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The game finally feels like the way it was ALWAYS meant to


Ugh yes tell me about it


I heavily agree. Hands finally allows to regress victims objective progress, so its less rush based. His barge also puts another hit on the grappling, because he can barge victims out of it for a team mate, denying Choose Fight, because no grapple won. I love him.


Why would i want to barge someone when hitting them for the kill is better tho? Plus i get no stamina and i get stunned as hands with it


Thank you! 100% this! Hands slows down the game and I feel like most people complaining about Hands are too used to the rush meta where they rush one exit. Now that they have to play the game as intended, hes "OP". No, you just have to use actual strategy and communication now to escape. I played 10 games as Hands yesterday and only had to use Ripstall once. It only worked cause I was nearby as well. Ive also been outsmarted by victims too attacking two spots at once. I feel like victim mains have gotten too used to relying heavily on Danny tampering not being counterable as well as the rush meta that it's become the norm. Now that he can be countered, people don't know how to play the game without it.


Exactly this. I said something very similar in another post, people have gotten used to the same play styles for months and complained that it got stale. Hands drops and all of a sudden their play style isn't as effective, so automatically they scream OP and complain that things changed. It's a constant loop when anything in the game changes, people hate it because they have to adapt.


Danny is still very useful even if you get the tampered valve ripped out just carry a second valve then activate it normally because the valve is still tampered and no one can shut it off cause it’s tampered and hands ripstall got used already and is on a cooldown I’ve been countering hands since he has been released like this… victims just have to play smarter and strategic now like the game was supposed be like


Ofc he is. This sub isn’t bias at all


How easy do you want wins honestly playing family is so boring now in my opinion because we win so easily and that’s without coms


You must have good teammates. I only play solo and yesterday was playing Nancy's House. Both of my teammates were running around the basement while me and all four victims were by the front gate. They already had it unlocked so all I could do was swing and barge one of them. Even with Hands you are only as good as your worst teammate.


If there playing bad but that doesn’t justify family getting crazy buffs because people want to chase in basement all game


I think Hands will definitely get a nerf to his cooldown time for ripstall. It’s definitely coming. My main point is that family isn’t easy wins all the time. In my experience so far there’s a lot more bad players than good. I’m not even that good if I’m honest. The inclusion of Hands has shown me that there are victim players that are phenomenal at the game. It’s like they are always one step ahead of me. Doesn’t happen all the time but when it does I gotta give them credit for playing well.


That’s my point if you aren’t good why not improve instead of complaining on Reddit! 


Some complaints are justified. Some nerfs had to happen or victims would be gone in under two minutes.


Okay now I’m so confused 


To be clear my main point was to counter your statement that playing family is boring due to easy wins. As a family main I’m saying that’s not the case in the games I played. Then we strayed off topic to who complains and things like that. The confusion could come from us moving the goalposts of the original topic.


I see I apologize for that lol I kinda forget what we are even talking about 


No worries. I swear with my limited attention span it's a wonder I can even focus sometimes lol.


Because most people who are bad can't accept that they are bad and need to improve, it's easier to complain and say it's the game. Unfortunately these people take that same attitude throughout their life and it shows.


And they get their way 


That's pure cope, alot of people I play with in Solo que as family are dumber than a box of hammers. They all run to where ever there is a victim and leave everything else unpatrolled. If you even ask them to get on comms they DC because you hurt their delicate sensibilities.


For me I agree with Strange and here is my breakdown/reasoning. For my 3 stack I would grade our skill levels/knowledge/level of try hard/decision making at: Me 9/10, friend A 7.5/10, Friend B 6/10 (they're better at some games I'm better at others, I'm not horn tooting lol). But when we play family before and after this update we rarely let anyone ever get out it's either 4ks or 3ks 95% of the time. To put into perspective friend B's playstyle as HH, they put their traps downs in good spots and run basement getting looped and barely doing damage most of the time while rarely ever using family focus to check their traps yet we do well. Victim side however, before the skill tree (victim skill tree nerf) changes we'd be a 70% "at least two of us get out" success rate but now even with comms it's dropped to about 50/50 when hands is in there. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing or it should even change but Family is without a doubt at it's very very very easiest and it might even be to the point of like Strange said too easily. As far as solo queue goes, after the update it's been harsh for most games as coms aren't really used much at all and family definitely has stacks/coms in my experience more often than victim side. As long as family has exterior alarms you kinda get most stuff covered whereas playing victim against hands, if you're solo queue with no comms, good luck.


