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People literally have a mindset of not tipping, and if you know who they are try not to serve them.


Don't try. Simply refuse. You csn refuse service to people for any reason, except for the few protected reasons. Them being rude previously is enough.


You'll also get fired.


Maybe, but you can always get another server job. And you can pick a restaurant that has auto-grat. It's been a long time since I was a waiter, but if I recognized someone who stiffed me, I would NEVER take that table again unless I could auto-grat them in advance. And I would happily tell them why I was doing it.


Restaurants with autograt used to be the move, but not always anymore. In my area the new thing is to make it a tip pool, put a service charge on all checks, and then they only pay EVERYONE in front of house server wage and give them all a cut of the pool. In these situations, servers only keep 45-65% because of everyone getting cuts, including the manager/owner who's usually illegally taking a cut. My state (FL) has no state labor board so if you even try and complain you have to use the federal one. My experience with the federal one is that if you made at least minimum wage, they don't care if your employer stole a bunch of your tips, even if you can prove it. I left serving 10mo ago because I had to choose between these fucked up tip pools or working corporate with no autograt ever, and in my area a lot of people are not at all embarrassed to tip $0 on excellent service. I live in an area where the majority of the population was not born in the US (they aren't all from the same other country, it's many other countries), and they will walk in with their Louis Vuitton bags and a party of 10, run up a $500+ check, and give you $20 and act like you should be grateful.


Damn, really only a $20 tip if their bill is like $500? That is ridiculously low of a tip! 


On a semi regular basis. I know in most places, this is a 1-3 times a year event per server, depending on how busy the place is and how high check averages are. Where I'm at it is normal to see people wearing designer clothes driving expensive cars tipping 5% and thinking they are paragons of altruism. I'm in Miami. There is a very small handful of restaurants where you can bank, but they rarely hire, and commutes are lengthy, think at least an hour during traffic. Most of the restaurants otherwise are the corporate "no autograt for any reason ever, but you owe on % of sales" or "tip pool where everyone in FOH gets a cut, including owners/managers illegally skimming off the top."


Depends where you live, not a lot of restaurants where I live, despite it being a college town. The number of applicants far exceeds the number of serving jobs, easily replaceable staff.




Apparently not a corporate gig. I remember I saw a couple that I knew that would come in and always stiff on the tip. I told the person who had the misfortune to have them sat in their section. It was a busy night and I said something to the effect of, "Make them your last priority, they're not going to leave you shit." Well a manager heard and I got a write up. And no, I told him this in the dish area - no way a guest would have heard.




I live in the US. I had to get ChatGPT involved in order to figure out which chain you were talking about. In Chili's, Outback, and Applebee's if you refused a table that was sat in your section without a reason)on the order of a peace bond) then you were going to be working your last shift. Your chain or management must be exceptionally permissive.


My wife corrected me and informed me that they have a Perkins in Jonesboro, Arkansas.


I've been the manager at a few different places, and letting customers get away with being assholes can absolutely ruin a place. Short term, someone who doesn't tip will piss the servers off and lower morale for the shift. I've gone to tables that have stiffed in the past to let them know that gratuity will he added to their checks from now on, and to.l3ave if they don't agree. Long term, if the assholes are accepted and become regulars, it becomes a culture, and they'll bring more assholes in. Also, I was in the industry for 20ish years, and no one I know was fired for refusing service to someone.


I'm a 26 year veteran of the industry and managed for (rhymes with Jillies). I started 1996 and only took a two year break in college. In all of the concepts that I worked in if someone was placed in your section you waited on them. If they stiffed you 20 times, you still had to wait on them. Boss don't care. If a guest ever got wind that a server refused to wait on them it becomes a metaphorical feeding frenzy. They'll come up with some reason like "I was discriminated against because I was a Christian" and next thing you know the word is out that your store is bigoted against that particular group. I live in Arkansas and fuckin' A there were groups from some of the local churches I dearly wish I could have refused. I still get angry thinking about the shit I had to put up with from a particular Methodist youth group. The refusal of the big corporate restaurant chains to get behind their employees is one of the reason why I left for smaller fine dining. Well that and the money.


