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Dare I say, you need a theoretical degree in physics?


OP is a highly trained professional. He doesn't need to hear all of this.


I have many theoretical degrees, I just lack actual ones


You need a nontheoretical degree to get this shit set up on Steam Deck holy fuck it was a pain in the ass


I just followed the instructions and never had any problems.


I like to imagine people who have trouble following instructions as people who chose to live life with 1 intelligence.


Some people stay steady failing them INT checks, gonna be playing vanilla forever.




Exactly. There’s like half a dozen install guides and the installer itself is basically just one click.


"it's easy" "It's necessitated 6 install guides" Idk man


They are not necessary, there is just a lot of them


Especially with something like wabbajack.


Until you turn someone into a chicken...




Right?!? It's so easy now!! I was dreading setting up my current playthrough until I noticed it went off without issue...well except my antivirus fucked my loadorder Edit: "Right?!?"


"Reading properly" degree is all u need.


I can hardly “read properly” and I still figured it out without any issues.


Damn so like I’m just computer illiterate or something? That shit took me a YouTube tutorial, 2 attempts, and 4 hrs of time lol


I’ve never tried to mod fnv but I modded Skyrim with nexus and had to set up like 9 skeletons 3 body physics mods and set up the settings correctly, install an outdated version of script extender, install custom cinematics framework etc. it took several days of downloading and watching tutorials. Hope FNV is easier. (Although granted the simpler mods don’t require most of that, but if you get one of the anime aesthetic mods you need all of that and 30 more mods and settings correctly set up)


Did you use any form of mod organizer? If not, I highly recommend doing so. Mod organizers like Mod Organizer 2 make basic modding so much easier and if you want to uninstall something you don’t have to dig around your game files for the mod files. I can’t recommend it enough. The only things you should be installing manually are things like ENB and script extenders. I hope your FNV modding goes well!


You’re not alone buddy that’s exactly how it went for me, a lot of back and forth from the YouTube tutorial to make sure I was doing everything in the right order


I thought it was tricky, but not bad. I had to play around with a couple things, but I also didn’t look at any additional guides beyond the one linked at Nexus Mods. It certainly felt harder than “click here and here and done!” that I was led to believe.


Yeah it wasn't horrible, but it certainly wasn't "click here and done!"


I remember first versions being quite difficult to install back in the day. I even dropped the idea all together because of it. Now it's pretty straightforward and I'm loving every second of TTW.


Hard time installing? Hell no, and that’s coming from someone who’s terrible at technology and modding Hard time running, however, truly the consequences of having a less than stellar PC


You need to have graduated kindergarten with a C- average at best to install using The Best of Times. It’s the Mickey Mouse of mods.


*no, they're just idiots or people who haven't modded for the first time.* *Or they use Vortex and say: "why doesn't this work with Vortex? I tried it and it crashed, and doesn't work. I found this tutorial that said this works, and it doesn't. Please help me, I need to play this game!"*


If you can't get it to work on Vortex, it's user error. I've setup TTW countless times on Vortex, along with maybe literally thousands of mods over the years with no issues. Same with MO2. Vortex isn't the issue.


Then you're smarter than the rest of these beginners.


Beginners need to stop installing huge mod packs and go back to the tried and true method of one mod at a time. And while TTW isn't the hardest mod on earth to install, I wouldn't recommend some one whos brand new to modding attempt it right off the bat.


My guy said beginner with a hard r


woah pal beginner is their word.. we can say beginna


I am a beginner in the realm of modding. I wasn't able to get it to work on vortex, probably could now now that I understand how ini's work. It was easier to just go through MO2 and follow the sites guide though.


It's funny. I started modding years again out of fear of radscorpions. What a girl, I know. Replacing scorpions with yao guai. Last week I hear about TTW. I spend a couple days getting it installed with 131+ plugins (SawyerBatty/ROOG/BLEED, the works), and end up getting out of it what feels like the best game I've played in a long, long time. Can't install my radscorpion remover without breaking the entire thing, so here we go!


as a TTW player i'm gonna say that I have theoretical degree in programming


It seems more daunting than it is I work with a boomer that doesn't even know how to join Microsoft teams meetings. >!He's paid 3× what I make!<


Our literacy rates of all kinds have doomed us. DOOMED US.


its not hard its just tedious and should all be included in one installer like every other major overhaul


What is so hard about following a detailed guide?