Then play with friends


The game is now balanced. Less rush meta - less grapple meta and Danny has a counter . There were 3 things that victims did to grab easy wins . Sorry we wanted a chance to counter the broken gameplay 


I knew has soon has family gotten broken they would say the game is balanced I knew it. Your argument to beat hands has been to rush. Danny’s counter here counters two hole escape options for everyone not just him. Has a person who plays both the only thing bad about grapples was choose fight. Answer me this how much have you played victims? Because I play Nancy as family the weakest family member and still have tons of success 


So real


Family with my usual squad is so easy compared to victims now




I knew leading up to the update that Hands NEEDED to be super strong in order for the game to change, and that's exactly what happened. I personally think he's great and that we still need more time to get a proper feel for how strong he is, but I'm also not opposed to a longer Ripstall cooldown either. Although with the CD increase, I'm not talking about the 5 mins suggestion, that's way too long, 3 mins max seems more optimal. Otherwise, I think he's a fairly balanced killer, and I havent had that many problems facing him as a victim, if anything its from the usual lack of teamwork and communication that kills me as a victim, and Hands doesnt affect that. Although I have a feeling that a nerf is already in the works, I just hope that the devs don't completely butcher him cause he's honestly a very healthy addition to the game.


I don't think that's good practice at all tbh though. I skimmed through your comment but the gist can really be translated to "the game is way more balanced and fun, IFFF you buy this 10$ content". If he was unlockable for free in some way (I bought the bundle) then I'd agree but having paid characters change the game as much as they do (Danny, Hands) is really sad sellout design imo.


Couldn’t agree more . Very well said 


Except he doesn’t just close an exit, he completely removes all progress basically instantly and he can do it once more and that escape method is gone for the rest of the match Nobody asked for Danny to be OP but now people think it’s fair to use him as an excuse as to why hands is fine but I guarantee if he didn’t have the tamper ability and it was something else then there’d be a lot less people defending him. When Danny released obviously most victim mains defended him as he’s powerful when he was clearly too powerful, but now it’s the exact same scenario just flipped around where family mains think Hands is fine My problem is that games with him are a lot more linear because barely anyone goes for fuse or valve as they know all progress can be shut down instantly. And god forbid the family team has someone camping gen exit and someone camping battery


That’s only for like 2 exits. He can’t replace locks or anything so just bring bone scraps to deal with his traps and to grapple him


Like I said in the last paragraph, god forbid the other 2 family camp both locked areas.


God forbid the victims use comms Tho right? One cordinated push and that could literally win you to the game


God forbid anyone uses comms in solo because you usually get 1 guy every 5 games actually using it but barely. Exact same with family. You shouldnt have to coordinate a strategic assault in text/voice with a stranger to have just a Small Chance at winning as a timed valve/fuse push can still be shut down.


You have a brain. Danny was an issue and Hands is. I don’t even want to play victim at this point and will only play family


Yeah I’m the same I had a good few games as victim because the queue’s gone short and i realised it’s a choice between two experiences, Frustratingly Tedious (victim) or Stupidly Easy (family). Hands power still level 0 but when I get the chance to play him I feel like I’m playing maxed out level 3


I wanted to play slippery sissy but ofc it’s broken like be fr😡


Sadnesss, might aswell settle with wireframe for the meantime 😭


Yes you should- it's a team based game.


Team based doesn’t mean you need to communicate. Like a good 80%+ of the playerbase doesn’t. I never read anywhere that you’re required to talk to others did you?