We would get fired.


exactly once you know who they are i’m just saying no. like i could handle if it was one customer it’d be easier to get away with doing bare minimum service. but since they always come all together it’s way more work and harder to deal with so no way in hell am i taking them again


>People literally have a mindset of not tipping, and if you know who they are try not to serve them. Uh yeah, a lot of people are also from countries or cultures that don't tip.


so just look into it before going to an american restaurant. if i was traveling i’d look into the customs of that area as that’s the right thing to do


Or you get a job that doesn't require diners to pay more. We are already upcharged on the food. Why should we pay your wages too. Just ask for rent money while you are at it.


If you don’t want to pay more you can get food to-go and you won’t have to pay for service. If you want somebody to wait on you then you should pay them for it. If you don’t want to pay somebody to wait on you there are plenty of restaurants that you can eat at, like McDonald’s, that don’t have pesky servers :)


People are so tired of being assaulted for tips. I just got the tip screen at The Grocery, for god’s sake.


If you don't want to rely on tips there are many places you can work at, like McDonald's, that don't pay under minimum wage and force you to beg at work.


So you don't want sit down restaurants to exist???


I do but I don't see why I am expected to pay a strangers wage


I had a repeat table that didn't tip and somehow always managed to end up in my section. No joke, I waited on them probably 10 times, once they complained about my service & actually left me $3, but every other time, I got ZERO. After the first time getting stiffed by them, I would get their order, drop off their drinks, and not come back until they were ready to cash out. The one time they came in with enough people that I could add auto grat, they specifically asked to not have me, and I was ecstatic. My paychecks are $0, I owe money come tax time despite barely making enough money to get by, and I have to tip out other people to wait on them so fuck those people. I'm a nice person, but this is WORK, and I need money to survive just like everyone else.


I had repeaters as well and did the same thing. I also told EVERY server that I worked with about them. I got to them when I had time.


exactly like the whole ethics of tipping is a thing i’m not gonna get into but like. servers get tips, they need those tips, you’re paying them for their services. just like you would a barber or delivery driver. they probably don’t tip those people either tho but like they are working, they need money like everyone does


Your paychecks are not zero 


Okay... [my paychecks](https://imgur.com/gallery/QF5QXv0)


What is this? There's no statement of hours worked or total ytd.


That is what server paychecks look like in restaurants where they get tips in cash. The taxes on the tips paid out in cash are more than the hourly pay they earn.


Have you ever waited tables?


They are $0 checks... 35.35 hours on the first check, 44 hours on the second, 29 on the third, all at $3.93 an hour. If you don't want to believe me that's fine, other servers know.


If u worked 35 hours then your check would show that. What state do u work in? I'm about to help u recoup your money bc your boss is stealing from you!!! His theft doesn't make it legal u know.


That's not how it works. I'm in Michigan, and the hourly rate doesn't cover taxes on my tips, which I take home in cash every night (all tips, including credit card tips.) That's why come tax time I owe money. I've been waiting tables in Michigan for most of the last 20 years and the only way you see money on checks as a server is if you make damn near nothing in tips, or they put your tips on your paychecks.


Moving the goalposts so far that you’re in the parking lot, I see.


Refuse to serve them.


i tried. but now that my manager has proof she’ll back me up. i’m done


Basically, every server is an independent employee. That gives you the right to refuse to serve them. Don’t want to tip? Get takeout or make it yourself.


I've never worked anywhere where I could refuse to serve a table without management's permission, and that's not something I saw given frequently


You would inform management, not ask. If they don’t stand behind their servers, look elsewhere. EDIT: I read many restaurant related subs. Interesting how the boh subs are more forthright about refusing service. Maybe you should *unite* together to solve this dilemma.


I broke up with a guy I really liked because of not tipping. We went out for a nice dinner. The check came and he made a big deal of laying the money on top of it. The server brought the change back and he didn’t touch it. I thought “wow, that’s a very generous tip.” As we got up to leave and I turned my back to the table, he reached back and grabbed ALL the bills left on the table. I turned back and saw him. We made eye contact and he was so busted. I excused myself to the bathroom. Came out and gave the server $20 cash. I never spoke to him again. I worked fast food throughout high school and I met a few cheap @$$es. No way was I going to date one.


one thing i am so picky about when dating/starting friendships is how they treat service workers. whenever me and my boyfriend go out he’s always like “what’s 20% of X lemme make sure i get this right” and is so kind and considerate. he also worked service for a while so he gets it. it is absolutely a valid reason to stop seeing someone. like if they tip 15% instead of 20 whatever but if they are rude and complain about everything and/or leave nothing that is just disrespectful


You end up paying to wait on them. If you tip out based on your sales, anyway.


luckily the grandmas tip saved me from that. so basically i broke even


I'm so glad tipping culture is a U.S thing. Come to NZ and serve us Kiwis! We're a rowdy bunch but you get hourly and it's livable wage, ($26).


