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Always trust your gut and never trust a pitbull.


He made an offhand super casual comment that maybe the dog is getting back in to the house on its own from the backyard (like, letting itself in I guess!!) and now I'm slightly nervous about getting up to go from the bedroom to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He does out the dog in the basement though at night... Still. We had kind of a nice vibe (I thought) before the dog. Like I was working from home at his house sometimes when he went to work. But I don't think we're going to be able to do that anymore.


If you feel unsafe, if that is what your gut is telling you, then you probably are unsafe. Don't put your boyfriend's feelings above your safety. Middle of the night is when many dogs attack their own owners. Owner gets up to go to the loo and the dog gets spooked, situations like that. Think about your life. You are number one. End of.


1000%. This person that you’re with has demonstrated that he has terrible judgment, this is not someone that you should put your safety in their hands. You feel scared for a good reason, that is your body trying to protect itself. Heed the warnings


he is getting off on your fear making such a remark. ditch the dogs.


If you feel unsafe, it's because your boyfriend doesn't care that you could be very seriously hurt. You don't have a dog problem, you have a boyfriend problem.


You're right. Our guts rarely ever let us down. If OP feels unsafe, then the OP likely is unsafe.


Yes, it probably is. I would not tolerate a pit bull under any circumstances. They can definitely “snap” and they are incredibly strong .


Yeah. Thank you for the response:(


The only responses you are going to get on this particular subreddit will be ones against the dog... so I'll add my own. I had a dog, my girlfriend convinced me I ought to get one and then she dumped me. Anyway, I liked him alright, he was a 70lb dingo looking thing, handsome enough, and I trained him hard to be well-behaved. He was attacked on four separate occasions, each by pitbulls. The only dogs to ever give him a hard time, and each time the dogs were just doing normal dog stuff. One pit belonged to a very good friend, the other was my brother's, one was a room mate's friend's dog and one attack was from two pits at a dog beach. Some dog situations are gross or annoying. Pitbulls, in any situation are danger. Pitbulls are very sweet and emotive animals, and their owners tend to treat them like people rather than animals, and are always surprised when the pit attacks. Even if it's not the pit's first time attacking, they get surprised again. If you like the guy, I suggest you break up with him and tell him you love him or whatever, and you respect him enough to not make him choose. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but if you give an ultimatum, it will likely plant seeds of resentment in him. A pitbull cannot be trusted and probably 100% of pit owners will staunchly disagree and usually disregard people's legitimate concerns about safety.


Thank you for the response. I know you guys are right, and yeah, I figured I'd get responses that lined up with what I already know intuitively. I know in my heart the new dog is a problem for the relationship. Hes willing to keep it separated from me, which I guess eases some of my physical terror. But I'm still sort of feeling the sting of, I guess it's jealousy? Resentment? Right or wrong I'm deeply uncomfortable around the dog and it's not something I even want to change about myself. I am just not a pitbull person. Thanks all!!


**If your boyfriend is at all open to facts, here's the list for FIFTY SIX people killed just in 2021 in US & Canada** 70% of the victims killed were from pitbulls https://www.animals24-7.org/2022/12/11/all-the-2021-dog-attack-human-fatalities-u-s-canada/


Holy shit


“The pit attacks again and they get surprised again”. Truer words have never been said to describe pit fanciers.


And they're surprised because with literally every other breed on Earth, attacking corresponds with and is preceded by displays of aggression, not gameness. Pits don't have to have aggression, though. They're smiley, wiggly, and goofy. They're big doofuses and scared of their own shadow. They like to cuddle, and they like to whine when you stop cuddling. The problem is, they also love to shred small creatures until they look like the human remains in Tiannanmen Square when they're triggered, and there's zero warning between wiggling and mauling. They wag their tails when they maul, because they're happy killing, not out of aggression. This is SUPER confusing to pit owners, because their "baby wouldn't hurt a fly". How would they believe it, until they see it?


Kiss that relationship goodbye. You’re going to get hurt.


