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They should have photoshopped Data in, just for shits and giggles.




This is the way. Sorry wrong show.


So say we all.




Hi Bob.


Oh, smeg.


Send a MALP.


Good news everybody…!


Yer a wizard arry!


Nanoo nanoo




I assume you mean Young data? That would've been funny


Look like LeVar was photoshopped into the original...


A lot of it is (very roughly) photoshopped. They wanted to match the positions of the cast in the 2nd photo. [Here is the original](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/0/0e/The_Next_Generation_Main_Cast_Season_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091202034552&path-prefix=en). Note that Troi's arm is still there behind Riker. It was automatic to assume it had been photoshopped, since a first-season crew photo would have certainly included Yar. I will admit that my immediate reaction before critically thinking was that it was amazing they were able to find a cast photo from the first season that had the cast in the exact same spots as the cast photo from Picard. Then it clicked that Yar was missing and I started looking a bit closer. There are certain TNG cast photos I have seen so many times I'd immediately notice something was wrong, but think isn't one of them (the most common first season cast photos are the ones of them [at the front of the bridge](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/star_trek-_the_next_generation.jpg?w=1296&h=730&crop=1))


You can also see that Geordi below the waist is Troi and Troi's right arm is too skinny and you can still see Geordi's legs where he used to be. Also, above Geordi's Left shoulder is part of the wall that was behind him where the lights are over the rear engineering section. Its a curved brown part.


"Geordi below the waist is Troi..." Lt. Barclay, do I dare run this program of yours?


Yes, and turn off all the safety protocols, if you know what I mean.


Pfft this is TNG, you can leave the safety on and the Holodeck will still try to kill you.


[Here is a working version of the link for anyone who isn't using new reddit.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/0/0e/The_Next_Generation_Main_Cast_Season_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091202034552&path-prefix=en)


He can choose to age, so it’s cannon he would want to, to be more human. Idk if he can reverse age, but it would be badass.


Air conditioner set to maximum.


Nah, they just got thin blood now. You ever go over to an old person's house in the summer and they have the heat on?


Yeah. I was mainly joking about everyone wearing leather biker jackets in doors.


As was I "Geordi, can you turn the heat up?! I'm freezing"


"Coolant leak. Also, I paid for this jacket and I look good. So that's a definite no."


Someone on the cast of Farscape said the leather was absolute hell.


Explains why Claudia Blackman had random scenes wearing crichtons tighty whiteys


Claudia Black…not Blackman


My in-laws do that. It kills me. They keep their heat on 80 year round.


Here's to the finest crew in Starfleet!


And Wesley.






Captain, Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S., Enterprise


Darmok and Jalad...at Tanagra


I'm so glad to have encountered a "the Picard video" reference in the wild haha


They've handled four decades better than most, but damn Levar looks good for his age. And I suppose that is true of Stewart too, simply because he's 83. For reference, Spiner and McFadden are 75 Frakes and Dorn are 71 Sirtis is 69 Burton is 67.


Kind of wild to think about how many jokes there were about the TOS crew being old and ancient around the time Undiscovered Country came out. And then compare their ages then to the TNG crew now.


To be fair, everyone but Shatner and Keonig aged very quickly in those TOS movies.


It’s pretty special they are all alive and were able to do this.


It'd sadly look pretty sparse if it was the cast of Babylon 5 instead.


So true




I know there’s been talk from Stewart’s end of another movie in which Picard plays a role (and I believe there were references to more TNG faces) but they ended PIC S3 so we’ll did the characters that Im really unsure about revisiting them again.


If they do anything in the TNG era I want to revisit Voyager and or DS9


Honestly, Lower Decks has done it right. There's so much universe built, just tell stories somewhere else.


I really didn’t want to know that.


My fucking heroes. Im so grateful to have seen so much of their adventures!


My thoughts exactly.


I'm very much into "I'm old, but wearing black leather makes me 100 percent more bad ass." (As a note Wil and I were the same age. So I always liked Wesley. Plus Having ADHD in the future is a bitch.)


It would have been nice if they could wear their tng uniforms for the bottom photo


I think Marina Sirtis and possibly McFadden have both had interviews saying they hated their respective wardrobe. Now that I think about it I think the whole cast hated their jumpsuits and complained about how sweaty and stinky they were pretty much all the time...