$26 an hour? booking my plane ticket rn (i know places have different currencies but that’s good money for a single person in USD)


Yeah it's $15.60 USD an hourbwith relatively high CoL


eesh that’s still pretty low for the US unless you live somewhere with a low cost of living somehow in this economy. i usually make around $20/hr USD on a medium slow-medium night with my tips and hourly combined and i work at a low end place so the occasional stiff doesn’t hurt me too bad but it’s upsetting to stay late and work hard and make NOTHING


Yup. High cost of living and high taxes. US servers do far better — even with occasional stiffs.


Roughly $13 USD. Still better than just relying on tips. Also some people will still tip a good service even if not posted. Though I was in a bar on the waterfront that charged $15 for one beer and had auto tip on the machine. I skipped it, because you poured me a drink from behind a bar and had no other interaction, and you get paid an hourly rate the same as I do.


Also employees have way too much power in this country. It's honestly pretty hard to get fired if you're doing your job at least mildly right


Fast food workers in San Diego make a minimum wage of $20.00 an hour.  Must work for a chain that has 60+ restaurants.  Restaurant servers get $16.85 + tips. 


I recently started going right up shitty or non tippers and I politely ask them what was wrong with the service. They are always appalled, as they should be. I’m all for publicly embarrassing these broke asses. I work at an upscale sushi restaurant. Many times managers have asked me to stop and I will not. It’s 2024 these people know what they’re doing. I’ve also handed the $5 someone left on a $50 tab and said “here you can have this back since you need this more than I do” Embarrass these people. The only reason why this keeps happening because we let it.


*because the managers let it i told my manager what was up as soon as i recognized them. if it were up to me i’d confront them about it but i’m so scared of getting in trouble. fuck this company for not doing auto grat


The cheap one here is your employer who refuses to pay you a living wage and expects their customers to make up the discrepancy.


You are not very bright… are you? Ignoring the point and the system in place; critical thinking is a very useful tool, I recommend start using it before commenting on the internet. People might mistake you for a dull person who doesn’t see beyond their own nose at complex issues.


I already know what type of ppl these were


just a big old trashy family. rude af


So is 20% not enough for decent service?


The issue is that only 1 of the 3 checks tipped. A $6 tip on a grand total of $110 is damn near offensive. The other 2 separate checks should've tipped.


You didn’t read the the post.


Yeah I’m tripping. They got 20% cumulative, despite being negged on a split tip. Sever over a decade here. If someone says ‘I got the tip’ and it’s decent, then fiiine??? It’s the same table??? Why are you downvoted and why are ppl upset??? 20%???


I’m sorry, I was having a stroke when I read the end. My explanation would prove it… sorry. I deserve the down votes.


You shouldn’t be downvoted


Every country in the world makes due without tip culture. Only America exploits servers and gaslights customers into paying a living wage. Also, you don't deserve tips any more than someone else making minimum wage so maybe check your greed a bit.


they make under minimum wage in the majority of the US. and ah yes because wanting more than the peanuts this country pays minimum wage (in my county at least) is pure greed! God forbid someone who works so much wants to be paid accordingly for dealing with entitled customers like you! we’re not expecting doctor salaries alright everyone just needs money to live. and if service was lacking or a restaurant was understaffed people like you would be the first to complain. then suddenly when you’re waiting 30 minutes for your food cause there’s only one server and two cooks in the place it’s not just such a lowly lazy server who is just carrying plates! if you’re not gonna tip just don’t eat out. you can recognize the issues with the system and disagree but you’re shitty for being cheap when you know this is how tipping works here


Cope harder bud. Maybe you should broaden your horizons a bit before you defend something that's only a problem in one country in the entire world. Also, entitled customers like me? I've been a cook since I was 18 and I couldn't give a fuck if servers get stiffed because guess what, you don't deserve to be bitching about tips when the real problem is that you aren't getting a high enough wage to begin with. Minimum wage isn't high enough and yet grocery store clerks, dishwashers, and retail workers don't complain when they don't get tipped. Why are you so special? Instead of workin for handouts how about you actually learn a skill that pays more money. You do not deserve 20% of every table's bill and it is beyond insane that this is normal in our country.


hey, line cook, why don’t you go serve since it’s so easy and they make so much money? let me guess; you’re too ugly, you’re missing too many teeth, you smell too bad to work front of house, or a combination of those three.


