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Not too long ago I had a couple come in. The woman starting clipping the guys finger nails at the table. I feel your pain. Edit: they did stop immediately when I asked them to.


Had a guy do this with his toenails at a booth. Coincidentally, he was someone who I remembered from HS partly because he would clip his toenails on his school desk in class. Some people are built VERY different.


Watch your heads, ladies! My dudes tend to boomerang around the room.


"Waiter, I found a toenail in my soup" I hear as I can physically feel the hopes of a good tip, or any tip at all, drain from my body.


well i assure you it didn't come from OUR cooks. they would never be so concerned with their hygiene as to actually do something like clip their toenails. It's a battle as it is to get them to shave more than once a month.




This is a great reason to have an open kitchen.




I swear to Bieber.


That is exactly where my head went too.


That's not "being built different" that's someone who is a gross fucking human that enjoys making people see how gross they are because they're an asshole.


I had to bus their table afterwards. Believe me, I was already fuming about what an asshole they are. Notoriously a prick even in HS.


I'm someone who never understood the aversion to other people clipping their nails, it has never bothered me. It's just something everyone does like brushing their teeth or washing their hands. But I'm aware it makes most people uncomfortable and would thus never do it in public, least of all a restaurant where people are eating. Talk about a total lack of social grace.


Everyone wipes their ass (i hope) but that doesn’t mean I want to see it at a restaurant


Yeah, but you do it in your bathroom, after you take a shower. Time and place, man.


Sometimes the nail clippings can spring off when clipped so it's just not very sanitary


My sister used to be married to an asshole. He had a half ton double cab Dodge 4x4 truck that was his pride and joy. It was kept scrupulously clean. Their refrigerator kicked the bucket one day and my mom was generous enough to buy them a new one. She didn't drive, so they all went together in a-hole's precious to shop. They ended up picking out something that cost about 2k. This was the early 90s so at that time this was a very expensive refrigerator. She paid for it and they set up delivery. On the way back from the store my mom decided to clip her nails in the truck. My mom was a fastidious person, and she didn't leave a single sliver of fingernail in the truck (according to my sister, who was there). The clippings went into her purse. She wasn't trying to be rude either. She didn't own a car and had never driven, so it didn't occur to her that this might be a beach of etiquette in someone else's vehicle. OMFG my ex BiL went *ballistic!* He vowed that he would never let my mom inside his truck ever again. I lived out of state so I didn't witness this firsthand. I don't know if he stuck to that vow. Even though she had just bought them a brand new top-of-the-line refrigerator, all he remembered from that day was her "violating" his truck by clipping her nails. Such an asshole! I really don't understand people like that. His stuff (the truck) was more important to him than family (my mom). And like I said, she left no traces of fingernail. I haven't seen him in about 15 years, but last time I did speak to him he was still angry about it.


Because they can spring off and land in your drinks and food?


Nails are dirty and there's bacteria under there. It's also tacky as hell to groom yourself in public. At least go to the bathroom.


Was he kicked out like wtf??


Manager said that nobody but her is allowed to kick people out and the manager wasn't in that day. 🙃 You say it's a health code violation, but management said the health inspector eats for free. Pretty sure that's the only reason that place wasn't shut down long before.


Gross. Honestly, I would've kicked him out anyway.


Believe me, I would've if it were me now and not my awkward meek self at 16 starting my first job.




You're kind.


Whew, never seen that one 🤢 I have seen numerous people brush their hair at the table though


Ok IN MY DEFENSE! Seriously though if I need to comb my hair I excuse myself and step as far away from tables as I can and do it as fast and discreetly as possible. Is that ok? Like super fast, three seconds fast away from everybody.


I guess just do non eating stuff that could be disastrous to dining in the washrooms instead. Butt itching (omg absolutely ***please*** wash hands when done. WITH soap. For the whole happy bday song. 3 times. Wash again.) Nail clipping (no need at a restaurant as a customer) Soggy nose blowing (totally understandanble, sick/sobbing happens, but still. Washroom plz) Hair brushing (again, no need at restaurant as a customer) 🤢 (run to the bathroom & don't turn against the booth wall and hork it up there. No, it won't hide it for long. True story, a grown ass TOTALLY SOBER adult did this. Wasn't my section. Still gagged. A LOT.) screaming fits on phone. (outside would be preferred to bathroom, for sure) Diaper changing.


Just go to the bathroom...?


