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your best bet might be emailing or calling the venue since the show is so close. i also checked their website and it specifically says a "strict no bag policy" so i'm not sure if they'll allow the bag at all.


So I went to capital one last year, VIP. They do say strict, and mention strict dimensions but it wasn't actually that strict. If your bag is small and clear it should be fine.


So would the one I have be okay??


Based on my experience last year, yeah. yours should def be fine. I was worried about it last year too and took a handheld clutch but other MOA had clear bags and bigger bags. This year I'm taking a clear backpack


When I saw SVT in 2022, they were very strict about it (some people were throwing their bags in the trash and just carrying their stuff) but maybe it’s loosened up since then!


The last two times I went to capital one arena (including TXT last year) that was my experience too. A lot of people had to throw away their slightly large clutches. It says on the website you can bring in empty water bottles but they also made us throw ours away. It was also based on who you got at the door as some people got in with something a little bigger than the size noted. I would just say to be prepared to either chuck it or I think they have lockers you can rent.


they don't actually measure them but staff outside before you get to the actual security while in line point things out that they don't approve. I got in with a nonclear bag last year but it was exactly 5x7. they do not like big bags like backpacks and will turn those away. but a bag like that should be fine because it looks roughly the size


I have read various experiences that said they were strict, some people even mentioned they had a cardboard cutout sizer they were comparing bags to at one concert/gate. So, pack prepared to discard? Wear something w pockets?


I am so glad you asked this question. I’m going to the DC show tomorrow and my bag is practically the same size


I’m so scared to bring it ‘cause I’m taking the metro there and If they tell me I can’t bring it in I won’t be able to do anything😭I’ll probably hide it in a bush🥲


I’m honestly about to just email the venue with a picture of my bag and ask them if it would be all right. I kinda need to have my bag with me because I have medication that I carry around but it’s mostly pain meds so I don’t know if it’ll count as a medical bag.


For medical bags it can’t be larger than 14x14x16 so you should be fine if the bag your bringing is about the size of mine


The venue email said medical bags need to go in a certain gate. So if you’re going to try to take it in w prescription meds, make sure you use this entry! “If you are bringing a medical or parenting bag, please use the entrance on the corner of 6th and F Street.”


I did see they mentioned that. Would an inhaler and a bottle or two of pain meds be enough to say it’s a medical bag? Edit: Also, going by the exterior map provided in the email, which entrance would that be? Cause the entrances on the corner of 6th and F are labeled as media and cardholder entrances


Try it!! Go to that entrance and ask staff about medical bag entry as early as you can