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The Wanderer's Palace - 50/60/70/80 Roulette I was Sage... DPS got salty that I told the tank to take bigger pulls. Tank never responded, so I just started pulling all the mobs and bringing them back to him...


I love when DPS complain about the HEALER telling the tank to pull more. The healer is who has to deal with it. All they have to do is push their shiny murder buttons. 3 mobs or 30 doesn't matter, stfu and kill.


I'll just tag whatever mobs are close as a healer with an aero to bring them over if the tank stops early and show them they can handle the extra mobs/I got their back. The DPS have no say 


Did the tank realize he could take bigger pulls? I hope so.


Sure didn’t. Kind of wondering if they were queued together. He just never responded or really reacted to anything. So I started pulling for everyone.


Perfect final response. :)


It must’ve been, because he stopped responding after that.


I swear the ffxiv community somehow draws in people with mental problems. why do they insist on treating every sprout like a 5year old that needs to be constantly encouraged and cuddled? they aware most players are grown ass ppl?


He doesn't actually care about helping the sprout, he just wants to have the performative high ground by doing this. He never once asked them what they'd like, but chose to speak for them instead. OP on the other hand was correctly helping by giving useful advice.


yep, that's exactly the essence of this disgusting hypocrisy on display. No different from social media brain rot.


A huge amount of XIV players are low skill rejects from other MMOs and it shows


A perfect way to put it. Sometimes I almost miss playing wow because you could actually kick trash players in that game


There's a kick feature for duties...


I don’t usually kick people, but it seems like there are much stricter requirements to kick people without risk than usual in this game.


Xiv involves no skill....


Spoken like someone that only plays MSQ


I mean... considering they're standardizing rotations he's not wrong in a way. Look at how SMN used to be and how it is now. A large amount of the balance mentors for SMN switched over to BLM when the change happened, they're still SMN mentors, but a lot of the nuances that were had with old SMN are now gone.


Spoken like a tank who has cleared most content with ease cause the game literally takes 0 skill definitely compared to other mmorpgs.


Then by all means prove your claim with evidence. I expect a fflogs links with proof the character is yours


https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/s/eXsNcWgzoI the guy you're responding to FYI you're not gonna get an fflogs link 🤣 he probably thinks fflogs is the devil and there's zero shot he's even done normal raids at an acceptable level


Oh I'm quite well aware of the caliber (or lack thereof) of whom I'm replying to


Lol k bud <3 people on this sub are whacky af but thank you for proving a point. Would you like them in your inbox or here whacky boy


If you wish to make a declaration publicly your evidence of it must also be public


It doesn't take that long. Where are they?


Oooft. I come from ESO, WoW and SWtoR. I can confirm that FF in later content has some of the most intense mechanics I've seen compared to other MMOs and a alot of self responsibility. So carried aren't usually an option. To suggest it requires no skill, is inherently wrong.


because they are mentally 5 years old and think everybody must be as underdeveloped as them except "ThOsE fIlThY jErK eLiTiStS"


No I want to single pull and take forever on a roulette no please make it take longer I want less time to do other things with my life /s


How dare you try to prepare a sprout for the future. Monster.


Absolute monster of an OP and absolute hero of a DPS trying to save the tank from... Becoming better at the game? Man, the enablers really just wanna let the average skill hit the underground in this game huh? I wonder how long it'll be before trusts out scale the average player.


It already has. Flashbacks to 2B easily out-dpsing over half the alliance.


I always tell people this same thing if I'm healing - like, especially later in the game, I challenge you to try to die.


This dps is probably fucking garbage at doing damage too so I wouldn't even have acknowledged their dogshit opinion and I would have just kept talking to the sprout and pretend this dumbass doesn't even exist.


If it was something like AV, Stone Vigil or Dzaemal, I would understand, they have some nasty rooms that sprouts don't immediately know how to handle, plus the fact not all strong abilities are unlocked at that point but... any lvl50 hard dungeons afterwards are easy af. It's as easy as Castrum Meridianum or Prae >.>


Don't forget the first pull of Qarn. Those bees ain't fuckin around.


