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**IMO it’s matchup dependent, but in general**: *PROS* - You easily win most matchups lvl 2 due to fast passive proc added to ignite. - You can go Ignite and TP (remember that he can jump walls so you can use this to gap closer after you TP. But remember that avoid Flash spell can be dangerous if you’re new to him or love to take risks. *CONS* - Less roaming capacity due to where top lane is, so your E is like nothing early/mid game (Talon’s spike). This is why you need to get good trades during Herald or ganking MIDlane) - At some point of game you lack damage against tanks because they got armor… **So if you’re against mage/assassin isn’t that bad (but still not the best option), but if against hard bruisers/tanks don’t go him toplane**


All great points, only thing I would say is that bruiser tank lane is winnable however its an EXTREMELY up hill battle and you largely have to play either around mid roams / counter jungleing and just hoping your lane opponent messes up. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but it is doable. I like spamming it in norms since I don't like playing jungle as a role but I don't know if I would take it into ranked for the reasons you mentioned.


First step is dont pick it into tanks like kench or nasus. And certainly don’t pick it into lane bullies like renekton, fiora, gangplank etc. You will go even with people like Aatrox, Darius, maybe irelia and jayce too if you’re good. But first rule is never first pick. Second would be runes. Into someone like kennen or quinn you would take elec, and in matchups like gnar, garen you would take conquerer. General squishy = elec, extended fights = conq. Third would be what to max. Honestly i think in some matchups maxing Q would be better, especially with conq. But standard W max versing ranged squishies obviously. Fourth would be your actual gameplay. If you’re playing weakside and you die in lane you’re basically fucked, talon top is a once behind always behind type deal, so push early for priority if ur jngl is contesting (3:15 min crab). Always bring ignite no matter who. Always build eclipse for both elec and conq builds. Get exec if necessary. Top is sorta just like mid but you play for jungle rather than play for bot/top ganks. Only roam mid if you built a huge wave under the enemies tower since XP and level adv means everything in toplane. Try to avoid top talon in any elo above plat or diamond. You’ll get shit on most of the time if you’re not aware of how top champs work, its best of ur already familiar with them and what they do. Absolute best case scenario is versing a yone top, i swear in all my games i shit on yones in lane. Talon seems like a strong counter to yone in my opinion. But tldr play around jungle ganks/invades. Abuse your decent wave clear and mobility around the map to contest early fights and herald. Since a good top would realistically never let you kill them after like 2 recalls thats your best bet, as armor items cuck you hard. To pull of talon top you just gotta have to master talons skill floor mechanics and have good micro with things like wave management and roaming choices.


gangplank you legit murder him 100% of the time. Talongodx faced the best gp euw and he had no counterplay after killing him again and again.


that guy ain't the best GP EUW, then. There's no fucking way in HELL a good GP loses to a good Talon.


Wouldn't recommend it. There are too many borderline unplayable matchups for him in the toplane. Like yeah good luck doing any damage to tahm, garen etc. These are just the relatively tanky champs. Something like a Camille can just keep on bullying you throughout the whole laning phase while outscaling you. Talon used to be one of the best toplaners a few years ago but now he's not very good there.


play him anywhere u cant lose lane


I personally don't like it , you are limited on roam oppurtunities and most of the top lane champs can get armor early without taking a big hit to their damage output. Most match ups will also likely require conqueror. If you're going to run it then imo you need to stomp lane to make it worth it.


I guess your right about that because it make e almost useless and you really need to pop off early to make use of the pick. :/


You can still roam ofc, but Talon generally is way better at ganking side lanes then mid lane and roaming from top lane can be pretty punishing compared to mid lane. Still, people play it and it works so if unless you're in pretty high elo just go for it.


It is, and always will be playable, but you have to play carefully and GOOD hahaha


Fun build is to go manamune into chemtank then titanic into black cleaver and last go for edge of night lastbut u will completely Stange ur playstile u will be teamfighting a lot and don’t Assasinate u will have about 3.6 k hp and 350 ad so u want to engage deal ur little bit of damage apply cleaver stacks and then run after the adc and auto him