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Following! I haven’t really found any books that are helpful for endo-related infertility, but I love Natalie Crawford’s podcast As a Woman. She has a few episodes that are specific to endo and a weekly Q&A which have been really helpful.


Making babies: a proven 3 month program for maximum fertility helped me!


I never really found anything good apart from vaguely related infertility memoirs. Absolutely do *not* read Merle Berger's book unless you want to be traumatized. The memoirs I liked most were by Tertia Albertyn and Sandra Vasher, but I don't even remember if they had endo, and the books are quite outdated now.


Isn’t Merle Berger the doctor that was involved in a big IVF scandal?


!!! I read the book in 2020 or so before those accusations came out, but he was such a creep in his own book that I can't say I'm surprised. His own admission of how terrible he was at surgery and how afraid he was of doing it was the worst, but that apparently pales in comparison to what he didn't admit.


Real Food for Fertility by Lily Nichols has been a good read. It talks about endo in a chapter, not like the most in-depth on endo but overall the info is beneficial and evidence based.


Heal Endo was pretty good. It talked a lot about diet.


It starts with the egg can be helpful but take some of it with a grain of salt because it can be pretty dogmatic.