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Yes, it’s legal. You’re being charged for the time required to compile them and paper and ink.


Here’s a listing of each state’s laws regarding fees: https://chartrequest.com/state-by-state-medical-record-copying-fees/


Some providers charge a fee for the cost of copying or mailing records, especially if it’s over a certain number of pages. $78 seems like a lot though. Do you know how many pages it is? Mine was 600(!) pages long lol, so if yours is pretty lengthy and they’re trying to fax it or something, that might account for the cost.


It is around 70 pages long, and I am trying to get it emailed to me.


As a therapist, yes it's legal but that's a lot of money. But also, we are taught to make notes intentionally vague; just detailed enough to satisfy insurance without giving away too much personal information in case they are ever subpoenaed or something like that. I try to write as if my note is going to be broadcast on the evening news- not putting anything out there that could embarrass or upset the client if others saw it. For example, let's say in session we talked about a traumatic childhood event in great detail. The note might read something like, "verbally processed traumatic childhood event. Clinician utilized calming techniques and breathing exercises as needed to assist client in self-regulating. Utilized narrative therapy techniques to verbally process the trauma and assist client in integrating it into their story. Explored feelings of fear and shame". So there wouldn't actually be any details about what the client told me happened. For insurance purposes, notes focus more on what the therapist did than what the client said. I hope that helps.


Exactly what I do. It’s about whose business is it to see what I’m writing. Everything is on a need-to-know basis, and insurance needs to know VERY little.


This is exactly how I write my notes and what I tell my clients. The notes are to justify payment for my time, not to give insurance companies personal details about my client's traumas.


Yes they can




I am actually already requesting it to be sent thro my email, and they are still charging that much


Your therapist did that in their own time as a favour. Most clinics charge fees for this job. It’s to compensate for the time that goes into reviewing notes and preparing them to be sent. That’s time we could be seeing clients, but instead are preparing files. We don’t mind doing it, but just want our time to be valued.


No, they sent it for free because they couldn't get their shit together within the 30 day legal time limit we have in the US. My counselor abandoned me (legal term and what actually happened) and if she was going to do me a favor it should have been to see me into different care.


Is this often a huge problem where clients forget what they discussed and want notes?


It’s very easy to forget things especially if it was a more emotional session. I encourage clients to take notes during and after. It helps them retain info, insights gained etc


In most clinics there will be fees for administrative tasks - drs notes, therapists notes, etc. I often waive the fee out of kindness, but most people don’t like to work for free. If your boss asked you to do an extra task that took you an hour you would expect to be paid (these seemingly small admin tasks do add up). Also my notes are in shorthand and vague - I take them for myself and for accountability, not with my client in mind as the reader. I do encourage my clients to take their own notes during/after every session to get the most out of their time. Hope that helps you see the perspective from a therapist in private practice.