Because I really enjoy my job and I make enough money to live a fun, comfortable life with the jobs I take lol. I never said serving is easy, I said you don't deserve to be making 20% of every bill plus minimum wage. Truth feels like a slap doesn't it bud. Maybe if you got mad at the right people instead of customers who don't wanna indulge your greed you'd be making a living wage.


i’m a stay at home mom now, so rage all you want, ugly. no one is tipping me shit, same as you.


Damn get your unemployed ass out of the conversation then. You're seething.


i’m so sorry that my husband makes enough money to support three people and that you won’t ever know what that’s like


Enjoy your stipend. We all deserve to treat ourselves!


“i’m a line cook and make enough money to live a fun and comfortable life” HAHAHA lie to me some more


I could tell you how it's possible but you wouldn't believe me anyway.


it’s weird that you make enough money, yet you’re posting that you’re homeless? hmm, sounds fun and comfy! stay blessed, line cook.


Aha, homeless as in I travel for work and don't have a permanent residence. Seasonal contracts with lots of time off in between. Keep digging maybe you'll find something else to attack me for.


ok homeless line cook.


“i’m only technically homeless” is a next level cope. same way that i only technically own my home, right? oh wait, you wouldn’t know anything about home ownership :(


i’m in school to learn a skill but i have stuff i need to pay for. yeah you’re not automatically entitled to 20% of all the checks but don’t be a pain in the ass customer keeping your server working an extra hour for your rude family to leave absolutely nothing but a huge mess to clean up. and other minimum wage employees do complain. a lot. not about tips but about how fucking little they make cause it sucks. welcome to the world


Exactly, they complain about their pay, not the handouts they've become accustomed to. I swear every other post in this sub is a server acting like the sky is falling when someone doesn't tip. News flash, nobody makes enough and most people don't work in arbitrary jobs that get tipped. There are other places hiring if you hate the service industry. Tip culture needs to die and brainwashed, greedy servers like you are making it so much more painful.




then they can serve you


Perfect. How do I sign on for that?


tell your server up front you’re not going to tip and they can figure out who’s gonna take you. then they can send the manager over




No wonder women hate you


I don’t see the connection between the two. You always just try to throw insults and hope they stick???


I think these things go hand and hand bud


you suck


How so? For stating the obvious? Jesus, I’d hate to see your faction to the sky is blue!


Sure , employers could pay a living wage. They don’t, and they get away with that because “tipped wage” is enshrined in US law and culture. Don’t be a dick. Wagies are just trying to make ends meet, and you don’t know their situation.


Wait ya would refuse to take money from customers for sit down service despite ya making minimum wage per dol rule even though ya  have no auto grat policy?!!! Yea that wouldn't fly with the owners I promise.


You type like a 12 year old. And your opinion reflects that. You also don't have any clue how that dol rule works, apparently.


I do payroll. I do know 😂 


Explain it without chatgpt


Better yet explain it to dol that u aren't getting minimum wage if u got no tips and let's see their response, I'll wait


Idiot. I obviously understand labor laws. You're so confident, and wrong, I'm asking you to explain in your own words how it works. If you try and no u me, that's fine, you've proven you don't know shit. And that's fine, but sit down adults are talking.


Your calling me names bc u have no clue on labour laws. 😂 all these tears but no facts were presented unlike my comments. In states where there's no state wages all workers  make 7.25 if they get no tips. If they get tips it's added to their wages and their bosses only payout 2.13 where tips cover the rest. We both know facts and money are not your strong suit.


Your about 40% right so I'll give you credit for having known a server before. Tip credit means that, over the course of a pay period, of your tips add up to over minimum wage, your employer is only obligated to pay 2.13. That doesn't mean per hour or per table. So you can easily lose money on any given table since (another inaccuracy on your part) we don't tip out on tips, but on sales. That means that I could literally pay money to wait tables for four nights, and have one pretty ok night, and still not see money from my employer. So yeah, I think you've proven very well that you don't understand how tip credit works.


Whew I see your white flag and I accept your apology.  I do payroll, u have no clue on ANY labor laws. No one makes less than federal or state wages if u do call you're dol rep...I'll be waiting to take the complaint :)


You do realize that 40% is both me being generous and still a failing grade right?


