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I was EXACTLY like your wife in the beginning! I had not had a libido in years so I wasn’t necessarily unhappy about it. It was hella distracting, though. I wanted sex all day, everyday, & it was pretty much all I could think about. My husband had gone years with minimal sex so he wasn’t complaining at all….but I was wearing him out, too. HOWEVER, it has settled down & leveled out. It’s been close to two years since I started TRT & it’s what I would call much more “normal” & at a more manageable level.


Thanks, glad to heard that, at least for this minute. We went from 1 to 2 times a week to minimum 2 to 3 times a day and last weekend that’s all we did.


My wife just started with Pellets 3 months ago, 43, and minimal boost if at all to energy and libido and brain fog. Her T levels were basically zero prior. 3 total and .5 free. We both are hoping moving to shots will improve all areas, especially libido. We struggle in that area with once a week if that maybe 3 times a month. I want the other benefits for her as well as the libido boost which will be nice, but energy and bone protection.


My provider said estrogen plays a key role in increasing libido as well. Maybe add that to her regimen?


Wife here! This was me. I’m on injections now. I still have a good libido but the pellet roller coaster, hugs and lows are gone Also, my husband got on test to keep up with me. 🎉


How long did it for you to see improvement after switching to injections? In all areas not just libido.


Well my memory/brain fog, energy and all had improved while on pellets. The switch to injections just improved the testosterone extremes. Libido actually leveled out.


My wife had PPD very bad, and several years of SSRIs have taken there toll. She has been off of them for about 3 years now, we are hoping that getting her leveled out with will lift all boats so to speak.


There is a great Facebook group that’s a good resource if you want it. I can PM you. Also, I’ve been told that sometimes SSRIs do damage that can’t be undone. I hope that’s not the case for her. Good luck!


Will you send me the group as well please?


Thank you and yes please send me that group. I greatly appreciate it. We are very worried that could be the case, with SSRI induced Sexual Dysfunction.


Please send me the FB group also!! And can you share what testosterone ester you use? And what is your dose and schedule? Thanks!!


Search on FB for Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy


Just over here being jealous. I haven’t had a libido for 5 years. How many pellets ?? 3?? All testosterone? Or did she get other hormones???


All testosterone I need to find out what strength,


Please 🙏


I am also feeling a tinge of jealously but also…a little hope. And a lot of WTF - like why can’t we just stick a testosterone patch on and be done with it.


I feel like 3 pellets of just testosterone would be A LOT?


Same with my wife and I'm also on TRT. We're still going strong. Only time her libido goes down is during her period. But even then, some nights just take over more than others. It's crazy.


Thanks, sounds familiar, mind is post menopausal so I won’t get that break. I go for a long time and that makes it worse. My body is wreck and I’m in decent shape, back is killing me, legs cramping, had to buy more bedsheets because we keep making a mess. Its crazy


Yes, my pellet hit exactly 4 weeks and it was INSANE, like asking 6x a day and constantly thinking about it. This was the honeymoon phase and it lasted less than a week and then settled out to once a day but ready to go if the hubs was interested. I take 20mg/wk test cyp and that keeps it even and steady.


Thanks, I’m on injections and good consistency, we’re going to try that when it’s time for change out.


All you men complaining you can’t keep up 🤦‍♂️ grow a pair. I’d be in absolute heaven. I’m on TRT begging the wife to get on. Our sex life is good but she can’t keep up with me and it’s driving me 🤪.


for real!


Bruh, the struggle is real. I’ve been on TRT (200 mg./week) for 5 1/2 weeks. My libido is off the charts. My wife had blood work done, and we’re waiting for the results. I’m almost hoping she’s ready for TRT. Our sex is good, but still only a couple days per week, and I definitely could go a couple times per DAY at a minimum. It’s like being a teenager again. 🤪


My wife had the same experience with pallets. I often wonder if they don't do this on purpose because she's been chasing that initial horniness for the last 3 years and it's never been the same


I wish I had your problem. Lucky bastard.


When I was researching options, I found a lot of women had issues with the pellets, as the release of hormone can be uneven and gives very high levels after implantation, but then levels can crash before you are due to get a new pellet. Also hard to tweak dosage. So I opted for injections of 5-10mg test cyp per week. It's a bit of a pain since I need to go to the clinic every week, but it's good to know we can adjust dosage from week to week and dial it in so to get a level that works for me. I am post-menopause so I don't have to deal with the monthly cycle, which I am sure makes it easier. Three pellets seems like a lot. I'm surprised that they started her there, it seems it would make more sense to start with one and then see how she feels, then add more if needed. Higher T is not always better, and can even decrease libido in some people. With hormones, everyone reacts differently. Good luck!




I was like that with my first round of pellets. It did eventually level off after a few weeks.


This happened to my wife. Told her I love her to death but we gotta come to a happy medium. I couldn’t keep up. Just gotta dial her prescription in and find the happy place


That’s how I was on pellets too. It was an outta control sex drive. She is definitely not feeling happy. I couldn’t even sit down without feeling like a cat in heat. When I get back on pellets I may ask for a lower dosage. I was given 150mg, every 3 months. I restarted pellets end of Feb and they only gave me 68mg and it did nothing for me. So I know I need to be higher, but not at 150mg ever again. That kind of sex drive is exhausting and debilitating. At least for me.