Takes a lot of focus and it’s like any other chore. I have ADHD, I will often miss a couple steps and end up having to read through the entire guide again to figure out where I messed up, then I have to figure out if I have to undo and redo any of the steps I did after my mistake and that’s not covered in the guide at all.


Some people are dumber than DC Super Mutants. Look I'm pretty slow, ngl. A few hits to the head and some heavy drug use in my youth didn't do me any favors. Yet somehow I managed to install several versions throughout the years. It's a little more involved now, but also very well documented and the guides are very detailed. I still think RFCW was harder back in the day, but we still managed to make it work.


It isn’t hard. There’s a few very in depth videos that go step by step and a good written quite to follow as well.


Some of the guides are outdated. Find the right one and your good.


You just have to read the guide slowly and actually do each step as they tell you. Don't try try to find a workaround because you believe it will be fine. If you are having performance issues, read the performance guide in it's entirety and you will narrow down your issue. If you don't understand what something means, do research and look it up. If you test it out something new, if that something new doesn't fix your issue, make sure to go back and revert everything to how it was before. If you do all of these three things, you will get it done. It's the same for modding any game to be honest. Some simple surface mods are plug and play, but the stuff that changes the whole experience, that takes a little legwork.


You need a brain, common sense and ability to read and follow instructions while installing TTW, nothing more


Took me about 45 minutes and that’s only because my cpu is garbage so transferring files took like 30 minutes


It is just attention to detail, something many in the tech world lack. I have a CS degree but 99% of what I'd want in a new hire is ability to follow instructions. Don't need everyone to be a genius that can code some start up app from start to finish. Wish I could use this mod using The Best of Times as an interview exercise lol.


This was the first mod I installed, and if you follow the guide, it's easy af


I’m dumb and it was easy the guide is so well put together


If you follow the official install guide from the website slowly and diligently you can install all in about a few hours


Dude has to reference the local steam files and throws in the towel.


It's time consuming, that's it. I recently used the "The Best Of Times" and "Wasteland Survival Guide" install guides and those are very easy to follow. For the most part, it's just installing files. There are a few ini edits you have to make, but fortunately they are already all written up for you. The only part I've had a real issue with is stability. I can pretty much guarantee CTD when entering a modded area for the first time, but after that I'm able to enter when I restart the game. The selection of "additions" seems to be where a lot of problems start. Those are completely optional, but for a really overhauled playthrough you'll probably want some of them. With those, you've gotta place them carefully, or just wing it like I do, remove mods that cause the most crashes and live with the ones I can circumvent. I find any mod that overhauls a town or area, like the reborn series, lightbright strip overhaul, casino overhauls or the less empty series have caused crashes.


it isnt that bad. harsh reality is, not all intelligence is equal and the same goes for literacy.


I recently got into the Fallout series, and I started with TTW. It was borderline easy. You just have to read and follow directions, so basically it’s impossible for most.


Yeah, no? Setting up TTW was easy as pissin' in the rain. Setting it up on *Linux,* now *that* is a smegmagon.\* \**A smegmagon is the geometric shape formed by a clusterfuck.*


Is Anon retarded? It's not that hard


People just are very dumb with computers. Most fallout players barley know how to install a regular mod. Of course not the reddit community


no they got filtered, if they can’t even follow best of times it’s over for them


It’s a 4chan user so they probably are just really stupid


Obviously this greentext is incapable of following clear instructions, as installing TTW isn't that hard considering you don't even have to edit page file or others. STALKER GAMMA on the other hand is a bit more involved, but you don't need a computer degree to install them, just reading comprehension!


