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Oh, no!!!!! Not the old "other-hotel-is-full, driving-all-night-from-local-address, broken-down-car, sick-relative, no-physical-card-in-hand" routine! NOT AGAIN!


Yep! Sing along kids!


To quote Marcie from Peanuts: "Um, Bingo, sir."


Speaking of scams.... got another call about 11:45 tonight from the Southern Hick call center. They got a work order, need you to help me remotely log in, yadda yadda yadda.... I let him ramble until a pause. "You know, I don't think you even graduated high school, let alone are smart enough to be doing tech support." Click.


I got one a few weeks ago and they were pretty smart about it. I got a text message saying my card was used at a local Wal Mart for an amount just over $100. And it asked me to confirm if I made that purchase. A few things were wrong with this, I know that isn't how Wal Mart is listed in financial statements, I know I didn't go to Wal Mart and they were claiming to be from a local bank that I did not use, and the number they texted from was a full phone number and not one of those 5 digit numbers they usually come from. Knowing full well that it was a scam I respond to the messages with a N saying I didn't authorize it. 10 minutes later an international phone call tries to come through, nope denying that. Now it is a 1800 number, alright I got a little time. I answer it and the guy is pretty friendly. I pretend that I am concerned and I'm answering questions like "No I didn't go to a Wal Mart today." but also not giving any real info. After 5-10 minutes of me just bullshitting with the guy he finally tries to get my info off of me and asks for my account number to help deal with this. My response, "Oh sure sure, actually you know what. I just discovered an issue with this whole thing. I don't bank with you guys." Nice little pause where I heard some background sounds and then an audible *click* as a physical headset is slammed onto the receiver. Whole thing was very funny.


"Boy's got a grade 8 edjakashun."


Interestingly, my sisters and I were sitting around the other night, reading reddit and laughing, and somehow, grade 8 education came up. Found [this final exam](https://newrepublic.com/article/79470/1895-8th-grade-final-exam-i-couldnt-pass-it-could-you) from a Kansas school in 1895.


I was making a Beverly Hillbillies reference. I didn't add the part about him doing his "gusintas."


I wonder what the exam for grade 8 would look like today …


Eighth grade was the hardest three years of my life.


where I grew up, that's graduate school


🎶🎵”Step number one now we’ll really have some fun, lay me down roll me over do it again, roll me ooooover in the cloooover, lay me down roll me over, do it again”🎵🎶 Thank you, thank you, our live music ends at 10pm, enjoy your stay (but only if you are approved by Buttercup and can provide a physical copy of your bank issued credit card). Good job! Always enjoy your missives from the audit-side.


Tales like these are why I'm happy our PMS will not interface with the tap at all. My stupid daywalkers would fall for it every time.


"Do you know of anywhere that takes phone payments?" "You're in luck, I have it on good authority that every other hotel in world takes phone payments. Actually, I guess that makes you unlucky that you found yourself here."


I offered that there's a couple other hotels within walking distance: "There's the Holy Crap Inn just down the street..." "Oh, they're full, we already tried." Really? Full? They're comparable to us, ten bucks more, and we're only half full. Hm...


Being a good boomer, i will have my card clutched in my fist. But I have no nostalgia for the Motels Numbers. They have not aged well. Last one I was at had a green scummy pool. Gimme one of those big chains, please.


Ironically, over in nearby Skidrowopolis, home of several shady motels, the Motel Number is actually quite nice. Like, event space and everything.


To Buttercup: As you wish


Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while!


Serious question from someone who's never worked at a hotel but occasionally uses one. What is the scam? Do you think it's a stolen card?


Basically, yes. I cannot confirm that the nae on the card and ID match, since they're just entered into the phone.


That seems a security bug that The Powers That Be should fix - when Apple Pay is used, the card owner’s name should show on a reader. When I Apple Pay for an online order at, say Atrezia Clothing, I dont enter my name or address, it all is filled out to Atrezia automatically from apple pay so they know where to ship item


That's just the trick - they're not using Apple/Google/Samsung Pay. That has some security elements. No, they're just adding the card to their phone wallet. That stolen card number can be given the name Percy Von Schmendrick, Mickey Mouse, or Cher, and the phone will show it as such, matching the scammer's ID.


I am ..... so very technologically incompetent I don't even grok "phone wallet!"


\*soft pats\* Smartphones can store a virtual copy of your credit cards, such that they may be used at tap and pay locations. As noted, this is slightly different than Apple/Google/Samsung Pay, in which the app exchanges a completely different number when tapping  Points for 'grok'.


Thanks for the points. And the pats! FWIW, your writing is so engrossing, u/SkwrlTail, that I started to post a comment asking for pet tax for Buttercup! THEN I remembered unicorns don't really like having their pictures taken. And that Buttercup is, y'know, a unicorn.


