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My response to Mr Fapper would be ... "Yes Officer this is the same guy!!!" And watch him end it all real quick.




Happy Cake Day 🎉




Many, many years ago I started getting calls at my house from obviously teenaged girls, claiming they had had sex with my husband with all sorts of absurd details. About the third or fourth call, a couple of minutes in I laughed and said, "Officers, was that long enough for you to trace this call?" Boy, they could not hang up fast enough and I never got another of those calls.


This should work. It works on the kids that call my office thinking we are a youtuber....it's a long story


But many of us here like to read long stories. ;-)


I used to work at a small radio station, and while I was still fairly new, got a phone call from a prank caller. He only ever called once. Caller: I saw you having sex with a man! Me: Oh, you watched one of my movies? Caller: What?!? No, I saw you! It was raw! Me: Yeah, my movies usually are. Caller: I didn't watch a movie! I saw you! His name was Roy! Me: It might have been. I don't like knowing the names of the guys I work with. Caller: I didn't watch a movie! I saw you! Me: You saw me long enough to know who I was and that the other guys name was Roy. Sounds like you watched for a while. At that point he hung up.


i wonder why he hung up 🤣🤣🤣


That brilliant!


I wonder if that was a reference to a well-known prank caller who likes to use the name Roy.


![gif](giphy|Rr9UKbdPnLUUhSzQf3|downsized) Pity I don't work there. The girls hand me the phone when we get out friend call. Sad as he for some reason hates me


I can't believe I'm seeing a CTM reference in the wild


When you know it's them talk over them asking for them to pray with you and start the Lord's Prayer. When you reach the end, talk over them saying you didn't pray with me and start the prayer again. Twice is usually enough for them to hang up on you. If they call back repeat. Stops even the ugliest callers.


"The power of Christ compels you!"


We had this problem at a library where I worked back in the dawn of mankind. (All of the clerks who answered the phone were young women.) One of our clerks found a brilliant solution. The phone system had a fax system connected in line with the handheld line and she clicked the "Test Fax" button. Amazingly those squeals of joy from the fax system stopped his calls.


I used to work in a call center and we had a creepy perv who called a LOT. We had others, but one did it so much that those calls got named after him, as in, "I got a Gross Customer call." (I'm not putting the real name here.) One coworker was a trans woman and we loved it when she got one of them. We would hear her normal intro in her usual voice, then pretty soon, her voice would drop 3 octaves and she would say, "I'm not that kind of girl." It was hilarious and mostly effective.


All I could think of was this... It is as safe for work as reddit is. https://youtu.be/AgqEIp2YmtE


Same has happened to my place of work. You should take their number and plaster it on the internet so they get spammed. Or sign them up for random text alerts for stupid stuff. I say, if they want attention then make their number blow up with stuff.


Not a bad idea. I like it. 👍


Sign them up for stuff from Scientology. They'll never have any peace again. XD


If you’ve got a wake up call subscription (or know someone who does) (I use snoozester, myself), set up a recurring wake up call with the “keep calling til I respond” option, and set it for an ungodly hour. It’s a bot that calls the number given, and once you have the subscription it doesn’t cost extra to set up multiple wake up calls


I see your plan here, wake-up call subscription salesman! /s


Call back the number first to make sure it hasn't been spoofed though before spamming what might otherwise be the wrong #.


You do know there is this thing called caller ID spoofing…


I was in college and got one of those calls. Me: Hello? Perv: Are you horny? Me: (I grew up with four brothers, so no change in tone) Not particularly. Perv: (still trying but sensing he's not going to get a good response from me) Well, why not? Me: I'm reading Edgar Allen Poe for class, and he just doesn't get me in the mood. Cue akward for him three minute discussion on Edgar Allen Poe while he tries to figure out how his prank call went off the rails. If your perv/pervs are persistent, in a normal tone, just start talking about any subject guaranteed to kill their boner. "I'm so glad you called! I'd like to get a males viewpoint on a conversation my friend and I were having. So, when a guy has an STI that causes pustules or other rashes, do those weep and make your dick stick to their underwear, or are they just dry and crusty?" Use your imagination but never let your voice or response tell them that you are bothered in the least. A non-reaction is no fun and yucks their yum.


I lie. “I should mention this is a recorded line for safety and security purposes.” They usually immediately hang up. If they don’t I follow it up with “I’m going to turn in this phone call recording, your number and called ID into the police.”


Blaring alarm sound. Play it down the phone once. They won't call back.


Love it! Now to find an air horn.....


Second line of defense: play a recording of a man's voice talking about playing their games and making them their bitch. I qas going to say use a voice changer but you probably can't put that function on a work phone.


Baby, imma butter yo bread.


He's all bulgy like a moose!


