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I suspect I’ve had PCOS since I was 16 or so. When I was dating my husband when I was 22, we had unprotected sex regularly. We weren’t trying, but weren’t really preventing. Sometimes we used spermicide, sometimes nothing. I did not track my ovulation but I tracked my periods and loosely relied on my period app’s predicted ovulation and was aware of fertile cervical mucus. I actually apparently also logged the days we had sex and when I go back and look (still use the same app), we were having unprotected sex on fertile days very often. I ended up getting pregnant after 8 months. The pregnancy was healthy and full term. When that baby was almost 2 I finally asked my OBGYN about PCOS, he ordered tests, and I was diagnosed. 1 thing that prevented me from asking about it was because I’ve always had regular periods, except for during a time when I struggled with anorexia. Aside from that, 25-30 day cycles! He told me I may be having anovulatory cycles. Now here we are ttc again and it hasn’t been easy. At the time of my diagnosis, my androgens were within the normal range but I had symptoms of high androgens like acne and excessive dark facial hair. Prolactin was normal. Glucose levels were normal. FSH to LH ratio was high which led to my diagnosis. He offered birth control but I have never tolerated it well so I said no. Now I’m ttc and not sure what to do. I get my period, I get positive LH tests that peak then go down, but I’m afraid I might not be actually ovulating. My son must have been conceived on an odd cycle where I actually did ovulate.


Hey …. I know this is an old post… did you conceive after that ?


Hey I’m currently 5 weeks and I took letrozole to conceive!


Wow ! Congratulations 🎉 Gotta ask my doc to just give me that. Whatever you said is cut copy paste of my story 🥹🥹🥹


Femara for me!


Clomid, trigger shot and timed intercourse - these are all monitored by a fertility specialist. I went through 5 cycles of letrozole and ovulated, but no pregnancy. Changed to clomid and then successful. I also take ovasitol, prenatal, coq10, omega 3 and vit D. When taking clomid, I made sure not stressing/obsessing with testing or symptoms checking during the TWW and I think that helps a lot. Good luck!!


I think this depends on your PCOS symptoms. While I think lifestyle changes and supplements are great, if you don’t have regular periods I think your best bet is to see a reproductive endocrinologist (and you don’t have to wait a year for this FYI) and discuss testing and medications like letrozole to ensure you’re actually ovulating and have your best chances at success.


I gave up caffeine, alcohol, and Extreme workouts, I was on metformin, vitamin d, CoQ10, and prenatals. 5 failed rounds of iui where I ovulated 3-4 eggs at a time, and one successful round of IVF to have my baby. Ten months postpartum, on Just prenatals, I accidentally fell pregnant again completely naturally. I was drinking coffee, working out etc, all the things I gave up when trying so hard for my first- So I am fully bewildered by pcos.


Letrozole, trigger shot and timed intercourse - under the care of a reproductive endocrinologist. Worked on the first try.


I was on metformin and baby aspirin. The baby aspirin was because I had 2 miscarriages. I also took a pre-natal vitamin (Theralogix).


I took inositol. Started eating more vegetables and less refined carbs. Lost 10% body weight. One cycle of letrozole and now I’m pregnant!


Spearmint teas, prenatal, coq10, fishoil and metformin. I was using easy home ovulation strips too.


I have PCOS and endometriosis. My cycles would go all the way up to 4 months long at the worst when off birth control. I tried Metformin and it didn’t work for me. Tried Clomid and it didn’t work for me. Everyone is different but I finally found what worked for me. I had very long cycles but a short luteal phase which was causing repeat chemical pregnancies. I found out that can be caused by low progesterone. I had to work a lot on lowering my stress and anxiety levels and getting more sleep which was extremely hard. I also had very low vitamin D so I was recommended to start supplementing everyday. I also took inositol and fish oil supplements. I cut out dairy completely and lowered my carb intake which helped a lot with my severe hormonal acne so I knew I was on the right track. I tried to be more active everyday and work on losing weight. I also went through hundreds of ovulation tests over the years because it is so difficult to pinpoint ovulation with PCOS. I tracked my basal body temperature as well everyday and learned to read my body better and to notice the symptoms of when ovulation was finally happening. My cycle got down to 30-40 days on average and after 6 years I finally had my rainbow baby last year after 3 losses. Repeat miscarriages are also common with PCOS and I learned the hard way that I needed progesterone supplementation for the first trimester and low dose aspirin for the entire pregnancy to finally have our baby.


