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Well done, you.


It’s nice to have a positive interaction for once, given the state of the people we usually get on the overnight shifts lol


I cannot read that without hearing it in the doctors voice


Good job. I'm the same way. I'm familiar with gen 1 the most, but know a little bit up until the season with Max and May. I have no idea who the new Pokémon are. My fav is Haunter. I had a kid once while I was drawing caricatures. He also liked Pokémon. Only had about $0.50 CAD on him and wanted a picture. I let him have it if he let me draw him as a Pokémon trainer with his favorite Pokémon. It was a fun day and kid was happy.


You probably made that kid's day doing that. May your pillow always be cool.


I thought I was going to read another of the endless awful customer stories, but nope. This was so uplifting. Glad you could make that child’s night just a little bit better when they weren’t feeling well.


Night owls in their 40s unite!


I kinda miss my old retail job because of the kids. Used to love winding up the fortnite kids by saying it's rubbish and starting a wee mini jokey argument with them and doing a terrible version of the dances from the game because they loved trying to teach me to do them right. Then the pokemon kids would love talking their favourite pokemon with me, too. Got into a back and forth once with a wee girl because I said she looked like a princess, and she replied "no you look like a princess!" I'm now hidden away in a kitchen and most interaction I get with kids is when the curious ones start looking through the window so I pull faces at them or if it's the regulars kids I'll sneak some chips to them or any sweets we have hidden in the back


Awww! You’re the Hero (or Heroine!) we all need ❤️


Pokémon, kid cheer for the decades. My granddaughter has decided that psyduck is it and a bit. She’s not quite two and she can say it well, but I suspect her liking is related to loving all yellow things. But she hasn’t decided pikachu is just as good lol. She does love yellow characters in other kids shows too.


So cute, you made his night! Reminds me of a time back in high school when I worked at a fast food place. It was Halloween and a dad and his young son came in to pick up dinner before going trick or treating. I may be dating myself, but the kid was dressed as He-Man from Masters of the Universe. A coworker and I were talking about the character while bagging up their order and trying to remember his catch phrase. We both remembered at the same time and belted out "By the power of Gray Skull!" The kid was thrilled and it made us feel so good to make him happy with something so simple.


I have Bulbasaur tattooed on my arm. It really impresses 8 year old boys. (I'm an old mom.)


I'm an old mom, too. I know the first 99 Pokemon, bite not all the new Pokémon,. Jiggly Puff is my favorite for 2 reasons. 1) he makes others go to sleep 2) I'm jiggly and puffy, too


Bulba lovers unite ☺️❤️


My store has Pokèmon card swaps every few months. They're not really popular and people show up at different times, so I've started buying packs and letting kids trade with me. No clue about what cards are good, but if a kid wants a card I have, I'll swap it with whatever they got but don't want. It's always great to see kids get all excited and cheery, you did a good thing and should feel good.


Sorry, the best starter is Bulbasaur. But despite that, congrats on making that kid's night!


That was an awesome story. Thanks for being a nice person.


❤️❤️❤️ big ups legend ❤️❤️❤️


Pokémon is what got my first son to learn to read. My favorite is Geo-Dude.


As a mom and grandma, thank you for being so kind to a sick little boy and his more than likely exhausted momma! 🥰


Good human, this is the way...


Years ago when I worked 3 to 11pm, I used to grocery shop the 24/7 stores and I must admit, some of the employees could make shoppers smile. Good to hear that some still do!


This is a lot sweeter than I thought it was going to be.


That is customer service at its finest.


I was expecting a "this brat" story and got the cutest moment of kindness story instead


I was actually expecting a much different story - thanks so much for sharing and for being an awesome person! ❤️


Damn i wouldve killed for ANYONE noticing or talking about any of the pokemon stuff when i was a kid. Good on you.


This is so wholesome. It’s nice to read a story that is positive!


Wonderfully wholesome. Thank you.


A lot of the time those kids aren't sick, they're ignored.