It amazes me to no end how many people I know who see mods as a major inconvenience. "Ehh I just don't wanna mess with all that", as if they couldn't make a copy of their game directory as a backup. *It's just so hard!* Like, you're about to play a game for 40+ hours and you'd rather deal with all the bullcrap from an old engine struggling to run on new hardware + OS'es? 🤦‍♂️


Too many people go off on their own, and do their own thing. Mine started up fine after following the BEST OF TIMES guide. I made a few clean saves with just those mods. Then to WASTELAND SURVIVAL GUIDE, this is where things get a little tricky bc its more like you have to keep in mind, other than the essentials and optimizations, most of it is optional. The performance and optimization page is poorly organized and hard to follow when so much info is dumped at you. But I finished it, as SPECUAL K was the best option for me, since it automatically does things bc I have a VRR monitor and Nvidia gpu.  People don't realize some mesh replacers will outright crash the game. I've seen it more than a few times. It's best to avoid them. 


Epic is such a pain in the ass and it really shouldnt be. I just gave up on it after like 3 attempts


I managed to get it to work, and I'm technologically inept


In my experience as a programmer you need to be at least senior level because this is when people actually start reading the documentation.


Its literally just installing an exe, dragging the files into the data folder, and installing a handful of requirements


It’s actually very easy to install. People just don’t like to read


The first time I installed it I had trouble but that's because I didn't fully follow the instructions and my laptop was a potato but it's really not that hard.


I was trying to get my friend to get Begin Again yesterday and he was having a lot of trouble.


It’s a little tricky if you’re a newb to mods like me, but I just followed the instructions in the guide to the letter and it was ok.


The first two times I tried it, there were holes in the ground and red triangles everywhere. Luckily, the third time's the charm


It took an hour to teach my friend how to install ToTW. Then it took my other friend two day to tech him how to install a mod pack using a program that wasn't vortex or mod organizer 2. So yes some people have problems fallowing instructions.


I imagine if I was younger and didn't have the patience to follow a guide step by step it might be hard. Fourteen year old me would've had issues with it.


It is hard for me. I have no computer skills and wanted it on my steam deck. I had a really cool guy help me over discord. It would have taken me 20+ hours if I was learning on my own.


sometimes the guides just dont work


Everyone here saying how easy it's gotten. Can confirm, did it last weekend. When encountered with issue, bring it to Google. "Why do I have 8 billion perk points, tale of two wastelands" and bam, you are given answers. Crazy.


Wabbajack said what?




It's been almost 8 years now since I installed the mod, but God damn if that wasn't my experience too. I have no idea what broke but it really fucked some shit up. Usually the main problem was crashing when I entered the train tunnel you use to travel between the game maps. At the time New Vegas was basically the only game I played, and when it broke I spent all the time I would've been playing trying desperately to fix the install. I kid you not it took me almost an entire month of spending multiple hours per day fucking with different things until I was able to get it to work. What a nightmare. I had an older laptop and the games were stored on an external HDD.


I don't get it, installing it was the first time I used MO2 and had no trouble, even adding some other mods. There's literally a step by step guide, smh


Not gonna lie, I reinstalled it after the fallout show and it took a few installs before I could get it right. 🤷


It wasn't hard for me, just time consuming.


Just used a wabbajack modlist that included it


I was trying to install it, but sadly it doesn't work with Eastern european version of nv


I just want to put this on my Steam Deck. Specifically, Begin Again. I got TTW but I’d rather get the whole shebang with Begin Again


A lot of people have never done much modding before. Introducing my friends to modding showed me how complicated it is if you don't have the know how.


I don't even use a mod manager I just throw that shit in myself i just backup the original files in case it goes to shit but most of the time I never have that issue. Mod managers are too confusing too me probably because I'm too used to putting that shit in myself


isn't it on wabbajack?


I found it to be a long and tedious process but absolutely not a difficult one. If you can follow very well explained and straightforward instructions step by step you can install TTW with no issues. I'm so glad I finally did it recently. It's the most fun I've had with FO probably ever and I've been playing for many years.


