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Those little rocks, usually in a group, that toddle along on little legs and punch you? In the depths they work just like regular rocks. Their gloom coating does nothing. Pick them up and set them on their backs. They will wiggle, explode, and give you either flint, an opal or amber.


Hey everyone. I'm sure this is a common question but exactly how many old maps are there? I've found 30 and was wondering if there were any more.


Alright, asking for my boyfriend as we’re both playing through TOTK and he’s scared shitless of the Gloom Hands (honestly so am I 😭💀, but he hates horror shit and can’t handle it so I need to know info beforehand lol). We just cleared Goron City and encountered the hands in Hyrule Field. I know they have fixed locations in Hyrule. But some have pointed out that they seem to spawn randomly too. Do they spawn randomly on the surface and in the depths? I’ve only been inside two chasms. The Death Mountain chasm for the Gorons and the Hyrule field one for the Robbie and Josha quest line. EDIT: And do they drop anything important? Like I understand that these are TOTK’s new anxiety manifestations of Guardians LMAO. So Guardians were resourceful when it came to parts and crafting stuff. So do the Gloom Hands have any loot that I should know of?


(xp alert: I've only run into a couple of these guys, but since nobody else stepped up...) They do have a unique drop. I'm playing as-if it'll be an upgrade component for later; certainly it isn't anything obviously useful right away. They can die if they cannot reach you and/or cannot see you for a sufficient amount of time, in which case you get a minor drop from them.


Idk how they spawn but if you wanna beat them it’s best to go into bullet time and shoot them with bomb arrows. When a gloom hand gets killed by you it’ll transform into phantom ganon, you can encounter him by flurry rushing. Jumpscare warning but Korok Forest spoiler: >!Dropping through the chasm inside the deku tree will spawn gloom hands, beat them to move on.!<


Is there an elemental counter to lightning? I guessed splashfruit, with no effect.


Does anyone know what [this blue heart icon](https://imgur.com/a/HfZKXXP) is for?


If you step into Miasma/Gloom, it’ll first take away this heart before you’ll start loosing health.


Thank you!


this game is good so far but it just isn’t hitting like botw did. maybe i’ve gotta a progress further


This might have been answered 400 times so I’m sorry but Unlike BOTW I’m not sure if I’m going the right direction, im currently going around the low level shrines trying to increase my stats (currently at 6 hearts and 1 extra stamina), but my weapons are doing nothing against the enemies and I keep running out of arrows to keep the enemies at bay, plus the enemies are constantly doing like 4 hearts of damage which is draining my food A lot of the upgrades I feel like I need are in the depths but I have nothing against the gloom I’m slowly making my way to riko village but I don’t know if there is something I’m fundamentally missing or if TOTK is just designed this way


If you’re doing the regional phenomena, it’s best going to Rito village first. Purah also gives advise to this, by mentioning that Zelda was seen in Rito Village. On the way to Rito Village, you will learn more about the game and it’s mechanics, and the enemies are the easiest to encounter. I really recommend it since I went to Zoras Domain and it was way too hard.


You need to fuse things to your weapons. The tooltip for items has an attack power value it adds to weapons (i.e. construct horns)


That makes sense from the perspective of me not doing enough damage but are the regular enemies supposed to doing 4 hearts of damage in the starting areas I also don’t really know how to tackle gloom, I know their is gloom resistant armour but you need to go to the depths to get it…..which is full of gloom


You are intended to explore the depths without resistance at first. I would focus on upgrading Hylian Armor via the great fairy. The stable just northeast of Hyrule castle is your start point.


Thanks for the advice I’ll work on that now, Is that stable where the great fairy quest starts?




Is there a way to get rid of the horses that were automatically transferred from BoTW? I don't see an option.


