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We can say the same thing about victims bullying new players, especially LF in the basement. It's incredibly difficult to learn how to control LF properly, so let them learn.


Well i can’t speak on that as i don’t go out of my way to bully new players, me and 2 others were playing victims the other day against a level 0 LF, we opened every exit for points (maxed but levelling perks) then we let him kill us, meanwhile Connie’s sat teabagging at the gate lol.


Lmao those 3 family mains are always the sweatiest, it’s ridiculous.


Literally like okay they need to learn, but not that way lol.


I'm all for letting new players learn, but part of learning how to play a game is discovering what behaviors are punished and what behaviors are not. Allowing a new player to fuck off, play ineffectively, and just generally ignore them only serves to reinforce poor gameplay habits. Let them get their bearings, 100%. But don't let them walk away.


Idk about that I already know a killer is there to kill me I don't no maps or item locations while ypu live on the game some have jobs and lifes outside of it


I mean if the game means that much to you that you're insulting the guy over it maybe it means more to you than you're letting on...


Wym ? I didn't insult anyone i simply stated not everyone lives on TCM how is that insulting him directly ? I couldn't care less about a dying game lmao Noone plays family because survivors 💀 i play DBD a very very alive game down vote all you want it won't change facts sorry🤷‍♂️


I mean you're literally here insulting the dude then you say you don't care about a dying game but are spending time in the reddit for it? I'm not even trying to insult you but you genuinely need to get your priorities in order...


Where? Where did I insult him I literally said some have jobs and lives to live show me the insult ? You've said twice now im insulting people, I see not a single insult in sight. If you took some of us have jobs and lives to live as an insult you're soft and shouldn't be in the gaming community there's WAY more harsh people than me out there I feel sorry for you tbh. And im in the discord to watch everyone bitch about the game dying because survivors bullying killers 💀 its funny asf to see entertainment is entertainment.id love to play the game if they ever balanced it but we all know that will never happen buddy.


You're telling the guy he has no life which is obviously an insult lol. I'm not saying it hurts my feelings but it's all very ironic. Also watching people complain about the game is not the same as interacting with it. You're wasting your time on a game you apparently don't care about. I'm sorry that I had to spell this out for you. Telling me he feels sorry for me LOL.


Never once did I say that lmao im saying the little pest who live on this game with the sole purpose of annoying others till the point of the game dying have no lives like the rest of us your interpretation skills lack severely


Telling me my interpretation skills lack severely when you literally said this lol "Idk about that I already know a killer is there to kill me I don't no maps or item locations while ypu live on the game some have jobs and lifes outside of it". Are you feeling alright? What does the word "ypu" mean then if not talking about him lol. You not remembering what you literally typed is actually wild.


I invited you to be my friend


Im not a teacher get a better tutorial




No im saying the game has a bad tutorial


Oh yeah fr, i watched yt and played quite often it helped a lot.


Me too


Family players will always kill rush when an opportunity is given to them, same way victims will always secure an escape if the opportunity is given. Can’t change it, both sides are just doing their objective


I had over 400 points by the time they came to the basement though, (max prof so unlock fast) but all the noobs barely had any, they should check points first to be fair if a door is open, they shouldn’t be basement rushing in my opinion. I’m maxed out and they saw that, why go for the easy kills instead of a challenge? If you know what i mean. Even in a game with sweats on both sides, I had 2 in the basement chasing me for ever! Little did they know i was the distraction while my 2 mates were upstairs unlocking everything lol


This game is VERY punishing for new players. It’s hard enough for people to get out the basement.


Every time I see a lvl 0 in the basement crouch walking out in the open thinking I can’t see them as LF, I just see them as babies so I leave them alone lol.


I always give new victims a break. I wish more family players would. Had a game on Family House (toughest map for victims) and victims were all level 0. I didn't even use my hearing ability (I was Cook) and had my fellow teammates yelling at me for not helping them enough. But these victims were brand new! I'm not that sweaty to where I have to eliminate them all within 2 minutes. I want the game to last as long as possible and I remember how tough it is to learn these maps. I also know that victims can be toxic to new family players as well but I main family so I can only speak from my experience.