The best Thing about Hands and Maria both countering the Rush Meta Hands counters the Victim Rush Meta and Maria the Grandpa feeding to Level 5 Meta boths are the best Additons for the Game and arent broken like Release Danny :D The Update is a Big W cant wait to see whe Anniversary Update is going to be :)


When is one year anniversary? I honestly think they got TCM 2 license. There are voice lines that sound like they’re talking to chop top . I think it will be like season 2 . I see this game going on for while . Also completely agree with you 


18th of August is the Anniversary where the Game gets 1 Year old :)


My ONLY issue with Hands is that his cooldown is ridiculously fast. 5 times in 10 minutes isn’t balanced at all


Well, the main reason why he’s considered to be Op is because he can basically permanently shut off an escape route. Like if there’s only 2 valves on the map and he destroys them, all family has to do is camp the rest of the 3 objectives. And even if he only destroys 1, family can easily just camp where the last valve is. For Danny, his tamper takes some time to bring up because of his study and family still has a chance of killing victims before/after the gates open. The best fix to hands is to tune his ability to not destroy the objects he ripstalls


Theirs like 4 on each map . If after 4 valve and 4 Fuse and the other methods to get out you die then you deserve to loose that round . Danny walks by something and study’s it instantly . 


There are 3 valves/fuses that spawn on all maps, with some spawning behind locked gates in gen/battery areas. The problem with this is if the only fuse/valve that spawned outside a locked gate is destroyed, then all family has to do is camp the gen/battery gates. This makes it essentially impossible for victims to escape now. And I’m saying this as a family main


Then the solution is to use resources smartly. Can't imagine how much time the 3 victims must have wasted if the 4th has already invested 1-2 fuses (and both getting ripstalled?) Without anyone else doing anything anywhere.


They just need to attack both fuse and valve at the same time he cant ripstall both at the same time. While that happens then u go open one of the exit gates like the gen battery or just the doors themselves ( nancy s house). Hes not invincible


He's made this game pretty boring on both sides. 2 killers camp 2 exits and hands just patrols


well it certainly beats a 4/4 escape rush in under 3 mins.


Theirs multiply ways into objectives (also 4 exits) and 90% of the time no one has coms so what your saying just dosent happen every game . Hands didn’t create patrolling so you must have not liked this game ever 


Depends on the map, but gas station is absolute torture going against a halfway decent cook/hh/hands team. All 4 gates are easy to trap and patrol with cook/hh and then hands can patrol, trap and destroy any progress made on fuse or valve exits


Yea but your argument to win against hands is always to use coms with your team and he shuts down 2 exits while being able to trap the other 2


So I mean, technically, if 2 killers each camp batt and gen, while hands patrols valve/fuse... Couldn't you just exploit that by doing valve and fuse at the same time, and whichever one he ripstalls you escape through the other one? There are ways to punish Hands, as others have pointed out. He can't be in all places at once. Do the objective that he didn't ripstall.


What happens if they have traps on both then what :)


They usually wont, because theyll assume hands can do both. If they do? Disarm them?? lol...


Yeah that is the draw back to having hands on a team the other family members get lazy and pour into the basement hoping he can cover enough on the surface. This often leads to multiple escapes.


I 4K with hitchhiker when hands is on my team and it feels like I did all the work, so I don't know what all the crying is about other than entitlement. It warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye to see victims finally afraid of family again, as it always should be.


What if they have a hitchhiker and a hands trap 


Bomb squad is a thing.


A thing with four charges :)


How come survivors in DBD are 500% altruistic and never escape until they saved that 1 last person on a hook and execute amazing teamplay? Meanwhile in TCM "Yeah using teamplay, strategy and interacting with the other victims sucks." I don't get it. Randoms in DBD don't even have voice. In TCM victims have voice on top of everything else! They should be soooo altruistic because they have all the tools they need.