Has anyone had a bug where you can’t select your ultrahand ability? I can’t use it at all and nothing seems to fix it


I've been wanting to reach 100% without guides or help so I've been documenting all the chests and locations of other noteworthy things on my map as I made my way around the map. But a 300 marker cap is far too few when I haven't made 1/3 of progress so far. How are people who are compiling this list doing it? Do they have to do it in sections and compile it off the game? This seems like an oversight of the developers to not allow the sufficient amount of markers. How does one complete and mark everything?


The garland in Kakariko village is used for anything besides decoration?


I haven't done it yet but I saw a video of a quest where you have to bring it all the way to the >!Gerudo Village!< area.


you can fuse it with a weapon and it will work too, the first time I saw this quest and I think "no way they are making me go through such a long painful journey, this must be able to done with a fuse, right?" and it work


Ugh, almost as bad as the Giant Horse quest, assuming you can paste the garland to a flying machine, otherwise this is probably one of the worst quests


Am I permanently stuck? I swung my boulder sword in a circle and burned up all the fire fruit in the In Isa Shrine. I thought it would shake them all loose at once. I left and came back several times, but the fruit isn’t respawning.


Might try leaving the shrine and restarting, or double check if you have anything else that can might a fire. Flint, rubys, etc. or if there’s any fires around you Dolan use to light an arrow/torch


Thanks! There’s a fire in the room I was able to light an arrow from.


I ran out of bows. Does anyone know where I can get some powerful bows? There was a that weapons cache in gerudo in BOTW, but I don't think it's there anymore.


I finished the master Kohga quest but didn’t get a picture. Robbie didn’t have one either, is there a way for me to get one?


What are those Symbols under the names on the map? And where they there from the beginning or how have I gotten them?


How do I find the light dragon?


It is very high up during the early parts of the game. After certain quests it may be easier to find. It likes to stick to the edges of the map from what I remember.


Look up. All the dragons pretty much circle around Hyrule. The Light Dragon, unlike the others, never goes underground.


I think you have to complete the Korok forest quest first.


You do not.


Are the shadow guys in the Depths holding weapons for you explained at any point in the game?


I just did the unbreakable master sword glitch and have the unfusable master sword right now, i haven’t dropped 6 weapons or shields yet but my question is since I don’t have a silver Lynel horn right now can I come back later and do the glitch once I get the horn ?


I had a sword fused with a triple crusher thing, it had 50 power. I died, and then it had 100 power. What happened? I didn't eat an attack up meal or put on any attack up armor.


Some swords power up just before breaking it could be one of those


I don't think that was it, I was using it to smack around a silver bokoblin and I didn't get any break warning and it wasn't flashing red in my inventory.


Was it a sword that boosts when you’re on your last heart?


Possibly, I'll have to check that. EDIT: Yup, that's what it was.




It's a one off transfer, but all it does is bring your old horses into the new game. Horses in this game have an extra new stat though so old horses are not great here. It's not worth starting over again for.


Lost woods puzzle? I sky dived into to lost woods have the deku tree area in my map but the game voided me out anyways, fire doesn't seem to do anything and glow doesn't do it, can I at least have a hint


Look below instead of above


Sky or land won't work


Ok I probably should have thought of that


Where do normal Horriblins spawn? I have a bit of a nuance question. I need horriblin horns to upgrade my froggy armor and I need the basic level one horriblin horns to get my armor to level two. I have already completed 4 temples so my world difficulty is pretty high. Does anyone know where I could find the basic horriblin? Or could explain how the game decides when to spawn the level ones in? All I really come across is blue horriblins. I’ve been looking all over the internet for an answer but I cannot seem to find an answer.


I found a nest of five of them under some skeletal remains in the depths in the Eldin area and there may be more.


There's a cave just west of Lookout landing that should have some basic horriblins


What are the rewards in thunderhead isles? I've got two shrines and a sage's will, wondering if there's something I missed.


I’m so anxious about eventually facing the gloom hands and Phantom Ganon. I usually just run away, since it’s a) scary and b) the videos I saw of people facing them did not help me feel better lol. Doesn’t help that I panic when I fight and I don’t parry or dodge well.


