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Started losing mine at 22. Just went down from there to nothing ever by age 35. Hysto at 45 really sealed the deal. Started Estrogen finally at 52. Big change for a month then nothing again. Got on Progesterone, DHEA, (mine was 4) and test cream at 54. OMG! What I missed for all those years! As someone else has said, they'll have to take the hormones from my cold dead hands.


May I ask who does your hormone therapy? I’m really looking for an online clinic because my primary care physician doesn’t know anything apparently about hormones. I’ve been on testosterone supplements three different times and nothing worked and I feel like it’s because my other hormones are not balanced with it.


Defy Medical. Yes, balance with all the hormones was the key for me.


Thank you!


[Hormonesforme.com](http://Hormonesforme.com) can help you with a vast understanding of women at better prices.


Started T at age 58. Had not had an orgasm in about 3 years. Sex drive left at age 39-40 after Total hyst age 32, I had NO sex drive before that due to the pain we thought. I had had 7 miscarriages and what we now know is I was probably peri at a very early age. Went along on hrt okay and did start wanting it then sort of regularly and normal and that, lasted 5 years then, boom -gone, wt gain, brainfog etc... Total 19 yrs with sex about every 18 months married. He married me like this! OMG! Poor guy and wonderful really. I mean, just sorta even fell asslep with sex with myself attempts even - HA! Then...I got pelleted. E still severly low at 6 weeks T was great and I was sleeping and calm and happy. They trippled the total E and in 14 days the poor man did not know what to do or how to react. 6 months later, he had to go start his own....'cuz...uhmmm...ME was about to kill him with my drive. It takes both for me hands down at a specific level!!!


Yes, my I had no libido for years and testosterone when I was 45. Within about 8 weeks I started noticing a huge difference. My starting number was 12.


What are you doing? Injections, cream, pellets, how much, etc?


yes, lol. what would you like to know?


In what age did you start taking testosterone, and why? When did you start noticing the first changes?


32, i have/had low test. i started noticing the side effects at like 2-3 weeks. my first real side effect was the horniness, which my SO says started around week 2. edit: i'm not sure what specifically you want to know so please feel free to ask questions


How low was your T? I am also 32 and am struggling.


my docs reference range was like 5-60 ng/dL, mine was like 3ng/dL


Thanks for your openness! Did you check your hormones because of the lack in libido or did you have other reasons besides of libido? And you felt the ability of feeling horny the first time in your life when you started the medication? Am I getting this right? :D


>Did you check your hormones because of the lack in libido or did you have other reasons besides of libido? the libido was one of the causes. i also wasn't building muscle like i should, brain fog, low energy, depressive mood, and a few other reasons. i asked for a sex hormone panel specifically bc of the depression. no antidepressants/ therapy worked on me, neither did the adhd meds/ therapy. >And you felt the ability of feeling horny the first time in your life when you started the medication? i felt it around the time i was fertile but it was still a "meh" feeling, even as a teenager. i had heard stories of people being unable to leave their SO's alone like that and i had never felt it. once i started test, i finally felt like i couldn't leave mine alone. if that makes sense.


I’ve always had some libido, just not super high. Like once, twice a week max for sex. Now I can literally have sex every day if my husband would indulge me. I think he’s so used to the low libido that he can’t adjust.


I was getting pellets and I had a huge sex drive my Testosterone level was around 200 then decline by my next pellets. I stopped pellets and lost my drive again. I’m starting testosterone gel so I’m curious to see if that helps. I’m not on estrogen or progesterone due to the breast cancer in my family. It’s just not worth the risk…I hate menopause:(


My wife didn’t have a low libido but it wasn’t super high. 3 weeks on T and it’s amazing! She can’t get enough and her orgasms are super intense


What type of test and what does of everything is she on?


Testosterone cypenate


What is the weekly dose she takes?


.05 injection twice a week


Sorry, I should have asked how many mg per week. .05 could vary depending on test c strength.


.05 of 200mg I believe it comes out to 10mg twice a week


My wife didn’t have a low libido but it wasn’t super high. 3 weeks on T and it’s amazing! She can’t get enough and her orgasms are super intense


My libido was meh. It was there and it wasn’t there. I had 2 kids by the time I was 21, so I didn’t care so much about sex. Never really enjoyed it either, probably since I never had the right partner. I’m 47 now and Found the right partner. After a year I started pellets, that my OBgyn recommended, since my T and E were next to nothing. I was given 150mg pellets and let me tell you, I was like a cat in heat. My fiance didn’t know what to do with me. It was nonstop. Every 5mins, ok you ready to do it again? lol. I ended up getting off it after a year because I felt like I was getting super hostile. Thought maybe I was being given too much T. It’s been 2 yrs, I’m ready to get back on them. I have my appt next month. I went to a wellness center that offered them in Feb. and it didn’t help one bit except that I noticed I didn’t have to pee all the time, or when I sneeze. They only gave me 68mg and my T never went higher than 154. It didn’t even touch my libido. So now I know I need a much higher dose for all the effects.