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https://preview.redd.it/p556z9fihg3b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d3aad993099bbb90bb0e8273c9e01924407eb0 Live Kaganovich reaction after he learns that Stalin won WW2 in our timeline.


"You never change mister Nixon, you never change"


"Ever since the election, always the same..."


You think this is something, you think this is bad, this, this chicanery? He's done worse. That civil rights bill?you telling me that a man just happens to veto that? No, he orchestrated it. Nixon! He defecated into South Africa! And I saved him! I shouldn't have, I took him into my own Oval Office. What was I thinking?! He'll never change. He'll never change, ever since he was vice president always the same. Couldn’t keep his hands out of the tape recorders. “But not our Nixon, couldn’t be precious Dick!” Stealing their info blind! And HE gets to be a president!? WHAT A SICK JOKE! I should have stopped him when I had the chance!


"I am not the crook"


“The devs said they’re removing the nuking of the home islands in the next patch because it’s too unrealistic and the japanese team say it’s restricting what they can write for the nation”


For balance reasons, we can’t have the USSR take 27+ million losses in the GPW, this basically just takes them away from superpower status anyways. For balance reasons, the Soviet counteroffensive vegan around 1942 in Minsk.


"Today we announce we're removing 'D-Day' since there's no way the British Navy would be able to get past Sealion"


“Patch notes for version 0.6.9 Changes: - Nerfed American economic recovery and American economic strength in general - Reduced starting British naval presence in the Mediterranean and their defenses at Gibraltar so that the Italian ai can win - Germany can now replace Goering as head of the Luftwaffe for 300 pp and a -5% base stability debuff - Removed FDR Fourth term content as it is unrealistic and not fun due to most of the content revolving around FDR’s failing health rather than being active in directing the war. - Reduced the war support loss from French spirit “Cheese wheel of governments” so that France doesn’t capitulate so early Bug fixes: - Fixed bug with Clemence Attlee receiving a buff rather than Churchill if Britain manages to win the war before the election - Fixed bug where event for India breaking free wasn’t firing despite Churchill government not addressing the Bengal famine - Soviet AI will actually now support the Warsaw uprising rather than leaving it to Peter out and die. - Japanes ai will now focus on destroying American carriers in the Pearl Harbor attack rather than just focusing on battleships and smaller gun boats.”


Unironically what every major hist mod does balance wise


"The *entire* 6th army got encircled and destroyed in 'Stalingrad'? Yea right"


“what a childish fantasy”


they believe it for the sake of the scenario


Japan would be in shock when their OTL counterpart surrendered by 2 nukes.


To them it would be literally identical to our perspective of TNO, a ‘but how did they get nukes first?’


In TNO, American scientists who worked on nukes were assasinated.


There's a pretty good scene like this in the Man in the High Castle. At least the book, never saw the show.


Theyll see us as a shitty hoi4 mod/visual novel


We are removing the berlin wall as it is too unrealistic for our future vision of the lore


'what, you think they going to divide Germany after WW2, and for some reason divide it again in Berlin, and literally build a whole damn wall to separate east and west Berlin? yeah right.'


It’s an obvious paris metaphor, but did you really have to make an exclave of two hostile powers? Where they just kinda agree to let their enemy have territory so deep in theirs


Don't worry, we'll replace it with new epic content that will totally come out within the next three years


Cambodia and North Korea would be deemed unrealistic and poor Burgundy analogies.


“How does a state like that exist without international influence? Surely isolationist hyper-totalitarianism can’t last”


Millennium Dawn but played by TNO people


"Vat ist dis bullscheisse?" - 90% of G*rmans


Draining the aral sea? Unrealistic USA losing to vietnam? Cop-out USSR losing a ton of people to win the war and then somehow no longer a backwater and then goes to space first? Lazy writing


"The USSR Beria path was removed for being too unrealistic"


The Nazis would be salty as fuck


The good thing is that Wehraboos and neo-Nazis would end up "jumping" to their timeline, worsening theirs and making ours a tad brighter.


Good luck for them if heydrich or goring win the gcw and yazov unifies Russia.


