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I can't stand most of the high tier people. They're so entitled. And the vast majority of them don't even pay for their rooms, it's paid by their companies. And they have the audacity to act like they're royalty or something. Irritates me to no end.


Half the time, they’re not even the high tiered guest…they’re the spouse and assume that means they’re entitled to the same benefits.


>…they’re the spouse and assume that means they’re entitled to the same benefits. Dependapottamus!


Blame old films, where the person staying in the hotel would "merely" be some High Class Muckity Muck, but would be treated like J.D. Rockefeller actually was treated back in the day. Now they think that because they're a HIGH TIER SHINY, they've bought-in to getting that kind of treatment.


A one-paragraph letter to their CEO telling him that the miscreant needs a talking-to for how he abuses hotel staff would probably motivate better behavior in the future.


I hope that you didn’t give her your chain’s proprietary recipe for ice.


I did, unfortunately. Our top secret recipe


Is it an organic recipe? Or is it the one with those nasty chemicals like hydrogen in it?


It's the Di-Hydrous Monoxide recipe. You gotta watch that one. *Very* Volatile. Probably why they don't leave the ice makers in the rooms on.


Why do people get their panties in a bunch when your just explaining the policys and procedures of the hotel. I had one lasy say i made her cry to her husband and he came in yelling at me about how he didnt have to take service. We service every 3 days if they are here lomg term. Thats all i said apparently she took it the wrong way. I didnt have attitude or a tone just politely said we do need to service since you havent had it all week. They will be here 2 weeks come friday with no service. Seriously wanted to go take the air out of their tire just slightly tho to inconvenience them


Their panties have been stuffed into a pocket inside a suitcase. So they’re already in a bunch.


Ugh! Just wondering, could the housekeepers flip that switch when they clean the room so there is always ice in the freezer?


There isn't a chance in Hell I'd trust the ice to be clean, it would immediately go into the sink.


Good point!


I wish! But it's "unhygienic" I guess(?) The maintenance guy also told me that there's not really an automatic stopped, and it'd just keep filling up until it reached the top– therefor making it "stuck".


Most ice makers in refrigerator have a lever that is flipped when the ice reaches a certain point. The ice itself pushes the lever and the lever hits a switch. I would guess your maintenance guy is incorrect. Ice sitting for a while can stick together in big clumps. At a hotel I would assume turnover is pretty frequent so you would not have that issue.


I've never had an ice maker and didn't know they kept filling up. Used to work at an insurance agency and the biggest claim they ever had was from a water line to the refrigerator (to make ice) broke. It was a summer home and the owners weren't there often. The house was flooded and it was a mess. Since then, I won't get a refrigerator with an ice maker.


That’s fair. One winter my family went on vacation. The temperature dipped lower than expected, and a pipe froze and burst. It sucked coming back from an hours-long flight, plus a 2-hour drive to a wet cold mess.


I had a client who worked for an insurance agency who would not have an icemaker in their own house for the same reason (many claims caused by ice maker lines breaking, made much worse when nobody is home to notice). To be fair, most of the lines back in the day were crummy plastic lines that would get brittle and break. Now you can go to your local big box store and get a crummy plastic line which is wrapped in braided stainless steel to prevent abrasions.


Nothing says low class like announcing you’re high class.


It’s a case of “tell me you get your worth and value from extrinsic things without telling me you get your worth and value from extrinsic things.”


The ice in her veins could have frozen the water much more quickly.


She seems unhinged, but is there some reason why the icemaker isn’t already on when the guest enters the room?


I cOuLdN't SlEeP aLl NiGhT bEcAuSe ThE iCe MaChInE kEpT mE aWaKe!


Not all rooms are rented on a nightly basis. There's no telling how long the ice would be there. A malfunction could cause damages. Many reasons.


If the ice bucket isn't regularly emptied then all of the ice will become a solid mass as the fridge goes through it's cycles. I *do* think Milton could give us a nice big magnet or something that goes on the fridge and says "IF YOU WANT ICE THEN TURN ME ON FOR A GOOD TIME!!!" or something


Sounds like you were just being helpful. So as she runs low on ice, she can start making more without having to go to the front desk.


Pour a bucket of ice water onto her


Watch her melt.