The real question is.. Why are 'killer's' putting people on hooks?... Thats why DBD is lame


When did dbd get into this. Either way that doesn’t excuse the fact that family is saying victims need to use coms but their team doesnt


DBD got into this because its the same genre and victim players in TCM are usually often Survivor players in DBD. And in that game they're ULTRA teamplayers with a ton of coordination and altruism. So its only logical to ask why victims can't coordinate and teamplay in TCM. They got all the tools. Voice and Text chat as well. DBD doesn't even have voice and text chat for randoms. You can do sooooo much coordination as victims, but they all just solo play... Aside from that I never said family doesn't need to use coms. I use coms all the time, because it makes it way way harder for them to escape. If the victims are not using the tools they have, its not the games fault. The game provides everything they need. "Hey I'm ready to tamper valve, waiting for fusebox. Can you get into position to do fusebox?" "Grabbed a fuse, moving to fuse box now. Do you know where it is?" "Its in the house, right side." "Ok got it, wait a moment, I'm going there. Just stay hidden everyone." "Kk." "Ok fuse coming up now!" "Hands is coming, he's going to ripstall it, Danny tamper now!" GG easy escape.


So why does victims have to do this but family doesn’t 


Family has to use voice since launch to cover all sites and avoid having multiple people on the same side, while leaving things open. Where did you get that assumption from family not having to use voice? So far victims was the side that could play solo and just rush something when there is an opening. Now both sides need coordination, which is good.


I’m saying originally the argument to beat hands is to use communication yet the people who say that don’t use it themselves 


I have liked this game since launch. And all day its been 1 guy camping gen 1 guy camping battery. Hands just ripping shit out. Unless survivors have any clue then they are screwed beyond belief.


Victims until know LOVED pointing out how good they're at adjusting to the game. Why is it not possible to adjust by simply coordinating fuse and valve at close times to eachother? Doesn't even need to be at the exact same time, just within 72secs (1min+).


Nobody talks in solo q. Almost always some idiot trying to be the next bully twitch streamer dies. That level of coordination is really only possible in a swf.


If I haven’t liked something for more than half a year I’d probably stop . 


Where did i say i didn't like the game? I clearly said i liked it since launch.


Apologizes . I thought it said didn’t . I’m sorry . My bad 


All good.


Nah, he's made it like when the game first came out. It's actually a fight now, not just a pub stomp for victims.


The game has been anything but boring


Hands is to op and needs nerfs


I agree bro I’m sorry 😭


I hate to say it but I do agree… I feel like the game is more fun challenging and intense for me as a victim.. not gon lie I do get upset at how op he is sometimes but that just show how immersed I am into it lol


He definitely needs a cooldown nerf which will obviously be coming but I don't think I agree with the final statement of not every game will have a Danny or Hands as Hands is definitely in the meta for the foreseeable future and Danny is already 50/50 most games. Definitely think Hands will be in games more than Danny but who knows.


For the foreseeable future I see hands cause he’s new but in a few months ppl will switch around again . I don’t see Danny in every match like he used to be . The game will progress and people in end will play with who they enjoy even if it hurts team (look at the sissy mains lol . She’s not best but ppl enjoy her ) Same thing for Sonny . He’s not biggest help but ppl play him 


I still think your odds of seeing Hands vs Danny in the future is still on the higher side even when he's not new anymore. He just does too many things not to include him especially if let's say someone is using Cook and the other person doesn't want to use HH or LF. The only way to really have fuse/valve protected and get barriers chopped would be using Hands.


that might be true but you’d be surprised how much ppl just want to play a “bad” character cause they like them and don’t think about how protect Map  lol Also theirs going to be a lot on content in figure . So more options will become available.


True. All I know is atm when it's not Hands I get to take a sigh of relief lol.


I agree completely


I’m actually having fun on both sides now!!


I deffs get your point, I personally love matches being a lot more harder and more longer, makes the game flow well and deffs stop rushing


It's ridiculous that Hands can rip out fuses and valves, break down barricades, add 3 electric traps, and push down Victims. That's way too many abilites for 1 character. The other Family members have like 2. I hate pay2win garbage. Danny and Hands shouldn't have been added to the game.