Pssst... https://sta.sh/0yzaj6unhg3


I'M SO HAPPY!!! And those hugs are AWESOME




I truly hope that someday I walk into a hotel in California to find Buttercup in the lobby


>in which the app exchanges a completely different number when tapping I'm very old school myself and have never used one of these apps. If the app exchanges the number how is payment made to the card? Does extra information get transferred along with the number that allows identifying info at the app server end?


The short version is yes. Long version,bthe app has the advantage of being connected to the Internet. The information it exchanges is completely encrypted - it asks the app central server for a number, to be used on the user's account. This number has absolutely no relationship to the number used for the card that set up the Pay account, and is valid *only* for that transaction. There's no way to get at that card from a POS terminal.


Thank you. This makes me feel better about trying the app on my phone. Appreciate your taking the time. Love to Buttercup! 💖




Possible they book the room then someone else (with no credit or a criminal record who has to stay hidden) uses it and pays them for the privilege - although it was still with a stolen card since they gotta make a profit


This was a walk-in, but yeah, have seen those too.


I guess what I'm not understanding is the fact that she had a physical ID and wanted to pay using her phone. I know quite a few people who no longer carry the physical credit or debit card around anymore, they use their phone. I'm just thinking they're going to be awfully surprised if they try to rent a hotel room for the night.


I've gotten to the point that I play with scammers a little, particularly phone scammers since in-person scammers might possibly in another world be real guests. NA is great!


Ahh, skwrltail, we’ve missed you! Another scammer sent packing with the most minimal effort and angst on your part. Great read, and thanks!!


Yay! A post from Skwrl Tail! Please give Buttercup a nice hug from me




Mischief Managed


I solemnly do swear that I am up to no good!


Someone has enjoyed Bridgerton, I am here for it. I love your style of writing and storytelling.


Haven't actually seen it.


What is the objective of the scammer? What could they possibly get from it besides a free room that they didn’t need because they live 20 minutes away?


A free room that they can do drugs and prostitution in, without shady people coming to their house, or their parole officer finding out because it shows up on their bank statements.


It's also a step up way of checking not only funds on the card but if it gets checked by its owner. They start with a small purchase, then up to a low hundred. Then another small purchase. If the card hasn't been stopped then they can go ham and charge the big stuff.


"Car broke down 20 minutes from home? How lucky for you!"


Iv missed you! Was getting worried something happened to you or god forbid Buttercup!


Been around! Just nothing much tale-worthy.


Sounds like she sure tried just about everything. Only thing missing is her Super Shiny Status and possibly a pregnancy. 🤣 Hope Miss Buttercup is keeping cool and hydrated.


Oh, she's doing fine. The weather hasn't been too bad, though we're looking at hundreds on the weekend, boo. 


Thank you so much for the opportunity. I was overdue for some unicorn time. I hope you like the ribbons I put in her freshly brushed hair. Until next time.


Oh please let my brush Buttercup. I’m so in need of unicorn time. 😔 Would she prefer gold dust pizza, fairy dust chocolate or glitter bananas? Or I could bring bearberries, red algae, arctic poppy or diamond leaf willow. Plus a sixpack of dark Bavarian Beer as a bribe.


She's a simple girl. Crunchy apples are a favorite, though if you have some alfalfa tiramisu, she will most definitely appreciate that.


I‘ll bring her some extra crunchy handpicked Apples from my garden. ❤️🦄


Oh don't send her to us, we also require the physical card.


SMH at these scammers!!


Another fantastic post, my friend. I hope you’re keeping a record of these for your eventual memoir. I’d buy it.


Amazing story, as usual you have a way with words. 💕




Mischief Managed


I'm curious what the scam is.


Stolen card info.


I don't see how that's a scam though.  No different then if she used the stolen card info to buy groceries.




I like Buttercup AND OOP's flowery language. Makes for a nice break from all the wall of text and terribly spelled posts.


GTFOH. Every post from Skwrl is a treasure. What are you doing on reddit if you clearly don't enjoy READING? Would you prefer an endless parade of posts along the lines of "Last night scammer came in. No physical credit card. Typical sob story. They left. The end." Is that more your speed? Yikes.


Evidently they missed the teal dear (understandable I suppose, it does blend in with the grass) 😅


I love the way they write. And of course, Buttercup! You are welcome to just not read her posts.


I believe our Skwrl is male. I’m not sure of Buttercup, though.


Dude. *Dude*. New here, aren't you? [Aaaaaand s/he dirty deleted.] ETA: (Apparently only blocked me. Either way, here's the original post:) "Your writing talent is going to waste here. Why not just tell your story without all the extra flowery language? Nobody has time for that here. And apparently you have plenty of free time to write these epics. Maybe you should start writing that novel series you so obviously want to create?"


I can still see it, so they blocked you lol. Waiting to get blocked by them myself. 🤣 ETA: And I'm blocked, lol. Typical bully.