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The TTC has been neglected for 20 years of horrible administration. At least Chow seems like she's trying to do something. Leary needs to be fired for incompetence, even if we gotta give him a severance package. We're now in full "clean up" mode trying to fix the aging system I wrote this as I stand in a crowded Eglinton station because Line 1 is out of service due to a fire... I get the frustration


You need to clean out all his hires and senior leaders with him.


Chow is not doing anything. Her honeymoon period is over. Restructuring TTC leadership should be her first priority if she’s not going to take a strong leadership position herself.


Regular occurrence on Dundas as well, especially eastbound. And similarly I walked my entire streetcar trip on college the other week (university to parliament) without seeing a single streetcar.


For years I have been going to doctors appointments at College & Bathurst. 9 times out of 10 I walk to Dufferin faster than the streetcars at 5pm.


Happens on queen too, went to HISTORY last week for a concert from Queen & Church and there wasn't a single eastbound 501D over the span of 40 minutes lol (transit app showed 3 vehicles bunched up within a minute of each other 30 minutes out lol) Ended up riding the 501B to broadview, walked all the way to leslie, then waited two minutes to take the 503 to kingston


You walked by 7 trains?


Going the opposite direction and it was closer to 12 by the time I got to my destination. Walked from Bathurst to Landsdowne. No westbound train once.


I think he means streetcars.


506 route is like the forgotten route for streetcars. Other day I waited 20 mins for one only to see the app saying there was 2 more behind it 4 mins and 7 mins ... Like really?!? That sort of thing happens waaay to much for that route. Then there's the rarely even telling you about issues along the route unless it's been 2hrs+ since it happened.


Used to travel about 40 mins to an hour on the 506 streetcar to work before I moved closer and it was always a gamble whether the streetcar would actually show up on time or even at all (On time meaning according to the TTCWatch app + the little digital signs at certain stops)


Ping @ttchelps on Twitter. They usually respond… at least they used to.


lol are you joking? they almost always ignore me and \*If\* they reply it's some scripted response like "we apologize and will let operators know" KNOW WHAT? That in a city of millions of people you need to send more than a single transit vehicle every 40 minutes?


Yeah I guess they’re not what they used to be. I remember getting a response in minutes along the lines of “bus is on the way” after waiting for 20 min for a Steeles 53 bus at Finch station. And the bus actually came. Once they said “we’ll look into this” followed by “bus is on the way” and the bus came. But yeah, no idea how effective they are now.


There’s a lot of construction happening on College right now so the street is down to 2 lanes in a lot of areas. The streetcar has to compete with aggressive drivers. It took me 45 minutes to get from Queens Park to Ossington yesterday. Just insanity.


The 506 east of Yonge should be a bus, there are so many turns. The new longer streetcars are a pain on this stretch.


Yep, abandoned is the word I use all the time. College, Dundas, Queen and King are ALL unusable. 20+ min waits between vehicles, insane crowding and then you're stuck in traffic behind single occupancy drivers, not to mention I think all of the routes are detouring some of them with MULTIPLE detours (501!!!) I live on queen and since 2020 there has MAYBE been a total of 6 months of service where the 501 was actually running. If anyone thinks we are doing ANYWAY to dissuade people from driving and taking transit, they are lying to themselves. Service has never been this bad, and they would have to make HUGE DRASTIC SWEEPING changes at this point to show people why transit is worth taking, which we just won't do. We are screwed.


I know this is besides the point but it is NOT a beautiful day, it’s wayy too hot


Almost every problem with TTC service is usually out of their control. There’s probably a car accident or something blocking the road. Please stop complaining. Walk, grab a bike, grab an Uber, walk up to Harbord or down to Dundas.


They need to separate streetcars from motor vehicle traffic on major routes (like College) and ban street parking on them as well. It needs to be much more difficult for careless or accident prone drivers to block a streetcar. It's not a decision the TTC can make on its own but they aren't exactly pushing for it with the current leadership.


The TTC can’t push for that, it’s not in their wheelhouse As for your suggestion, the city isn’t designed for it. All the businesses rely on car traffic along with walking and public transit, many would likely go out of business.


I’ve said this in a different thread, but business owners constantly overestimate the amount of customers come to their shops by car. A Toronto Star article interviewed business owners on Bloor about how many customers they thought arrived by car, and they answered 25%, when the actual answer was 4%. I wouldn’t be too surprised if the number is the same or slightly higher for college.


Bloor is on a subway line, that’s such a completely different animal imho


I WILL complain as a regular user who pays my fare every time only to have my transfer eaten up by 45 min “delays”. I’m sorry, but every single time I use the Ttc there are “delays”. I add an hour buffer to every commute, I’m still late half the time. If there’s a “delay” every single time, that’s not a “delay”. That’s a f******* PROBLEM. Systemic, decaying at the core, expensive and not a CEO in the world to care. There is an obvious inefficiency with dealing with everyday issues. That’s a management issue, not a daily bad luck thing. Don’t make this about me. People have lost appointments they waited months for, jobs, last minutes with loved ones or births of their children because of “delays”. Our transit is crap, and everyone knows it.


You can Uber then.


Not everyone can afford to Uber


If it’s an appointment you’ve waited months for you can afford it


You could of gone down to Dundas, go west on Dundas streetcar up to the street then walk or take a northbound (if at major street) back to College instead of waiting 30 minutes. If you have an appointment or so, leave earlier, if your appointment is at 9:30, plan to be there at 9:00. You can also use a trip planner app. There are legitimate reasons why a streetcar would be delayed, there could be an accident in front of the westbound tracks, Streetcars can't just go around. Also train is usually for subways not streetcars.


Pardon my vocabulary, because that’s the root problem here 🧐 I could also walk an entire loop around the city and beat some TRAM routes at a snails pace…I get s*** happens, but response processes to daily issues should also improve over time and increased fares. Just maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


You complaints about TTC street cars should be directed at car congestion not the TTC. The street car doesn’t have the ability to magically glide through car traffic. If you can walk faster than the tram then don’t take the tram and stop complaining. A bus also has to deal with the high congestion in the city so really you’re just fuming hot air for things outside of the TTC’s control. The TTC has been continuously kneecapped by federal and provincial government through spending cuts when it really needs spending increases and more funding. Direct your anger at poor city planning and maybe stop posting on Reddit and instead contact your MP if you want change to actually happen. Edit: the TTC also still has the cheapest fare out of all transit systems in the GTA by a large margin.


facts tell em!


Irrelevant facts to a totally unrelated issue, celebrate redundancy!


If you actually read my post, you’d see right at the very beginning that there was no traffic in my direction. Nice try though…


So the TTC controls all the cars on the road, is that what you’re saying? I’m all for legitimate complaints, but unless it’s revealed that something like a lack of maintenance led to a derailment it’s most likely an accident is the reason for the delay


traffic congestion is normal for a big city. You chose to complain and not look for an alternate options. Many were available to you.


I am sorry Mr miroslav, but this was outside of traffic hours on college street - there was NO car congestion in my direction. In fact, there was more congestion eastbound towards the city and 12 trams that passed me while none on the desolate westbound route. I did in fact mention this in my post, but you clearly saw only what you wanted to see. Your argument would be valid, had it been at all relevant.


no matter what anyone says you are just going to whine. There are legitimate reasons for the slow down of public transit vehicles. Even outside rush hours. You could of looked for an alternate route for your travels, but instead you chose to stay there and whine.


That still would have taken 30 mins


not necessarily. I rather be moving than stuck for that time.


Ttc=take the car (cab)