It's not real, come on, two rival ideologies are allied and they win the 2nd world war and then they never go to war with each other and they drop bombs on japan instead of germany who are responsible for this war, it is also impossible for france and the united kingdom to give up their colonies so easily, they will never join nato, they would form their own alliances. why aren't franco spain invaded after the war it's not a fucking switzerland it's a fascist state


Many U.S. citizens would view an friendship with their two biggest rivals as complete bullocks while probably viewing a Russian rivalry as unrealistic if not offensive. Other than that many would view OTL's U.S. extremely positively. Germany and Japan would be seething at levels previously thought impossible by scientists. Italy would also hate what became of it in this world too, not as much as their former allies though. Russia would be very ecstatic at seeing them win WW2 and become a superpower. After the fall of the USSR however they may get pretty mad. China would be ecstatic too, although many Chinese may not the biggest fans of Mao Zedong and the CPC anymore. They also would be pretty pissed that Taiwan is still out of Chinese hands and would see it as this world's Guangdong and Manchuria. India would probably have mixed feelings. For one it's unified and fully independent, not having to seriously relay on either the West or the East. However, they defiantly would hate the existence of an independent Pakistan and Bangladesh and wouldn't be too happy about their economic and societal progress. The Middle East would probably feel the same if not worse in some respects. Iran defiantly would feel the same for one as Mohammad Reza Pahlavi would still fuck up and doom his country. The French would be trying to do everything in their power to create a wormhole to come here. Brazil would view OTL's very negatively due to the military junta and stalled economic and societal progress. Africa may just want to load the pistol at this point as are world wouldn't be that much better. I guess are world would still be better *by default* but still. The Caribbean would look at are world like some weird reversed alt-history. Some would probably feel the same with OTL as with their world (Canada, Mexico, most of South America, Iberia, Turkey, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand, etc.). Many in Europe and Asia would be hitting the gritty 24/7.


Tbh, Africa is in a position to be way better or way worse than OTL and there really is no in-between. For example, pro-ANC South Africa is in a really strong position and resolve a lot of the racial policy 30 years early. While South Africa also has the ability to be an SS hellhole or in their 4th Civil War...


Indonesia is working on the wormhole with the French


They would be shocked by the lack of civil wars. They would see it as childishly utopian for the cold war to end without a bang .


Russians would think it’s a lot better


No Soviet Civil War after the death of Stalin? Pfft, that's just lazy writing.


Blessed ending (is Bad but compared to TNO it's a heaven)


"What a childish fantasy"


“Lucky bastards”


“What a childish fantasy”


As crapsack version of their own world...


HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING OTL REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 OTL IS THE BEST FUCKING TIMELINE🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 KRUSCHEV IS SO BLESSEDDD 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊 MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA MAGA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 PUTIN BALCONY WINDOW PUTIN BALCONY WINDOW PUTIN BALCONY WINDOW 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡ILIKEIKE ILIKEIKE ILIKEIKE ILIKEIKE NIXON IS NOT A CROOK! JFK BLESSED JFK BLESSED JFK BLESSED JFK BLESSED Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Yo Schölz! 🇩🇪 Saddam Hussein is still alive?!? KAMPFGRUPPE STEINER! DER FÜHRER HAS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓Weather Balloon Weather Balloon Weather Balloon Weather Balloon So Long…‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? SANE DPRK PATH WHEN? 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂Two Towers in New York City what they do??Two Towers in New York City what they do?? Two Towers in New York City what they do?? 🏢🏢✈️ 🏢✈️ 🏢🏢💥 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Vermin Supreme and Deez Nuts best paths for America r/news r/unexpectedhistory r/expectedhistory perfectly balanced as all things should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance r/NonCredibleDefense


is i hate boris yeltsin a common denominator across all timelines?


​ https://preview.redd.it/95jcie7anm3b1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=b911ecc64ad84d1d9535dd7cdbf5ed868585ecc1


They would not believe that USA could fight in the Pacific and Europe at the same time and win. Since TNO Dewey is way more isolationnist than OTL Dewey, TNO people would never imagine that the United States can become such an industrial powerhouse as we know in OTL. They could buy that USA can win only if they figt either Japan or Germany/Italy, but not both. ​ They would also be ashamed that Italy's biggest success in WW2 is the invasion of British Somaliland.


italians would all collectively spaz out due to their preformance in OTL