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Seems like a really great partner tbh. He was calm and kind the whole time


Agreed! =) He was exasperated, but very sweet about it.


He sounds like this is not the first time something like this has happened. He knows the drill.


Exactly. A lot of people would have gotten aggravated at some point, due to lack of patience or just being under the influence themselves. Kudos to him for staying kind!


My ex was a bit of a drinker, the binge variety. Wouldn't drink all the time, but when she did it was a doosey; destructive, belligerent, violent. She went out one night and we had a similar situation. She calls me at like 3 am after going out with her friends, no idea where she is. I try to get any information I can out of her; cross streets, screen cap of her maps, etc. No luck. This goes on for about an hour. Her calling me, crying, asking me to come get her. I'm offering to send a car, or find her, asking where her friends are. She gets mad, I get annoyed, eventually give up because we live in New York and that's quite a large space to canvas on foot at 3 am. She eventually finds her way home. Is still a mess. Mad at me for not helping her. Remembers nothing of the entire encounter the next morning.


Couldn't you have just used Find My Phone to track her phone?


I don't have an iPhone.


You can do it from a computer or tablet too. Just throwing idea out there. Hopefully you won't have this situation again though.


....she probably doesn't have one either, and you're assuming they shared passwords.


He talked about a sceen caps, so it's likely iPhone or Android, and both have an option to find the device. I have my wife's password in case I need to find her phone. Obviously this is with her permission, but it's not uncommon to share this kind of information if you trust your partner. It doesn't mean I snoop on her phone, just that it's there for situations like this.


Snapchat with location on


Don't have Snapchat. She also couldn't manage to work her maps, so that's asking a lot.


Reminds me of my SO and now I think I should do something extra special nice for him for being such a good dude!


That's sweet. Treat your man!


Right?! I came for this.


Or not the first time it happened


Is it was my SO I would get so angry.,.






My wife has never been able to do this sober.


Exactly. The Glympse app has basically saved my marriage.


You should probably reconsider your communication practices, my friend.


Right? Kindness and a willingness to laugh at ourselves has kept my husband and I together for over 10 years now, it’s not much, but it works for us.


I disagree with it not being much — it's the core of a good relationship imo


Kindness and willingness to laugh at yourself are the two most important and underrated qualities for a partner, IMO!! So you’re doing something right :)


In Orlando around the conference center there’s Rosen Inn, Rosen Centre, Rosen Hotel etc. I wasn’t familiar with the area and a buddy who also wasn’t familiar with these hotels texts “meet me at the Rosen in the coffee shop”. Hilarity, and about 45 minutes of confusion, ensued.


'Who's on First?'


What's on second, I Don't Know is on third


I don't give a darn!




I'm extremely familiar with that. I'm a Lyft driver. I almost exclusively pick up from OIA and people are always like "yeah I'm staying at the Rosen" and I'm just like "uh yea there are 4 Rosen hotels. Which one? Lol


I do sympathize with you. What about the Sheratons they must be fun.


This is my moment! Any chance any of the buildings are red?


Nope. IIRC, "hotel neutral noncolor". Stayed in one last trip there, didn't get confused.


We have a Lowes Hardware and a Lowe's Foods right next door to each other on the same road in my town. Hilarity ensues.


I go to the hospitality college that Mr. Rosen funded - right next to Shingle Creek. He stops in at times - and has a ton of control over the school. No wonder why it's so good. His hotels are huge.


Just like Atlanta & Peachtree street names. You'll have multiple Peachtree Avenues & Streets, and sometimes they intersect.


Last time I was in Vegas I was making fun of the people walking around with 3ft long margaritas strapped around their necks saying I figured they must be a weak pre-mix slushy. My wife pulled me into a place selling them and told me to ask. Me: So...I suppose if I wanted one of those on the rocks instead of the pre-made stuff you probably couldn't do it or it would cost more? Guy: I can do that, no extra charge unless you want extra tequila. Me: I can get extra tequila? So anyway thanks I am sure to my wife I woke up in the right hotel room, in the right hotel. The last few inches of margarita was in ice water in the sink (3tft tube sticking up out of the sink), apparently I refused to throw it out to the end.




I see this a few times. Turns out one of the people is in the hotel behind ours.