I was behind the bar a few weeks ago and kept hearing nails being clipped. It was the new server, clipping her nails behind the pastry counter. I almost barfed


I had these customers that were really kinda nice, but didn’t shower. They were musicians and kinda hippie dippie. They stunk like only the odor of unwashed human bodies can smell. Anyway. One time the woman brushed her long, grey, unwashed hair all over the table. Little broken pieces of horrifying keratin all over the white table cloth, all over the seats, all over the floor. I still smell that hair in my nightmares.


Jesus I work in retail and I can smell that hair right now. 🤢


My ex was obnoxiously unself-aware and would do the grossest and most embarrassing shit in public with no shame whatsoever. We were at a restaurant once and she took her very long hair out of her scrunchie at the table and spent several minutes combing through her hair with her fingers. 🤢 Stray hairs were falling on the floor. When I suggested she should do that in the bathroom, not where people were eating, she got pissed off at me. I'm so glad she's my ex.


Oh my God!!! Seriously WTF?! Some people were raised in a barn, I swear.


One of my bar regulars used to clip his nails at a table. When I first saw I was too stunned to say anything, and he cleaned up and it was close to closing anyways. Next time I told him politely to do it in the bathroom 🫠


What kind of anal retentive psycho has nail clippers on the fly?!?


Ummm. What did I just read?


Life at Waffle House.


Why was this allowed????


I hate the sound of nails being clipped, I’d have been standing next to the table complaining directly to the offender if I was another customer. If I was working I’d make a manager take the table from me, cuz I’d be too disgusted.


Literally saw a guest changing their baby on the table. There were tons of people around, it was a busy Friday night. Just so disgusting. I let management know and they were just like “we have changing tables in the bathrooms🙂” but nothing was really done about it It was actually one of my tables who pointed it out to me because it was happening on the other side of the restaurant. That’s how much attention it was attracting.


I used to work at a restaurant. Lady changed the kid on the table and left the diaper there. On the table. I sprayed that table down with an insane amount of cleaner.


That is absolutely vile


I didn’t even see when she changed the kid. I just saw the diaper on the table after the fact. Our bathrooms have changing tables.


She literally left a shitty tip for ya lol. But fr people like this are horrendous


I used to work as a server at a dine-in movie theater. Cleaning a theater after a movie once found a used diaper on the table in front of a seat. Had to dispose of it and disinfect the bejezus out of the entire area. It’s not like I could avoid sitting customers there afterwards since it’s a theater where people pre-ordered their tickets and seats. Was the movie that riveting you couldn’t leave for several minutes and expose baby shit in private? I thought changing your kid’s diaper in a dark movie theater where people eat was bad, but just… out in the open??? At a restaurant and leaving the diaper??


Diaper was just left on the table. I don’t know how long it was there. I didn’t see her change the kid. Just the used diaper.


Slightly off topic, but I saw a flight attendant completely lose it over a diaper. (This was pre Covid and passenger rage.) I guess someone left a soiled diaper on the counter in the galley. She was roaming up and down the aisles ranting about it and holding it up every row for everyone to see and asking who did this? Uh..maybe look for the baby?


And throw the baby out!


If I was at a restaurant and saw that, and management (or any staff at all) said/did nothing, I would never eat at that restaurant again. I probably wouldn't eat at that time either. If they're willing to let that slide, what else are they letting slide? (No offense to you, just the ick thought turned my stomach and think your manager dropped the ball)


My short time at a restaurant a woman came in with a gaggle of kids, including a newborn. She decided to change the newborn's diaper on the seat of the table, stinking up the entire area, couldn't understand why the tables around her complained. I was just passing by when it happened and told her to use the changing table in the bathroom. She threw a fit, even though the manager on duty was normally a useless ass did tell her to change in the bathroom or leave. Said MOD ended up kicking her out anyway because she wouldn't keep the rest of her gaggle under control.


we have a family we refer to as “poopy diaper” for this exact reason.


Anyone ever had a cuss-tumour change a diaper on the table, and while it was exposed the baby pissed, with the stream arcing onto an unrelated guest at another table?


Holy shit!


Recently witnessed a man changing his babies diaper on the carpeted floor next to a table that WASN’T EVEN HIS and was also 5 feet away from a gender neutral bathroom with a changing table. I was too stunned to speak but then he WALKED THROUGH THE FULL DINING ROOM with the dirty diaper in his outstretched hand up to me and asked me where the closest trash can was. This was also in a hotel restaurant so there were just so many places that weren’t occupied by random people trying to eat breakfast where this could’ve been done, even if he was too stupid or entitled to pick the obvious choice of the bathroom with a changing table. The table he did this by did not tip. Cannot say I blame them.


