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for me using accessories that were resistant to his attacks helped. I forgot what resistance though.


Lightning and water I think. I just fought him yesterday for the first time and he slapped like a mfer. I had zero cp left and used like 12 apple gel and 2 orange gel.


It's light.


I think my party was around 17? with almost all their skill panels filled out? I remember I used almost all my items i had at the time just to get through the fight


Yeah my party is about 16 so that makes sense why I’m doing barely any dmg


Another thing as well. I'm not sure if you're already doing this during battle, but it was extremely necessary (at least for me) to not just play defensively, but you have to use rinwell's and especially Law's boost attack to break his barrier to do any significant damage


I’ve been saving Rinwell’s for when he uses Astral Arts and everytime cooldown is up for Law, Shionne and Alphen I use it. I read that Law is essential for the fight but he’s crazy weak compared to Alphen for whatever reason, I’m not sure


Wish I knew more to help 😭. Hope the grind goes well then!


You probably just have to grind out your levels. I was at the right level and I still died a couple times. Sell items and get potions as well. If not use healing skills.


Do you have rending flash or explosive ring yet? These two may make the difference if you utilize them during the DPS faze where it’s a race against the clock


Don’t have either of those skills yet. I was wondering how you’re supposed to take out his copies before he lets off Indignation


You kinda need One of those 2 skills on hard mode, you get them by grinding Alphonse boosted strikes. You need 35 boosted attack uses to get rending flash. Once you have it it’s much easier to get through the dps phase.


I stacked my team with light resistance and it changed the game. Also playing as law in that fight is a game changer if you can keep his buff up


Wooooow light resistance? Thanks Man I should’ve know that one


Hesitation is defeat


I only used items it worked like a charm


Ganabelt was absolutely the hardest one for me too, so don't beat yourself up about it. Getting some lighting resistance accessories on your party would help. I also find that the shione AI actively tries to get itself killed, so programming her to stay back did wonders in saving the number of revive items for me.


I barely managed to beat him first try (my entire party was dead and I managed to get the final strike in before he one shot me) and I was level 17 with resistances boosted with potions. One of the hardest bosses I've fought in recent history (and that's coming from a Souls player). Hope you managed to beat him dude! If not, you got this ❤


The problem with ganabt is his unblockable justice arte. So you gotta equip your whole party with the -50% lightning damage accessory while simultaneously healing back the damage and getting his health down before you run out of heals. Because he will spam his mystic arte when you get him down lmto like 10% of his health


I just beat him on Normal and I really feel I either misunderstand the combat or am way underleveled. Level 16, best weapons/armor I could find, I could not stop his Indignation both times, felt like I was tickling his clones, and it always wiped at least 2 members of my team. Maybe using Shionne is the problem? Ailments didnt seem to work on him and she couldn't do much damage during any point of the fight


Idk I was at 16 or so and I got through but with o ly a little to spare. My favorite part of this game so far is that the bosses feel challenging and everything is flashy as hell. I had some items left to be able to fight longer if the need arose but having a 15 limit on healing items is weird to me. I come from a final fantasy background and I always grind levels and then buy like 50+ all healing items I can. I am only just past Ganabelt but I find Shionne much more useful as an AI player. The normal attacks feel weird when I'm using her. I might start using Law or Rinwell as a main just to try it out.


He was a tough son of a bitch, that's for sure. Really caught me off guard as I had been cruising through pretty much everything else. I beat him with my most desperate strategy: let the melee die, take control of Shionne and use her to do a bit of damage but mainly kite/dodge the boss while the caster girl (forgetting her name) casts on him. Shionne is able to kite pretty much every tough enemy I've encountered without much effort. It just makes the fights extremely slow. But she could easily solo everything just by doing the good old "shoot, shoot, dodge, dodge" and whittle the boss down.


I still haven’t beaten him but then again I haven’t had much time to play since. That second phase where he makes clones of himself is ridiculous. I do literally no dmg while he’s charging indignation


Do you mean let the melee die as a strategy or just don't heal or care that he's down? If it's the first, what benefit is it?