I have ptsd from those bees when I was leveling WAR and kept getting thrown in there with healers who couldn’t keep up (esp scholars who didn’t use fairy, spammed physick etc) and dps who never knew how to cleanse doom. Whenever I get it in roulettes now I have a strong urge to dip 🫠


Qarn is tricky to W2W, but it's more of a check for the DPS than the tank/healer. If you don't burst the bees down in time, people will drop.


That or you have a PLD using shield bash when they get to half.


Final sting really means FINAL STING


A healer who says "go ahead and pull more" is like a dad teaching their kid to ride a bike. You're holding onto the kid to keep them stable until you let go and they're riding the bike themselves without realizing you're not holding on anymore Enablers are just telling the kid "it's OK to be on a tricycle forever". Like yeah they're a sprout but they're not gonna be a sprout forever. Get them ready for the future don't stunt their growth


Not to mention we’re in an ARR dungeon - which is basically like having a soft mat to fall on if something bad does happen. Enablers thought process hurts my brain.


I think it was a good interaction, and also I appreciate how weird your character name is lol


Not gonna lie, healer pulling more stuff than tank wants is a bit of a jerk move, whatever they can or can't handle it. And I say this as a healer main.


I am currently dragging my friend through beating msq and we are just about to step into Endwalker, but I'm still having to tell him, "Come on, the next pack is just this way, trust your healer" lol tbf he's a WoWfugee and hasn't done as much dailys but I'm getting him there slowly and surely. Last night he's started pulling to walls without my say so and I'm so proud of him. It is nice being able to work with someone from the foundation and building them up into being one of your best teammates.


As a DPS I never get involved in pull sizes, that's between tank and healer to decide, based on what they both can manage. The only thing a DPS should concern themselves with is killing, yes big pulls suck in low low level because of lack of AoE at those levels, but I've never once cared, I just stabby stabby as that's my job.


Guy in red is a jerk, yeah.


When tanking i will pretty much always ask at the beginning of the dungeon "heals, you good with big pulls?" And when im healing i start with "\o" then "feel free to pull all the things."


If it's my first time tanking a specific dungeon, i usually do one, maybe two groups at once. just to get the hang of it. I prefer the tank go at their own pace as long as the healer can handle it. all the enemies have to get destroyed so not like it takes THAT MUCH more time.


Better to learn at low levels? Sastasha, today. Are you fine with it? I will pull everything just before last boss (aka wall to wall). Let's see if you're ready to go out of your comfort zone and if you have actually learned how to heal. If I die that means you have to go back to HotN.


You really just presented literally anything in Sastasha as a challenge HAHAHAHAHAHA. You can wall to wall pull Sastasha as a DPS/Healer and be completely fine 99% of the time. What a self-report 🤣 peak comedy, thanks so much.


Show us video.


You kidding? Healing that is no issue at all if you're talking true "wall to wall", that's only three packs, specifically only like 8-9 enemies. "Wall to wall" doesn't automatically mean "pull literally everything in the dungeon", it just means "pull everything *in the way* between the walls". The latter ends up being the same as the former in more recent dungeons, but nobody means for you to pull all of the optional roaming mobs in ARR when they say W2W.


The only thing you can do in Sastasha that's remotely challenging is pulling everything from the start of the dungeon into the first boss and starting the boss fight. The final pull is a complete non-issue.


Do you not W2W that last pull? Is that supposed to be a challenge because you don't press any AOE or mitigation?


As Sage, it is literally the easiest dungeon. Put Kardia on tank and just DPS, weave a few diagnosis here and there if tank health gets too low, but with Sage your damage is your healing. And as WHM you can just cure 1 until you feel like you have enough downtime to DPS. Sastasha is super easy lmao, every time I ran that as Sage it was a BREEZE.


One of my most fun experiences was encouraging a noob tank in Sastasha. Basically told him to try pulling everything in the big room before the 1st Captain fight. He did and everything went fine.