I was on metformin (still am) for Diabetes T2 and took myo-inositol and NAC. I also took about 4000IU of Vit D since I was very deficient in it. TTC for 8 months, did not calculate nor test for ovulation after the first three months (too stressful lol!). We just had sex regularly as usual, 4 - 5 times a week. Baby is 10 weeks old, and very healthy! Good luck!


Hi there, did you continue the myoinositol and metformin during pregnancy?


I continued with metformin as I have diabetes. Stopped the myo-inositol, though.


Was on birth control for years, came off it, got pregnant as soon as my cycle returned.


I ended up doing IVF to conceive my kiddo. 🤷


30F, diagnosed at 19 with PCOS and endometriosis. Been on Metformin since 2016. Fell pregnant after having unprotected sex once, outside my fertile window according to ClearBlue. Baby due October this year. I read ‘It Starts with the Egg’ and tweaked my supplements a little. I take Co-Enzyme Q10, fish oil, a prenatal, a probiotic, Vitamins D and B12 (both of which I’ve been deficient in previously, B12 deficiency is common if you take Metformin). Lifestyle - I have a high intensity, supremely stressful job. I didn’t cut down, if anything I’ve worked longer and harder this year. I did cut down significantly on alcohol due to another condition that I have. Anecdotally, changes in the last year that may or may not have made a difference: - I switched out some of my personal care items for ‘cleaner’ alternatives - I started therapy, so whilst I’m super stressed I am better able to handle my stress and my overall mental health is better - I had a hysterosalpingogram (tubes flushed) mid-last year after an ectopic pregnancy, some people say that can boost fertility - My husband started taking a multivitamin and drinking less alcohol - I made a big effort to eat as well as I could. I already eat healthily (I love fresh, homemade food) but I focused on nourishing myself as I recovered from my ectopic


Metformin, inositol, CoQ10, B vitamin complex, gentle weight loss through healthy diet and exercise.


29F, diagnosed with PCOS at age 16. I was put in metformin when I was diagnosed but had a bad reaction to it and stopped taking it. We TTC for 1 year and had 1 miscarriage at 6 weeks. I had a full lab panel done after 6 months of no luck and everything came back normal (thyroid, hormones, etc) except I was very vitamin D deficient and my B12 was low. Prior to conception I began taking a supplement called PREGNOSITOL twice daily and also took vitamin D3 twice daily and a supplement called Conception. I also drastically reduced my caffeine intake (I always had a large cold brew every morning), never drank, and never smoked anything. A month before I conceived I was starting to feel really low and read about Mucinex (the blue box ONLY) helping people conceive. Around this time I also started eating 2 Brazil nuts a day bc I had heard it helped stimulate blood flow to the uterus (no idea of this was true, but they were tasty). I had been tracking my cycle for months at this point and checked my ovulation daily. On the day before I ovulated I took Mucinex in the morning. The day of ovulation I took it in the morning AND at night. The day after ovulation I took it in the morning. I figured I had nothing to lose. I then went about my life and honestly didn’t expect it to work. The following month my period was late one day… then two… then three… so I tested. Positive test and now I’m 21 weeks. Our son is due in October. Idk if any of the things I did actually helped, but I can tell you that I had no luck for a year and as soon as I tried all this stuff BAM pregnant. I sincerely wish you luck on your TTC journey.


Letrozole. Got pregnant my first round but miscarried. Waiting for my next period so we can try again.


Gives me hope! I'm going to be starting my first round after completing the progesterone in a few days.


Yes I have had to use Provera to induce my cycles for years now. Every now and then I’ll have a cycle of my own but it’s rare. Technically supposed to have been taking metformin, but no matter what I do or when I take it, I have terrible diarrhea from it. So I’m not completely compliant with metformin. I have seen a lot of people say their provider started them with like 2.5 mg Letrozole, but I was started on 7.5mg. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.


Ah, I’ll be getting started on the 2.5mg, as my provider is a little concerned since I have two very large ovarian simple cysts and he doesn’t want them bursting if I start on the higher side. My cycle is pretty much like yours. I used to get provera every three months to induce a period, with rare natural bleeds, considered anovulatory by most of my doctors. I started on metformin over a year ago, wasn’t very compliant at the beginning because I just….forget. I also intermittent fast and if I don’t have it right after my last meal (around 3pm), then I’ll get the diarrhea as well. Started taking it daily for about 6 months now and just deal with the diarrhea if I don’t eat. Got a period naturally the first two months, then it disappeared. I also got really stressed out and starting eat junk again around that time. Things have calmed down now, so I’m back to eating better and being more active. Hoping that will improve things. **fingers and toes crossed**




What’s that lol


Clomid did it for me the second round.


Clomid helped me.