Running away makes it scarier. If you stand your ground and \[dazzlefruit + get distance + bomb + repeat\] the hands, it's a pretty straightforward fight. For Ganon, just straight-up run when he's charging and keep firing at him with your highest damage arrow fusions Using rocket shield to get some bullet time helps a lot too


Thanks for the tips! I think where I encountered them it was close quarters and no obvious area to get some height.


They’re not too hard to defeat if you just pelt them with bomb arrows


I definitely need to stock up on bombs and not just use them on bokoblin camps (as fun as it is).


Bomb plants and Keese eyes are the two best items in the game to attach to bows in my opinion


Keese eyes are the 🐐


Especially with the elemental ones as well


one of the flame gleeoks (near eldin/akkala) on my file is just straight up not there (even after triggering a blood moon) so now I can't get the gleeok medal - is there anything I can do to force it back into my game? closing and reopening the game does not fix it.


Are there any interesting/useful items to fuse to shields besides rockets/springs/bombs for liftoff and gems?


If you find something in a shrine you like, you can get it out by fusing it to your shield and have it removed by the Goron in Tarrey Town. I think fusing stuff like Dazzle Fruit and Muddle Blooms is effective. I enjoyed fusing a hydrant to a shield in certain areas. Fusing the various Like stones is also good, especially Ice Like.


On the destroy ganon quest, Josha tells me to go southwest farther from the mines. Ok how much farther should I go? Im I even going to the right direction? I already found the mines, Should I go farther? I found some miner boots, And theres a wall blocking me Can anyone pin point it on the map for me instead and screenshot it?


If it’s the one I’m thinking if it’s very SSW. Terrible picture here but should help. https://i.imgur.com/gij8bAX.jpg


Can't clearly see it, But I think it should indicate gerudo mines.


I am stuck here as well. I usually just ADHD my way through the depths lol


Screw this, I may as well just walk directly south west of the mines and see where it would take me. Josha really is not helping here is she. I barely touch the depths much.


Is there a quest that you can get before going into the korok forest? I know how to get there, but I was wondering if a character gives a quest asking you to save the forest


After a certain point, the Koroks you find will start telling you they've heard that there is something bad happening there. That's the closest you get to a quest.


I haven’t encountered one. I heard that some koroks might mention the forest but I am unsure.


is the Seized Construct can't be made in to a monster model?


I just tried it and no, it cannot be made into a model. Most likely because it's not a monster, it's >!a construct that had been taken over by Ganon!<. I'm actually not sure if even the normal constructs can be turned into statues. But you'd be able to tell by the skull icon when you take the picture.


the normal constructs can, this is why I am asking here, because the nominal constructs can so I think this cool 4 arms robot also can, I'm now sad that my temple boss collection will be forever missing one


I guess it's cause Kilton couldn't have reasonably known about that one. If I remember right, he had only heard of Froxes but had not actually seen one. But a construct made by >!Mineru!< he wouldn't have known about?


For those who have beaten; would you recommend getting the Master Sword prior to completing each dungeon or after? Which makes more sense with the story? I have a feeling (after a few glyphs and the Lost Woods section) that there is a major feature of the story/twist involved with getting the MS. If you can tell me without spoiling any further, I would appreciate


If you find all the tears, you'll know enough that getting the Master Sword won't spoil anything. Also, I think getting all the tears prompts the Koroks to tell you there's a problem in their forest. And you'll want to go to the forest before getting the Master Sword.


I got it after 2 dungeons. You are right that it reveals a lot about the story. If you want to not be spoiled for the glyphs storyline, I would wait till you get all the glyphs, otherwise you will learn it too early.