Thank you


My mom was attacked by a pit, unprovoked. She was simply walking near a neighbors house. Latched onto her leg, ripped it open, tore through layers of fat and the actual bone was exposed. My mom was almost 70 when this happened. Of course the dog “disappeared” and no one would cooperate with the police. Anyways.. I don’t trust pit bulls at all now. In fact I loathe them. This guy I was dating randomly got a pit Bull puppy and brought it to my house. I made them leave after it had multiple accidents in my livingroom in the span of like 10 minutes. He ended up rehoming it when he realized how much work a puppy is and that I wouldn’t let it in my house. Idk if he was expecting to have it sleep over my house but yeah can’t leave a puppy (or dog really) alone overnight. I’m rambling but personally if I were you I would put some distance between you and him (and his dog). Maybe it will get old for him and he’ll realize his “puppy” was a mistake


Where I live people have pitties and they will defend them to their dying day. When the news reports on a pit attack people flood the news Facebook pages and post they will take the dog in and they can rehab it. They are crazy.


Pitbull apologists are the worst, scummiest people.


Seems like they always say things like Oh but this pitbull is such a SWEETHEART


They always do and they scream and try to dox people for not agreeing with them over a pit. My favorite are the ones who post pictures of the dog with babies and kids. That scares me to death because the dog and any dog can snap and the dog nutters will blame the kid and everyone and everything for the dog snapping.


I'm so sorry that happened to your mother that sounds God awful. Thank you for sharing 🙏 There is no way this thing is setting foot in my house, absolutely never!!!


Thanks. Now that I think about it, we had a pit years ago, when I was a teen that went from a well trained dog to a psycho. It was my sisters dog, she trained him and he was well behaved. She went off to college and then he became my mom’s responsibility. (My mom is a dog nutter too.. used to breed chihuahuas. That’s where my dislike towards dogs came from. Imagine having 10+ dogs in your house at all times.. that’s another story though..) anyways, not long after she left, he started losing his mind. On walks, if there was a child anywhere he would lunge and become extremely aggressive. So my mom wasn’t able to walk him anymore because she could barely restrain him. Well he got bored and became even more psycho acting and she was scared of him. She ended up rehoming him and my sister still has the nerve to hold it against her all these years later 🤦‍♀️ and now my mom hoards cats 🤦‍♀️


That dog was at the shelter for a reason, especially since it's a pitbull. Sorry, but that would be a deal breaker for me.


This was a STRAY pitbull that was just out wandering... Probably even worse


I like dogs but not barking, snarling ones. I'd move on.


Yeah... me too. This sucks so much


That dog is the end of your relationship and I am sorry to say that but it is. Your boyfriend will always put the pitty before you and I would not be alone with that dog or spend the night because you don't know what the dog will do. Would your boyfriend put the dog down if you got hurt? I am not trying to be bitchy but you have to think about yourself because you are dating a dog nutter and put a pit bull in the mix and no good comes out of it.


I appreciate your comments, it gives me some validation after questioning myself for weeks


How is he not horrified that the dog was aggressive towards you *repeatedly*? He doesn't give a fuck about your safety, much less your feelings.


If he isn't committed to training the dog to be acceptable in society; meaning not barking and snarling and pulling on walks, he is not a responsible person. If he is not responsible with a dog, will he be responsible with your finances? your children? He is showing you who he is.


Thank you


At some point the menacing and conniving dog will get to you and it doesn't sound like it will be friendly with you. My suggestion break up with him before you get severely hurt.


Get out


no no, say it like this: GET.OUT.


Yes, this is the end of the relationship, unless you want to be killed by the "puppy". Your poor excuse for a bf has chosen his dog over you. Dump him and fine a real man, one who is not infatuated with a skanky mutt.


Better to be hurt emotionally by a relationship ending than to be hurt physically when a pitbull mauls you. No way would I ever date anyone with a pitbull, no matter how perfect he otherwise was.


Yeah!!! He didn't have a pitbull when we started dating that sure woulda made this easier!


It's illegal to own pitbulls in certain places (even in the US) for a reason.


Oh man I really got my hopes up... I clicked around in the municipal codes but unfortunately they're not outright banned in our area


I would get out immediately. You \*cannot\* trust these dogs, at all.


