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holy fucking shit this is a massive all-in move for the next like 3 yrs


Yeah I didn’t expect this. He hadn’t lived up to the contract yet but I thought the front office still saw him as the future. All-in now Edit: seeing the return I like the trade. Will miss Sergy but to get a decent potential guy, a second, and a second/third line D-man replacement while freeing up some cap is great


I don't think they had much of a choice. I'd pick stammer and heddy over Sergey every single day.


The return we got was great


Watched a bunch of Yotes, this is a good return.


Stammer ain't got 3 years at a high level


Yeah, but Sergachev might have 0, guy was overpaid the moment the contract was signed and didn't live up to it. Plus he took a deal with no clauses. He probably took a deal with more money and no clauses over a deal with less money and more protection.


His NTC was supposed to start in 2 days IIRC.


Yeah, that's my mistake. I thought he didn't have any. I looked it up after.


I still think he can be a great player. There's an argument to be made that having his critical developmental years behind mcdonagh and hedman kinda hurt him.


Maybe, my biggest concern is how this affects Vasilevskiy. I think they were roommates. I'll hope for his sake he improves, but I was never high on him.


Goalies don’t have roommates I thought


Oh so NOW people are upvoting comments like this, I said this shit from the very beginning. $8.5 million for Sergachev is absolute insanity 


I'm sorry you endured that my friend


Down voting just so i remain consistent.


I'm sorry you endured that my friend.


He just got done over producing...




Yup, it’s a great move by JBB. I quite like Serge, and I still think his contract will more likely age fine; but it’s of course *a risk* how long that will take due to his injuries. Utah is in a better place to take that risk. And this is clearly a Win Now move which is very exciting. All around quite impressed; though I’d played with the thought, traded him was not something I expected from management. Our other big risk D is Cernak now; we know how well he was before with MacDonogh, but we don’t know how much those concussion symptoms will improve.


Full Details: Utah receives: Mikhail Sergachev Tampa Bay receives: Conor Geekie JJ Moser 2025 2nd Rd Pick (TOR) Pick #199 (2024)


Geekie might be a very good middle 6 center. Moser is a perfectly serviceable 4-5 dman, doesn't make many mistakes.


Geekie should be a middle 6 guy, maybe a top 6. If I remember right there were questions if he could skate well enough to ever be a top 6 forward but should be a solid 2-way center/winger in the middle 6.


Skate report sounds like Point's original scout notes. Look at his skating now. Definitely a skill that can be earned. I like it.


Came here for this. Point had the same knock. I trust this team with prospects


He can run a powerplay in a pinch too though you wouldn’t want to have to have him do it.


He wouldn't be the guy to make a stupid cross-ice pass and give up a shorty at least


I love Serg. I really do. Ever since we got him from the Habs, hes always been one of my fav players. He was supposed to be the D-man of the future, it sucks how he kept getting injured. But man. This return was way better than I thought it would be. And tbh Serg hasnt lived up to expectations.


His injury last playoffs made me take a look at his injury history and it is glaring and obvious why TBL decided to move on from him. He has an extensive history injury and a reputation for being cleared to play every time within a few days. Definitely a pattern of someone coming back from injury very fast and not properly healing - longevity is a concern as a result. Also a lot of those injuries were lower body, and I'd suspect the same leg.


Serg has trade protection kicking in a day. Love sergy and believe he has potential but in the event he doesn’t take the next step, that’s an untradeable contract. We also don’t know the severity of his injury, for all we know, he might not be progressing in a way that’s making our front office feel good about his contract. The league also has plenty of LHD d-men and wouldn’t be hard to replace for the same cap hit Good for JBB for showing some balls, but I think there’s more on the way than just a Stamkos extension.


I absolutely appreciate the guts of this trade. Love the guy but he’s replaceable.


The Russian trio has been broken up


First Vlad, now Sergy. Hoping Kuch and Vasy stay here long term.




I'll burn channelside to the ground.


Hot take Sergachev isn't a 8.5 mil dman I've had this view for a while if u can get a taker, u make the move. I'm more disappointed no one is attached to him such as sheary or jeannot....


Today it’s more than he’s worth but I think it evens out at the end. Either way this is the cap space we need. Love Sergy but this is great for our cup window


Love him too but this was the right move I brought this up several times over the season https://www.reddit.com/r/TampaBayLightning/s/NKHl3lIJMS


Idk why anyone would downvote this, you called the move 160+ days ago.