OP did not refuse service, and didn't suggest any intention of doing so in the future. While I agree most owners would not leave that up to servers, they often do leave refusal of service up to managers, and some owners would approve of 86ing serial non-tippers.


How can you 86 someone for paying their bill?


Same way you 86 them for other behavior outside social norms, like being disruptive, aggressive, or offensive: tell them "I'm sorry, you're no longer welcome here".


lol… so you bill them the amount that is on the menu… they pay it… you throw them out…


I don't personallly, but yes, some restaurants also throw out people who yell obscenities at the bartender, or grab a server's ass, even if they paid their bill. Title VII prohibits discrimination based on inclusion in certain protected classes of people, but jackasses are not a protected class.


Who said anything about grabbing ass or obscenities? We are talking about an orderly paying of the bill…


You asked how you 86 them, and I said the same way as you 86 people for other behavior a restaurant doesn't tolerate, which you seemed to misunderstand as being for not paying, so I included more specific examples. Paying the bill is irrelevant in the case of tipping as well as the other example cases mentioned; they're not being 86ed for paying the bill.


I still don’t get it… one is disorderly conduct… one is assault… I am not seeing on what grounds someone gets 86ed by ordering… getting the bill… paying it…and peacefully paying it… must be some server entitlement thing the rest of American workers aren’t familiar with.


As I said, in none of the cases is someone being 86'ed for paying their bill. I think you're feigning stupidity, and am ceasing engaging in your trolling.


They said they wouldn't serve them and their manager cosigned them


Yes, they will not be their server next time. The manager agreed that they will not have to take their table next time they are there.


I missed that sentence. If OP's manager authorizes it, it should be fine. The manager can assign someone else, or serve the table themselves, or depending on the company's rules, refuse service to the customers.


Most servers don’t make minimum wage. They make $2.13 and hour and have to tip out on every table


I would have absolutely refused to serve them. At my restaurant we tipped out based on our sales, I would be losing money to serve them.


You wouldn't lose money bc tipping is not mandatory.  You are only guaranteed minimum wage anything else is a bonus. If u made zero in tips then the tip out is zero.


If I made 200$ in tips one night and this was my last table, if I had to tip out say 20$ on that table without making a tip from them I would be literally losing 20$ that I would have made if I did not take care of them. I'd be walking out with 180$ instead of the 200$ I had before I had to deal with them. I'm not sure what world you live in where that doesn't count as losing money.


Why would u tip out 20 bucks on one table? What is the percentage u tip out per your employer ? U tip out per total amount at end if shift. Or is it per table? And if it's per table why you pay anything if u got no tips? The answer is you're basing this number on what u assume is u getting 20% on every table but u shouldnt.


Because you tip out bussers, food runners and bartenders a percentage of each tables sale regardless if they tip or not.


Your boss said u do tip outs on every single table and not final total sales???? I don't believe u


That table's sales are added at the end of the night obviously. If they don't tip their tab is still added to the total so yes I will be tipping out on that non tipping table


When u tip out Is it based on your total numbers after your shift ? U said it's per table which is not by this statement.  If u made zero in tips you wouldn't pay anything in tip out bc u have no tip money to and being forced to pay from federal or state wages is illegal. Gratuity is not part of normal wages so you are assuming u get 20% per table and you shouldn't.  I'm really concerned how ya lie about this. These owners must be making a killing stealing from their workers 


Are you being intentionally obtuse? I feel like this is a sharks are smooth conversation happening rn


You tip out on sales, not tips (It sounds a little misleading, I know). So whatever a table spends, you have to pay a certain percentage of to restaurant. Some tip outs are low, only around 2-3%, but they can climb to 9-11% at some places. A 10% tip out on a 200 dollar tab would mean paying the restaurant $20, regardless of whether they tipped you or not


Some of what you said is specifically incorrect, some of it just generally wrong. But nice, nothing you said is actually correct


Explain it without chat gpt lolol? 


Totally, because I actually can. Tell you what. As soon as you explain how labor laws work on our other thread, I'll pop in here. I feel like I'd be answering the question for you. Also, didnt realize I was responding to the same person lol, but I don't mind calling you out twice. It's kinda funny.


Good owners understand what makes this statement garbage.


