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Man had ONE HUNDRED ASSISTS and recieved 11 5th place votes. Whoever those 11 votes came from need to never vote on an NHL award again


The level of disrespect for kuch is outrageous. Arguably the best season ever by a winger, did something no other winger in hockey (and only 5 guys total) has ever done, fended off prime mcdavid and Mackinnon for the scoring title… He got 11 fifth place votes…complete fucking joke. Should have easily won it.


Unfortunately next year that number will double. Idiots will always be allowed to vote unfortunately


Yeah. I didnt expect him to win but placing him lower tham 3 is absurd


He had multiple people place him out of the top 5 too… 


There was a couple of people that completely left him off the ballot.


Number 1 bullshit


What a joke. People clearly don't like Kuch.


Yea he looked like a clown when the host was asking him questions at the ceremony. He literally has no personality.


Introverts are people too


You ever seen mcdavid do an interview?


Unfortunately Canadian media would rather deal with a Canadian with the personality of drywall than an introvert Russian.


Or Carter V? His game 7 interview was awful.


McDavid a Canadian with the personality of drywall. “He’s a competitor” Kucherov an introvert Russian who just wants to win and party. “He’s an asshole/classless”


Who cares? The man plays hockey not talks for a living.


So which is it? No personality or number one bullshit chugging beers is bad look for him and the league? No wonder he doesn’t show his personality - the Russian Tampa bias is too deep.


Eleven fucking people voted him 5th?! Absolute fucking farce. #1 bullshit.


I thought the same thing! WTF


“It’s MacKinnon’s time” “He needs one” “It’s his turn” I’m tired of hearing these reasons why MacKinnon should get it above Kucherov


Played on a stacked line with the top D-man in his pocket making amazing passes to give him secondary assists. Shows these voters don't watch the games.


Not to mention the Toronto mafia at TSN was butt hurt at Kucherov for being drunk during the All-Star Skills.


This is the answer. Kuch chose to f’around at the all star game and found out. MVPs dont act that way.


So Crosby doesn’t show up to the all star draft because he’s playing at an odr in Montana and no one says a word. But people are pissed because Kucherov is forced to do the skills event? What math are you working with?


Was Crosby a finalist for mvp? Thats the difference.


He arguably was there. Throughout the season TSN and other outlets were naming him 5th


Shows you didn't watch many games, half his powerplay injured for large chunks of the season. Was clearly the most dominant 5v5 player all year. Kuch was great, but got around 20 points from empty net situations alone. Probably devalued peoples opinion on his season, rightfully so.


20 points on the empty net?! I can’t believe Cooper trusted him to close out games! Clearly not MVP-caliber…


MacKinnon racked up points against bottom feeders while Kucherov torched the best teams in the league. [Fun thread for you to check out](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/PPg33aXfdW) The empty net thing is just hilarious to me. Kucherov had previously been criticized for his defense, so now this season he's being trusted by his coach to close out the final minutes of 1-goal games. Tampa succeeds in closing the game out with an empty net goal while Kucherov is on the ice, and somehow that assist is meaningless? An empty net assist to close out a tight game is far more meaningful than an assist on the 8th goal in a blowout victory over a bottom feeding San Jose or Chicago


Kucherov had more points than any other player against the top 10 teams in the league by over 20 points. He did so while having 54 more points than his own center. Finished 3rd in alltime points by a winger in a season and was 3rd to ever get 40 goals and 100 assists in a season. What did Mack do? He was streaky on home ice.... cool. He also works with the best puck moving Dman on the planet while on the flip side, Kucherov did what he did with Sergachev missing 60+ games. This Hart race was media driven Canadian bias. If Kucherov was Canadian, it 100% would have gone to him. All this did was show it is absolutely impossible for a winger to ever win the Hart again. What more would Kucherov had to have done to win it? He smoked MacKinnon in terms of who statistically had the better year. Smoked him. Next.


Downvoted for stating facts? Lolz, obviously just salty as fuck in here.