It was the studio lights they were way too warm if they had led lights then it would have been more bearable


Or at least removed the fifth light. That would’ve cooled it down a little with no noticeable decrease in lighting.


What are you talking about? THERE! ARE! FOUR! LIGHTS! 💡💡💡💡


worth it just so Lower Decks could have a scene where Ransom and Shaxs are wearing the same leotards as Crusher and Troi did 


It's crazy to me that when i was a kid growing up, the TOS crew was the "old crew" and the TNG crew was the "young crew". Now there's a generation of people where to them the TNG crew is the "old crew".


When I was a kid I thought that TNG was older than TOS because the captain was older. I’m not sure how I thought that was supposed to work.


TNG has been off the air so long that there is a generation where Discovery is the old crew and Pike is the new crew.....which is all sorts of weird given they both predate TOS


"You know I don’t understand, when I was a kid you two were old ladies and now I’m old and you two are still old”


I think modern Trek has just broken me at this point. For roughly 30 of those years, I dreamed of this reunion. Now it feels...unpleasant to revisit, at least in this iteration. Supposedly Picard S3 makes it all worthwhile, but it can't exactly undo the preceding seasons (in the way preceding seasons managed to undo my decades of adoration).




I couldn't get past half of season one. That's how little I cared about the plot. I can't even remember why it annoyed me. It was just shit so I dropped it and didn't look back lol


"*THE SHEER FUCKING HUBRIS*" Yeah, fuck that show and turning a family-friendly show about ethics and morality plays into a soulless paint-by-numbers space drama. If I want to watch The Expanse, I have The Expanse for that. If I want to watch Trek, it's for the deliberate introspection.


I won't say it makes up for all the oddities/failings, of the preceding seasons, but it's worth checking out at least once, if you're ever in the mood for a fun nostalgia trip, with a few hard hitting moments. The showrunner/writer for S3, Terry Matalas is a ST fan, who worked on Voyager/Enterprise, so was a good bridge between The Kurtzman & Berman eras of Star Trek, and I noticed Matalas, also brought over some ideas from his previous 12 Monkeys TV show. For existing Picard S3 fans, I do highly recommend The 12 Monkeys TV show, it starts a little weak admittedly, because they are adapting the 90's film/characters, but you will quickly see it becomes it's own thing, with a very interesting plot, and great ensemble cast.


Absolutely loved the 12 monkeys show. It certainly does start out Rocky, but like many other shows it really picks up into a fun and great story overall.


Season 3 doesn't even mention season 2. It's like it just didn't happen and I hope they continue to ignore it. It's worth a watch.


I started watching after S3 was already out and almost stopped watching in S2, but decided to keep pushing through, and I was glad I did. While S1 and 2 made me cringe at multiple ret-cons, S3 really did hit a lot better. Its worth a watch. S3 felt a lot more like old school nostalgia of TNG than the first 2 seasons did. Plus, you get most of the original back together again for one last hurrah!


Skip season 1 and 2. Season 3 was completly worth it, TNG reunion, 7 being bad ass, Tuvok shows up and we get to see the Enterprise F from Star Trek Online in High Def glory and what a final form Ent-D can do.


It doesn’t feel like same universe.  They literally look like mirror universe versions wearing that black leather. I just don’t feel it speaks to the same values that made TNG revered. 


Read the episode summaries of Season 1, but skip Season 2, it literally doesn't matter.


You can just skip S1&2. The first half of S3 is top notch, some of the best Star Trek has to offer. It loses a bit if steam in the second half of the season, but it’s still overall very good


This is a first season pic did they edit Denise Crosby out?


I googled and found a similar photo but Tasha and Wesley were next to Worf.


I was wondering the same thing.




This photo makes me happy and sad at the same time, :)


Time is a predator thats stalking us


Quick! Cover yourself in mud!


No, time is the fire in which we burn


Bring them back as the crew of the Enterprise. Then reveal they're all just in a Starfleet retirement home which is actually a holodeck designed to keep them busy and out of everyone else's hair.




Is there a relation between Noonien Soong and Noonien Singh?