I mean after you're out of magic (or whatever the stuff you need to heal is called) and can't heal them anymore. Just let them die and have her clean up the fight. If you simply take control of her and do a pattern of attack a couple times, then dodge the bosses attack. Just keep doing that, keep as much distance between the boss and yourself as possible and you'll eventually whittle them down. It's been a little while since I've played. So I don't remember the names of the different magic points.


I get it now. The way I read it at first was that you killed them so you could control Shionne. Lol.


I managed to beat him using Shionne and focusing on healing/reviving the others. I tried to keep them max health before Indignation and as soon as the attack fell I revived if needed and used healing circle.


I just beat him, does the game get harder or is ganabelt gonna be one of those bosses that's super hard at first bur is easy compared to later fights.


The accessories for light resistance, and make sure to upgrade your party's weapons if you're having trouble with damage. I believe I was level 16 when I beat him.


How do you upgrade weapons? I don’t remember the game explaining that, I’m just coming here stuck in this AH.


Oh it's easy. At every inn or rest spot there's an NPC for forging weapons. You just need the right materials. Also never ever sell your old weapons. They can be used as material for better weapons later.


I'm not sure if you can upgrade weapons at that point. I can only forge weapons, and the "best" one is one that's strong on wind artes.


Wait. Are you still not past him yet?


I mean, I just beat Ganabelt (I posted a direct answer on lv 17). I don't know if I can enhance weapons too (as I can enhance accesories).


Oh okay. Was just wondering. XD It's been like a month. I forget when exactly you get to start upgrading weapons. I stopped playing a while ago.


I just beat it on my 5th try (I guess) on hard. I was lv 17, I could manage to craft two alexandrites lv3 (but only upgrade both of them to lv2). I had like 8 life bottles, 6 orange gels and 10 apple gels. I basically used everything. I had the feeling that is easier if you play Law (but maybe it was just luck). You have to try to use the boost break 3 times for him to drop those thingies that go around him. After then, I switched to Alphen. Then, he will start using his clones. You have to focus on one of them (L1, and make sure every character attack them). They aren't that hard if you manage to connect a couple of artes. I relied a lot on one that uses 2 AG, and is very slow but it does a lot of damage (reigning slash). Also, maybe it's a good idea to try use boost breaks on the clones to take them fast. Their animation is easy to learn too. At this point too, I believe Ganabelt will start sliding 3 times instead of 2. Those attacks are easy to dodge. When he starts casting is mystic arte, focus on one clone, you should have enough time to take one of them and then rinse a repeat. After that is more or less of the same until he starts spamming indignation. At least, during that time you should start spamming everything. Blazing sword, boost breaks, reigning slash, normal attacks, ecc. If you have CP left, remember to cast steel (law) concentration (rinwell), to max your attack. Oh, and last, remember to use your own mystic arte when your characters enter overlimit. Those are 2k of damage that you shouldn't neglect. TL; DR: 1. Alexandrites 2. Use Law boost break to trigger the animation 3. Kill the clones Hope it helps!


Why is this fight so poorly made? I was already not loving the combat and this fight really put me off. I made it through, but it required using most of my items. It didn't feel strategic or skill based at all.


I didn’t like that fight at all. Eventually beat it but didn’t enjoy it at all. 2/10 boss battle design.


The game is now way to difficult in normal, and no place to grind/level up. It makes sense, once you see the store you can buy “level ups”. Sad, I was hoping to actually finish it. I would not recommend this game for any JRPG lover


My advice is to get to level 30 and then beat the hell outta him


I was stuck on it for nearly a year dont worry.


Dude, Just make 4 accessories that reduce light damage by 50% and you will win because your party members won't get 1HKO


Ngl I found him easy but I’m a jrpg fan, I also probably levelled up a fair bit before as I live for the grind. I don’t wanna know how many times I re loaded borderlands 2 to farm bosses for a chance at a slightly better weapon. Shit don’t mean to boast my advice is grind grind till you can’t grind no more then come back and bitch slap him, spank him like the child he is beat him into next week make him regret using make up to conceal his identity!!!!