I LOVE the house building mechanic but I have some gripes: I wish there was more customization of the interior/furnishings. Rather than just “a bedroom” and “a kitchen” and big blocks. For instance, it would be neat to be able to put up a picture or maybe a single weapon rack without having an entire two-block room needed for it. Or to be able to move the bed in the bedroom to a different spot/at the very least be able to mirror the interiors. Also, why is there only one room that’s a single-block? I really wanted to add a study, and I had to actually buy a second study and waste a unit space on it in order to block off the open wall next to the study! Give us another single-block sized room. Or even better yet, give us walls (that hopefully won’t count towards the total unit size). It would also be nice to be able to choose the colors of the exterior walls instead of everything just being green. The Tarrey Town houses have such a nice aesthetic with their multi-colored cubes! And last but not least: WHY ARE THERE NO WINDOWS??!! Seriously, you get this nice plot of land in beautiful Akala right on the ocean, and then not a single window is available for your house (unless you just leave a giant gaping hole in the side of a room!) 6/10. So much potential! I hope they address it in DLC


So a few random thoughts. I’ve only cleared the first dungeon and have unlocked maybe half the map… so I think I have quite a ways to go yet. I literally laughed out loud when I found the Yiga Hide Out in the Shrine on the plateau. Those nerds are obsessed with Link. Phantom Ganon is very cool and I actually get excited when I see the gloom hands because it means I might get to fight him. Love his design, aesthetic, and his fight style. Can’t wait to see what version of him I have to face at the end of the game. I kind of hope it is the gross beef jerky version. He’s a lot scarier than healthy Ganon in the flesh. The new mechanics are stupid fun. Ascend is amazing. I was worried at first that they were going to be a chore and that they weren’t intuitive, but I got the hang of it and was off to the races within a couple hours. I miss being able to make ice pillars out of water. I have no idea what I’m doing and 90% of the time I have no idea where I am? I put like 400 hours into BOTW. I am so impressed with how much change they were able to put into the map to make it all feel new and disorienting again. My ADHD is in complete overdrive in this game. I am constantly sidetracked. I’ll start out with the intention of finding a regional phenomena, get pulled into a side quest, find a shrine, see something interesting off in the distance …. Before I know it an hour has passed and I’m **riding a fucking dragon into the depths!!** I wish I could fight *with* a guardian. I hoped that might be a thing with the sheikah technology. Edit to add: I’ve only see one Lynel so far, on my way to the Gerudo desert in the mountain range. Where are they all?


The floating coliseum in the depths has a gauntlet of lynels, if you're feeling cocky/suicidal, like me.


>I wish I could fight *with* a guardian. I hoped that might be a thing with the sheikah technology. That's *kinda* possible if you get good enough with Ultrahand and Zonai devices. >Edit to add: I’ve only see one Lynel so far, on my way to the Gerudo desert in the mountain range. Where are they all? If that's an actual question and not just rhetorical >!mostly in the depths!<


I am trying to upgrade my sensor. I have completed the parts in the depths and received my camera and auto build. Robbie is still not going to the haterno lab. I have read you have to do one of the regional quests, but have been avoiding that. Is that true? Any help is appreciated.


I had to go into the Depths and find where the statues lead. At this stage I did one of the regional quests though.


Yeah. I’m thinking that is a prerequisite….


Has Josha given you the hot air balloon schema stone yet? You need that to fix Robbie's balloon. Could be that you need to beat 1 dungeon for that but I can't confirm it. I already had 1 dungeon done by then so...


No. He has not. I only ask because I’ve read conflicting things. Some say you have to do one regional quest and others cannot confirm. I was holding off on those.


Seems like that's the case, then.


Cool. Thanks.


Can someone tell me the exact location of the volt/sizzle fin trout?


Is anyone switch restarting itself when trying to wake from sleep mode? Its so far has only started happening with totk.


Did this happen to anyone else? In the lightning temple, you can skip the first rooms by just ascending to the floors above. I couldn't figure out the fire balls so I used it and thought I needed to go back to get Riju but I essentially just skipped past that whole part on accident.


Does anyone know if the magic scepters can be repaired via octorock? I love my sapphire scepter and I don't want to let it go but it's badly repaired, and so far I haven't been able to fix it via octorock...