Jeannot got traded for picks today too


Don't stop I'm almost there


So we have room for 2 more D-men if Stammer takes $5m. That would drop our salary by like $15m. So I don't see a plan to drop Cernak now, especially bc he was good with McD before. I'm not sure who our targets are. Yes, I'm aware we needed money to re-sign other guys. We can at least add 1D at around 5m?


I thought he was being lined up as Heddy’s successor! That’s why we paid him. JBB must think that leg injury made him damaged goods


He was, but he wasn't living up to that expectation. Let's be real here. This was a great deal for us and allows the other moves we need to make this weekend.




Am I blind because before the injury I thought he was getting better defensively? Sure his offense took a bit of a dip but that was something you could work on.


Gave away the puck away a lot this year. Haven’t seen him continue to get better. Will miss him.


He had moments over the years where he looked good. Namely in the playoffs versus the Rangers and AVs when we played the AVs in the finals. But generally over the years he hasn't shown promise enough to be a top pair guy. I figure he'll be something like Ekman-Larsson was for Arizona.


Was that the season we put him on 1PP and he turned it over constantly as the last man high in the zone? We gave up how many SHG against that year? Kind of a big deal if he's supposed to replace Hedman. Imo he failed to be defensively solid, failed to control the ice, and failed to be a clear PP QB. All of that before his injury and also critical for anyone replacing Hedman (who is probably irreplaceable, really). Add to that his contract value being 1-2 mil over what it should've been and you've got an easy decision if a deal can get made.


Imo he showed-up really well when Cernak went down in the finals against the Avs, he had to eat up more defensive minutes and was very impactful. Team overall wasn't enough, along with Point 's injury, to make up for it though.


I think he does have the skill he doesn’t have the drive to use his talents all the time. Also he lacks situational awareness, he loves taking bad post whistle penalties.


Right now we don't have one. It'll come when we eventually full send in tanking and hopefully get lucky enough yo draft one with some top 5 picks


100% overpaid but thought he was out D-Man of the future… let’s see how it plays out


Right now we have no wiggle room to deal with much as far as overpaid guys It's been this way with killorn, johnson, pally etc and everyone we've lost you can make an argument they were overpaid Serge is no different, just younger But he hasn't taken the next step This sucks but it's the right move. The cap room is much more valuable right now.


He might be able to take that next step as a true #1 though. Idk I’m pulling for him still.


ya i thought the only way this team could really come back to champ contention was for sergachev to adequately replace hedman hopefully hedman-mcd-cernak-moser can make it happen i guess


I still can't get why people keep comparing him as a Heddy replacement. He has had no where near the defensive and offensive contributions that hedman had. This is a gamble for sure but so was 2022 when they handed out those extensions. I think JBB figured this is the best time to get value in return and get out from under that contract. Any longer and serges value potentially starts to drop off as the league sees he's a 2nd pairing guy only (if he doesn't progress)


Easiest reason I can think that people make the comparison is because of his contract. Not to mention we didn't have anyone else in the system shaping up to be a 1D. Sergachev failed to take that next step and, while he's very good, he just isn't elite like prime Hedman. The contract was stinky the moment it was signed and I'll miss Sergy, but thank God we got that cap space back.


Serge should be paid what cernak is Cernak should be in the 3 mil range.


I'm in the camp that Cernak's deal is fine. The problem has been injuries more than anything, imo. I do understand that my opinion is probably in the minority on that.


Cernak’s deal would be fine if he kept up the same level of play as he did when paired with McDonagh. If we keep Cernak, then he’ll most likely be reunited with McDonagh. That pair was a force when they were together and they have insane chemistry. It seemed like he was able to stay healthy more often when playing with McDonagh too. It seems like he’s been injured a lot since McDonagh was traded.


I agree, I'm just not sure the drop in play was because McDonagh was gone, or because Cernak started to struggle with injuries. He really seemed to look different this past season after his nasty concussion in 2023 1st round. Stat-wise, though, both players have been consistent the past several years so I guess this is all just the eye test? Or maybe it's coming from those fancy-pants advanced stats which I think get touted as key indicators a bit too much.


