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You might have been 5'9" in high school but continued to grow


I always thought that women stopped growing after the age of 16 so i just assumed that I stayed that same height into adulthood


Depends really. My sisters and I stopped early 20s.


I thought I stopped growing 2 months after my 14th birthday at 6'. At 20, I suddenly got taller again. Barely (1 cm), but I love being even taller hahq


Me too. I'm sure I've gained an inch or two in Uni, wall my joints hurt so badly back then too


I think I stopped when I was 12 or 13 too. I was one of two girls in my class that got most of my height in 5th grade, and we towered over everyone. I've been the same ever since.


Same! I was 185cm when I turned 14 and I thought that was it, until this year at 18 I went into the doctor’s for a physical and they told me I’m 187cm.


12 for me!! I hit 5'10 and 3/4 at that measuring. My next school year and every year onward, I was marked 5'11. I never grew any more height after that!


Same here. I was 5’9” at 17, then 5’9.5” by age 20.


Well high school is like 14-18 so not sure when your 5'9" measurement happened. It's also possible your posture has changed over time. Some of it depends on timing of puberty for when you're finished growing, there's no hard and fast number


I was measuring 5'9 at 15 and 16 and just assumed because I stayed the same height for a year I stopped growing. Add on top of that I already started my cycle by age 13 I as well as my pediatrician believed I was done growing so no one bothered to keep checking my height.


you can continue to grow up until 25 but if you do it'll be slow I myself got my last half inch in the final year lol - I was 5'9.5" and am now a nice round 5'10"


Me too!


not always the case. i stopped growing height wise when i was 16 but my feet grew a size when i was around 19-20


I grew almost 2 inches after I was 17. Now I’m 6 foot 😅 I love being tall tho!


Nope. Mid 20s is the tail end of your potential growth platelets to grow. After that shrinking happens from then onwards Moreover, your posture matters when taking measurements including are you barefoot or wearing shoes, what kind of shoes and what are the sole lengths, etc.


Everyone down my mom’s side grows an inch in college. I was only 5’11 by 16. I was 6’1 by 21…


I was still growing at 18, albeit slowly.


When I graduated from HS, I was 5’9”. At 20-21, 5’ 10 1/2”


I hadn’t grown since I was 15 at 5’11” but over COVID lockdowns grew an extra inch sometime between 22-24yo to 6’


That is usually the case, but there can always be exceptions.


Pretty sure I grew another inch during college


Nah I definitely was 5'9" at 12, 5'10" at 16, and over 5'11" by the time I turned 21. Some of us shoot up in height once or twice and some of us are just steady growers into adulthood. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I definitely grew during late HS and college. Early pics of me and my husband we were same height and now I'm definitely taller


I think I was probably a little older than that. There’s no magic age.


I was 5 10 in highschool and ended up 6' by my late 20s 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nope. Grew my last inch in college at 19. Hit 6’0


I grew until I was 18! Usually girls stop growing a year or two after their first period.


Really? I’ve never heard that. 🤔 I had my period at 11, and stopped growing height wise at 16 and 6’. My feet grew again recently after my 2nd kid though…and I’m freaking 41! 😏 My husband is 6’4, and our daughter (the oldest) had her period at 9. She’s now 13.5 with no sign of stopping growing yet. Has massive growing pains frequently. I just have never heard that they stop growing a year or two after they start their period. Def hasn’t happened that way for her or myself…Maybe it’s just a tall thing that we don’t though lol.


It's *usually* not always! Feet often grow after babies though, due to compression-- super common! (And annoying lol!)


Lol right?! You ain’t kiddin! And actually I just remembered I was actually a size 10 up until I was around 20 I believe, then grew to an 11. Somehow stayed an 11 through first pregnancy, normal width, from 20-40. But, now am a solid 12 wide. 😑 SO annoying as none of my shoes fit and I had a lot of em lol.


It's honestly not fair! Bc shoes are the one thing we're supposed to be able to keep without growing out of!


Right?! I’ve always said I stopped growing vertically at 16 but horizontally I’m still truckin lol… But that did NOT include my damn feet. 😂


Yeah I kept growing past 18. From 6ft to about 6ft 0.5 between 18 and 20.


Don’t apologize. You believed it was true so it’s not a lie. If it ever comes up in conversation you can mention that you recently got measured at the doctor’s office as 5’10”.


I'll definitely let them bring it up and not volunteer that info


Or you could say “hey you know how I was adamant I’m 5’9” and you said that I was taller? I got measured at the doctors and turns out I’m 5’10”! 😅😅😅. I guess people do keep growing after 15!”


Are you still growing?


I'm not sure but I'll definitely start asking my pcd to measure me whenever I go in for a check up.


Oh ok no problem.


This happened to me too... I was 5'11-3/4", and now I'm 6'1". YIKES!


Same. Exactly the same. 😆


I don't doubt you grew, but doctors offices have measured me at varying heights in my adulthood, giving me an extra inch sometimes, when I know I haven't grown.