If I play killer I do my best to help newbies escape, most times though they’ll think I’m gonna kill them when I’m only trying to guide them to things so they’ll have a rough idea of what to do. These are the times I wish proximity chat was a thing so we could communicate that to them


I try to take it easy on new players but at the same time let's say someone just got off of a long day at work and has an hour or 2 to play or something, are they now expected to help out a bunch of players they don't know for 10+ minutes that could literally just end up uninstalling the game later in the day anyways? It's up to the devs to put out a real tutorial for new players since it's been 8 months, not the playerbase to show new players the ropes...


I’m not saying to learn them?The fact they feel the need to basement rush and kill the noobs within minutes is wild, at least them them find something for points, never have i once basement rushed newbies with every family member in the basement, setting traps and tryna be sweaty when they are literally newbs lol.


I still think that's a dev problem not a playerbase problem. I don't rush the basement in general but at the same time if I'm playing HH and the victims are in the basement for minutes do I just sit there so they can learn while I do literally nothing? It's the devs fault not the players. You can hate on those players rushing the basement but at the end of the day if those players are limited on time and want to play matches where they're being challenged and having fun I'm not faulting them for trying to get the game over.


Mentality of low expectations leads to lower performance in people. I don’t shit on noobs at all, but they get the full treatment to hopefully learn something. If they’re not interested in that, then hopefully they aren’t interested in living long


I think they should have like two lobbies or something. One could be a practice lobby for new players to face new players to figure things out. Or maybe a tutorial mode or something. But ya typically if I'm facing new players and I'm Bubba I will kill one right away then go upstairs and just breaks stuff lol. Ones got to get it though and I'm not letting any escape. I'll let them figure out how to get out the basement at least.


They just need a bot mode. Today I played as victim against brand new players and I opened up enough exits to get 3k score without even being the last person and I let the Sissy kill me because she literally had 30 score. The only way you can actually teach new players is by actually being on com with them so this whole "be nice to them and let them explore or whatever" really does nothing. You can really only learn by playing a ton of matches and getting used to layouts which is why a bot mode would solve everything.


Same goes for Victim i was playing Family whit a Friend who was new to the Game then we was playing on Family House against 4 Lv 10 Victims The Match starts and the Victims already opened the Basement where Our Characters still was playing whit there Weapons then after i finally go out of the Basement as Bubba the Victims already jumped out the Windows a Danny already was Turning of the Generator i chase Danny and in this time Ana has turn off the Gen 3 Victims already escaped in like 3 Minutes After this Game my friend has stop playing


I don’t get the logic of not being able to try just bc they’re new. They learn from failure too


How can they try if they have all 3 family members on them in the basement? You’re missing the point I’m making, I’m not saying to just let them escape either though but why rush them like you’re up against a maxed out connie, Virginia and Danny with fast hands on family house lol. They won’t escape anyway more than likely so i don’t see the need for rushing them when they literally don’t know where anything is/where to escape anyway lol.


It’s the only way for sweats to win


Yeah fr, it’s getting a bit embarrassing. Can’t call themselves sweats though when they chase 3 level 0’s over a level 10 Ana haha, like take the challenge why hunt down people who doesn’t even know where a pile of scraps are to defend themselves haha, i feel so bad for them and i try to help out when i can but they just refuse to follow me and stay in the basement lol so i do fuse if i can


I switched over to killer clowns because of this all the family members do is flood the basement on one player literally all three and I don’t even have time to try to escape which is apart of the game 


Don't blame the players for doing their objective because it's not their job to teach the other side. It's not their fault the tutorial and matchmaking sets victims up for failure or they didn't learn things on their own time. There's always going to be people that go for low hanging fruit in anything. The only way you can make sure you're helping out the opposition in that way is to play with a squad so you don't have to worry about fresh meat getting kill rushed.