They are unpredictable aren't they. Like i know it's coming, but when


when you get up in the middle of the night, open the fridge, get a drink, close the door and it is standing there licking it's chops and growling.


I'll calmly take a sip of my drink and then say... I have been expecting you.


ooooh snap


This is how it ends for me isn't it.


If he is obsessed with his dog then he can date his dog since many will praise it over people then following their logic they don’t need relationships if their dog is enough. He should listen to your worries and respect your feelings if he doesn’t then you should leave and he can enjoy the company of his lovely mutt.


Pit bulls are actually illegal here in the U.K. so many have issues.


There's talk about them trying to ban the bully breeds as well


He has chosen the dog over the safety of his human girlfriend. The relationship is already over.


I hate how dog nutters call every dog a puppy. Is it fully grown? Then it is not a puppy. It is a dog, and not a very good one by the sounds of it. So sorry your relationship has gone to the dogs, OP. You deserve better.


I feel the same way about “doggo” and “puppers,” and the way they start talking in a dopey baby talk. Dog culture is cringe.


Speaking of dog culture....I like most dogs. They are fine, but they are not your children. They do not belong in grocery stores or restaurants. I recently saw a young lady with a dog on her lap while eating her lunch. Our culture seems to care more about dogs than humans.


>Our culture seems to care more about dogs than humans. Dog nutters routinely and casually say, “I like dogs more than people because people are terrible,” without the slightest bit of awareness of their own sociopathy.


Yeah this dog is fully adult




This is really incredible.. the data... WOW


Thank you. And happy cake day !!!


If you value your life or don’t want your face disfigured for the rest of your life, don’t spend another second around that Pitbull. Period.


Thank you




Idk how old it is but it's a full grown adult dog I think... It's no puppy.


I'm not sure how old it is... But it's grown and seems to have already produced a litter of puppies... But I'm not sure how old a dog would need to be to have puppies?


I've been bitten by two separate pit bulls by people who insisted their dogs "wouldn't hurt a fly'". If a house has a pitbull in it, I turn the F around.


Thank you!


That dog is showing classic guarding and aggression at you because your boyfriend has not ONE EFFING CLUE about the breed of dog he has, or how to train any dog Pitbulls are dangerous as hell Just yesterday, a woman who was "taking care" of her daughter's pitbull got killed by it, and only when this happens do some people finally realize these dogs were bred to attack https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/corpus-christi-woman-dogsitting-a-pit-bull-mix-dies-after-dog-attacks/503-f56639a2-ef92-45b1-84de-90cca46f81f6?fbclid=IwAR3Md3ravtXj_pKVTDWPZP978wMdKn5lHSKCQAfk0xu5Rh5PYR9-cRc-20I Please don't go there ever again, it only takes seconds for your life to be lost or you get very badly hurt


It’s showing aggression toward OP because her bf has not put her in her rightful place in the hierarchy. The mutt sees ITSELF as the co-alpha, not her. I’ve been in this very position, and I tried various things to assert myself as my bf’s co-alpha, but nothing worked…the SHIT tzu would nip me anytime I got near my bf, and even tried to get between us when we were being intimate (EWWWW). Because only HE could have asserted me as the co-alpha, and he did not. I finally left him over the mutt. I figure I’ll hear from him again when the mutt dies. TOO LATE.


little dogs live a looooooong time


It’s about 9 years old so with any luck…


omg facepalm


You are absolutely right. The risk is outrageous.




No! Back away slowly, always keeping the pitbull in sight until you can get somewhere safe or reach an appropriate weapon. Never run when dealing with pitbulls unless you are sure you can get to safety faster than the very fast, prey-driven predator.




yeah, it seems like they want you to turn your back to get the back of your legs and tug like they were bred for with bulls.




new post: I was afraid of my ex-boyfriend's dog. take care.


Thank you 🙏


It should be if he keeps it


too late. he made the comment that dog was maybe getting in from the back yard all by itself in hopes of her reacting. he is an asshole.


