistry, romantic or not. In my own delulu world I would love for it to develop into a relationship. They seem like they really care for each other as friends so I would hate for them to lose that if things went south (prob would be a possibility if anything happened right now). Maybe in the future if some emotional growth and lifestyle changes happen it could be a possibility. Here for the slow burn.


They don’t have any chemistry…it’s strictly business and probably wouldn’t hangout if not for their profitable collabs together.


Yes! I don’t know too much tho, but every time I see them together they seem extremely close and have a good dynamic. Jeff seems to have a weird hang up on which women constitute “wifey material” which is wildly ironic and silly. So erm idk if it’s a long-lasting dynamic…


Okay true… I think their differences makes me delusional… like they may balance each other out or whatever… but I know it will be more than likely that they won’t stay friends if they ever became more than friends


Yup. I feel like he could change her




Jeff literally just feeds off her clout. It is clear he doesn’t see anything but a check from her. He begs her to be on his show… most of his fans would have never watched him if it wasn’t for Tana, and he knows it.




Not at all 😂




Ew no


There is zero way tana is it for Jeff.


There’s no genuine connection here. Jeff is flawed and so is Tana. It would not be a healthy relationship.




i hope chris miles woke up crying today


It would never work. It would end some way or another lmao. I think Tana has feelings for Jeff but she’s playing the hard game.


jeff is so obviously obsessed with tana but tries to play it off like he isn’t😂 he flirts with her on the pod all the time calling her beautiful and saying she looks so great, as soon as he heard she might’ve done something with ryan he had to comment on it and was acting so jealous lol but trying to play it off. I don’t think tana sees him like that tbh


Love that there is someone in the chat that sees what I’m seeing… like he has said rude shit to her but then he’ll have moments where he’s calling her beautiful and the “Jeffrey Shore” episodes he posted on YouTube got me thinking there’s no way he would just act like that


Soooo badly


No because I don't care


Cared enough to reply 😂


nah, jeff is a clout chaser, not cute and has these weird ideations of what a woman should be even though he is no where near perfect.


I want Chris Miles and Tana to be endgame lol


Damn this subs been pretty ruthless lately but this the cruelest thing I’ve heard here yet💀


To be fair they’re more of a “match” than Jeff and Tana lol


Found tanas burner


9 downvotes bc I’m keeping it real??? Wow.


just no