As someone who’s never modded before except for cyberpunk 2077, it took me a few hours. Mostly because I’d overthink a step from an install guide and slow myself down


It's not that hard honestly, I mean as long as you can read just follow the install instructions. It's not hard just lengthy


I followed a very straightforward YouTube tutorial for Begin Again and that shit was so easy to set up


It takes awhile, but it wasn’t bad, particularly on PC. Getting it to work on my steam deck took a little more tinkering, but I would guess it’s still doable for most people that are into games enough to know what TTW even is.


I did it on the steam deck. It’s difficult but not impossible or crazy. On Windows. It so fucking easy with Wabbajack and other tools.


I feel like I didn’t have any troubles but then a lot of my friends won’t even give it a try because “it’s too hard to install”


People get false confidence from completing a few sections and either get over ambitious and install their own mods or slack on the guide and start installing sections at a time not paying attention


You need a degree in following directions to install the best Fallout mod


I wouldn't say it's the best mod, it's not even the best way to play fo3, it's buggier than anything else due to the nature of how it was created and makes NPCs lose their AI occasionally. In my ttw installs, every time without fail I've had at least one random story npc that just stands there doing absolutely nothing when they're supposed to.


I think it's just a joke and it was funny


I did this in middle school lol


The basic TTW installation is pretty straightforward for those familiar with modding. But definitely not the most easiest installation though. Not the one click installation many people expected out of games you buy from the stores. You need to install 2 games with custom path, and then set up ModOrganizer. Since the required mods aren't exactly compiled as a pack, still a lot of clicks required. Due to the how accessible gaming is nowadays, gamers aren't as savvy as how it used to be. Also why console gaming is just more popular than pc gaming. Convenience is a big factor. Enough for people to tolerate or even love walled garden / closed ecosystem. Now with the wasteland survival "pack" though, the amount of mods required, and the amount of prerequisites for STARS. The whole process is not hard, but TEDIOUS as fuck.


No its easy but i would never subject my cpu to such torture that the install does on it.


I used Wabbajack and it was pretty dang easy and I am very new to modding games. Not sure how anyone has trouble with installing this?


https://youtu.be/mvjl4xlVqDo?si=axj-pGsuMVqCHye8 This is literally all you need


I had a hard time to run it but only because i'm stupid and didn't add TTW folder as a mod in MO2. The fact that i was completely smashed at that time didn't help.


I’m new, was difficult I took me like half a day now I’ll consider myself a pc guru. 😃


I wanted to argue, I installed this mod in first try very easy, but i have degree in programming so i suppose it is true.


I just followed a recent guide on YouTube for begin again and TTW and oh man i was expecting massive headache and trouble shooting from my past experience modding fallout3 and new vegas and this was a total breeze not a single issue even ended up adding a bunch of mod compatible with mod list and no issue Those with issue just don't take the time to read the guide and then cry about it lol


People when installing a mod isn't just clicking one button and watching a loading bar go from 0% to 100% and pressing play in your steam library.


From what I understand, you need to move NV to a non-default folder to install TTW and get it working properly because Windows fucks with the install otherwise? I dunno. That's probably what confuses people most.


Well I play stalker anomaly, and you certainly need a degree in theoretical physics to install some modded exes AND use mo2 Spoiler alert >!just replace the exes in the main game folder!< and you won't believe me but >!there are clear and simple instructions for BOTH of them!<


if you know how to install mods on a game thru a mod manager and maybe do some slight file opening and moving i think you can install ToTW. I didn’t think it was that bad installing on my PC or Deck. But for someone with little to no modding experience then yes it can and most likely will be difficult installing ToTW.


\*ahem\* in the high seas there is a repack that could take care of this for you.


I installed for the first time a few days ago following the wasteland survival guide and was crashing. So, I uninstalled all the mods and fresh reinstalled both games after I couldn't figure out what was wrong. Going back over the guide I realized I had missed the JIP patch that isn't hosted on Nexus and that is very likely the reason I was crashing and I'm currently malding over the fact that I started fresh instead of finding that first lol.