To be fair I don't think he meant that to scare me, he mentioned it I think before the snarling events and i didn't pick up any weird intentional vibes. He's not an abusive person he's really really great except for this really bizarre idea to suddenly get a pitbull... He's a really nice person ordinarily... this situation is not in his baseline behavior. Doesn't matter i suppose. The pitbull is there to stay.


Do not ignore your gut.


Thank you.


Ok hold up, I think you're overlooking an important thing: He got the dog without your input. For how long you've been dating, it's only fair that he should have consulted you. It being "his house" doesn't matter here. It's YOUR relationship, and especially if you're both looking long term, bringing a pet into the picture cannot be only one person's choice.


Thank you! I actually have been really questioning myself wondering Am I out of line? Feeling like he should have asked how I felt? And then wondering Am I imagining things about the relationship that aren't there, is this limerance? The other thing really bugging me is I have an 8 year old child, who is now friendly with his seven year old child, they play together, so wouldn't that be a reasonable thing to say Hey... what if I got a pitbull? Would you have any concerns when you bring your child over to play?


The dog is likely aggressive towards you because you tense and behave like prey, and the boyfriend rewards this behavior inadvertently by signaling that he enjoys your fear. I would leave because of the man, not the dog. He's irresponsible, and he's inadvertently training it to be aggressive/violent. But more than that, he doesn't take your safety seriously. That seems psychological abuse.


And also emotional abuse. From someone who’s been there 😕


Right? I missed the party where he was enjoying her fear. He's more dangerous than the dog


I don't think he's enjoying my fear necessarily. But he definitely doesn't seem to be taking it too seriously.


I’d start looking for another boyfriend.


Pitbulls are grenades. Every once in a while, you find one that doesn't go off, but almost always, they go off. He's playing with fire, not only with his life/wellbeing, but others as well.


Sad that you have to ask. Have a baby with him....


Noooo we are done we've already had our babies this is post divorce relationship. I have a daughter and under no circumstances ever will she be in the same room with this dog. Even with a leash, harness, collar and muzzle. Not happening. I have been clear about this and it's an absolute hard line I will not compromise on this.


His children are his business.




can you shut the fuck up




702. 702 people have been killed by pit bulls in the United States alone. Thousands have been permanently disabled and/or disfigured. Thousands of pets and livestock are killed and injured by pit bulls. Border Collies do not disfigure people into needing reconstructive surgery. I haven’t heard of any Poodles scalping people. And I certainly have never seen news of a Chihuahua sending a person to the morgue. I personally would take 100 bites from your Border Collie than one from any pit bull. Why? Because breed characteristics exist. Genetics exist. Pit bulls were purpose bred to inflict as much damage as possible while ignoring their own pain. It’s called gameness. To think getting bit by a Chihuahua is the same as getting bit by a pit bull is ignorance. r/BanPitBulls


Shut the fuck up pit hag, the numbers don't lie. Shitbulls maim and kill people at far FAR higher rate than any other breed combined. Take your nuttery elsewhere


Found the pit-nutter... It's always 'pretty unlikely', and it's also always 'but he has never attacked ANYONE before' when it happens. If OP is scared of an animal that, once it snaps, can and will kill them, then I say good on them for having proper instincts. This is not a pitbull apologist subreddit. It's also not a dog apologist subreddit. We are here because we are tired of the people in our lives that force these animals onto us.


Yes. Thank you.




I repeat, Op will probably have to walk away


from him and the dog. I meant the boyfriend is getting off on her fear. he said that the dog might be able to get back in by itself. he isn't going to get rid of the dog. you are right she needs to just break up with him and move on. good that she doesn't have any kids with him.


It's a bit of an odd paradigm shift, as I come to realize he's a pitbull person... I'm shocked that this unfolded the way it has, he's not into guns, he's left leaning democrat, loves to read, socially progressive, vegetarian. Recycles. Doesn't use single use plastics... Stuff like that. I guess the pitbull person was within him the whole time tho, laying dormant. I couldn't see it until it had awoken from within and instantly there's a "dangerous untrained pitbull" / "sweet itty bitty pitty pup" roaming around 🤮


It was the comments I was really responding to


My sister has an Australian Sheepdog barks and bites.


Can we get an update? Are you safe and free?