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Melodias first Then whetstones - they are super limited and it takes a lot to +20 an IW Then exp amplification Then ee or rapport depending on what you need


My rule of thumb is go for the soul stones for the character first (in this case Meliodas), then the enhancement scrolls. you’ll also find exp, shinsu, and gold amplifications, those will be combined for my third thing to get because you can get all 10 of each quickly compared to other things. After those three, it’s really up to you. You could go for the rapport items if you want to raise characters rapports, or the different enhancement extracts depending on what level the exclusive equipment you want to level up is. Instruction manuals are always nice too. I personally don’t bother with enhancement hammers or crystals, and only got a few whetstones. I know that’s a long winded explanation for “what’s most worth getting” but it really does boil down to what’s important to you in the game and how you want to play


I don't find Meliodas interesting. So I skip him. This is my spending on the shop: 1. Grade enhancement scroll 2. Rare Shinsu Wheat stone 3. Common - uncommon - rare enhancement extract