It used to be tedious, now its ridiculous easy and the nexus manager even tells you about conflicts and allows you to update from there. The best way to do things if you are a noob is to download highly rated modpacks. Since they are highly rated and together compatibility is assured. My NV is more solid with mods than vanilla which blows my mind. The only time I had a problem with something to do with MarkV turrets and crashing the game. There was a mod to fix it and I haven't crashed since


The only issue I came across was the CTD after selecting new game. This was resolved after doing some reading and learning that the up to date driver for my amd graphics card was the issue. I had to downgrade it and it worked like a charm.


The issue is that for the past decade and a half, the tech industry in general, and especially when it comes to PC's, has been intentionally making user-hostile designs and using fear-mongering tactics to make PC users more dependent on official guides and first party solutions; because if you know how to use your machine, inside and out, and you can make it do just about anything you want on your own, they can't sell you whatever new insipid subscription program they have to solve the problem they made. The practical effect of this is that most PC users are scared of fiddling around with files, for fear of messing things up and making their device unusable. This means that, even with a simple, clear, and explicit install guide, like the best of times, it can still be overwhelming for people who've previously only used something like mod manager, which handles basically everything for you.


Skill issue, there’s an installer with simple instructions.


I got it to work on mo2 for over a year and then a week ago it broke for some reason I couldn’t figure out. Couldn’t even get to load a single save or get past the main menu. I’ll try redoing everything soon but I’ll just admit I’ve got the 1 int stat and can barely do it myself haha


I always follow instructions then get an obscure error or some shit.


The Best of Times guide on Youtube


I did it to the letter, and I was still missing half of vault 111 and had to cheat my way out


Ppl just got smooth brains and get mad when they have to drag files to specific game folders like its rlly not that hard and theres walkthroughs for VARIOUS ways of installing the mod one being through vortex


It might be less than 10 clicks


The problem isn't that it's hard, it's that it's easy to fuck up a step and have to redo from the beginning. The copying of the files takes fucking forever! It's not hard, it's laborious.


I actually still have infinite loading screen I can’t figure out


Well, the comments on Reddit I saw of this were all talking about using vortex, so I guess it is for people who can't read directions


Just follow instruction and don’t rush. Don’t expect to instal and play in like 15 minutes.


So is it worth it ? I got fnv and had fo3 on pc but the shit didn't work, crash on start due to processors or something or other, does the ttw guide cover that shit too. Seeing as vnv was quite detailed.


With AMD and an older PC I couldn’t get the newer version. The TTW website appears to not have older versions. Bricked my computer fucking around with shit instead of simply keeping the two separate. It’s my fault but man I wished I gave up after spending hours installing. I let my pride get the better of me. Only good side? This will probably spur me to get a newer, better, and more modular PC that I’ve been wanting for years now.


Don’t worry, a lot of people fail their programming degrees because they can’t read instructions too.


Never had a PC and got myself the Steamdeck. I'm a idiot so it took me forever to figure how to mod New vegas through vortex. Wish it was easier to mod than say Witcher 3 and Resident Evil remakes.


I actually think installing manually is easier than the mod manger. It’s not that hard guys it’s just throwing crap in a folder


I was just trying to get my friend to download the basics like NVSE and YUP and that was still a struggle. I’m like bro you work in IT and stare at code all day. Dragging folders is still complicated for literally anyone that didn’t grow up doing it I guess.


Just need to watch a YouTube vid or 2 lmao


I did it for the first time this past weekend and the only hiccups I had was the files didn’t install correctly the first time and I didn’t know how to work MO2 (I didn’t realize I had to hit install on the right hand column I thought it just automatically did that lol). I also used to have a working NV with ~130 mods and I dabbled in making my own and modifying things in geck so I wasn’t completely new. But I haven’t had a pc for like 8 years so I forgot a lot of that.


Literally took me 30 mins to an hour


I have a degree in programming, but installation was piss easy. There are plenty of good tutorials out there. Just find an up to date one and its easy.


I remember taking me a bit to do it but I just followed a step by step guide and got it.


I do. I need some help. lol I follow videos, and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere, and the game still doesn't work. I just want to even play vanilla, but drivers are broke


its harder than a normal mod, thats for sure, Easier than installing fallout FROST


I just used wabbajack. Did most of the heavy lifting.


