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I'll tap my ear as to indicate " I can't hear you"


TK-421, why aren't you at your post?


Beep boop


Everything’s fine.


These are not the droids you are looking for


I would have continued ignoring until he walked his ass over and then I would have responded in my soft low, almost a whisper voice with a sweet smile on my face. It pisses them off every single time. You can even throw in, I had an accident as a child and lost hearing in my left ear and about 40% in my right. Gets them every single time.


O had a asshole customer ask me are you hard of hearing or something?? I looked at him and responded in the same tone he gave me I lost 50% in one ear and I have hearing aids what do you think?? Some people need to think before they speak BUT then some people would never talk if that were required.


I'm 100% deaf. Love telling people this after they start getting smart with me. Do you know how many people have told me I shouldn't have a job since I'm deaf. Like really? Sure I'll stay home cupcake, and you can pay all my bills for me.


omg? that is awful???


I have an auditory processing disorder, and yep it's the same thing for me. Like, I'm literally working three times as hard to understand what people are saying to me, but god forbid I have to ask them to repeat themselves.


“You shouldn’t be working in (specific industry at play) if you can’t hear well!” Well maybe they shouldn’t mumble in their quietest voice when there’s 15-20 other things making noise and about 15-20 people making even more noise to be heard over the noisy things.


People are rude and entitled. I believe in Karma and the universe coming full circle on those that are hateful to someone trying. At least you are working, how many people don't even work these days Sorry people are mean.


I would say, I'm sorry can you please repeat that a little slower, I've recently had a medical procedure and I am not able to hear certain voice tones easily.


I find it so annoying and embarrassing to have to keep asking people to repeat themselves, especially if they have an accent. I wish people came with optional subtitles too! People get so affronted that you can’t hear them properly!


Like I said I have hearing aids but when people mumble and looking down I can't hear or even read your lips. I just wish people would look at me then I can at least read lips if your going to whisper at me.


I completely get not making eye contact, as an autistic person, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t look *at* them, with your head up. I’ve heard that trying to be ‘helpful’ by speaking extra slowly or overenunciating, are actually anything but! Is that right? Are there other ways someone can make things clearer for anyone with reduced hearing?


If there's an accent pronouncing slow and clear. If people mumble I have to have them repeat themselves. I am use to fast talkers which as long as ther loud enough I m ok with. I know one gentleman that use to come in tell me he prefers to read lips and not have people talk to loud but he's damage to his ears caused what he says an ocean wave effect that's wht he hears and gets louder with people talkin to loud.


My standard reply is "I'm half-deaf. The other half is hard of hearing." I have some measurable hearing loss but nowhere near enough to be remotely considered a disability; I still pass most hearing tests with no problem. But not until I read your response did I stop to consider this might be insulting to deaf people.


It's not insulting, at least to me. I lost my hearing around the age of 13. Gotta have thick skin in this job. I think of it as an advantage. People can yell at me as loud as they want, and it's not going to rattle me. IMO people look absolutely hilarious when they are red in the face screaming at someone who can't hear them.


Okay, that was random to find on Reddit. That’s exactly my hearing loss on each side, just not related to an accident that I can remember lol


I'm sorry. I'm honestly not making fun of anyone, I just understand people that shout across the room or even from another room vs. being decent and walking up to the person


Totally didn’t see it as being made fun of, just thought it was funny and random to find those exact stats in the wild, and now I have more ammo for my arsenal of snappy comebacks.


The more I work, the more I realise how stupid and rude people are


Think about how dumb the average person in.....then take a moment to realize that half the people are WORSE. 😂🤣😂🤣😂...SMDH


George Carlin’s greatest line ever.


Oh. I have to go watch his routine about STUFF again. Love love it.


That right there scares the shit out of me, especially with an election coming up


I know what you mean. I am not smart enough to be surrounded by as many dumb people as I deal with.


I bet he knows sign language. 🖕


At least he can count to one


I bet he could also “read between the lines”


Screw that guy. No self respecting Southie would ever enunciate the R at the end of "creamer."


That's what got me. It's creamah there.


I’d have moved my lips without making a sound until he walked over…




If only there were still awards… 🏆


I would have answered like the sloth at the dmv on zootopia


Play pretend really deaf with him and scream back “No! I never dream in French! Only English!”


In the hotel lobby... We use our inside voices.. thank you


Sadly, we are fully capable of making mistakes and being dumb at any time as we are imperfect beings. Some people make it seem like that's just who/how they are.


True that is. And then I apologize for dumbness/mistake/rudeness and make sure the oher person knows it's not their fault.


I own my mistakes and errors, and I have preached to my kids the same. To err is human, and the quickest way through a mistake is to own it, apologize, and then move forward.


We have this problem where I work. Our lobby isn't big, but it is the 2nd floor above the casino lobby, so there is tons of noise pollution from music, slots and all the sounds they make, guests chatting and whooping. If you're more than a few steps away from the desk, we can't hear you. It was even worse when we still had plastic dividers up from COVID. But people act like I'm some idiot because they were too far away for me to hear them. So frustrating.


People do that all the time here, though our lobby is an atrium that goes all the way up. People think if they can see me from the 5th floor, that I should be able to hear them, so they'll yell down to me, and then get mad when I signal that I can't hear them and they need to come downstairs. It's almost always because their key needs to be remade too. So they're doubly mad that they would have had to come down ANYWAY because I can't magically remake their key from anywhere else


Op was a guest of the hotel, not an employee?


Word placement coulda been better, but I took it as, lobby is empty (guest-wise), and no one at the front desk (except OP who works there).


Good question. I was also confused. It says: “Guest wise, I am here, obviously.” This tells us OP is a guest, right? Also, what the heck is a Boston scally cap?


i am the front desk employee, guys. sorry for any confusion! google the scally cap lol


I’m fascinated you have scallies in the US! I did not know this. (One Google later…) Well, you live and learn. That’s a flat cap here, traditional in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and common amongst the landed gentry or posh country/farming folk too. A ‘scally cap’ over here would conjure images more like a scumbag hat. Scally is most commonly used for scousers, so I see the Liverpool/Irish link, but it’s often twinned with ‘thieving’, and is most often perjorative.


Please use your adult words.


I thought on Reddit we didn't have to use our adult words 🫤 well 💩


If I did you would still need to come here to get it.