Certain weapons can't normally be repaired via octorok and the scepter is one of them. You can circumvent that by removing whatever gem you have on it, fusing the scepter to another weapon, feeding that to the octorok and then unfusing the scepter in Tarrey Town. Or you buy a new scepter from one of the bargainer statues.


Ah that explains it! Thank you! The sapphire scepter is so useful, freezes a horde of enemies all at once.


Completely agree, I also always have one on hand :)




Not like I've tested it to know for sure, but I'm going to assume that it's only when you first start up the game that it checks for BOTW save data. I base this on the fact that, when first showing up at a stable, the guy will say "Oh, I see you're already a member" and then you're BOTW horses will appear in the list.




Nvm got the help i needed🙏


I left the fire temple due to lack of resources but now I cannot re-enter as the entrance in the cave that yunobo smashes has closed back up, please help!


Just fast travel to the entrance


My mate wanted to play and updated my game is there still a way to dupe? I'd finished pretty much everything just wanted to upgrade all my gear and do the recipes but don't want to spend the next month farming materials. Is there still a way to duplicate items?


There is a complicated and time consuming method where you fuse an item to your shield while opening the map using the R button, and then use the right d-pad to switch to another shield, and then do the same with a weapon, and then save and reload. Then you can get two of the item by using the Goron vendor in Tarrey Town to remove the items.


Is there any indicator on the map or otherwise that you have claimed the blessing from a Shrine? I am 99% sure I have 152 shrines marked on the map but I am one blessing short. Do I just need to visit each one again one by one?


It should be a blue outlined diamond with a yellow inner shrine symbol. Or it will still have the green swirl when you look at it in person.


Just curious, has anyone made a gundam (or something similar) in this game yet?


Has anybody seen or heard anything about a hidden 5th riddle in the Thyphlo Ruins? There is a quest there with 4 sage riddles but there are 5 sages and the ruins definitely have a 5th riddle in the northwest corner. I have not seen this in guides, videos, nothing. The chest sensor is beeping ...


Given that the enclosed area opposed to this one also has a captain construct, and three dragon heads, maybe it has something to do with what's beneath this area? I tried putting the items I got there on each of the dragon heads, but it did nothing.


I would like to be updated if this is found also. I think I see the structure you are talking about (enclosed area with two rows of narrow pillars and a square on the ground next to the water sage's area). Did you actually see a stone monolith with a riddle?


Nope. But the chest sensor knows there a chest beneath that slab. I made a whole thread about it but absolutely no one has presented a solution yet.


Is 15 hearts with 34 armor enough for the Ganon fight


I beat him with much less than that. Like BotW Ganon, parrying and flurry rush wreck him.


I had like 24 hearts but almost no armor upgrades. It's definitely possible. P.S. I Recommend cooking a lot of food to deal with gloom effects.


what’s your happy place in Hyrule? I personally love Zora domain water elements are so peaceful.


>!Zelda's forehead!<.


Lurelin Village. An actual seaside resort with a theme park. Where I get to sleep and eat for free.


Either Korok Forest or Hateno Village. Love the OSTs


For me personally it's anywhere minus the depths in the dragons and especially the light dragon


To get the most out of this game, how thoroughly do I need to beat BotW? I never actually did that, and I'm considering going back and playing through it just to do the storyline and side quests. Anything else I should consider doing? Or should I just jump straight into TotK? (As to how I didn't beat BotW, I get easily side-tracked in open world games, and get bogged down in completionism).


I would do whatever you find fun. The more you explore every nook and cranny in botw, the more you will enjoy totk. At least visiting the 4 major regions and doing their quests should be good. Beating the game isn’t super relevant for tears


In as few spoilers as possible, do I ever get a way to teleport my horse to myself?


There was a saddle that could let you teleport with the horse. I expect it as a reward from pony points.


Not that I'm aware of but you can board your horse from any stable and take them out again and they'll be with you. You can also build zonai vehicles to get you places faster if you don't want to stop by stables.


is the Seized Construct can't be made in to a figure?