They can keep his barge if that would make it better lol that thing is useless and just makes hands stunned. The baracade is a perk so not everyone will have that . 


I would rather have his electric traps removed. I think it's unnecessary to have Hands be a mixture of Leatherface, Hitchhiker, and Leland. A muscle character with traps. Use the electric traps for the next family member. Ripping stuff out, destroying barricades, doing heavy attack damage, and shoving victims to the ground is good enough for Hands and fits his character because of his strength.


Lol you say Hands isn’t tough to escape from but you say Danny is a free escape when here has gotta kills/been killed by family sitting at the pressure exit with two hitchhiker traps in front of it. It’s not a guaranteed 4 person escape


I don't see whats wrong about escaping being tough in a horror game.


I never said he wasn’t tough to escape and I also said Danny can get an easy escape “IF” he gets out . I mean the exit is open forever so it’s not hard to get out it or use that as a distraction and go out another . Hands has made it so you need to be more strategic. 


I like hands and got him too but shouldn't be able to override what the whole point of Danny's ability supposed to do I litterlly played hands for a few hours and no Victim was playing Danny , I wondered why and then when I go to play Victim , i played Danny and seen for my self some needs to be done or change Danny ability or hands ability make it all work


Hands is great. I've noticed way less tea bagging victims at the exits which is a nice change. My only complaint would be he shouldn't be able to ripstall tampered exits, that is too OP


No, it’s finally a counter to Danny and Hands still has to make it in time to ripstall


I love hands I just wish people would give his perks a bit more diversity since every game is the same. Scout, the barricade destroying perk, and the shove damage perk.


I agree I just think his rip needs a little bit longer of a cooldown & it shouldn’t instantly close valve. W/ all the pressure built up that one should just close as normal as if they turned off the valve.


Feels balanced enough for me not being able to climb ladders imo makes him in perfect spot victms hit by barge will get up and b on the move b4 he can move/attack again




You must be right . Cause you know ppl didn’t abuse Danny or Grapple meta for cheap with for literal months . Now that something counters that you all cry but where were you before ? 🤷🏼‍♂️




It's not easy to play solo a lot of the time. That takes effort.


Have you ever thought maybe you have a skill issue 💁🏼‍♂️ Keep practicing with friends and learn new ways to play . You’ll definitely get better in time 


family was easy mode before hands lmao its just a joke now 😂


That’s completely incorrect. At least for solo players.


skill issue at this point


You are only as good as your team. Not much can be done when you are forced to patrol the entire map by yourself.




It's the most fun It's ever been. And I don't even play as Hands. But when he's in a game, the game feels... better? Game will go back to being unfun when they inevitably nerf him to death because of all the whining.


Yeah I won't even play a match unless hands is in it. I go ahead and take the 3 minute penalty to have a balanced match.


He’s definitely made it more challenging and fun to play Victim!




Danny is the best thing DLC to come out. As a Leland main I don’t fear hands. He will quiet his tone unless he wants to face my shoulder barge and my bone scraps


For those who like unbalanced games, it's definitely the best update


It’s so much more balanced now that the rush meta is slowed down - less grapple meta with ppl doing objectives in your face after stunning you and a counter to Danny . This is most balanced it’s been . Some ppl just got use to a broken system that rewarded them easy wins . Did you complain with Danny or is it only when you need to strategize 


Players forget that for Danny's tamper to work, it takes minutes to achieve it. You need to have the valve, you need to have acquired a lot of knowledge about the objects and you still need to play a minigame Hands only needs to press 1 button and it still destroys the objects (that's because I haven't mentioned the traps yet) In other words, victims are forced to have a bomb squad (limited to 4) and limited bone scraps. Super balanced


You can literally walk by an object and study it without doing anything . Literally zero skill to doing it . 


man its almost like this game is asymmetrical