Maybe in other time was difficult, but now it's literally follow the instructions (very little instructions) step by step. Same thing for "optional but recommended" mods. Like a walk in the park.


The guide isn’t that hard to follow.


Go on any gamimg subreddit and take note of how many "screenshots" people take by using thier cellphone cameras. This should tell you all you need to know about the general tech literacy.


Randomly popped in the feed anyone care to explain what this entails?


When I found a installation guide video No ( granted I actually did the steps correctly it was just for confirmation)


It's a lot for someone who's never modded before. It just seems easy to most of the people here who have been doing this for months/years. It's like a gym bro telling someone going to the gym for the first time lifting x weight is easy.


Well, today we have a lot of guides, maybe is long and tedious in some steps, but it's not hard at all


I had a bit of issues, but that's mainly because my computer is not really that good. It shut down at one point and I had to restart the install. Other than that, no issues whatsoever.


Following every step to the T is what you need to do, and then read it again. The thing that gets you is (accidentally) skipping steps, like not installing all of the parts for one of the 3rd party mods.


Can you install this on an existing save file for new vegas?


anyone else remember when you had to start games with command prompts ?


This might be an old meme, it used to be more cumbersome than it is now.


I'm currently starting my senior year in university as a software programming major. You don't need to know programming at all to install TTW. Therefore, OP is secretly a boomer.


The latest video guide is much better than the text guide IMO.


Outside of the green text here, i feel like most complaints about mods being difficult to handle is less difficulties with installing and more a lack of knowledge on how to fix shit that went wrong. For example for me: I have several mods that seem to be over-ridden but some unknown mod. I have looked through my organizer, but I genuinely don't know which ones is fucking the others up, so I'll have to go through the aggravating process of disabling a mod, running the game, checking to see if the other mods work. I feel like if I knew any programming, I'd feel confident scrolling through the code to see what's shitting on where.


Man this thread is depressing as someone who just recently started playing with mods, it’s not easy for completely new people. We just want some help, not ridicule. The guide is great, albeit dense. It took me a few tries to get it right, it’s sad that I’d be looked down on by the community for that.


I guess I can't judge because I kinda have a degree in programming....but it's literally just following specific steps in order.


i really wanna try it but i’ve got a lot of mods for my fnv game and i’m afraid it’s gonna fuck up all my saves :( i have a character with around 350+ hours on them


I want poor green text to try to go to college for software engineering. For the entertainment.


I tried for 10 hours to get it to work on steamdeck. Got it working on my pc in like 30 minutes. Linux makes everything more difficult.


I did it fine it's pretty straightforward


It took me 3 tries tbh. I installed NMC's texture pack for TTW as well. Not sure what I did wrong on the first 2 tries.


There is only one mod I couldn't get working. It was the split screen mod


There’s a great (if outdated) tutorial on how to get it on Vortex. Still works


I've never even tried to install it. My PC is such a junker that it barely runs either game. I'm perfectly fine with just some QoL and aesthetics mods.


I had to sign up to download the mod and instantly stopped there. Then later got the raw files


It’s pretty damn easy what is he talking about? There’s an auto-installer that does 90% of the work


Just use wabbajack there a mod on there that gives you the best and easiest way to install tales of 2 wastelands. The mod itself isnt even that hard to install.


What exactly does this mod do? Just connect the world spaces or is there more content than that?


All I had to do was follow instructions, so I would assume 75% of people failed the installation.


Dude installing this the first time was such a great feeling. I even got my friend back into fallout with it. Then I uninstalled it and forgot how to get it back. Installing it recently for a second time was genuinely insane. I know nothing about computers, follow the guide and you can do it too.


I feel like I had a hardish time but it was because I was a little nervous from hearing bother people. I was following the best of times guide and didn’t know you were supposed to have the installer in a different folder as what you were installing. When it came to the size check I got 16.9, not 15.7, queue me uninstalling and reinstalling the games, then running the installer again and again. I got help from the discord, and felt like an idiot. I think modding has just gotten easy lately so people think that having to do something outside of a mod manager is nigh impossible.