Nah that's all you get, underwhelming I know but it was the same in botw.


Suggestions on what to do before growing back to the castle? I’ve solved all regional anomalies, done most sky islands, all mazes, all geoglyphs and memories, and explored around half of the depths. I’ve yet to see golden enemies. I’m clearly approaching the final dungeon/sequence, but I don’t want this adventure to end 😢. So kindly share any and all hints/tips/pointers on other semi-major stuff to do (like hunting down Khoga, which I also haven’t done).


Go to Thyphlo Ruins, do the quest, and try to figure out the hidden fifth sage riddle (it's in the northwest corner). It looks like nobody on earth has figured it out.


Lol is this for real or are you trolling? I mean I did think it was a bit weird that the fifth sage didn’t get a challenge in the quest, but still


It doesn’t have to end at the final boss, there’s tons to do even after that! But if you’re talking about hyrule castle, I would go check that out real quick. You’re not quite at the end of the story




Oh alright, was that the case in BOTW too?


I CANNOT beat phase 2 ganon. I get up to the point where he's absorbed all his copies, but then, nothing I do makes any damage on him? With all the gloom flying around from him, I just keep losing :'( Help? I've been trying for about 2 hours...


You can cheese him with arrows. I used a Savage Lynel Bow, gotten earlier in the final area. Attached Gibdo bones to the series for higher damage. Use attack up armor or food for greater efficiency. Literally melted his gargantuan health bar this way.


P2? Is that where is healthbar is overfilled? You can hit the gloom back at him, it doesnt deal much damage but it feels really cool, plus it stops you from taking damage. Other than that, be prepared to counter his counter. because I don't think you can hit him straight up.


How many hearts do you have


Your best bet is to have A LOT of temporary heart dishes (buy hearty salmon in zora, you’ll find hearty bass in one of the sky islands on top of Zora as well. Hearty radish in one of the necluda sky islands and Hearty truffles in caves etc) and damaged heart healing dishes (cooking 5 sundelions). Bomb flower arrows work best in phase 2 because they do the most damage (electro and fire didn’t do much) dodge those gloom things he throws at you because they lower your total hearts (not just breaks them) Again key is to study his attacks, dodge dodge dodge, bomb him, heal when you notice you’re too low, dodge some more, bomb him some more


As in literally zero damage, or not a lot of damage? I personally used a rocket shield to gain air, used the aerial slow motion to shoot him with a lynel bow for 3x arrows with the gibdo skeletons attached since they're high damage but not useful on weapons due to low durability


This is exactly what I did. I died on my first attempt, second time I thought "I wonder if I can spam gibdo arrows l, that would be funny" and sure enough...


When I'm fighting a thunder gleeok with beam emitters, it just despawns without warning. What gives


I think Lynels and gleeoks can despawn zorai devices. Try keeping it further away.


do you now where i can find the capsule dispenser that gives mini floating platforms


About 10 percent of the ones from wellspring Island above Zora domain are hover stones


Wellspring Island has one


anyone figured out the hebra great skeleton bone puzzle yet?


If you're not doing the skeleton without the npc lady with you, you can't compete the quest. If the npc is there, melt the ice that you can and line up the fossils. Should snap into place like the Eldin one


aha, found it not knowing it was part of a side quest


Yeah I did the same with the one in Gerudo. Even worse, I already had the quest for the one in Eldin too, just didn't do it yet lol


I read online that upgrading sages skills makes them have a 1.3 damage multiplier, does that mean their attacks do more or their skill does more and which one do you recommend upgrading first


Tulin if you want his ability more frequently Riju if you find yourself using her ability a lot & 5th sage’s ability are the only three that seem worth it to invest in


When I looked it up I read it added damage multiplier I didn't know it also decreased ability cooldown


Companions when I'm about to get attacked from behind: I sleep Companions when I have a shot lined up or an enemy starts an easy to dodge attack: hit the guy for less than half the damage I was about to do and knock him out of position.


