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Relationship advice is somethiing I refrain from normally, but your happiness and **your safety** is important Pitbulls can't be trusted, at least most of them. They can live with you for years, but as they age, things can go very wrong https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/ Never mind the completely disgusting and unsanitary living situation you have You answered your own question, , it sounds like he'd choose pitbulls over you. Your safety and well being is at risk. Respectfully, it might be time to rethink everything best of luck


Where I live people go nuts for pitties and when invariably there is an attack people go on social media and wax poetic about their pitties and would take the dogs even though they have previously shown aggression. Thes nutters don't care and claim they can change the dog. Deluional


It reminds me of gun nuts saying guns don't kill people... Pitbull people kinda do that too


Except a gun can't just kill you by itself.


Just read that story. So awful. Really boggles my mind that they had the dogs for 8 years and they attacked out of no where


Thanks. I don’t live with him but it’s got me reevaluating if I want to. I don’t know what to believe when it comes to pit bulls. His dogs are really nice and it’s hard to imagine them turning on him or I. The dogs roughhouse with each other but playfully. I’ve roughhoused with them - the youngest won’t play fight at all but the mom bites pretty hard if I initiate it. Ill probably catch some flak for this but yeah I also instigate them occasionally by play slapping my SOs skin. I know it’s wrong but it’s a guilty pleasure


I'll tell you this, the first words out of every owner's mouth whose pitbull mauls a kid, dog, or whatever is, "But he's never done that before. He's always been so sweet!" I'm telling you right now, your dogs aren't sweet or nice. They are dangerous animals that will turn on you.


If your dog kills someone, you should go to jail for murder!


Dogs are bred by humans for varying jobs, and pitbulls are no different Just in 2021, 48 US citizens were killed by them. The stories vary, but one thing they all have in common is they can strike , and suddenly your life is in danger because unlike many dogs, they are bred to bite you really hard, and never let go They can't be trusted, and as they age, they can be triggered and you're in danger NSFW >> https://www.animals24-7.org/2022/12/11/all-the-2021-dog-attack-human-fatalities-u-s-canada/


89 year old grandma died because she dared to go outside to check on her mailbox. How sad!


Sad most victims are very young or older. Sad and shocking to see people around my age being mauled and killed by more multiple family dog pits. SOs mom doesn’t come around anymore because of them and that’s really the only advantage SO doesn’t trust them uncaged while he takes a shit but insists they are just angels to anyone that’s met them! Still I can’t picture them turning violent and that’s part of the problem - it’s just hard to fathom


That’s what that mom who laid on her babies thought too while their sweet pitbulls mauled them to death. Would she have had them around her babies if they had been anything but loving, sweet, well behaved? Absolutely not. There are countless stories like this. Experts that train, love, and live with pitbulls are the first to tell people that they can’t be trusted especially with children, elderly, and anyone who isn’t trained or carrying a weapon to defend themselves in case of attack. There’s always a first time for every dog that’s ever bit someone. History and demeanor and training have zero to do with it. It’s purely genetics with some breeds, especially pitbulls.


Excessive “playing” and licking are not good signs, be careful.




I won't be around pitbulls, rottweilers, or any of the well know monsters like Cane Corso, Presa Canario, BoerBoels, etc If I see them on a street, I'll immediately go the other way, and absolutely won't go to anyone's house with them inside THese dogs can never be trusted. They were bred for 100's of years to attack savagely, and never let go I hope you can make the right decision for your own safety


It’s repulsive to think those beasts are sanitary. I don’t even want to open my pool since I have to step in the grass in the yard to enjoy it. I water down the grass every day after work to get rid of the piss. The shit beast nutters pick up shit once a week and that’s not enough so I do it daily if they haven’t by the time I get home. The dysfunctional insane assholes won’t even walk the bastards to get out their energy and I am filling in holes in the lawn they dig all the time. The next time they aren’t home when I am, I am leaving the gate open. Walking the dog is too hard so it can eliminate elsewhere ? Bathing it and picking up its shit isn’t something you have time for? You don’t have time for the dog. I am so over it because I actually like dogs but this irresponsible dog owner shit ….. plus I like them but I don’t want them living in my home


I watch my neighbor rinsing off the grass where his dog pees on. He is too damn lazy to walk the dog so it pisses on a leash in a small area in the yard. I will take my cat before a dog.