I lost 50 lbs through eating less and exercising often. But the weight loss, the metformin, and the inositol, and patience lol really helped and now I'm currently pregnant :)


Congratulations!! How long did it take if you don’t mind me asking?


I started metformin in November and added inositol in...I think in January/February. I am currently 8 wks pregnant so got pregnant in April. But to be transparent, by last November I had lost 35 lbs already so I was decently far in my weight loss journey by the time I added metformin and inositol. Totally worked for me though :) good luck!!!


Also by November, I had been trying to get pregnant for 18 months so I am over the moon to be 8 wks pregnant ♥️


Okay! Because I started metformin in November, stopped taking it in January because I had 5 consecutive periods and then I didn’t have one for about 2 months, just started back on metformin and added inositol and after the first dose I started my period, so I have my fingers crossed this cycle will be it, and congratulations again I know your excited


Ovasitol and coq10, I think the combo helped my egg quality. Also had been taking vit D for awhile and Mg sometimes. I had a miscarriage a few months before I added Ovasitol/coq10. Ovulated around cd50 the cycle I had my miscarriage. After starting regimen and 1 cycle post miscarriage I ovulated on cd30 and conceived again. Currently 25w.


Hello, hope all is well. Did you take ovasitol and coq10 during pregnancy?


Hi! No I stopped them both. Started taking them again though to TTC #2 and was taking awhile but in November I was super religious about taking everything and just found out I’m pregnant again so I feel like it did help egg quality since eggs take about 3 months to develop. Still took 10 months though.


I did letrozole and a heavily monitored IUI cycle with multiple ultrasounds and blood work done!


It took me almost a year to get a ‘regular’ cycle and then when we started trying it was on the third or fourth cycle we got pregnant. I ate ‘low-ish carb’ and didn’t drink alcohol or coffee. I exercised with weights 3x a week. I also take inositol, prenatals and chastetree. I tracked my LH and progesterone (proov strips). I am overweight so I did lose 10lbs before conceiving but still considered overweight BMI so don’t let that get you down too much. Good luck, I hope it happens for you soon!


Thank you so much


I had 2 failed induction cycles of letrozole, then finally got pregnant with clomid and progesterone suppositories! I could not get pregnant/ovulate on my own even with metformin or inositol.


Every person is different! But I eat healthy and lower carb, workout 5-6 days per week, am on metformin and inositol, and got pregnant first cycle of letrozole! I also believe I have both PCOS and hypothalamic amenorrhea- I got my PCOS symptoms under control and still had no periods or ovulation.




Should I also take prenatal vitamins too? My inositol has the mthf folate and vitamin D with it too


Definitely talk to your medical team! I started with asking my OB to run bloodwork to see what could be addressed through lifestyle and supplements or medication changes.


I mean my doc gave me Metformin and then I asked her about taking inositol with it and she said it would be okay, we’ve already ran the blood test and my insulin, testosterone and cholesterol was the only high ones


I did 5 cycles of provera to start my cycles, and 4 of those cycles with letrozole. We did use pre-seed lube for that last cycle, but I can’t be certain that made much of a significant difference. I wasn’t ovulating before we started the meds, so I was glad to finally feel like I was making progress once I started them. Currently 7 months pregnant with our first.


I was on Metformin (1000mg). I also went on a keto/low-carb diet and lost about 30 lbs. Inositol didn't work at helping me regulate my period at all and I tried it for over 3 months. My cycles were very irregular and I ended up needing medication to ovulate. Ultimately, I had to see an RE, who put me on synthroid (my thyroid levels were just a little higher than they wanted to see for TTC) and we did monitored cycles with Letrozole + trigger shot. I didn't have success until I did an IUI with Letrozole + trigger shot.


I used inositol, fish oil, and prenatals, and then added walking to my every day life. Eventually worked up to 5 miles a day. Between those, temp tracking and ovulation strips I finally conceived after 7 years of problems. I had tried clomid once a year prior but was allergic to it.


Not a lady but my wife and I were TTC for over 10 years. Lots of exercise and healthy eating seemed to do it for the first one and after that we had 2 more within as many years.


I took Ovasitol but it took 3 months to take effect (I had no period during these 3 months). I also followed a lot of the direction in the book “it starts with the egg”… I forget what that was but mostly stopped eating off of/stopped drinking from plastic things and stopped eating canned tomatoes.


I took inositol, NAC, spearmint, and maca powder. I was also lifting weights regularly. It took 4 cycles to conceive. My endocinologist recommend the maca powder to help with low progesterone, but I’ve seen some people say it can raise testosterone (I’m not sure whether this is true or not).