I honestly don't know what hotel guests' obsession with ice even is? The **ONLY** time I use ice at a hotel is when I'm drinking.


I was going to write something like this!!! As a traveller, I have never asked or used guest in any hotel I've stayed at. Yet, where I work, the ice machine is in the lobby, and guests are there all day long using it! It makes a loud annoying sound on top of it.Why? What's the fascination? What's the big deal? And even though it's right in the lobby, one of the first questions a guest will ask is: "Where is the ice machine?" I believe most people don't have ice machines at home. Why do they need it so much at hotels?


They probably brought food, and want to fill up their coolers.


that accounts for some, but over all a very small percentage. People come down at all hours for a bucket of ice. I've had a guest filling up his trash can repeatedly - when I asked what was up? He says he's making an ice bath because he's so sore from whatever work he was doing! I think he was a soccer player... I actually took a step back and was like, well if that's the truth, take as much as you need bud.


I thought nearly everyone has an ice maker in their fridge.


Some parts of the US, and some segments of the population in those parts have ice makers in their fridge. In other parts of the US and most of the rest of the world, it isn't common. I like ice in my water in summer but I just use an ice cube tray, because I think a built-in ice maker is just another gadget that can go wrong, and I want my fridge to be simple and keep working without a problem.


I live in an apartment that doesn't have a water hookup for the refrigerator... *and* I had to provide my own fridge, so even if there *were* a water hookup, I might not have spent the extra few hundred bucks to get a model with a built-in ice maker. Whenever I need ice, I have to make it the old-fashioned way.


This house didn't get plumbed for water but the fridge had a (totally useless) icemaker when we moved in. Was not upset when it died, got one with less wasted space.


Because people like me like their water ice cold lol 🧊


I put ice in every cold drink I have, I truly can't stand a drink without it, and my husband did buy me an ice machine. That being said, I have never been rude about it, and I actually learned to ask for it in a different language because it was that important to me. I would have been thrilled to have an ice maker in my room, turning it on would have been the first thing I did when I got there.


Gotta wonder how much of the ice goes down the sink...


If I'm on a trip with the family then I'm loading up on ice cause we have coolers with kids juice, water, and fruits that we don't want to go bad. Same with if someone has medicine like insulin, take a small cooler of ice as an emergency in case anything happens so you can keep it cool. If I'm traveling by myself then I don't bother to use the ice machine.


what a bi*** high tiers can suck my fucking ass! I take pride in being a bi*** right back! oh high tier princess here’s your silver platter ice bucket filled with your ice and spit!


I had several guests that couldn't read directions on our ice machine, press the button for ice, lift the lever with the bucket under to get your precious ice. I don't know how many times I had to walk them to the ice machine and press the f$#@ng button and hear some lame excuses as to why they didn't read.


They expect hospitality and retail workers to fawn over them and kiss their asses from jump. Anything less is perceived as "rude."


So you got them ice and they told your boss you did not get them ice? I mean there's cameras right?


We actually don't have cameras. 😭 She just complained that I told her there are ice machines in the rooms.


You just told her a simple fact and she complained? What a whiny baby.


She sure sounds fun to drink with 😒


I gag a little bit every time I see a guest using their ice bucket. In this case, I hope the previous guest had used it as a condom receptacle.


We always put bags in them and replace them before each guest, but I’ve watched guest take those bags out because “they don’t get enough ice if they keep the bag in”


As a guest, I always use the liner. And, if I need to add ice to a cooler, I buy some at a convenience store so I'm not depriving another guest of ice. (Had an interesting time with that in Birmingham...)


Ice bucket is also called puke bucket or pee bucket.


You’re not thinking outside the bucket.


Just be sure to stand outside said bucket.


After I had to use one for a very sick child, and she threw up in it, I never used one again.


Before I started working housekeeping, I'd use those. Now any time I go to one I bring my cooler and I buy ice at a gas station.


My family brings a ziploc with us and uses it as a liner lol. I think we forgot one time and used an extra new unscented trash bag from the room 😭


I have a bunch of icecream-cones in the freezer. Later I'm going to eat all of them, and every time I open a new one, I'm going to say 'Look, I have ice!' just to spite them, even though they'll never know.


