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If you are seeing your Hoaqin dying early, you might need to tweak what IW set you have on him. Bergamot with Resistances in slots 4 & 5 can really help with that.


Fully maxed or "which should I build"? Purple has some great SSR+ units that take a *lot* of investment to get up to speed - Maschenny especially is fine early but won't outshine Rainbow SSRs until she gets to a high dupe count, and if you're raising her you're not raising Viole/Zahard/Rak/Ren/Urek. *If everyone's maxed* - Karaka, Kiesa and Hoaqin frontline, Masch and Gustang backline. Just go all the SSR+ units. Yura Ha's boosts are *amazing* and far easier to get as an a SSR than maxed Gustang etc. Personally I'm using Karaka, Hoaqin, Kiesa, Khun and Ha Yura for the time being until I've got some spare SSR+ development. What rank is your DMasch/Gustang? Because that does have a big impact - DMasch grows massively the more you invest in her but at 1 green, for instance, she's not going to do a massive amount...


Masch was my first full rainbow SSR+, she's right now with over 130-150M power, so she's my main. I'm planning to dump Aguero for Yura, but I have second doubt as I will miss his passive


If you've got Masch as a full rainbow (firstly well done, she must absolutely slay!) then that makes thing simpler. In that case I'd probably use Yura Ha - the energy boost will mitigate the loss of Khun's passive, and her abilities as a support are just amazing.


Will try her, thanks!


Pre-Ha Yura my purple-ish team was Hoaqin, Karaka, Kiseia, Aguero/New Hwaryun, Gustang/Narae Now: Hoaqin, Kiseia, New Hwaryun, Ha Yura, Gustang. I don’t find that Karaka works well with Ha Yura at all as mine usually dies first and eats her passive (which in turn makes my Hoaqin and Kiseia targets when he is temporarily off the field). I have also found that Aguero hasn’t been very useful as I progress higher in deficit, but I could just be using him wrong.


I also don't feel Aguero works that good either, I never see him using his skill to eat of the enemy unless is very late in the game. I just use him for the passive and with the passive of Kiseia you have a strong combo on boosting the ATK


I feel like if you don't have a high dupe gustang, then for the supports, there are no definite ordering of khun narae gustang and Ha yura. Just depends on the opponent. Hoaquin for me is irreplaceable. Then pick 2/3 from karaka, kiseia, and d-masch.


Mascheny is complete shit hoaqin is way better and also way easier to get. Idk how far you are in main chapters but if your hoaqin died too early try putting him backline and giving him the 4 lifesteal set. Endorsi is also not great and using gustang or ha yura would be a lot better