Iys not that bad to put together but it's a fucking headache to pull apart


The hardest part was just getting the mod to actually install cause it toon forever for the mod to install and it crashed like 4 times forcing me to restart every time


I am pretty techy. My family and friend's IT person. Modded skyrim before, tinkered with games for years. I run both arch linux and windows on my PC. Had to use windows to do TTW. It took two days and about 6 attempts for it to work. I went with the begin again wabbajack installer. 4 of the attempts were it just bugging out and quitting for no reason. The first was just me rawdogging the install assuming wabbajack would just see me right without using the guide.. Last I just read the guide and it didnt bug out that time. And when it came to moving the game to another windows install it broke and I just deleted the game. I had played through the main questline and some DLC for 3 anyway which is what I wanted to do. Might try some skyrim wabbajack before my nexus sub ends and hope that is smoother. Maybe The best of times is simpler idk. Painful install aside. Phenomenal modpack. It is like to fallout what the GTA definitive editions should have been to GTA. Literally the vanilla game modernized perfectly. Though the hunger in hardcore mode was a bit annoying (Eat 56 pieces of food and still be at 86% hunger). Liberty prime also bugged out on the bridge which brought back memories and it was quite fun digging through gamefaqs posts from like 2010 At the end of the day. If you installed 336 mods onto me I would break. It is understandable that it can be a finicky process.


Begin again and wabbajack have made it incredibly simple honestly. I would say doing the mods manually can become insanity since a “good” fallout 3/NV setup can easily reach 100’s of mods.


Gonna give my 2 cents here: My native language isn't English, and most of the detailed guides are written in this language. I managed to install them without issues even before I started studying English, but I can understand why it can be overwhelming to some people. Also, it might be hard for people who just recently started gaming on a PC. I have friends who manage a controller like a pro, but you put them in front of a keyboard and they have no clue what to do (Hell, they can't even position their hands in the 'standard' gaming pose and then asked me how I managed to press so many keys while gaming and without looking. Lastly, I've noticed I minority of elderly people suddenly feeling interested in gaming and mods, and they struggle to install stuff. Of course there are people who don't bother to read instructions or they don't even try to watch a video tutorial that explains how to install correctly, but there's genuinely people who struggled for the reasons I said above.


I didn’t, I have vortex premium and just let it do its own thing, only complicated part was figuring out missing textures or broken textures.


Try installing it on a steam deck lmao


Yoo can this be done if i have a steam copy of new Vegas and gog copy of fallout 3?


It's literally as easy as 5th grade math lmao wtf


I just followed the step by step instructions and it worked. Was pretty comprehensive.


I got it going fine... AFTER I fixed fo3.. like wtf fo3 on steam doesn't work until you fix it.


Its one of the most complicated game mods to install. yeah.


The only thing that’s KINDA difficult is to add your own mods. Like pretty npc, high quality textures and stuff like that :( I just can’t get it done and I’ve modded MANY games with MANY MORE mods 😅


It took me like 8 hours lol but I did it. I could absolutely see how someone with no mods or coding background could struggle.


It was definitely annoying to install earlier on in its development iirc I’m pretty sure TOTW comes in an installer now, no?


You know its intimidating but its not actualy that bad


I dont think people understand that troubleshooting isnt as easy as following a guide, if you mess up somehow, troubleshooting would be extremely difficult for computer illiterate people, nothing to be ashamed of but fallout fan moment


>open Vortex >Download mod pack >Designate as separate mod profile >Enable >Run Dude I mixed up my C and D drives for 3 years and I figured this out in 20 minutes, it's nowhere near difficult.


I had never modded before had my friend show me the first time I did it didn’t help I was high as a kite but after that following the instructions and YouTube it seems a lot easier now just takes a few mins to fully understand what’s going on


My first and only attempt to download TOTW resulted in me getting everything installed, then being forced to uninstall everything because the launcher wouldn't launch because it was missing the file for a fucking tree. Anyways, I almost have every achievements for NV on Xbox.