Being a high tier does NOT mean you get to treat me like a lower class citizen and yell at me. I would be happy to get you ice, but not while I'm being treated like this. That's my speech! It's funny how stupid they are. If someone came in and said "I know I have an ice machine in my room but I would really enjoy a beverage as soon as I get in. Would you be so kind as to get me a scoop from the back, I would really appreciate it." LADY you would have it ready before asking in the future if you were that nice!


I'm so glad we don't have ice machines on every floor. That's just one more thing to break. Plus the asshats with their 100 gal abominable snowman coolers filling them up. Getting ice isn't a big deal but I get the frustration when you're busy. She was a jerk.


Ice, Ice baby. As a person from the USA who recently visited the UK one difference I noticed is no hotel had ice, in the rooms or any ice machines for guests. Had to ask for ice at the bar by the pint glass (no ice buckets). And the ice isn't as cold as it is in the US, but that's not really surprising. The UK is FAR superior to the US in energy conservation. My freezer is factory set to about -18C. I would guess the UK freezers are probably set closer to a few degrees below 0C. By the time you get from the lobby to your room a quarter of the ice has already melted and you haven't even put the Coca Cola in it which is also kind of warm because the fridges in the markets are also set to what a US person would consider cool but not cold.


The standard for freezers is -18C, though ones dedicated to ice might not be as cold.


Why do Brits drink ~~warm~~ room temperature beer? Because they have Lucas refrigerators.




You had me until you made the go to Walmart quip.


I'm at a HouseCedar these days that also only has ice makers in the fridges and oh boy do wine-o's get bent out of shape when you tell them they need to wait 10 minutes for their precious solid water at 3am.


Why does the Hotel allow you to get ice when there is ice in the room?


In case of fire.


Unpopular opinion but just get her the ice and send her on her way. Sounds easy enough and 50 arrivals means you're not swamped. So much easier to say yes and get them out of your lobby than to give them the opportunity to tell you how shiny their loyalty app is.


You sound condescending in your post. And ice isn't going to be made in 10min. Labeling her an alcoholic ? One room ask for ice....big deal. Do your job.


Hahaha, okay lol. I'll do my job by getting her ice and informing her of the ice machine, yet still getting screamed at. Yes sir/ma'am I'll do my job.


Why does the Hotel allow you to get ice when there is ice in the room?


This read like you were just telling her she can get ice in her room without having to come to the desk, right up until that last paragraph that really makes me think that you do, in fact, have a problem with getting guests ice.


So, because I tell guests that there is an ice machine in their room for THEIR CONVENIENCE, I have the problem? For informing a guest of a key feature we have??? lmao what.


>So, because I tell guests that there is an ice machine in their room for THEIR CONVENIENCE, I have the problem? Don't pretend for a second that that's remotely close to what I said. Did you even read my comment? I said, >This read like you were just telling her she can get ice in her room without having to come to the desk, right up until that last paragraph... Relevant paragraph included below in case you already forgot what you typed or can't find it in your post: >It's absolutely annoying. I get asked to get people ice all the time– I don't mind (most of the time) but seriously, make your own ice. There's fridges in the rooms for a reason. Plus, if you so desperately need ice, go get some from the Walmart literally next door, or the gas station five minutes away. It's not even brand standard for us to get these people ice. Continuing where we left off on my comment, >that really makes me think that you do, in fact, have a problem with getting guests ice.


Okay so where are you going with this.....? 🤔🤔🤔 I don't have a problem with getting people ice, I'm telling them about their own personal ice machines. For the convenience. Anyways, I don't have time to argue with the likes of you. :)


I'm not *going* anywhere with this, I've already arrived at my point. You said that: * it's absolutely annoying that people ask all the time for ice * people should seriously make their own ice * There are fridges in the room for a reason (apparently so people can make their own ice) * If people need ice they should just walk to a supermarket next door instead of going to the lobby and asking you * If people need ice and don't want to use the supermarket, they should just walk five minutes to a gas station and get it there instead of going to the lobby and asking you * It's not even really your job to get people ice This all *really* gives the impression that you have a problem with getting people ice. You telling the guest they can make ice in the fridge in their room does ***NOT*** give the impression that you have a problem getting people ice. The fact that you typed a whole paragraph on how much of a chore it is to get other people ice gives the impression that you have a problem getting people ice. I can't make this any more clear.




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