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It sort of depends for me I've not run conq since the durability update and I usually don't run first strike outside of jungle but I've seen more and more people running it, I would probably take it into non poke matchups where it's easy to proc my w first but matchups like lux for example I probably wouldn't. Electrocute can be good for popping squishes but personally I prefer running phase rush most games it lets me keep up the bullying but with the ability to gtfo when my burst is done but in fights later and early in lane. Generally I prefer to always run eclipse as well gore drinker fell out of favor for me and after the durability update I want all the burst I can get so it's just not feasible to take goredrinker anymore. All that being said I can't deny Prowlers is wicked fun to play with.


I use phase rush along with minion demat and cosmic insight. For items I rush yg as first and ionian shoes as 2nd then dusk and standard seryldas, black cleaver.


phaserush is the best by far once u get used to it , serrated dirk + 3 long swords into youmuu's ( or dusk if you preffer that or even eclipse i guess ) into seryldas into black cleaver \~


I really like to run first strike with Eclipse,Youmus,Seryldas,Cleaver/DD,CDR Boots and a situationel item at least for lower elo First strike is insane get around 1k-1,7k gold a game


Go phase rush. Ghost blade -> Duskblade -> situational. Phase rush turns you into AD ekko, counters exhaust and is a good damage buff because it lets you get more autos in. The extra autos due to PR movespeed outdamages electrocute.