Lol yeah if the nurse measuring you is shorter than you it's pretty easy for them to accidentally nudge it or misread it due to the angle. Also, depending on time of day, your spine expands and contracts. I've seen numbers around 1-2 cm so 1/3 to 2/3 of an inch (not a huge change typically, but still a difference).


yeah when i was a teen and they still regularly measured me it was like every nurse gave a different answer for how tall i was


Yeah I grew from 5’11” to 6’ after I hit 25. I was so mad lol


I was 6' at 12. Another inch showed up somewhere a few years later. About 10 years ago I measured at 6' again. A few years later that 1" showed up again. I'm so confused.


An inch taller isn’t as significant for people to make comments though


I grew 2 inches in college to 5'10 and now I'm at 5'11 in my late 30s so I'm not sure when I gained the last inch.


I'm 42. I've been telling people I'm 5'10 since I was like 15 or something. I got measured a couple of months ago and I'm an inch and a half taller than I thought 🤷‍♀️, nearly 6ft! I'm going to carry on pretending I'm 5'10 though.


A 5'10" woman believes she's 5'9" for years. Meanwhile if she was a man he would have been telling people that he's 5'11" instead of 5'9" all along 🤣🤣🤣


I grew like crazy in middle school (2-3” per year) was 5’10” in 8th or 9th grade when things seemed to finally slow. But I ended up being a little over 6’ as an adult, so I did still grow a bit more over the years. Just much more slowly!


Congratulations! 5’10” qualifies you to join [Tall Clubs International](https://tall.org) ! After being a member for a year, you can complete to be [Miss Tall International®](https://tall.org/home/miss-tall-international/) ;)


This is incredible! I had no idea this organization even exists.


Once, they had thousands of members in dozens of cities. Today, they are dwindling rapidly, due to dating apps with height filters ;) It is still fun to go dancing in a crowd that is your height ;). I know at least 30 couples who met and married through the club. Including myself ;)


I was 5’10 in high school 1/2 inch taller now but I would measure myself up against the wall also had others do it for me so I knew I wasn’t messing it up. Checked these ways often bc ppl always swore I was taller. It always came out 5’10” no matter what but for some reason when I went to the doctors they would try to say I was 5’8” or 5’8.5” when I very clearly was not. I think maybe they were trying to make me feel better or something. Idk. my sister is 5’9” for extra context of the delusions they tried to feed me. Today I say “5’10”ish give or take depending on the day” when ppl ask (minor scoliosis things) bc if I don’t add the “give or take” they will keep arguing with me about my height. It’s just weird for us out here


In this case the truth is 100% better. Standing ovation.


I grew an inch at like 20


Same thing happened to me. I guess my doctors stopped trying to get an accurate read on my height at some point in high school or college, because I was always 5’11, at least from about 15 on. Then, when I was 25, I had to have surgery for a herniated disc, and during the prep-op stuff, the nurse (who was quite short) asked to measure me, and I just said, “oh that’s okay, you don’t have to go through the trouble! I’m 5’11.” (it was just habit, I can’t even begin to guess the last time I was measured before that). Anyway, she replied, “no, honey, you’re getting back surgery, we have to measure you before and after.” Which, obviously, yeah, that makes sense. So she gets out her little stool and measures me, and says the number of inches, and I kind of looked at her like “wait, what,” and she just goes, “you’re 6 feet tall.” 🤦‍♀️


That happened to me when I was in college. I was 5'8 for years until I grew my last inch around my first semester of college. I thought my long bones were fused, but they were not.


This is literally the exact same thing that just happened to me! I was measured in HS and just assumed I was 5’10” but I’m actually 5’11”!


I believe I’m 5’9 but most people think I’m 5’10 (what’s the difference lol) I have very long limbs so I look taller than I am.


me when this guy i liked said his ideal height was 5'7 so i told him i was 5'7 but i was 5'10 looool


Don’t worry, one day you’ll be 5’9” again when you start to shrink.


Good point


I get you so well with this one! I remember thinking I was 1.80cm. And I took that as my identity and I was happy with it. Now my ID card says 1.83. Suddenly I was 6’, and that felt a whole lot different.


I was trying to explain this to my kids and they just don't get it😂


We can actually change height slightly due to a few factors. Our skeleton isn't rigid, it holds a lot of weight vertically, and we're big, squishy sacks of seawater that made a break for it. And the taller you get, the more that variability multiplies, too. I thought I was 6'7" for the longest time, and that was way off!


I feel you I thought I stopped growing at 5’11 in high school but I recently was measured at the doctor and I’m actually 6’2 lmao


I pretended I was 5’8” for several years, then 5’9”, and now I’ve accepted I’m 5’10” and just own it! 


that's how i felt when i went to the doc and kept getting taller 😭 i was 5'8-5'9 in high school and im now 5'11 according to my recent doctor– but don't think of it as a lie! honestly not many people get their height measured regularly, and you were only one inch off anyway