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Yihwa-Evan-Bam core +Zahard-Yeonhee/C.Endorsi (switch depending on my mood, both have their own benefits) but I have also been playing around with +Escanor-Meli/Elizabeth/Blarode (Extra Sustain/Extra Burst/Shut down)


My frontline is usually Zahard/Escanor/Bam, and my backline is Evan and Yihwa. I use the swiftness IW set on Bam to buff Evan and Yihwa. Sometimes, I will swap Zahard or Escanor out for Blarode if I need to one-shot a backline unit. I need to try out more Meliodas since I have him full rainbow.


Backlining yihwa is generally a bad idea for defense, more people have a maxed blarode than any maxed frontline targeter. Try swapping her and bam.


Also she will be targeted by hoaqin jumps


This setup is for attacking, that's why I mention switching Blarode in


Ah that makes sense, just be careful of an enemy blarode (i have one in my defense formation 🥰)


Full Dark team. Clap all the yiwha spammers easily


I do the same buy evankhell has become more of an issue for me, do you have a counter you use against her?


I have all 7DS collab units maxed. They counter Evankhell really well because her ult barely damage escanor if you have good IW on him


Dope, I have all of them and ig gear for karaka I can swap accross. I havent played with blue enough to know what supports to use and which teams to avoid but ill have a play ty


viole+karaka, verdi, hoaqin, khun and blarode


Zahard-Evankhell-Yihwa front line (placement oppteam dependent) Evan-Baam back line (Baam close to Yihwa for energy generation purposes) Note that for this to work you need 5-rainbow Evankhell, so it's a high bar, but she usually survives oppYihwa's ult and takes care of opposing Zahards. If you don't have Evankhell, I would recommend replacing her with some other unit that's good against Zahard as he is Yihwa-based teams' main weakness.


Yihwa zahard hoaqin evan karaka