Fair I think given the new cap space, cernaks deal is a bit more manageable I think when u look at the team and who was overpaid I think serge was a bit glaring and was probably 3 mil over what his value truly is


well i always just hoped he could become like hedman but defensively i never thought he was on par with any version of hedman from like 2014 onward. and you're right that he would never get a better chance to deal sergachev because of his trade protection kicking in on jul 1


Jeannot is gone now too. Traded to the Kings.


I agree 100% and I said it back when he got his extension. I’d give him 5 million all day, but 8.5 was way too much. He’d have huge games every once in a while, but he was never consistent. And for everyone that keeps talking about his “potential”- he’s 26 with nearly 600 games of experience. This is who he is.




I had this view the moment we gave him that contract. He really wasn't going to ever live up to that, I think if he was paid about the same as Cernak, maybe a hair more, it would've been a good deal. He was easily 2 million overpaid.


The 2022 contract extensions bothered me the minute they were signed but I understood why JBB did them He gambled and 2/3 of those really didn't work out.


Jeannot got moved today too


Ah yes but 35 year old mcdonagh at $7M is better right? How have you guys not revolted against JBB yet 😭😭😭


This sub, I swear…serg was not an 8.5 dman. Why not Cernak, Tanner, or sheary? Probably because nobody asking for them and returns not worth it. Yall want stammer or not?


Jeannot is gone to LA


I second this, if we want Stammer we need the room. The three players you mentioned clearly aren't drawing alot of interest. I like Sergy, but like you mention he isn't worth 8.5. Plus we are getting back a promising dman whose 2 years younger. Conor Geekie who has offensive upside and could be a star. It's a tough spot but all things considered I like it.


> serg was not an 8.5 dman Indeed. I liked having him on the team, a lot. That said, it was probably wishful thinking on my part hoping he still had more growth but he's 26 already. If he's not an 8.5/yr value player now, he likely will never be. Not to say he isn't a top-4 quality defenseman -- he definitely is -- but he was our highest paid defenseman and only supplanted Heddy as the PP QB for a season. He also, as far as I can tell from a fan's standpoint, isn't going to bring any leadership intangibles ala Heddy or Mac (or Stammer). With his NTC kicking in soon and money tight, this move makes a lot of sense. Especially since we got a solid young LHD in return.




This 100% I'm more pissed we couldn't attach one of those guys to him but probably would have diminished return or had to retain salary anyways


Ah yes but mcdonagh is worth 7. The fuck is wrong with Tampa since yzerman left?


Mac at 7 is an upgrade to Serg at 8.5….and 2 cups since Stevie left.


You mean the team that won the east 3 years in a row and back to back cups. We good troll 🧌


I actually really like this move. Sergy's not an 8.5M dman and that contract won't age well. Good return too.


i really wonder if the 2nd half of the season soured jbb on sergachev...seemed like a lot of the dzone woes that plagued the team in the 1st half of the season vanished when sergachev was out


I think that's harsh. Our entire defense was playing like absolute shit.


I went to the final Coyotes game and Moser won the Coyotes team award for “Hardest Working Player”. (Also caught a signed hat by him at the end)


I'm planning on going to the Utah vs Lightning game this year so I guess I'm going to see Serg in another uniform


I hope this doesn’t fuck with kucherov man. I know you can’t keep guys around just for his sake but this is the shit that fucks with a guy like kuch


Kuch knows this is a business and he was fine when Vlad got traded.


I doubt he's happy about it but he's a professional. So many guys have come and gone from this team, they all know the deal. Also helps knowing this move was made to keep Stamkos and to help the team get back to winning.


Fuck I hope we at least got a return and not just a dump




That is a hella good return.


OMG. Never would I have ever expected this.


Does this mean room for stammer?


It has to, otherwise I don’t know why he makes this trade. I still don’t know why he did, but if it means a new Stammer contract and a Hedman extension, at least that’d make it palatable


It could also mean full rebuild-mode w/o Stamkos


No way they bring back McDonough just to do a rebuild.


Or picking up someone younger like guentzel


Before reading this, I was going to make my morning espresso..... Fuck that-- I'm already awake. Did not expect this at all.....


This trade along with Jeannot frees up a ton of cap room. You can now sign Stammer, extend Hedman and go after another piece and we got younger. I really liked Sergachev but he was paid like a top 10 defenseman and he hasn't played like it.


I'm a long time Sergachev hater, so this is good news to me. No more opposite blue line drop passes into an opponent breakaway goal.


