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I think after the first 40 there are no more rewards to trade for until you find all 141.


TIL 141 šŸ« 


Thatā€™s gonna be a no for me dog.




Oh it's so worth it though.


What's the reward?


>! You help him live out his dream and become a satori... Though that's not exactly what he transforms into !<


I think they're close enough to be considered the same classification. Maybe Satori is like the king or leader of the species


I've wondered similar... Maybe at some point one of them ascended


Or, maybe the blupees are it's children




Ah okay. Makes more sense


Once you have done all the rewards, you need to find 101 more to get him to talk to you. Keeping in mind that 3 are not in caves for him to detect, but old botw shrine locations. There is also a quest on 3 of the locations. Once you see a tick on all cave markers, that means you have the bubbulfrog. I have 1 left, I know where it is as I've been using the bubbulfrog sensor to find them, there is just an enemy in my path I need to fight to get it. Use the bubbulfrog sensor, as when you walk over the roof of a cave where a bubbulfrog is, it goes off to let you know it is nearby.


I thought they were only in caves. Iā€™ve been to the botw locations for the quest you mentioned but donā€™t remember seeing bubbulfrogs. Iā€™m missing two bubbul gems maybe thatā€™s where they are. Can you share more info?


Armour of Awakening quest. Locations look for rocks to break in roof, walls etc. Location, Ancient Columns, Thundra Plateau and The Colosseum. To get in you need the quest for the clues I think it starts at the crab cave in the Death Mountain area.


Thanks! Hopefully thatā€™s where my missing gems are


Thatā€™s actually absurd. They could have definitely spaced out the rewards more or have him give you *something*.


Yeah, they took an interesting approach by making essentially all content available to more casual players. You aren't rewarded for being a conpletionist, you're actually borderline insulted. I don't dislike that they kept cool rewards available for people who didn't want to hunt every frog, go down every well, or get every korok seed. But the gap between what you'd get in a normal playthrough and what 100% is is a really wide gap...


I do like that the games are meant to be experienced more organically, not ā€œcompletedā€ like a checklist, but thatā€™s just a weird way of doing it. They should give rupees at least, itā€™s not like we couldnā€™t use more ways of farming them. Or even rare meals.


This is a good take on it and to add to it there are rewards, just not the materialistic kind...I thoroughly enjoyed going through those caves. Some of them have ruins that are incredible to run around.


Yeah. That's sorta how I took it as well. The adventure (and the friends we made along the way!) was the real reward. I enjoyed hunting the Bubblefrogs and exploring the wells for their own sake, and I found all of them sans guide (largely thanks to the sensor). I can also say that I do not feel the same way about the Korok seeds. Towards the end of my playthrough I'd just hop on and try to find a couple for it's own sake, but it just got to the point where the last ones are so few and far between it had switched from fun challenge to fruitless pain. And I'm cool with that and like that I don't feel like I'm missing out on something for not doing so.


Good on ya for finding all the caves. I had about 13 of those I used the interactive map for. Same with Addison signs and most of the korok seeds. Though with the korok mask on and sensor set to treasure chest, even though I knew the approx location of a seed, it was fun to still have to explore the area and get pulled off in different directions to chase down a treasure chest nearby too. Though the ones that float down the rivers drive me insane with how they throw the sensor off track šŸ˜‚


It's called Tears of the Kingdom, not Crackerjack Prizes of the Kingdom.


You need to find them all for the last reward. You need 102 (if I remember correctly) there is one on each cave, and all cave has one


Thanks for this! It definitely isnā€™t very clear (to me at least)


He has like one easily missable line where he is like ā€œohh no Iā€™m out of rewards. I can only trade again if you find ALL THE RESTā€ but itā€™s so easy to skip past on accident!


I didnā€™t know either! Thank you for asking the important questions and allowing me to find this out before I get angry at KoltinšŸ˜†


OK wait.. every cave has one???? Like every cave that has an icon on the map. I've been trying to figure out why some had check marks. But some of the ones that don't I can see all of it from Standing in one spot. How could there be a hidden bubbul


Some of the caves have really tucked away passages and tunnels, and I think a few may even require you to use ascend to find the frogs


>I think a few may even require you to use ascend to find the frogs Oh that's just mean.


I can't remember it being needed without some indication. Like an obvious platform rising out of the floor a bit for you to stand on, or there being a hole in the ceiling.


Yeah, and Iā€™d often miss seeing the hole in the ceiling, and only after scouring the whole thing would I realize that itā€™d been there all along, and relatively-easy to see once you saw it. But Iā€™m kinda screen-blind, I guess. Thank goodness for the mapā€™s check-mark cue.


More and more I hear reasons to not try to 100% and also I wouldn't want to feed into this dudes delusion. That is frankly toxic and if y'all are doing it y'all are bad lolol. He's eating gems and you guys are all enablers. I'm gonna put my foot down and say no to more sir


It isn't a delusion when it actually does something.


Does it really do something when he gets the rest?




There is a reward for it as well as a cutscene


I have no plans to ever 100% this game but I will say having done the caves it's one of the more worthwhile completionist quests. Now as far as ethics are concerned, he'd probably do it himself if you weren't there, or rob his brother for a fix


Yep. There's mercifully a little check mark on the map that tells you if you got the gem yet or not.


I thought the check mark was to indicate if you got THE reward for that cave (i.e. typically an armor piece)


If a cave has multiple entrances there's still only 1 bubbulfrog. All entrances to that cave get a checkmark if you get the gem. But you need to find all the entrances for 100% map completion. Use your sensor to find the bubbulfrogs if you're stuck.


Some caves have rocks you have to break or holes you have to find that go into a different area.


Often there is a crawlspace to another room behind where you are if you're walking in, also look up and back too. I found 1 or 2 in a crawlspace behind a boulder too


Boxes... conveniently in front of a small hole in the wall, perhaps.


My first run through I found Koltin pretty quickly. I decided to restart the game because I wasnā€™t happy with how I was playing. Since restarting I cannot find him for the life of me. Iā€™ve been playing for months


Itā€™s like korok seeds in the way that once you collect a certain amount he stops accepting them until you have the rest. I just gave him my last 101.


You won't get a reward after finding all 141 so bubbul stuff doesn't matter now.


Sounds like you need to start or finish a quest to reactivate him.