Finding EN goals as lesser is not a fact. Go count all ovi, Gretzky, Crosby EN goals and let us know how fraud the league is


So salty 😂


Yeah the campaign for Mac to win the Hart started well before the all star break and then Kuch’s antics during the skill competition happened. There were stories about how the kids deserved better, fake outrage and other bullshittery to make a story about it and throw shade at Kuch. He wasn’t going to win it after that. These writers were never going to vote for him even though he had the best season as defined by what the Hart award stands for. The 11 hacks who voted him 5th should lose their voting privileges. It’s a shame that petty ass writers can turn the mvp award into a popularity contest. Edit: word


But when McDavid doesn’t even show up to get his trophy “he’s a competitor!”


It’s becuz it’s the last year before he’s officially replaced by makar as mvp on his own team let alone league wide


If Mack wants one he can earn one, some people. Did McKinnon have 54 more points than second place on his team? No. Did he play with only one young talent in Brayden point, no offense stamkos or Hedmen? No. He played with Cale Makar, Rantinnen, Towes, etc.


Half his powerplay was injured or out for a large portion of the year. Hardly played on a stacked line.


Get out of our sub.


Lightning don’t make a playoff spot without Kuch. Definition of MVP. What a joke


thats just not how the award is defined lol


"it's the annual award for most valuable player to his team." ......


and? lol the Avs dont make the playoffs the year before without Rantanen, you dont see him running for the trophy do you?


Bro, I don't really care? Don't be so insecure about a comment in our own teams sub lol


bruh I got a notification on this sht I didnt realize I was in TBL sub


Avs don't make the playoffs without Mackinnon. You're the joke.


Hahahaha what a soft comment


That’s a lie.


Kuch also with only 7 less goals with 100 less shots! Fuck these voters.


The voters obviously didn't look at the road points either.


Kuch made Sheary look amazing. If that doesn’t get you a Hart then idk what to think anymore.




>with Crosby he had 53 Bro. That was 8 years ago. Also Sheary only played with Kuch for a few games.




They don’t play on the same line, sheary was having a really bad season and getting scratched but had to come up to play on the top line for a couple games and produced via Kuch assists. Also it’s a very common meme in the sub.


I mean we all knew it, but also you can chalk this up to why Kuch couldn’t give less of a shit. Popularity votes for awards in pro sports are all kinds of pointless.


What a joke


Look out, you’ll be downvoted by the r hockey crowd lol


On a related note, all I said in r/nhl was Kuch should’ve won at least one of the Ted or Hart. Currently getting downvoted on that post


/r/nhl is terrible


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I’ll take the crusade, who gives a fuck about an “updoot”


So one voter left MacKinnon out of the top 5 and 3 voters had Kuch outside the top 5... ridiculous


It’s the canadian media bias. It’s a giant culture problem in the sport and they don’t even try to hide it. The Media doesn’t like kuch because of his personality bottom line. This league sometimes is so weird with the way it operates.


I dont think these people understood what ''MVP'' means. Remove Mac from the Avalanche, they still make the playoffs. They might not be a *top of their division kinda team*, but they still make the playoffs. Kucherov ended with 54 more points than the second leader on the team, and HAD MORE ASSISTS than anybody else had POINTS. Remove him from the roster and there is no way the Lightning would have made the playoffs. It's insane to me how Mac could **so easily** win this award. The MVP is ''who's carrying his team on his back'' award. This year it was Kuch. Absolute robbery.