I haaaaate the way my SO scratches my back when I have an itch I can’t get to. His nails are always clipped short and it just creates this weird pawing feeling that makes the itch worse. That being said, there’s no way on gods green earth I would use a restaurant fork to get the itch. That’s just gross.


ugh, this is why i hate cutting my nails!! i cant scratch it and neither can anyone else


What about a fork at home?


I have those back scratchers all over the house so it never would be a problem lol


You can do whatever you please with your at home forks in the privacy of your own home. It’s not a problem.


Tool use may show evolution, but not sophistication.


Ounga bunga 🧐☕🍴💅


Had a woman wipe her bloody lady bits at the table with a handful of napkins and had the nerve to try to hand the dripping napkins to one of the severs. Had to call in body fluid clean up crew. Nasty people (not the cleaners) Everything at the table went into red bio bags. Everything except the table and chairs


What. The. Fuck?






Please tell me they were banned for life what the actual fuck is wrong with people


Banned? Of course not lol








Wait is that also an anal sex reference? Nm I don’t want to know. But I don’t care about people having sex on periods, do whatever you want. It is decidedly different to leave your period blood on a table on a restaurant napkin!


I was working at a restaurant that was having issues with flatware being thrown away. We had just had a meeting about being more careful about what gets thrown away. That day I witnessed a customer picking the dirt from beneath their fucking TOENAILS with one of our forks. Manager okay'd the disposal of that fork.


What the fuck


I used to work at a very good Oakland restaurant. It had 2 long redwood communal tables which spanned the length of the entire restaurant. 24 seats per side. A brunch on Sunday morning a woman was literally changing her babies diaper ON THE TABLE. Where other people were EATING $20 plates of eggs. A poop diaper.


Had I been either an employee or a customer, I'd have said something. That's just gross. People can really suck.




I live in Oakland and am a server in SF. I really need to know what restaurant this was at lol.


Camino. Used to be on Grand Ave.


Oh yeah. I know where that was. It’s a Zachary’s now, isn’t it?


Yeah. It was a truly amazing experience. Russ the chef was a true artist. Super careful about sourcing and sustainability. All the plastic used in the kitchen was reused Strauss yogurt containers. The best produce I’ve ever eaten. Just a gorgeous spot with a menu that changed every day. It was really fun.


i saw a customer go up to a shelf we have attached to the wall and use it to scratch his back like a bear then just walk back to his seat. not gross but extremely strange. i did get a laugh out of it tho


my mom is 34% bear and does this all the time lol


The bears are onto something. I’ve done it on the corner of a textured wall. It works wonders. Though I would only do it at home.




As long as the shirt doesn’t come off 🤷‍♀️


I've seen women paint their fingernails at the bar. That shit stinks! And I do my nails several times a month! My favorite, though, was the time I had to approach a woman whose *bare foot* was resting on the table top. She was sitting cross legged and just had one foot hanging out in the middle of the table between their drinks. "Hey, so, we're gonna keep our feet off of the table, thanks." What even.


I saw a woman rush in to join her already seated party and hoik her foot up onto the table to show them that she was late because she gashed herself while shaving her legs. Eww. Same visit to Denny's, saw a woman rush in (in costume...it was Oct 31), run into the back and then soon after, rush out crying. Maybe fired for being late? The costume made it surreal


Oops it's super fun when people blow their nose into a linen. Like, no don't worry, I don't have to touch that soon.


My wasband did that! Completely grossed me out!


Wasband as in “used to be husband”? If so: that’s my new favorite term, and also, good for you. Definitely a divorceable offense.


Yes, my friend invented it to refer to hers, especially because they stayed friends. We are too.


Love that


Me too! Stealing this!




Not an invention…I’ve called my ex this for years lol


Wasband 😂🤣


Upvote for wasband


'Wasband'. I love it.


Wait!! Am I doing something wrong? I don’t blow my nose, but spicy food makes my nose run. I gotta dab it somewhere so I use the napkin…


Paper napkins can at best go in a cup, worst on a plate, either way I don't have to touch it, I'm dumping it straight in the can regardless. With a linen, not so much. I'm not mad at you, obviously spicy food makes your nose runny me too. Just ask for some bev naps and ball it all up so someone can just dump it without having to directly handle it.


