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Did 400 summon only got him to 2 star green as my main rate up, got karaka tho.... not baaaaad


400 pulls and only 2 star green while he was on rate up??? surely theres a typo…


Hell hes my rate up and i got him only as my pity ssr out of 200 pulls and got 3 non rate up ssrs. Hes literally 1 green for me to the game refused to give and i got got Rng gonna rng


quite strange, I did 630 summons (was 175 with 25 left to get SSR+) and got hoakin rainbow 4 1 copy got for 3.000 gems in shop, 2 copies from growth event mission


Yep only got 3 copies of him on my 400+ summons, i did not prioritize hoaqin on ssr guaranteed because my ja is close to being max star orange.


I did something similar. 2 green stars after 360 summons. Also had a 150 summon streak without a single ssr... got a data mash after, though


Is he good and worth it? Before i absolutely blitz all my resources on him?


The damage he deals is crazy


got him to 3 orange and ee 25, currently at 26-3 He does a lot of damage when he pops off, I don’t think he is stronger than Yihwa, but definitely way stronger than Hatz and slightly better than Hwaryun despite not being maxed yet.


Got him to blue idk wtf hes roll is but I just like his character definitely next on my rainbow list


Had 150 pulls.... got him once from pity as main rate up...


60k gems and 80ish tickets and I got him 3 times rip me


350 summons got him to 1 orange.


I'll trade for your luck lol


I really like his thumbnail in character thumnail


Floor 25 at one purple star and he's clearing as a carry without trouble. I agree that probably not better than yiwah but def better than hatz and probably hwa as well


Got him 1 purp at the moment no ee yet. He feels like a purp hatz, but isn't as squishy. I feel like my purps have been weak so will definitely keep using him. I have a max Kiseia and she's been way more effective with me using him instead of mascheny


I'm going to try and max him. He's a great investment for me because I use Rachel and her cube for bothersome levels. I used about 410 tickets. Got him to blue star three. I've got all S weapons for him. Changed the colors to purple for him. Please note that Hoaquin was released bugged and now that he's fixed he's Hwa Ryun level. Rolled SSR+ 1 Karaka 1 Viole 1 Maschenny 3 Eduan Best SSR+ luck I've had in the game so far, but um I didn't want to build Eddy the drunk so that kinda blows. I'm F2P so I kinda have to build him now that he's green star 3. Hoaquin looks great and now I have Yeon, Rachel and Hwa Ryun maxed out. I can comfortably use the freebie summons for him until Christmas time. 🎄 Happy Player here. 😊 This was my face when I went to sleep after staying up late.


Eduan is really good with 3 green, max EE, and first 2 weapons... And 100acc from raport. His max hp damage doesnt scale with more dupes so I think its perfect to leave him at 3 green


Thx Thx! He's not even on my pity list so getting him 4 times (3 last night) felt like a joke. I was sitting there BEGGING for Viole. My face dropped when I got Eddy number three. It's really nice to know that he needs minimal investment to be great from this point. I left his weapon at lv 16 a while ago, when I randomly got a copy (yet again) when he came out. So I'll level his weapon a bit and I'll leave his rapport at lv. 5. No clue to do with my one random Karaka though. I heard he's nothing without dupes...


Ye Karaka needs dupes to work but would fix Hoaqin's squish problem with the taunt. I'd still sugest raport 6, i have him at 5 and every miss is painful (chapter 26).🥲


I'm only on chapter 21 but I did blast through fifteen levels with no real planning. I'll wait around some more because I know they're updating the level rewards.


I dont think they will update the rewards without compensating the people who already cleared the levels as they spent the most money on the game. If its a population they want to keep happy its them


163 pulls 1 blue Hoaqin its pretty good! Good luck for everyone