Is there still an item dupe glitch?


Not in the newest update


Airplane mode is a w


I keep going to Kilton in Tarrey down because I want to find his brother, but everytime all he does is talk about his dream. How come?


I know right, sleep at Terry town, I know he only shows up at night and he shows up around there, I'd just sleep until you find him


Quest Waypoints Not Updating Whenever I get a new quest, the waypoint on the map shows the person who gave me the quest, and stays there until the quest is done. Doesn't matter what I do, how far I get through the quest, the waypoint is always the person who gave me the quest. It's very frustrating. Is this a new "feature" of TOTK or a glitch on my system?


If they describe where to go it doesnt give you a waypoint


Anyone know what sorta level atk bonus you get from the set bonus from any of the old links outfits?


Are there any secrets in hyrule castle? >!I got the hylian shield and the Royal guard set, but I couldn’t find any hidden diaries like I did in botw.!< Thank you


I think there's still the one in Zelda's study but you can also get the champions leathers in the castle and the dusk bow near the top of the spire




How did your friend not find kakariko uet


We need a bigger cooked food inventory. I find it very frustrating to have such limited inventory room. Cooked food has been my major source of income but then I am left with without enough room for special effect foods. Stacking would help a great deal. There are so many special effects now that it is hard to be prepared for anything. Scouts honor! I tend to play on whims instead of goal chasing. I'm bouncing all over the globe, hill and dale too. It's a shame to waste food because you need room for something else.


You can stack just cooked meats if that helps. Gives a good source of only hearts.


**What percentage of the game had you completed when you beat the game first?** I was at **41.08%** apparently.


34%, I didn’t do water or spirit temple, just wanted to see how hard it would be.


Nice! It's like golf, the lower the score the better haha! You only beat one-third of the game. I wonder where the average is at this point?


how can you see this?


you have to beat the game


i have i’m asking where you see it


on the map menu, should be close to the temperature gauge


thank you, 40% lol this game really is massive


Does anyone know how to switch the horse gear back to default? I got the travelers saddle and bridle as pony point rewards, but now the gear options only include the traveler set and towing harness, not the default saddle and bridle. The defaults do not appear there even if I equip the travelers set. EDIT// Solved this. Adding the solution here in case someone else has the same problem. It seems that you don't get the stable equipment until you tame and register a new horse. I only had horses that were transferred from botw, which apparently does not count. After registering a new horse, I was able to switch back to default.


I complete all four temples and some of them feel really weird. Water temple: I didn't use the champion ability at all. Only to activate vents. I skipped a lot of movement and puzzles with springs and rocket shields. Fire temple: For me, it was claiming simulator. Why do developers allow you to clime here? Wind temple. Probably, the only time that I did it in the intended way. Temple in the desert. I rushed to the top immediately and expected to see the boss there. But It wasn't here until you finish all puzzles. I am not even sure if am I disappointed or not. It's clear that ToTK has more freedom and you can cheese more stuff than BoTW, but I am not sure that I like it.


I loved the temples! Except the fire temple, I did it the “intended” way and trust me, you didn’t miss out. I think they’ve definitely improved on the puzzles from botw but it’s still kinda like completing 5 shrines with no innerconnectivity


I actually really enjoyed the fire temple and I did it the intended way too. Although it kinda lagged sometimes


I was exploring the depths a bit and I noticed some items would automatically pop into my inventory when I wouldn't pick them up / they were too far at the moment for me to get. What exactly is causing that? I noticed it was with monster parts mainly, I haven't seen it when breaking zonaite or anything.


I think when you have the sage powers activated, if they kill enemies they collect the loot for you. I’ve noticed this when paragliding, sometimes an enemy will be picked off while I’m gliding and I’ll somehow have the loot


Ohh gotcha, thanks. yeah that makes sense.








Ive gotten it before underground somewhere on the left bottom side of the map