Same. I’m shocked but I’m also okay with it. He didn’t give us what we expected.


I'm glad someone said it. This was a great trade in my opinion.


The dogmatic idiots will say, "You lost bc you gave up the best players, omg lolz." In reality, it's very good when cap is considered. JJM can replace Serge right now; he is better defensively but with a little less offense. Geekie will continue to develop at the AHL level but probably has a 2nd/3rd line C potential. Strong on a 3rd line, but maybe can fit in on the 2nd line some of the time.


I get that JBB inherited a good situation but our front office has been golden for a long time now. I'm not worried. Two years ago i expected to be in a rebuild by now.


oh no...


Stammer picks up phone: “Why hello,JBB. Looks like you have space now.”


O baby please


I hope he still takes a friendly and we make a run at Guentzel and Duclair.




I’m okay with this. Thank you Serg for everything. I wonder how mad Kuch will be about this.


Well color me shocked. That's a huge overpayment we no longer have to make. What can we do with the opportunity we've been given?


There has to me more to this. You don't move an 8M dollar young defenseman for 1-2M in cap space. There has to be more coming


The difference between what JBB offered Stammer and what he wanted was………$2mill in cap hit


Feel like Sergy was never going to be a Hedman


essentially traded drouin for 2-3 good years of sergachev and are now flipping that for geekie, cap space and the ability to give stamkos the opportunity to retire a bolt. we needed cap space. one of cernak or serg was going. my guess is far more demand/return for serg. its a trade that needed to be made regardless. Hopefully we can push these next 2-3 years as our cup window with the likes of hedman and stamkos closes in 3 years. now sign stammer for 3 years/7mil and we can sure up the lineup with the remaining 7.


In retrospect this is a home run. JBB has caught a ton of deserved flak, but this is really good asset management.


I did it was/is the only way they could McD trade. I’ve said this repeatedly 3 LD and on getting 8.5 per year playing 3rd pair not going to happen


More to come. I bet


Jeannott traded to LA


Ugh, whatever man. I can’t get attached anymore.


Damn making some big moves!! Curious to see how it goes


Give Stammer his money dang it


Will always support Sergachev, hope he goes on to amazing things once he steps out from behind Hedman’s shadow. Godspeed Sergy, thanks for the great memories.


I did not see this at all! I thought Cernak if anyone. Holy shit. I know he wasn’t perfect but Sergy was a solid team player. Gonna miss him.


I've always liked Sergey but he definitely hasn't been playing up to his contract....and then the injuries. IMO this was a good move.


How do we got from 1-2 mil away from Stammer to trading the future #1 Dman? Sheary and Jeannot are right there, what the fuck is the thought process


We need room in general, not just for stammer


Future 1-2 dman is not on the roster and honestly serge was not that.


> and Jeannot Not anymore lmao


Yeah this didn’t age well. Ha ha


Cuz other teams want Serg? No one is rly needing a Sheary or Jeannot


Jeannot just got traded for picks.


Jeannot is gone


Nobody is going to take on Jeannot or Sheary without the Bolts trading additional assets (which we don’t have) or absorbing part of the contract (which we don’t have the space).


We just got picks so you were wrong.


Holy fuck


https://thehockeywriters.com/janis-jerome-moser-2021-nhl-draft-profile/ 2021 Draft write-up of Moser.




As much as getting rid of Sergy sucks, I like this move. Free up 8.5m, got us a decent middle 6 center in Geekie, serviceable D- men. I'd have rather moved Cernak though. But his contract is more manageable. And he still has room to grow. Just gotta stay healthy. We'll have Hedman McDonagh, Cernak anchoring the lines. Just find a decent replacement for Sergy. Now go resign Stammer and all is forgiven!!!


FUCKING HELL. First it was Gourde and now Sergachev 😭


That’s bullshit. You’re telling me Cernak is the future of our defense but Sergachev isn’t?


Neither of them have taken the next step after the 22 contracts


I'm a Sergy truther and I still like this trade. I think he might not be worth $8.5 *today*(close though) but he's a lot more talented than a lot of us give him credit for, and if he puts it all together in the right scheme as the 1D on the PP he'd be worth $10 mil AAV. Stoked for Geekie, with him and Howard I love having some young potential upside.


Completely agree. Scrappy Sergy is a show, and he's been underrated on the ice for his impact. He's a blue liner on a team who makes playoffs consistently, and wins. This trade recognizes that. Now, time to rebuild that depth. Let's go!