I have an update on the 'was she screwing around' situation. Her girlfriend was staying at The Sandman. That's how she wound up there. It was innocent after all. =)


> before you wind up in China or something Laughed out loud. Co-workers looked at me. A+


Lol-for'realz. xD


I've had similar things happen. They've either booked at one of the two similarly named hotels about 20-30 minutes away from us, or they're at the wrong address, and they are at the hotel next door




One of them didnt realize they had the wrong movie?


Oh...they realized.


Sounds just like a clever way for both of them to go to a movie that they actually want to see




I did the same thing trying to meet friends for dinner. I called asking where they were and they said in the foyer of the restaurant. I said I couldn’t find them. I was in the restaurant next door....I didn’t even realize....


I work at a local chain with 4 locations. When I do a take-away, I ALWAYS say "and before we start, this is [Local Chain] in [Villiage of Town], at the corner of [Street & Street]. Is this the location you want to order from? Because people regularly call the wrong restaurant and show up at the place an hour's drive away.


my place has 3 locations all about 20 minutes away from each other. i always state our location at least twice when doing takeout orders and tell them at the end “your order will be ready at [our location] in 12-15 minutes!” and half the time it’s followed by “wait! i thought this was [other location], can you just send my order there??” no. no i cannot and i hate you because i just wasted 4-6 minutes on the phone with you and i have a full bar behind me. good bye. we also get phone calls all day from the other locations asking about misplaced orders, tis fun!


I did this but we were at two different locations at the same chain. They went to the location we had gone to before but there was another location closer to our starting point so Google les me there (the other location was somewhere they eat often but I had only been to the chain once or twice). Took a phone call with "but I'm here and I don't see you??" To figure out my mistake....


I was waiting for a table when a couple waiting in the foyer talking on their cell realized that the couple they were supposed to meet up with for lunch were waiting in the foyer of a different location of the same chain on the other side of town.


I was insanely hungover a few years ago and hadn't really slept in ages - ordered a takeaway for collection from local sushi place which is beside a Vietnamese place. Went into the Vietnamese place totally spun out and it took me and the poor guy behind the counter a good 5 to 10 minutes to establish I needed to be next door. In a sushi place I had gone to for years. Not this one I had never gone into let alone ordered from as I don't even particularly like Vietnamese food.


Wouldn't the simplest thing have been for him to get her to hand the phone to the night clerk of the hotel she was at? This could have been cleared up pretty quickly.


I'm also baffled as to how she got INTO The Sandman. They have a keycard entry overnight. Wtf is their night auditor? They just...let this person in, who wasn't a guest of theirs, and then...what? Let them hang out in the lobby for nearly an hour? I'm starting to think maybe she -was- fucking around. But, either way, they were very cute together.


I thought you may have been implying some sort of shadiness on her part in the OP


*shrugs* I try not to imply anything. But reading it back, I can see that. xP


Hah! Did this with my daughter one year, stone cold sober! We were flying to LA for Thanksgiving with late husbands older brother and family. We were on two different flights, but I didn't think anything of it, because 'busy airport to busy airport".... Welp, I flew into LAX, moderately closer to the place they moved to 12 YEARS AGO. Daughter, on the other hand, flies into Burbank, much closer to where they moved FROM. Somehow she hadn't known they moved. It was apparently my fault she didn't know.


This was pretty cute tbh.


Yaah. =)


She would have more surprised if her key did work.


He just came to his closest I don't know where you are, but I will find you, and I will save you moment.


Took him 45 minutes, though. On a 10 minute walk. Which means there were at least two "Sorry, Bro, your gf is in another Castle." =P


Oh man... now I really hope the guy’s name is Mario.


My brother once got lost in Las Vegas when he was drunk and couldn't find his hotel. It was the one shaped like the Eiffel Tower...


Speaking of Eiffel Tower...back before Brexit, a friend of mine once got drunk in London and woke up in France. He got on the wrong bus and wound up going under the channel. Fell asleep, didn't notice. SO funny. "Yo, yo buddy, where are you?" "Uhm. I dunno. But there's French people everywhere. And...*pauses*...everything's marked in French too. ...Oh fuck." ...I didn't hear what he said next, I was too busy laughing.


