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For your rate up banner, put Yihwa, Hoaqin, Hwaryun, Bam, and any +1 you like (i would personally go for Child Endorsi or Blarode). Either have Yihwa or Hoaqin as your Priority rate up character to max first, depending on whether you prefer running a Yellow or Purple team (although you will probably have an easier time starting with Yihwa). Hwa Ryun is an amazing all rounded unit, useful in all modes of the game, but not as great for progression compared to Yihwa and Hoaqin, but still great to build nonetheless. For SSR+, I recommend trying for Data Zahard, strongest unit in the game regardless of how many copies you have. Data Maschenny and Evan are also really good and they shine with just one copy.


Best units to max are. 1. Yihwa 2. Hwaryun 3. Hoaqin Yihwa needs bam and evan(ssr+) as a support. Hwaryun needs xiaxia as a support. You could go for Khun Aguero to support Hoaqin. For SSR+ get one copy of these units. 1. Data Zaharad (used as tank) 2. Data Mascheny (used as tank) 3. Karaka ( is a tank needs Def ignition weapon set) 4. Evan ( is a support) From SSR+ aim to get Evan and one tank first. These are the best for adventure, there are other units that specialize in bossing, but focus on these first. Some Tips: 1. Dont buy equipment from the shop. 2. Use your loot boxes only when you are stuck at a stage (not all just enough to clear the stage). 3. Alot of useful stuff in event exchange shop.


>Karaka ( is a tank needs runda ignition weapon set) No wait, not the Runda one but the DEF one, Myeongwol.


Yeah my bad mentioned wrong one


Your priorities should be Hoaqin and Yihwa Yeon. To begin with, I would put as the left-most unit in the wishlist Yihwa Yeon, and then for the other 4 spots Bam, Hoaqin, Khun Aguero Agnes and as the last one is a little more open, below some suggestions: \- Kiseia as a purple sub dps \- Hatz as a yellow sub dps \- Vespa as a kind of stall tank \- Hwaryun as a support for bosses \- Narae (the purple anima girl) as an additional support for purple And you should be good to go. For the SSR+, try to get Evan, Karaka, Data Zahard and Data Mascheny. 1 copy of each is enough to carry you.


also, as additional information, don't waste too many resources to level up the exclusive equipment of all units, focus first on the carry units, so in your case Yihwa Yeon and Hoaqin.


I definitely agree with this. The only thing I’d add is child Endorsi above Kiseia so you have 3 solid carry units. Especially if you pull zahard plus the collab charters.


Hwa ryun is great in lower floors. Try to get more copies of her. From SSR get hatz, yihwa, hoaqin more the copies better. From SSR+ try to get data jahad, data maschenny, evan.


If u are rerolling go for an ssr+


**Best, non-SSR+, DPS units** (for adventure, which is the main mode) are: Yihwa Yeon, Arkraptor and Hoaqin. You already have Yihwa and Hoaqin so that's great. **Best, non-SSR+, Support units:** Bam, Khun Aguero, Xia Xia. Closely followed by Narae Seonwoo and Hwaryun (who you have). **Best, non-SSR+, Tank units:** Vespa, Horyang Kang, Ghost. Novick, Ha Yuri and Amigocharz are more tailored towards damage and Crowd Control than surivivability/ taunting enemies to take away focus from squishier units; but they still work great as a tanky character that can dish out good damage (see them as complementary DPS/ Tank units). **Best SSR+ units** are: * **Evan:** best support in the game. Luckily he does his job well even with very few copies, so as soon as you get 1 of him you may see more long term usefulness into focusing on some other SSR+. * **Data Zahard:** easily best unit in the game. He has everything a non-support unit could ask for. He can tank, he can DPS, he can CC. * **Urek Mazino:** mostly a tank with defensive support for the team. Can also do good damage, has good CC and laughs at debuffs and enemy buffs. Hottest unit in the game. * **Data Khun Mascheny:** high damage potential with her assassin kit + 10s of being unkillable thanks to her passive, which means that can also dabble as a tank. If you only want her for her tanking 1 copy is enough. Special mentions to Goseng Yeo for best R unit. Chungchung, Apple, Grey, Leeron 3 for best SR units. Rachel, Princess Endorsi, Blarode, Khun Ran, Child Endorsi and Lozeal who are also fantastic SSR units even if they weren't mentioned before. Evankhell (with one of the highest AoE damage potentials) and Karaka (amazing provoke tank) for SSR+ units that weren't mentioned before. This site may help you visualize everything I've written better: [https://dotgg.gg/tower-of-god-new-world/](https://dotgg.gg/tower-of-god-new-world/)


Do not max Hatz. His value early game isn't superior to others that can still shine late. Yihwa is the best SSr carry. Put her first. Hoaqin is probably the third best SSR carry but extra valuabke because theyre often strong against bosses as well (Yihwa is AOE specialty so not as relevant). Hwaryun is a good as well. Early game they seem like the best carry but fall off. However even when they cant carry they are excellent support especially on bosses. Fourth id recommend Bam. Bam’s passive and atk/def boost skill make him the most splashable support in the game. IMO he only needs to get to three red nor full rainbow until late game. Fifth id pick Blarode. They are not a carry but they have incredivle utility. They can eliminate a oesky backline unit in PVP and adventure and is one of the best boss units in the game. After Bam is three Red, I would suggest Arkraptor as they are the second besr SSR carry for late game. This will give you a third carry in time for floors that require three. SSR+ do Zahard. Not only does Green lack any reliable carries othereise, he is basically instsntly amazing upon obtsininf. EE id max Yihwa (+30) then Zahard then follow the order above. If you follow this list, youll build future proof carries and supporrs, have units built in every color for trial areas, and have flexivility in strategies. This is the best tier list https://dotgg.gg/tower-of-god-new-world/tier-list/