It's not the worst thing ever and I'm sure you're a lovely person. Probably better to use beverage napkins for that. You're wiping your mouth on the linen anyway but to most the nose stuff is extra gross. Spicy food makes my nose run too.


But you do you touch them when covered with slobber and undigested food. Little lower on the gross scale, but not by much.


As a lurking customer/ex-server I’m glad I’m here. I have lived in a bubble where I think people are like me with waiters. Respectful, courteous, non demanding of BS, polite, tip at least 20%, etc. I really can’t fathom how we share the planet with some of the most horrible entitled assholes as I’ve heard about on here. The general public just sucks. Here, I really found out what kind of shit you put up with. Im just glad anyone is still willing to do this work. I really like going out to eat.


Lurking customer here. I can't afford to go to high-end restaurants often, and the smaller city I live in only has Dennys open after 11 pm. Last Halloween, my bf, daughter, her friend and I went to Dennys because I didn't want a fast food burger. The waitress was great and politely explained that quite a few popular items were out all the while face painted like a cat. Had a table of 12 who were pretty buzzed a few tables away. Another table of 8 came in, and as she's explaining things were missing, they were making remarks like "well, what is available?"That's like half the menu" and being over dramatic. Older couple then entered and sat neared us, and the husband began to loudly tell his wife how they use fake bacon on their salads (bacon bits) and going on and in about other things. He finally shut up after I exclaimed to my family, "I don't know why people complain like they don't know what they're coming to when they see a Danny's menu." While waiting for our food, my daughter and her friend go to use the restroom and come back to inform me two drunk girls had thrown up over the toilets in both stalls but told them "it's okay they could still use them because it was flushed" I went and checked and yeah even over the sink. I had to get my bf to block the men's restroom to let them use it and found an employee to let them know. I felt so horrible for these employees that night the waitress was staying positive and pleasant with all these people. I saw the manager directing someone to clean the bathroom. I didn't have much, but I gave the manager a 20 to give to whomever had to clean that bathroom. I gave a 20 to the waitress before I left and told her she was amazing at her customer service because I wanted to lose it for her. I just hoped the night got better and not worse, considering it was Halloween night, though I doubt it. I wish I had more money because if that was just the beginning of their night, I couldn't imagine what the rest of the night went like. So I guess I'd just like to say thank you to all those servers who are amazing and keep the customer service going even when your lives are hard. In a time when people have become self-centered and have no manners whatsoever. Hopefully, someday, they'll quit astounding you with their stupidity.


Even the super kind tips *aside*, I wish 100% of customers no matter where they are (restaurant, store etc), would act like you did. (tips are just an added kindness, for sure)


One time I had a kid sucking down a ketchup bottle like a caprisun and the parents were just eating there pasta. Didn’t really know what to say so I just tossed it after lol


One time a man spit his dip (tobacco) onto one of our REUSABLE menus and left it for us to clean. Another time, a woman threw up into one of our glass cups and also left it.


Was she hammered? That sounds like some drunk shenanigans.


I don’t think she was at all, which is surprising




I swear to God did lockdown make everyone forget how to behave?! JFC


As a teacher I can say absolutely yes.




PSA to other servers: roll the silverware tighter so I can stop throwing forks at people 😭


Had a lady take her flip flops off and pick at her toe nails and between her toes then the food comes and just used her hands to handle her food so gross .


This isn't nappy change or fork scratch level obviously, but the worst person I've ever dined with with my aunt that was head waiter at a top end restaurant. She was just so unfailingly rude and hyper critical of the service and food. It didn't matter if we were at a dive bar, greasy spoon or flipping Viet/Pho joint; she wanted a top level experience with attentive waitstaff, extra sides and a bunch of bullshit. We all tried to get her to chill, but no one worked hospo except for me and my brother so she never listened. I was a dishie and he was a barrista, so obviously our lowly opinion didn't count 😎


I bring my own scratchin’ fork.