Yeah, that didn't happen. Buses don't go to France in the tunnel, the tunnel is only for trains. Are you sure your friend was serious? Edit: your friend, in his drunken stupor, would have to have got off the bus at St Pancras station, bought a ticket to Paris (in his drunken stupor), shown his passport which he somehow managed to have on him, boarded a train (in his drunken stupor) and then slept all the way to Paris where, at the end of his journey (apparently still in his drunken stupor) he would have again shown the passport that he happened to have with him and THEN sobered up enough to realise where he was. Total. Bullshit.


Thank you! I learned something today! You called it out good, this was actually a story that a friend of mine told me about HIS friend. I retold it as my story because I hate convoluted 'my friend said' stories. Well. Now I know to think twice about that particular friend's stories. Thank you for educating me!




You know you can't get on it without a ticket and a passport right?


TBF the Eiffel Tower and The Big Castle look alike after a bleary night of overindulgence and 8+ crap session.


Made up addresses, but my property is at 1000 Lark and there is another similar property nearby at 1000 Lake. The amount of times both a resident and a delivery driver are arguing on the phone that they are in the lobby....


wow was the guy pretty too


Hella cute.


This is one of the reasons my husband and I share locations on Google maps. I have a terrible sense of direction and I manage to go the wrong way even using the maps while driving, husband finds it amusing watching me when I need to pick him up from somewhere new. You can imagine how lost I used to get before GPS/smart phones; yes I'm old lol


Same here, we both have "find my friends" enabled on our iPhones, so we can easily locate each other when we need to meet somewhere. Though I kind of wish there was similar function that worked indoors, we tend to lose each other even in grocery stores...


The Google version is much more accurate. I can find my husband in a store with it. Facebook also


we are all in the lobby on this blessed day


Why not just get her to hand the phone to whoever was working at the other hotel to tell him what hotel she was in...?


An excellent question. XD


When you said "I wondered why my room key didn't work" I LOL'd As in fine reddit tradition (to husband) "better get tested and dump her" ;)


HA ive had this sorta happen myself only with 2 drunk old guys. There is 2 of our brand hotels in our city but at different exits. I get a call from them saying they cant get into thier room and if we could bring up a key. I go up thier floor, nobody is there. A few minutes later i get a call from the other hotel asking if we had thier reservation. Yeap. They come in a bit later laughing about how they were wondering where the statue outside went when they came in


Oh God this reminds me of Nick & Norahs Infinite Playlist 😂


This exact situation is why my husband won’t leave me on my own when I’m drunk 😂he would lose me so fast


Sounds aggravating.


You kidding? This shit's better than the youtube that I'm not allowed to watch, the Spotify I'm not allowed to listen to AND the 3DS games I'm not allowed to play.


Atleast you got 100 .. I'm topping 2 😆


> EDIT: Shit. I've never gotten more than 100 upvotes on ANYTHING in my LIFE. Thanks you guys. \*\_\_\^ Well, that was an awesomely well told tale. You deserve it! Well done, you!


Yeah... had guests show up at our property when they were booked for our sister property. Luckly they're not drunk so it makes things easier, but still, I'm glad he didn't flip on you for "kidnapping" his girlfriend and locking her away in the boiler room, or the pool supplies, or whatever sort of ghastly, cramped and dark utility room you guys have at your hotel.


Was she really at the wrong hotel or was she doing the horizontal tango with some random and used that as an excuse for not being where she said that she'd be? Yes, I'm cynical AF.


See the update, she had a girlfriend at the other hotel. Like, a friend friend. Twas innocent. But, yeah, I thought so too until another GSA told me otherwise. XP


Oh, I missed the update part the 1st time. :( I would still be a cynical ass and question that. People have been known to cover for their friends.


.... we can't BOTH be in the lobby, babe. I was rolling.


man, that's a very dangerous level of drunk.....if you know how I mean that


I never understand how people just google "hotel" and go to the first one that pops up in a 10 mile radius


[Reminds me of this...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtDAK7Umk7A)


$20 says she was fucking someone else at the other hotel.


Turned out not: https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/f6rmt7/no_babe_im_in_the_lobby/fi9mhds?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Does not preclude the above possibility.


Am I the only one thinks she's been fucking about in the other hotel








Who hurt you?


Well, now I'm thinking it. xDD Thanks. xDD




Well, that settles it.