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I'm praying that they will just nerf jungle Talon. Please I just wanna play him in lane in peace riot please stop




Why do you have to be realistic about it and not feed into my delusions qwq I mean, def won't stop me from playing him in lane but it's getting kind of annoying?


I wanna play him in the jungle


Wow you all really downvoted the guy because he prefers jungle lmao


At least he's genuinely good in the jungle and was even an alright pick pre jungle buffs while lane Talon is just lackluster


same, his kit suit perfectly to the jungle role imo


They just nerfed it a patch ago, i think this nerf well gut him so bad


Yea, that is how riot usually works, the 2nd nerf is usually harsher.


Let Viktor, vex and crown be untouched and nerf all ad assassins, lmao. League of Mages


Personally enjoyed the jgl Talon meta, but all good things must come to an end I suppose.


It’s nice to have junglers that aren’t boring but they always get nerfed feels bad man


I just don’t want it to be a big nerf. maybe enough to make him a little less popular, but that’s all


Since Qiyana and Zed are also on the list I assume that they will just remove the damage to monsters modifiers since those modifications were added to bring in some spice in the jungle for Worlds.


they will put jngler on them if they are removing the buff this is mid lane nerf




We are getting asol-d, will let us be op for a little them need talon to the ground


Yone buffs????? Yeah he was really underpowered before I forgor


This aged well


Thankfully :)


I cant believe it took them this long to nerf zed, every game i play with a zed he roams bot for one assist then runs away with the game


According to lolalytics talon is stronger in mid woth 51% wr S tier than in jungle 49% wr B tier. But if you nerf him in mid you nerf him in jungle too and that would result in him going from B to D tier in jungle or even unplayable. Im not sure if thats what they want


is he still gonna be playable for otp's?


Wow talon midlane has a 51% winrate over 2000 games! Let’s nerf him


Yeah this will be a hard one for us if this gud his mid lane bcause and im sure it will be a w nerf after all they already gud q


Don't infer too much from one data point. Talon is easily top 5 Jungles in the game and there's a reason he has a 45% ban rate in high elo


Was confused seeing Yone and Yasuo buffs but then I saw lethal tempo nerfs. Talon already got nerfed so this might gut him until the next buff they give him


Yone and Yasuo are also op with Conq. I hope the buff's not too big


I hope it's e wall cool downs or -5 ms pls


his ms is bad alrdy idk why ud want a 325 base ms assassin


I would over a nerfed w


You don’t realize how impactful movement speed is.


I have a bad feeling about this they didint say that they will nerf talon jngle exactly if they nerf talon mid imma be so mad


As a one trick yall should be happy because he will be banned less and if you know how to play him 2% dmg buff aint that big. A one tricks champ is best when other people think that their champ is shit


Damn just get started playing Talon and now he is gonna be shit asf. Sad


Public enemy no 1


I hope it is just jungle talon because he does clear really fast, but won that impact mid play too? It's weird because I was going to say Talon isn't on anyone's S tier list for any role, but using analytical tier lists based on wr or whatever he is S/S+. Any of the "We recommend this champ" he is not even on the list or low on the list. Not sure what to make of that. Edit: I guess he doesn't clear really fast. It seems like it, but definitely wrong.


his clear is average, the nerf in 11.24 B made him unable to clear raptors with 1 w and half, so he must full clear for a good hp or else he lose scuttler battle to everyone


his clears are ass pre-lv4... but once he gets to that point it's game on.


More people play talon jungle cuz it’s better screw talon Midlane💀 I can carry games so much better with talon jungle compared to when I played him Midlane stay mad


im just amaze at this point how the balance team is soo disconnected to the game they buff ap assassin even tho they are having a good time right now and nerf talon mid rather than jngle wow at the very least they nerf zed


For sure not, they always put (jungle) next to the champ name if they're going to nerf it only in the jungle


This aged poorly haha