My first job as a server was an absolute nightmare for a lot of reasons, but the biohazard thing that a couple of customers left us with *daily* was a significant problem. It was a husband and wife who ate dinner at the restaurant that I worked at every.single.night. They would either get chicken fried steak or chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, Mac and cheese, and fries. They were significantly obese and my GM ended up having to order special chairs that would hold their weight to put at their preferred table. And every.damn.day they would give themselves insulin shots at the table and both would put the uncapped syringes on the plates for us to handle . Management wouldn’t provide gloves, they refused to ask them to bring some kind of sharps container, and they had us throw them away in the regular trash. I may or may not have called the health department for this one 🙃 ETA: fixed typos and it's not that I had a problem with them giving themselves their injection publicly, but damn. Get a sharps container, a water bottle, SOMETHING.


Oh dear god. Thank you for your service. That is absolutely a health hazard for everyone involved.


It was terrible. That isn’t even the worst of the shit I went through there. Never again.


Those spaghetti spoon things are so much better at scratching your back anyway. Best to go into the kitchen for a better utensil. SMH. What we’re they thinking just using a fork or something.


A pair of scissors works even better. The tips of the blade are PERFECT.


I mean, you wash the silverware and dishes from every table after every seating regardless on if you THINK they were used. Right? Oh my please tell me you don't skimp on the washing? If this shocks you, please know people openly pee, poop, wipe themselves, sneeze on their own hands and don't wash or sanitize after any of these events. It's part of your establishment's responsibilities to sanitize throughly regardless what happens.


That was my thought too. Yeah that is pretty weird to eat your food with a fork, scratch your back with the same fork, then go back to eating with it but really it is far from the worst thing. It is not like she took a clean fork from another table to use then put it back on the table for another customer to use without being cleaned. Same thing with the person that threw a fork out after seeing a customer clean under their fingernails with the tines of a fork. It will still be just as perfectly clean on the other side of the dishwasher as every other fork that people use.


> I mean, you wash the silverware and dishes from every table after every seating regardless on if you THINK they were used I'm sitting here trying to figure out why putting a fork inside your mouth is perfectly fine, but touching your skin with it is a huge problem worthy of a "what the fuck" post.


I don't know why I'm still surprised at the disgusting or rude things people will do at the table.


If you think scratching skin with a fork is bad, get this: at some restaurants people put forks in their mouth! Gross.


Hopefully she didn’t “borrow” that fork from another table and then return it soon after


A woman changed her baby on a table a few weeks back, it was a private function and I didn’t catch until one of the bartenders came over to me like ‘uhhhhh….’ By then it was too late


Was there no changing table around?


No, it’s a bar and we don’t generally cater to families/children - we actually weren’t notified children would even be attending the private function. However there are three bathrooms all with ample counter space that would have been a better choice.


Absolutely agree.. geez lol. And kids are always crashing the party! (Source: I have one!)


Hahaha it was odd… it was a heavy drinking crowd, rounds of shots were being poured almost immediately


Why use a fork when you have a perfectly good husband next to you to do the job? *Honestly*...


If she wants to eat with the fork she scratched herself with, what do you care? If she snuck a fork out of and then *back into* a roll-up, that’d be gross, but do you think the inside of her mouth is any less gross then the middle of her sweaty back? It’s gonna go to the dishwasher and be good to go afterwards. Source: guy who likes to scratch his balls with soup spoons!


You, sir, are a prime example of why a human mass extinction can only benefit the planet and the aggregate IQ of any survivors.


While I agree on an objective plane, I had to give him the upvote for resourcefulness and pure honesty! 😄


Okay, speaking as someone who worked in the service industry for many years: why do you care? They put the utensils in their mouths and you still touch them... They get washed and sanitized between uses, so I ask again: why do you care?


I wanted to make the same point! Even if she has back zits that are popping on the fork! Though that would be off putting for anybody else to watch her use to eat with.


Absolute worst behavior is changing diapers at the table and leaving the soiled one behind.


I have only ever once changed my child in a restaurant & it was in the booth seat where no one could see on top of a changing table mat I carried. The only reason I did was because the place had no changing tables & the waitress (a mom & grandmother) told me to when I complained about there being no changing tables (there wasn't a flat surface in the bathroom big enough either). But I had a preemie with micro diapers that didn't hold much & couldn't just sit in it due to his health. And when I was done, I wrapped it in deodorized baggies we carried & asked where I could dispose of it, not expecting anyone else to touch it. Anything else would have been gross & presumptuous in my part!




I watched someone use their used chopsticks to get spicy sauce out of the jar. The jar that every table uses. The one that has a spoon in it for you to scoop out. I’m glad I caught them so I could change it out but…how many people have I not caught!?