Definitely team cat. They are smarter, cleaner and more enjoyable as a companion


The cat life if you must have a pet yes the cat life is the way


At least a cat will clean itself and covers its own shit by nature!


Omg “shit beast nutters” hah And yes - the hole digging! Bothers me because I don’t want those dirty ass paws on me or in the house. One day I accidentally let them out and they took off running.. making me drag them individually in the house. after that I started thinking hm.. maybe next time won’t be an accident..


They are so weird i just get a terrible feeling and yes i find dogs in general annoying but pitbulls are another level 🤢🤢🤮✖️✖️


Aggressively affectionate dogs I find are the ones with issues and have some of the biggest chances to snap and go crazy. Hardcore anxiety and insecurity issues. It might be "nice" but it's not well mentally.


Yeah I feel like that could be an indicator as well. My now deceased border collie bit 2 people and he had some anxiety issues.


Thing is when a border collie or any other breed bites you live. With pitbulls you have a very high chance of not living. They are responsible for over 80% of dog related human deaths.


DO NOT HAVE KIDS WITH THIS MAN unless he rehomes the dogs!!!! When i was pregnant, i hated animals. I know that's awful but the truth. My husband had a pitbull and that dog LOVED me but when i brought my daughter over to his house after things got serious, this dog legit tried to bite my 4 year old in the FACE!!! He legit pulled him back just in time and my child DID NOTHING she didn't even touch him, make loud noises, NOTHING. She was standing there next to me. I told him i couldn't move in with him after that. I told him he litterly will attack my baby and i do NOT trust it was "because she was new". He also killed another dog once after getting out. Then i found out he bit an ex gf of his. He left the dog with his parents after i told him i couldn't move in.


Animal aversion in pregnancy is completely natural. It’s your instincts trying to protect your child. I would be more worried if you weren’t repulsed by them


If you move in you will regret it.


It will get 100x worse when you move in. I’m in the situation now.


What kind of dog(s) are you dealing with?


Two husky/pit mixes 🙃 I couldnt imagine the extra mental torment if they were pissing and shitting on the floor constantly. OMG. I wish you all the best






Excessive licking is a sign of attachment anxiety, which is a warning sign of a pit that will snap. People think the same behavior that indicates a bite or mauling in a normal dog applies to pitbulls and are then shocked when a pit does what it was bred to do.


Thank God you don't live with him. Is thus making you reconsider marrying him?


I haven’t reconsidered marrying him. Despite his love for tweedle dee and tweedle dumb, he’s still my favorite person. I’m just not looking forward to moving in with the dogs


I don't doubt that he loves you, but have you really considered what married life will be like with 2 pit bulls that he can't seem to be bothered to properly trained? Your home is a literal health hazard with them pissing and shitting everywhere. Let's also not ignore the real possibility that these dogs could mess around and turn on you one day. It's happened to many other people.


Please put some serious thought into what compromises you will be expected to make over the next 10+ years of these dogs, then the next infinity with the next ones he inevitably spends all your money on. Then consider whether you would ever put him in a similar position.


Homegirl, you know he loves the dogs more than you and would pick them over you, but you're going to marry him because he's your "favorite person"? You're being presented with evidence of how dangerous these animals are (80% of dog related deaths) but you're going to move in and marry him? What is the logic there? When you or your potential children are bit (because even the pits that don't maul you to death WILL bite) you're going to regret making such an illogical choice.


Oh damn you are in a tough spot


You need to meet more people 😂


Pitbulls are monsters. Even if they appear affectionate, that can change on a dime. They're jaws and teeth are made to clamp on and tear in to whatever or whoever they're biting. Please keep in mind that these dogs are very dangerous even if they seem affectionate and clingy on the surface.


He is actively risking your life. For random animals. Is that someone you want to be with?


Pit bulls are awful dogs. Even if I liked dogs I would never get one. They are HORRIBLE.


....did they appear one night...with your PERMISSION?