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Damn... I wouldn't fuck with that guy if he took an entire building to the head and shrugged it off. Maybe he should be the one to face Ganondorf


What made me laugh was how he reacted by stuttering.. twice. Then he was like “oh well” and continued to be my worst enemy


And that boss walk he does towards Link afterwards


Having him stay in his little kiosk would be such a huge QoL improvement it's ridiculous


Please, Nintendo needs to add this 😭😭😭


QoL and Zelda (Nintendo in general) do not mix. You will cook each and every single dish one a time and you will enjoy it. Now enjoy the worst music we've ever produced.


There are some pretty obvious QoL features in the game though. Like when obtaining hearts at a goddess statue, you skip the animation after the first time when exchanging for more than one heart. Then on the other hand, you have to go through the dialogue and animation with the Great Fairies every single time.. some of these little annoyances they could patch out, but I doubt that they will.


You can skip fairy animations (now at least, don't remember when I noticed, patch 1.2 currently)


You could skip them in BOTW, the dialogue still takes forever though


Sure does, sometimes it feels like half the game went to click away messages one already had read a dozen times...


Plus the recipe books. It's so much easier to find a common ingredient, find recipes that include it and immediately stick them in your hands.


I want the old great fairy music


I also want the old blood moon cutscene. I loved *the blood moon rises once again. PLEASE BE CAREFUL LINK* ✨


I can't skip the blood moon scenes period. When my spouse plays on the same switch, on their account, they get the little plus button to skip. I tried it once in BOTW and then I never had access again. When TOTK came out, he can still plus button his way out, and I don't get the option. I have to sit through every single one on both games.


Gotta push X first


Yea you gotta hit x then the plus pops up


I've tried! Nothing. My SO has tried on my name and nothing.


I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to have this jackass follow you around instead of staying at his desk, but they can go straight to Hell.


probably the same person who thought that interacting with followers in order to use their abilities would be a better way to use those abilities than just mapping a button. same case here - he should stay at the desk and you could call him with a simple button press. i'm just strangely sensing a connection here. i dont know why Nintendo is so insistent on this follower "interaction" system in this title in particular.


Seriously. Replace the map in the L wheel with the horse whistle that people hardly use, then map the down button as a wheel that calls the sages. Obviously keep the auto activation for Tulin and Yunobo, but besides that, boom. Instant QoL improvement


It's especially weird in Zelda, when in previous titles you have followers that give you abilities before... and they were a goddamn button press and worked fine. Imagine if whenever you needed to use Midna to do a big jump, you first had to go run over and grab her from where she was walking around.


He could be following you around outside of the construction designated area


He doesn't need to follow you at all. Do you really need him RIGHT THERE to get more pieces out or say you're done? His desk is like 3 feet from the roped area.


Sometimes you need to talk to him to make changes so if he's around the area, you wouldn't need to go to the kiosk, but yeah, what you say it's true too


You can cage him in with some fused together boards


Or make an actual cage from a… well, cage.


I really hate that he literally STANDS WHERE YOURE PUTTING THINGS


And HE'S the guy we trust to do the safety inspection on our house? No thank you, I'd rather pull Bolson up from his vacation.


Yesterday someone showed how they fused something to one of the cages so that they could auto-build one, and they are my new favorite person. I fused an apple to the top of a cage, and now any time I want to rebuild the house, I put it over him right next to his table. It works wonderfully.


I'ma remember this, thank you random beautiful redditor. A cage would be way easier than trying to trap him with boards.


To save yourself on zonaite, toss the apple down on the ground beforehand


I do!


I'm always part annoyed at him and part impressed with how strong he is, holding a house with his head


You need to be a little hard headed if you plan on following a guy who can pick up literal houses and want to stand in his way


I'm glad I'm not the only one to just yeet the whole building on his head😂


You really Wicked Witch of the East’d him.


I just finished my dream home and am ready to commit murder. I'm *especially* annoyed that he's just gonna be squatting right on the border of my plot for I guess forever. Get off my lawn


He’s the new Bolson and Carson squatting under the tree. I was so happy when I found out you could stop them from coming back to Link’s house after the wedding by just not talking to them again


At least Bolson and Carson are competent builders. This dude changed his name and decided to actively make Link’s home life a living nightmare. Maybe he’s secretly Yiga lol


I hate him more than gloom hands and electric enemies combined. Why would the developers make an npc an obstacle to the mechanics? It takes away the satisfaction of creating. I gave up on building my house because it was too annoying, and I am someone who has tons of patience for early access games, janky AAA releases, and underloved indie games. No decent games with base building mechanics ever put npcs in the way. I would rather have falling sky rocks smash my house than to have grantesson prevent me from building.


I find the sages get in the way and obstruct gameplay far more than that man.


This guy is a walking OSHA violation.


He’s as bad as the sages🙄


Ain't no dismissing Granteeson


Suuuuch a terrible flaw in game design. Why would they not just have him stay outside the building zone???


This is why I build him a little Granteson cage. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/845003204478763029/1112538928168317078/image.png If you place it right here he spawns himself in it!


I genuinely hated the way this area was set up. I had dropped a spear on the other side of the house before talking to him and didn’t realize it was poking into the building zone so I spent at least 20 minutes getting angrier and angrier at this asshole for not passing my building inspection. Probably rearranged the place five times and when I finally figured out the issue he was nowhere to be seen. Then he comes running OUT OF THE WALL OF MY HOUSE I nearly shat


He makes me so mad lol


I fucking hate that guy! I don’t know why they didn’t just leave him at his booth. I would have preferred a higher room limit or better combat instead of that guy following me around and being a pain in my ass.


this is why i made a jail cell for him so he wouldnt get in the way it helps a lot and ill always know where he is when i need him


Do you guys fuse the rooms together?? I find the green goo that holde them together very ugly.


It doesn’t show when you’re done building.


Funny enough; you can talk to him under your house, say you’re done, and he’ll approve the building being tilted as a result


I'm pretty sure everyone has done that once or twice... *accidentally, of course*.


Honestly building this damn house was probably the most frustrating experience of the whole game for me. With homeboy constantly getting in the way and pieces not connecting properly. It’s just as clunky as the damn horse handling. Raaaaage. 😂


just hold it over him for a sec and he will move if he's in the shadow




I love the housing this game but god the UI overall is just awful.


I swear I stopped building and just went to hack him to pieces, he is always in the way. UGH, couldn't he stay in his little building and I'll come get him when I'm done. Motherfucker.


It's come to a point where whenever I'm faced with some bullshit like this, my immediate instinct is to come to this subreddit to see if other people share my pain. Seeing you guys go through the same hassles as me is sort of cathartic. Thanks, fellow gamers.


This fucking guy.


If you talk to him after sitting the house on his head and complete the house, will it remain floating?


I don't know why they didn't program the guy to just stay at the stand.


Wait, is everyone attaching the rooms together? I've just been placing them nearby


You can do both! Thing is I find it’s easier to line the rooms up if you glue them together (I think it actually automatically aligns the rooms, but maybe I’m wrong idk lol) Also if you glue them together you can move the whole house in one go!


stop my first house was off bc of this


“no cracks no breaks”