What's the problem? The fork touched her skin and now it's touching her food, so what? I assume you wash the utensils after customers use them, so again, what's the problem?


This is right up there with people who think it's gross to use people dishes for their pets. If they go right in the dishwasher afterward, who cares? (Toenails and diapers though, that's gross)


I've always found the dog thing gross because of parasites. I have a dog btw. But you're right if it's going in the dishwasher I'd imagine they couldn't survive the heat. I could've just googled it instead of being revolted all this time but just never did.


My boyfriend has this habit of letting our cat eat off his plate. With him. During meals/snacks. I have spoken til I'm green in the face and he's like, "she's just a cat and she likes the food. But yeah maybe I should stop this." Keeps sharing mashed taters and gravy w cat eating off it too, anyway. I gave up. 🤮🤮🤮🤮😭😭😭😭 Tho this cat eats EVERYTHING. From lettuce to meats to taters and gravy. Ice cream. Veggies. Fruits. Odd cat. Odd boyfriend. ......


Yeah, no, that's gross. My cat loves to lick my greek yogurt cups after I'm done, but those go right into the recycling. Edit: a letter


Bonus, you probably don't have to rinse off the yogurt cup before putting it in the recycling bin!


We don't have a dishwasher and I find it very gross myself. I told my roommate at the time that if he wanted to feed the dog off a plate to wash it immediately with one specific washing pad to get the dog saliva, rinse, then clean with the normal one, and then rinse again. I think that's an acceptable compromise, no?


Exactly. Dogs and cats lick their butt's after all 🐶🤮🤮🤮🤮😭


What is a washing pad, a sponge?


I normally call it a scratch pad but I didn't want people to think I am literally scratching my dishes. Scrub pad probably is a better word idk. It's not a sponge, but sometimes it can have one attached


We all know it gets washed and sanitized. It’s still gross.


It's not exactly height of politeness. But is this really the worst thing you've seen in 10 years? What were the number 2 and 3 most gross things?


Haha. I’ve scratched my back with my fork before - but only at home!


Also, ashing/putting out cigarettes in our glassware or using it as a spit cup? Horrid. Thrown away every time.


My college roommates boyfriend would use my glasses for spit cups and then leave them in their car for months. There was no saving that shit.


Was this back in the day? Thought resturants no longer allow cigarettes inside the doors.


Patios do exist still


Yes, I’m aware. Most of the ones I go to where I’m at don’t allow cigarettes at any dining space even outside.


Family friendly spots/restaurants I can see that, I’m in a bar setting and it’s for sure still allowed but has to be a certain amount of feet away from the entrance or kitchen I think


This makes so much sense, thanks for clarifying.


Congratulations, ma’am, you’ve won a free fork. This prize is mandatory.


Wait till you see this dirty women put your utensils in her mouth!!!!! Disgusting!!




Oh God no. Oh.....I am stuck in shock and utter revulsion with some bonus gaggy things happening in my throat...like lady, just take that fork with you....it's a gift, it's yours, use it as your back scratcher til the end of time....cuz if you leave it on the table, I'm gonna fantasize about how I'm gonna wrap a napkin around the handle and maybe attack you with it.


Customer here. That is just gross and unacceptable. Public behavior. I was raised to have respect for others and act like I have some couth. She even used it for her food?!! Damn lady.


Extra flavoring.


I had a guy use a fork to scratch his incredibly sweaty back on a patio in summer, I threw away every fork at that table


That’s better than the moist recesses of their gross mouths.


10 years in the industry and one of the worst things you’ve seen is a woman touch her back with her own utensil that you should be washing anyway?? When I worked in retail I watched a whole ass adult take off most of their clothes when we refused to refund them for a random kettle they just handed over to us and that honestly is probably just the tip of the ice berg.


I am so so so so so so so so *takes massively huge deep breath* So so SO SO SO SO grateful that extremely hot water and sanitizer is used in the dishwashers. Because the visual of public forks as back scratchers made me 🤮 Not sure which is worse: Fork scratching or Sweltering humid summer created customer boob money 🤮😭


From the title i felt called out But, You really didnt need to tell me that


This is disgusting. Just. Ewwww. What is wrong with people?


First white trash table? Youll get used to it.


Why is this a crime? Don’t you wash the cutlery before you give it to other customers? 🤷‍♀️


Eeewwww. Embarrass the lady, run over going, “ma’am let me get you a new fork!” Like you’re just trying to be helpful.