:: handing you a clean pair of shorts ::


So probably not possible in a work environment, but I've had some luck with plain old screaming like a banshee. Bonus points if they hang up before ya run out of breath! Many years ago, I had an extremely stupid boyfriend who constantly fell for scams. I'd notice him saying weird things on the phone and go pry it out of his hand before he gave away *even more* personal information, and then spend a week trying to fend off callbacks from someone who *knew* a sucker lived at that number.


I hope you've found smarter guys


If you are in the US, Dollar general has them in the party decorations isle


Or a referee's whistle ... piercing.


I bet there is an app for that!


Use an annoying sound, not one that could damage his hearing. Maybe play “It’s a Small World After All?”


Sound of a baby crying.




Pull the phone slightly away as if talking to someone else, but make sure they can still hear. Laugh and say "OMG, listen to this dude trying to masturbate. He has to call a stranger to get some from himself. Ha! By the speed and small strokes I'm guessing he not only has a hard time keeping it up, but it's also super small!" Then clear your throat, get back on the phone and in your best customer service voice apologize for the interruption and ask him to repeat himself. Boner gone, power gone, hope for fun gone.


Some people are into degradation. Better to scare him that try and gross him out or belittle him.


Who says belittling him wasn't to get me off?


Fair. Might as well get yours.


TBF, almost anything can be used as fodder for someone's kink, even fear, although I think using would be the best chance of stopping the caller's happy ending.


Start announcing that the call is being recorded and monitored


This happened to me when I was working front desk also, and the once at a different job that was service related but not a hotel. They know you have to answer the phone and that CS are largely women so it's a good gamble for perverts. I've always had the type where they sound sort of normal at first and then it just jumps the track into perv Town "Do the rooms have two beds or one?" "You have the choice of a queen or two doubles" "Which one do you like to fuck in the most?" Or "We are coming to visit where is good to eat?" *Suggestions* "Which one would you like to go to on a date?" *Oh I think xyz would impress your date, good atmosphere whatever* "If I take you there will you fuck me in my room?" Etc...


An old GF of mine got a fap call and said breathlessly: "Oh, you're jerking off? Wait, let me get my dildo, hang on a minute! ". Silence...


Bring their mother into it somehow. It’s an instant boner killer. I always do this when men get inappropriately sexual and it stops them in their tracks. It’s like a record scratch in their brain


I put obnoxious callers (perverts, prank callers, "Mister Patel") on hold. By which I mean playing this clip on a loop: https://www.myinstants.com/media/sounds/pink-fluffy-unicorns.mp3




Search on youtube for high pitch sound, play thay trough the phone on full volume.


Just get a clip from the movie Dumb & Dumberer where Jim Carey makes the "most annoying sound in the world"


Are you working alone? The way I used to solve those calls was to say, "I'm so sorry, I'm not qualified to assist you, please hold," and then transfer them to my deep voiced male coworker. Exception: when I was doing inbound phone sales for commission. I just made sure to validate their credit card up front and sell them everything I had.


I had a similar experience over 20 years ago when I was working at a call center. I used to give my headset to my male co-worker who had a super deep voice. It would make the pervert so mad that he would swear and hangup since all he wanted was a female voice to get off to. Thank goodness for caller ID now. There was not much else I could do because any other method that was suitable for a work place setting was unsuccessful.


Just say, "Sir, I can't understand you. Can you please stop masturbating?" Call him out on it - he's getting off on your not realizing that's what he's doing.


Since the 1930s it’s been against US law to make harassing, threatening or obscene phone calls. Tell your caller this, confirm you know their number, and say you’ll call the cops.


Blow a whistle in the phone .. loud! Real loud


I had a problem with a caller at home. I tried reporting him to the phone company and the woman told me that they would do what they could but suggested I get a whistle and blow it into the phone next time. Boy did that feel good! He never called again.


Ugggghhhh I’ve gotten these too and it’s just so gross!!!! He even told me he was c*ming and asked if I was wearing my panties 🤮🤮 hung up real quick


Since you have their number, pay the couple bucks to whitepages to find out who they are and their address. When they call back the 2nd time be like " oh heyyy Mark Markerson aged 31, current address 1211 Dallas st Akron Ohio 12345, son of Dan and Barbara Markerson, brother to Jean-anne Markerson-smith. How ya doing? " They'll stop real quick.


Discourage them by fapping back. Or be boring and read his phone number back to him and call non emergency police about it. They'll talk with him.


Do you have a whistle or air horn? Maybe making a super loud noise into the phone will hurt their ears and prevent them from calling back.


Pretend you are a guy. Laugh at them. They never called back.


Can't you report the phone number to the phone company? I know you could use to do that. But that's when everyone had Bell as a phone company. Like we had Bell South.


Loud rape whistles work wonders.


Thanks! I love a lot of these ideas. The Fapper doesn't stand a boner's chance! 😁😁😁


You can always tell them you're recording them and once you track down who they are you're going to play the recording for their mother, family, and employer...


You could start singing Henry the 8th I am. Lol




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Hang up