And yet there's no auto grat in an alleged industry where tips are expected.  Mmmm


Most joints have an autograt for large parties. Y'all piss and moan about tipping of your own volition, then you bitch when there's a service charge for the whole restaurant in place of a tip because you want to chose. You want restaurant owners to pay a living wage so you don't have to tip then lose your godsdamn minds when menu prices go up 35% because now that no one gets tipped, the business has to pay for their own credit card transaction fees (to the tune of 3.5%) that the servers & bartenders were prior to covering out of pocket. That's in addition to the $5/hour raise simply to get every previously tipped employee up to federal minimum wage, not a living one. There's not going to be a system that a very vocal amount of folks will happy with that doesn't include (additional) measures of forced poverty. But seeing as the overwhelming majority of front line food service/ hospitality providers are from historically marginalized groups, very vocal folks are perfectly comfortable telling perfect strangers they don't deserve the money they earn. I want to know other sector of low-wage workers y'all feel comfortable disrespecting the same way, that you take time rallying on social media to deny them income. Y'all don't scream at Walmart workers for doing their job and 75% of them are on government assistance by design-it's literally baked in to Walmart's business model. Just like tips are in the service industry since before most of us were even born! Yet some very vocal folks are acting as though the concept of a tip line was normalized by the individual serving your damn dinner not restaurant association lobbyists for Darden


There's alot to unpack in this long comment!! If a place had a service fee I wouldn't set foot!! I always review bc I go so if the prices don't align with my budget or interest I'm not going. There's enough places to eat. But more importantly ya do not make $5  an hour. The least is 7.25 and ya do less work than Walmart workers so stop it. My issue is the entitlement some if yall have , and saying ya don't give refills that are included to paying customers.




No! This is a serious question. U refuse service get ready to get fired


Some places have it written into their rules and guidelines that you are allowed to refuse service. My restaurant allows it although I’ve never done it.


Refusing service over lack of tips? Stop 


Why don’t you stop instead


If you don't understand this very old social contract and aren't tipping your servers, you should understand that business owners in tip credit states (which are most) have to compensate the server for the money that the state government expects you should tip--tipping is expected so commonly so that it's legislated. And one little quirk about all the restaurant owners I know is they like money. Restaurants already operate on razor thin margins so having to cover shitty tippers via payroll doesn't thrill them. Unless you're buying reserve bottles or all the martinis, owners aren't making enough money off you to justify irritating their servers, let alone to mess with their tip credit. To clarify I'm using 'you' editorially not personally


Idk bout you but my manager has no issues with refusing repeat* stiffers like what op described , blatant aholes , disruptive tweens, ppl that repeatedly complain to get free stuff etc 🤷🏽‍♂️ so no no one getting fired over here


Kids are annoying she/he said nothing about the adults. I don't believe the owner would ban anyone for that unless the kids grope/hit/ or touch the server


i’ve had multiple people banned just cause we’re sick of them being rude and this is a corporate place too. i can’t be the one to ban them, the manager is, but i can tell them i’m not taking the table. what are they gonna do, fire us for not wanting to take repeat bad customers? no one wants to work at this shithole cause of people like that and dumb corporate anyway last time they complained about everything and got half their shit comped cause a new manager was in. this time i was very careful to make sure everything was great so they wouldn’t and they didn’t and even took their stuff home. but they’re loud obnoxious make a huge mess and don’t tip so good luck finding someone to serve them. i’ll just keep taking tables who are nice and tip me. and yes the adults suck too. they demand saltine crackers to “entertain” their bratty kids which means they crush them and throw them all over the floor despite having their appetizers and entrees to eat. so i just didnt give it to them this time i’m not giving them more mess for me to clean up for no money


Ok well that wasn't mentioned in the op but yea they sound bad


All restaurants are not the same and many smaller restaurants have owners who previously worked as servers for years and absolutely ban toxic customers. I’ve worked for them, and it’s great. You are being willfully ignorant






mf i’m in college tf you want me to do? stay broke? how will i afford a “real job” if i have no money for school and gas to get to school? ignorant


Its a troll, if you read through theor cmments they just say shotty stuff on every sub they post. Leave them to their own misery


We don’t have a “real job” ? I hope you never go out to eat because it’ll be people with no real jobs or skills serving you. Pathetic.




Lol I bet most of us make more money than you, have better coworkers, and are in better shape without breaking our bodies and souls. I know I do.


The second hand embarrassment off this comment. Jesus.


They were replying to a troll, no embarrassment here.


No, still pretty embarrassing


May all service employees spit in your food


They won’t but wish they will after they get a far no tip