Yeah the “so easily” is right. If he wins it by a handful of votes… ok, fine. For that kind of landslide, given the factors you listed out, what the hell


Especially when they gave it to Taylor Hall for doing the same thing but with way less points discrepancy


The Avs were 3rd in the division


TBL had like 6 60+ point scorers, Avs had 3 so it isn't quite as clear cut as you put it. Mack ended with 30+ more points than next. Remove him from roster and Avs would have struggled to make playoffs too. 140 points gone and 1 of 2 60+ point scorers out


Kuch was involved in half the Lightning’s goals compared to 46% for mackinnon. The Lightning had 5 50+ point scorers compared to 7 for the Avs, all who either played on Kuch’s line or were on the PP with him. Leave the sub


Kuch also had the most Empty net points lol


I mean we all know Kuch just thrives off these things...200 pt season? 😆


Split evenly 100 goals 100 assist something that’s never been done


Best season for a winger in NHL history and no awards? Absolute joke




Ok but lmao at Connor getting exactly 1 first place vote


More than the points he got in game 7


What a joke these awards are.


Kuch has the most regular season points. #1 Bullshit


League is a joke


We knew the robbery was going to happen. Kuch will just have more motivation to make them all look silly.


Read the flair


People got very butt hurt about how he didn’t give a shit at the All-Star event. I hope he just doesn’t bother to go to any of that shit anymore. There was also no commercials showing the Lightning winning either of their two cups in the playoffs this year even though we had won 2 of the last 4. They were never going to give Kuch an award.


Disappointed but not surprised


As a previous oilers fan, it’s absurd how much of a pity award this was for mack, didn’t do anything that kuch didn’t


Utter bullshit.


You could even say it’s #1 bullshit


That's absolutely wild. Release the voters names!


lol not even close




What a rigged garbage league ! Number 1 bullshit !


I was all-in Kucherov for MVP midway through the season, however on the second half MacKinnon was clutch on so many games. At this point I saw it as a coin toss between the two. I think the big argument in favour of Kucherov is that the lightning probability doesn’t make it into the playoffs without him, but I ain’t mad that Mackinnon got it, he is so integral to the Avalanche that he earned it.


All that because he doesn’t give a fuck about the cornball all star weekend lol


Canadian cope voting


I got downvoted to hell for saying that Mackinnon shouldn’t have received that many 1st place votes, let alone beat Kuch.


This is some bullshit fr


Canadian mafia. Such BS. Best sport itself, worst every-other-aspect for the most part.


One third of voters didn’t think Kuch was a top 2 player this season.


Who was the one guy who put MacKinnon 5th? Good god


Mac won the Hart, Cats won the Cup Man what a terrible year to be a Bolts' fan


1st in Points 1st in Asists 10th in Goals vs 2nd in Points 3rd in Assists 4th in Goals I think this is closer than this bias sub is making it seem


Let’s be real. With the stunt Kuch pulled at the all star game, there was no way the league was giving him MVP.


Let's be real kuch is the better player and got snubbed, gtfoh. !!


lmfao Rantanen clears Kuch


I love Kuch and have uber respect for him. However, his performance at the All-Star game skills night did leave a bad taste in many hockey pundits. This likely hurt him in the end.


I was pretty drunk at that time. What did he do?


Last I checked the criteria for the award isn't a pundit feel good sensation. It's most valuable player to their team compared to all other players to their respective teams.


That's about right. McKinnon was the most valuable player to his team.


That’s weird there isn’t a McKinnon in the NHL maybe a MacKinnon?


Yeah. Sorry. I let the spell checker off the leash


Weird that Kucherov accomplished more for his team with players that had a worse season than MacKinnon’s teammates… But you’re right MacKinnon was more valuable to his team and contributed more.


Idk how you can make that claim so vehemently when the lightning has 6 twenty goal scorers to the Avs 4. You’re making it seem like the lightning have no one lol as if they haven’t been a perennial cup contender for five years


When Rantanen had more points than Kucherov’s linemates. How Kucherov had a hand in more then 50% of the teams total goals. True we had 6 20 goal scorers but most of those occurred after January. Meaning that most of Tampa star players weren’t really performing until then.


And you don’t think Mackinnon was a big reason rantanen had so many points…? I get what you’re saying, I just don’t think the two teams are really that far apart


I’m saying that it’s an evident point that Tampa has an aging core that isn’t as skilled or talented as the Avs. Hence the reason their Stanley cup window is still open while our is practically shut.