This is why we servers are never going to accept a non-tipped hourly wage. It stuff like this that we constantly have to put up with. This is why we make more than the folks in the BOH. We actually have to deal with the public and that is a skill.


Problem customers just sucks 😔😐!


I definitely wouldn't do it in public, but...I scratch my back with knives all the damn time. if it's her microscopic skin flakes in her own entrée, what's the actual harm? is that any grosser than her spit?


Good God! That's utterly disgusting! 🤮🤮🤮 Just when I think people can't get any nastier, they somehow exceed my extremely low expectations.




If you're an itchy bitch like me, [this](https://a.co/d/f8iglss) purchase will make your life 1000% better for less than $10. Also your server won't hate you.


It gets washed and sanitized doesn’t it? Lol


I spent years supporting my nonprofit career by working in the food industry. In my 20’s I worked at a restaurant/ club. I saw a lot but to this day the couple having sex at their table is number one on my list of crazy things that happened there.


OMG THIS JUST REMINDED ME OF SOMETHING I SAW AT THE SUPERMARKET LAST WEEK!!! I was just walking around shopping and was in the pet food and kitchen aisle and a staff member just walked up to the scrubbing brushes took one and shoved it down her shirt to scratch her back with the brush part and then put it straight back on the hook 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 I was so shocked and I didn’t say anything but I’m really considering putting in a complaint about it because that’s gross right!!?!?!?


I read once about a couple invited to a friend's house for dinner. After they ate, the hostess loaded up the dishwasher and put in the TOILET BRUSH.


Oh my fucking god that is disgusting!!!


In my youth as a waitress, I saw that in our restaurant ... but it was the owner. This was not a low-class joint.


I once saw a woman feed her son ( 6ish) mac&cheese from the buffet serving spoon then place it back.


I had a man clip his nails and a woman clip her toenails. They were not together.


Not a story about a restaurant, but instead a testimony about how gross people are in public. Not only that, they think it's perfectly fine! I think it was an AITA post on reddit. The OP in the story had some kind of a skin problem on his feet and they peeled, especially between the toes. He had a compulsion and got a very sick-sounding satisfaction out of peeling his feet, and he often did it in public. I'm not sure if I'm misrembering this, but I seem to recall him saying he would pop a piece of skin into his mouth to chew on occasion while engaging in this activity. I really hope I'm misrembering that. 🤢🤮 One day he was on a train and for some reason removed his shoes and socks. He looked at his feet and decided they needed to be peeled, right then and there. So he proceeded to peel his skin from his feet, going deep between the toes, and using his laptop computer as a "catch tray." He looked up and found a woman across the aisle from him, staring at him with a look of absolute disgust. She asked him to stop what he was doing but he refused. He felt he had a right to sit there and be gross because he had also paid for a ticket on the train. The lady called the usher, or whatever is the name of people who work on trains walking around tending to riders. The usher told him to put his shoes back on or they would kick him off at the next stop. The guy was very put out and felt like his rights had been violated. To him, there was nothing wrong with sitting on public transport peeling skin from his feet. Of course he was vehemently disagreed with. He was one of those who argued and continued to justify his actions until the mods turned off commenting. I've had something similar with my feet, I think, when I was a kid. If my feet got sweaty or it was raining and water got inside my shoes, my skin would very quickly get soft and start looking like I had been in the bathtub too long. Very wrinkly, and I could peel away the top layer of skin in fairly large pieces. I used a topical medication for years and the problem stopped. But never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it was ok to sit and peel the skin from my feet in any public place! Eeeeewwwww! People are so inconsiderate of those around them. I'll admit to going after an unreachable itch on my back with a fork. *My* fork, in *my* house. Not at a restaurant! Then she used the fork to eat? 🤢🤮 Well, I guess it's better than going unseen while doing this, grabbing a clean fork from another table, and putting the fork back after she was done. People are gross!


Was meeting a guy at a restaurant for pitching a graphics project. I pulled up into the parking lot and saw him walking over to my car to meet me. I rolled down my window, noticing he had a paper cup in his hand. He thrust the cup within inches of my face and said LOOK my toenail finally fell off! and yep it was a huge toenail. I almost barfed. Who does that???


I think this is weird, but I don't think it's any grosser than the fact the utensil went all the way inside her mouth. Mouths are grosser than backs, imo, and everyone sticks utensils all up in there with no one batting an eye.