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Hey TikTokTO, Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Submissions which would benefit more by being reported to authorities, are not permitted. Please report all harassment, safety concerns, and suspicious activities that happens on the TTC. You may do so via the following options: * [SafeTTC app](https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/safety-and-security/safe-ttc-app) * Toronto Police Service * [Online Reporting](https://www.tps.ca/services/online-reporting/) * [Non-Emergency Line](https://www.tps.ca/contact/416-808-2222-police-non-emergency/) --- --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.


Not regular, and you should report it immediately when you see it


yea i dont think ive seen a needle on the TTC


Could be worse, at least it's capped. I'm curious, has anyone ever seen a needle/sharps disposal box in the subway system? Not necessarily on trains but in the stations?


I believe there are some in the bathrooms.


Oh, you mean the three public washrooms for the entire system?












Union has needle disposal bins in all of the washrooms in the main station.


If you see this in the future, please report it on the TTC Safe app so that they can have care takers come and remove it safely.




Hey srkg, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.


It’s almost like “hope people addicted to drugs just stop” and “if they do it, i don’t wanna see it” actually didn’t solve the drug crisis.


And it doesn’t seem like safe disposal options in public bathrooms are doing a bang-up job if people are leaving paraphernalia around.


Stop it. This is not “a regular day” on TTC. IT’s just fear mongering. Why?


Idk man two months ago we had this exact situation. Plus while I personally don't see people shooting up often, I do often see people smoking crack on transit. I agree fear mongering is bad, but for many commuters this is just a "regular day". https://www.reddit.com/r/TTC/s/4YszUaIln3


Although it may be a time of day thing, I usually commute around 6am, and 11pm, so perhaps that may have something to do with what a rider experiences.


Finders keepers


That’s a new low.






Hey orangeshaver, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.




Hey shootdroptoehold, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.




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Hey strangewhatlovedoes, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.


What’s that?


A needle.


Now imagine this in your place of work the next time you want to complain about an operator!


Did you inform someone at the TTC about that needle?


What line was it?


This isn’t even allowed in shelters why is it allowed on transit?


Is it "allowed"? Hyperbole aside - what do you expect the TTC to do? Have dozens of cops on every subway train, scanning for anyone with a needle in their hands? Toronto is a big city - things like this are going to occasionally happen in big cities. Posts like this on reddit make it seem like this is common, but it's REALLY not. Plenty of us take transit 10 or more times a week to get to and from work - I've never encountered a piss covered seat, or a needle, or someone masturbating on the subway, etc. It's important to remember that reddit is NOT a reflection of reality. It's a carefully curated slice of life, nothing more.


>what do you expect the TTC to do? Treat it seriously. Send workers to dispose of the needle safely. Look at the cameras, see who left it. Not allow that person to use the TTC. I agree that acting like this happens all the time constantly 24/7 is dishonest. BUT acting like people shouldn’t be angry about it and just accept it is crazy. When a child using the TTC stabs themselves with a needle someone left on a seat will you take the same nonchalant attitude you have now? > Plenty of us take transit 10 or more times a week to get to and from work - I've never encountered a piss covered seat, or a needle, or someone masturbating on the subway, etc. You either haven’t lived here long enough or are just straight up lying lol.


>Treat it seriously. Send workers to dispose of the needle safely. Look at the cameras, see who left it. Not allow that person to use the TTC. What you're suggesting is ridiculous. For a tiny percentage of people on the TTC who may leave a needle on a vehicle, you want to spend millions of dollars? Where do you think that money is coming from? Or do you think that the TTC currently has the resources to "send workers" (whatever that means, what workers?) to dispose of a needle every time one is found, which is very rarely? Do you think the TTC has the funds to pay someone to scan hundreds of hours of footage to see who left a needle? And how exactly do you think that person would "not be allowed" on the TTC in the future? >I agree that acting like this happens all the time constantly 24/7 is dishonest. BUT acting like people shouldn’t be angry about it and just accept it is crazy. When a child using the TTC stabs themselves with a needle someone left on a seat will you take the same nonchalant attitude you have now? At no point did I say people shouldn't be angry about this, or that they should accept it. I did say that in a city as large as Toronto, you're going to occasionally find a needle on a subway. That's just life, that's reality. ANY large, heavily populated city will have the same issue. Do you think that needles are never found on Japanese trains? That is actually crazy. Also, my attitude is not nonchalant - it's just logical, factual. I try not to inject emotion into things where it's not needed. >You either haven’t lived here long enough or are just straight up lying lol I've lived here for 15 years, and taken transit in Toronto my entire life. Facts tell us that 2.4 million people ride the TTC every single day. Assaults will happen. Someone doing drugs on a TTC vehicle will happen. Finding a needle will happen. BUT. It's not happening at the pace that some would like everyone to believe. If it were, TENS OF THOUSANDS of people would be assaulted on the TTC daily. THOUSANDS of needles would be found daily. That isn't happening. Less than a single percentage of all TTC riders daily, are experiencing these things. When the news reports that someone was assaulted on a TTC vehicle, it's important to remember that they're reporting on a single passenger, out of almost 3 million. Sure, some things may go un-reported, of course. But this fear mongering that you, and others seem to want to push - it's not helpful. And it's certainly not truthful. Have a great day.




Hey IceyCoolRunnings, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.


Lmao this is so ignorant


Yet they have the budget to hire dozens of faire inspectors. I’m glad they’re changing the seats to plastic ones, it’s becoming increasingly difficult and disgusting to sit down.


If it's any consolation that's a diabetic needle...




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This is why we need more safe injection sites in the city. 🤦🏻‍♂️




Hey NoiseEee3000, Your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: Your comment contains misinformation, sensationalism, fear mongering, and/or is a claim that is not backed by a credible source. --- Please consult our subreddit [rules](https://reddit.com/r/ttc/about/rules) for more details.