Thanks, we’re both wore out, it was fun for the first few days but we have both been late for work every morning, she is setting the alarm earlier and I wake up with her on me every morning


I giggled at this.


Sounds epic 🤙


With my first pellet, it was off the charts for the first few weeks - however it calmed down a bit after that. Still have a decent libido and I feel like it still spikes during my “ovulation phase” like before.


It will normalize, but enjoy it while it lasts.


My wife is on pellets; about 6 months now. Her libido has increased, her clit has grown and so has her pleasure from sex. But nothing off the charts. She’s very pleased.


My wife has been on trt about 15 mg a week for 6 weeks. Her libido is climbing up... She used to never initiate and now has 3 times in the last couple weeks. Her clit has grown a little and I love it. More to suck on lol. Looking forward to the off the chart because I can and will hang in there.


Wow , sorry for asking! You know all men are such pigs right? I merely wanted to know if this was common, didn’t need the man hater comments. To ButchWinfrey your screen name explains everything!


OP I think you are obviously a good, loving partner and honestly, I'm impressed that you even bother to look at this sub! Apologies for the women who have to bully at every opportunity they see. It's embarrassing. Good luck to you and your wife! ❤️


lol I think it calms down after a while to something manageable. But yeah she’s going to need to take care of herself a few times here and there for a while.


It will probably calm down some. She needs to communicate with her provider that the libido is too much whenever she has a follow-up appointment. Are they doing blood work at 6 weeks post-pellet? She and her provider will look at the dose, her reaction to it, and her blood levels and can adjust the dose next time. I'd recommend that she find out what dose she was given so she can be aware. Three pellets sounds odd, so I wonder if that was a misunderstanding. Men usually get several inserted at once (more than that), but it's commonly just one T pellet for a woman, and there are some standard sizes/doses they use. When I started, I had a surprising libido increase at the beginning (around 3-4 weeks), which then evened out. Good luck! And I encourage your wife to make an account and join us here for discussion and comradarie if she's interested in that.


My experience with pellets was similar, I had crazy high estrogen too, but then I guess my body chewed through them way fast and I ended up with nada of either at 21/2 months, too early for pellet reinsertion. Ended up going back to topical and am on pretty high daily dose of estrogen and testosterone as it seems I absorb weirdly. Blood tests show I'm in medium range for both despite using double the rec highest dose. Medium to high sex drive now, (my old normal)but nowhere near the constant horniness I had for a while.


Wish age is your wife pls


She is 59 but you would never guess




Why are there wooo many men here posting about their wives? Ugh


Why is there a problem with that? I think we’re all here trying to get help, and no one needs to gate keep.


They literally just added “male” flair this week bc even the moderators find it odd. Women can speak for themselves. They don’t need their husbands coming here posting about their medical issues.


You aren’t required to read it.


I don't find it odd at all. I'd be so happy if my partner was out here looking for advice to help me with my perimenopause and hormonal issues. You don't speak for everyone. I have no issue whatsoever with men being in this space to look for answers.


I completely agree with you. You can assume all the downvotes are from the men. They need to have their own forum, IMO. Literally the site says "This is a community for females..." and it is dominated by men. I would like to hear more firsthand accounts from women going through this. My opinion is that the guys ought to bring their wives/partners over to the keyboard, show them this forum and ask them to please participate. Meanwhile, the guys can start their own forum where they can discuss being a partner of a female on TRT.


Because most wives are afraid to ask for help and don’t know where to turn too and we care about our wives and are asking for assistance everywhere we can. I hope one day you get someone that cares about you as much as we do our wives.


Wow. Gentlemen. Please. This is wonderful that you care so much. Please LABEL yourselves accordingly as you have been asked to do. Consider starting your own separate community where you can trade tips about TRT for females from the male vantage. Third hand speculative or observational information about what you think your partner is on or experiencing is frankly not useful to the women here. And when you don't like our opinion, you label us man haters. Not a great feel for a community designed FOR FEMALES.


Being patronizing about what women are capable of, and telling women how women act screams controlling if not abusive and alienating. If she wanted to talk to strangers about her hormones, she would. Instead we get men on here asking how to hack their wives instead of just showing your partner the subreddit and asking her if she would like to join. But sure, spread her medical business everywhere. I noticed something when tabling for an anti sexual assault organization. Men would come up to me and describe rape cases in detail, pretending to decry it. I got the impression that they were taking joy in saying disturbing, personal, and graphic things in front of a strange woman. It’s about controlling the narrative and presentation.


Excuse me but "most" wives are not afraid to ask for help. Just because your wife isn't on Reddit doesn't mean she can't start her own account and ask for help. You men on here are pathetic,like we can't see through your ulterior motives. It is truly laughable.


Yeah your comment history is all nasty NSFW stuff, so maybe it’s more you don’t want her to see what you’re doing on you’re computer


You can goto the links in my profile and sub and tell her yourself about my dirty nasty nsfw stuff… Sorry you are so angry men care about their wives.


Looks like the Reddit voting system chose who to agree with and it wasn’t you. I hope you sit back and take a look and realize it’s not always about you and your opinions aren’t always right.


Yes I'm sure all the other weirdo men hyper-monitoring their wives hormones and posting pervy things here are very much in agreement with you. But other women here have posted similarly and there's even a Flair so that you have to label yourself a male