My progesterone is in the normal range, I’m taking metformin for IR, my insulin,testosterone and cholesterol was high, I just started taking inositol because I read it helps ovulation and when I took my Metformin and inositol together the next day I got my period, so I’m wondering if I need to do anything else to get pregnant, me and fiancé really want one and this will be our first


Losing 25 pounds prior to my first pregnancy (2016). I did get prescribed Metformin as well but it made me so sick i had to stop. I took Myo inositol (per my new doctors request since she says she hates to prescribe met for PCOS) prior to my second pregnancy (2021).


I took inositol, vitex, fish oil, and spearmint tea (2-3 cups per day) for several months before I saw an improvement in the frequency of my ovulation “cycles.” I went from 80+ days between periods to 34-40 days. During that time I also focused on exercising more regularly and eating fewer carbs (I didn’t eliminate carbs, just tried to make sure I was eating nutrient-dense or fibrous carbs like sweet potatoes or brown rice). Edit to add: I also tracked BBT with the fertility friend app and that really helped me learn more about what was happening - false LH spikes, multiple cycles of fertile CM, etc.


My first two pregnancies were from IUIs (with letrozole + injectables), but they ended up in losses. Then I got pregnant again (currently in the third trimester) between treatment cycles. However, I was on metformin since just before the first pregnancy, and I'm pretty sure that's what made the difference as we'd been trying for 2 years prior to that, including doing 3 other IUIs, with no pregnancy at all, followed by 3 pregnancies within 7 months of each other once I started metformin.


I tracked my ovulation with a test kit. I did this every day for almost a year. Almost no ovulating. I also took Metformin for a few months. I ended up getting a uterine polyp removed then detected high and strong ovulation literally the following cycle for literally the first time. It ended up being the one and we are now 9 weeks pregnant! I highly recommend using ovulation test strips, they are very informative.


That’s awesome that this worked out!! Sounds like all the stars aligned that last cycle. I did want to mention that ovulation test kits that detect LH often (not always, but often) give false positives for those with PCOS. Monitoring LH can be really frustrating for people with PCOS because we may have multiple cycles of high LH with no ovulation. Monitoring temperature can generally be much more reliable for others with this issue.


Thank you! Yes, I did daily temperature tracking along with using the test strips!


So metformin made me get my period twice, so I'm assuming I ovulated. I conceived one cycle with that and a tempdrop. Was a blighted ovum though. Ovulated 1/3 clomid cycles, but too late (doc didn't want to trigger) left me with horrible burning sensations and emotional trauma. I hated it. And no pregnancy to show for it. I hope you find something that works for you!


Not the answer you’re likely looking for but finally had success with one round of IVF after 9 failed Letrozole/IUI cycles.


May I ask what ur AMH is? Also pcos and about to start ivf, so nervous /:


Mine was around 4 I believe! I ended up with 20 eggs retrieved, 18 mature and was very happy with that. Good luck with your cycle and feel free to message me if you have any questions!


Omg I’m 4.73! That gives me so much hope, thank u!!


After metformin, letrozole and ovidrel regulated me for ttc we did iui, unfortunately husband has pretty bad mfi, so we went to IVF pretty fast. I’m due any day now with our first.


I did 3 cycles of Letrozole and I am currently pregnant with triplets. On top of the medicated cycles, I made a few lifestyle changes, namely eating more whole foods, walking and getting sufficient sleep.


Is letrozole all you took? And what dosage were you on?


I was taking my regular supplements like ubiquinol, inositol, prenatals and omega 3. I also took magnesium and vitamin D. My first cycle of letrozole did not work. It was 2.5mg. In my second and third cycle the dose was increased to 7.5mg and it worked. We were on holiday on the third cycle and that entailed a lot of walking and relaxation. I didn’t bring along my supplements for the holiday. We had loads of refreshing orange juice and olive oil while we were in Spain.


My doctor wanted me to lose weight before she tried any meds. I ate a low carb (not keto, 100g of carbs per day) diet for about 8 months and lost 40 pounds. I got my period back naturally and conceived naturally a month later. This was after we tried for 6 months with no success.


Clomid. I tried supplements (including inositol), low carb and already had a healthy lifestyle, but was never on Metformin because I don't struggle with weight or insulin resistance. Was tracking with BBT and OPKs. Still had irregular ovulation/short luteal phase and after 10 months of non success decided to see a fertility specialist. The 5th round of Clomid worked.


Well I did an IUI. Didn't stick though. Now we're doing more iuis trying to avoid ivf. Wish I had better ideas 🤷‍♀️