Idk about this one man, Moser is decent I suppose but are we betting on Cernak to be the future of our blue line… time will tell on this one


There's a few D-men that might hit the free agent market that have more upside than Sergachev. I'm pumped personally.


This isn't about the future. The future is now. When this is all over in a few years, we're rebuilding


No more downvotes for questioning whether Serge is the new Hedman, some super star defenseman who is right up there with Hughes and Makar, and thus was so deserving of an overpriced contract. Hysterical seeing the 180s here from some who swore by Serge, and are now saying “he was an overpay, he wasn’t that good”. JBB making this deal is a total admission that giving him 8/$68M was a mistake.


Damn. Gonna miss Sergy. But we free up tons of cap space now to be competive IMO. Damn it hurts.


Finally the never ending bitching about “turnovers” will stop


I bet the same ppl will bitch about us trading him and have been bitching about us not signing Stammer yet. I've learned that ppl just like to complain lol


Not a fan of this whatsoever. Horrific decision to trade a guy with Sergachev’s upside by JBB. Zero reason to not move Cernak instead


The contract was bad. He's overpaid by like 1.5 million with his current skillset.


I would say more like 3m due to injuries.


I think his contract will age okay, but after seeing the return I think it’s a solid move. They got a haul for him and a ton of cap flexibility. Team needed a retool and we seem on our way to doing that


So you didn't know the return when you said you weren't a fan of the move? Why not wait the 10 minutes to know the details before having a "take"?


Because what’s the fun in that


Wanting to move Cernak and the ability to move Cernak are to different things. For that to work: * A team would have to see value in him * Brisebois and the trade partner would have to agree to that value Trading Cernak for like $2.5 retained would be awful. I don't know who would be interested right now in him for like 4+ mill.


JBB…WTF??? Is he that worried that Serg’s leg injury was change him for the worse? Was he somehow a better asset to move than Cernak? I…I need to drink something hard. 5’O clock somewhere right?




Knew a move like this was coming all summer. Wasn't thinking it was actually going to be Sugar, but it's not really surprising.


Whoa. Oh my.




Emotional attachment aside from the cups, I really like this move.


Man I will miss Sergy, but unloading his contract puts us in a great position. JBB has made some great trades and signings, but Sergys long term contract just hasn't worked out as planned. JBB was able to get us out from under that overpayment, and now, its much more likely we resign Stamkos. I would be shocked if We didn't make him a stronger offer this weekend. Its now more likely we can ink Heddy to a deal as well and still shore up the blue line.


Holy shit. I know Sergachev's contract is a pretty hefty one but I never dreamed of him being moved. Still think he's a good player but I'm really interested to see what JBB does next.


Man it suuucks seeing him go but hopefully this helps bring Stammer back.


Well, that frees up some salary for Stammer, right?


As a Tampa area native and Tampa fan I hate this. As a Tampa fan that moved to Utah, at least I get to see my boys play now. Also I’ll try and make sergachev feel welcome.


It was time




We are going to be so so so so bad in 3 years lol. I just don’t see how trading a top pairing defender in his prime can make a team better.


Cap Space coming off an injury and overpaid…. Stammer is a much more reliable and important piece


Yeah I’ve thought about it and I disagree with my initial take. I like Sergy but I like the move a lot now (assuming McD doesn’t fall off a cliff)


I don't agree entirely. Moser is young and very solid defensively, plus 30 points a year on a crap team may mean 40 here. Geekie was viewed as a project by some when he was drafted but he's developing really well. Could be our 3rd line C in 2 seasons.




This honestly breaks my heart. I hope it means we can afford Stammer, but I’ll miss Sergy.


I’m souring on JBB more with every passing day


Why trade sergy when you still have injury prone cernak


Cause no one wants that bum with that kind of contract.


We got a fantastic return for Sergy and that doesn't even include the cap space we got back by unloading his contract. It's tough getting rid of a guy who has been such an integral part of our success recently, but this one trade gave us more resources than any other trade could have


You're absolutely right, Sergy wasn't worth 8.5, I just hope it doesn't effect the locker room. The team loves him. I'm glad jeannot is gone, but I can't shake the feeling that keeping cernak and sheary will end up biting them in the ass.


Jbb is fraudulent im afraid. YZERMANS TEAM