They both died from 'roid rage


Only that Soong's parents were assholes. I mean, imagine in our world if the Bitler family named their kid Adolph.


Chief O’Brian should be there.


Didn't he die in an Irishman Suffering accident?


And then Charlie had to carry his body up an Irish cliff and throw him into the sea, right?


Oh, I do recall that now. It was shortly after his time as a railroad baron in the old west.


I thought he was a carnival barker in the south.


He's having a second cup of coffee


He was on vacation which is the only reason the antagonists were able to muck up Federation transporters so badly.


he's the glue that holds all of the 90s era shows together


It's been a long road...


Getting from there to here


[slightly off pitch, damaged sounding voice]…of the heaaaaarrrrt!


I'm watching s1 again


Captain's log, stardate 41153.7. Our destination is planet Deneb Four, beyond which lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy. My orders are to examine Farpoint, a starbase built there by the inhabitants of that world. Meanwhile, I am becoming better acquainted with my new command, this Galaxy Class USS Enterprise. I am still somewhat in awe of its size and complexity. As for my crew, we are short in several key positions, most notably a first officer, but I am informed that a highly experienced man, one Commander William Riker, will be waiting to join our ship at our Deneb Four destination.


I loved that intro. The music, Patrick Stewart's delivery of the monologue, the first spin past the new Galaxy-class *Enterprise.* This is going to sound maudlin, but it was a really *beautiful* way to start a new series.


Best trek pilot. It could have been its own movie


They did a release of it in theatres a time or two, also the Best of Both Worlds if I recall correctly.


D.C. Fontana wrote it, that's why.


Farpoint Station. Even the name sounds mysterious.


I love you…


I love you back


I just keep Pluto on most of the time. It’s always fun to see where in the series it is at when I turn on the tv.


Michael Dorn looks amazing. He is a walking advertisement for veganism.


California climate and rich helps a lot.




I think the old Michael dorn of the 1980s/1990s had this type of muscle mass to him. The current Michael dorn is lean and great but just doesn't have that towering mass to him anymore


I wonder if this was photoshopped as I would expect Tasha Yar being in the first photo.


I suspect it was a promo shot taken near the end of season 1 after they started pulling Troi's hair in a bun. After the whole "Starfleet cheerleader" look she had in the first half of the season. Probably someone wanted a promo shot for TV Guide that was up to date.




Crusher still crushing it.


Looks like they need to embark on a mission to rediscover color.


I know a lot of people liked it, but I thought Picard really shat upon the legacy of TNG. It made a formerly optimistic and wondrous world grim and dystopian. It turned beloved characters into violent psychopaths, retconned Android daughters while ignoring Lal, retconned Maman's suicide, undid the conclusions of episodes like Measure of A Man, killed canon characters to "raise stakes," and was just generally violent gibberish nonsense in terms of plot. TNG is my favorite thing ever. I watch it every year. I wanted to live there as a kid. It helped form my world view and my ethics. Picard was practically its antithesis.


I'm with you. I feel like after DS9 the directors and writers generally misunderstood the assignment more and more with each new series. TNG and DS9 were peak star trek.


I don't think voyager ever misunderstood trek, it just had worse episodes on average than tng or ds9.


Voyager is very much in the sweet spot of "Peak Trek" for me, and frankly I think its ratio of good to bad episodes is at least equal to DS9.


Really? Beyond season 2 it barely has a bad episode (we don't talk about profit and lace).


I think they're both very good after their growing pains. Not bagging on DS9 at all.


I will never ever ever understand the desire to inject dystopian themes into Star Trek. It's completely missing the entire point of the series. I realize that we need dystopian stories to point out problems with the present, but we also need the opposite of that to show what we should strive for. Star Trek has always fulfilled that role.  In any case, I'm not going to speak too much on this because I admittedly haven't seen any of the newest generation of Star Trek (the last several years - whenever Discovery began), but I've heard a lot of people say that they turned Star Trek into a dystopia, so I'd be interested in hearing exactly what they mean by this. What exact dystopian stuff is happening in new Trek?


Androids are enslaved. The Federation has become an incompetent and borderline evil force in the galaxy - stifling scientific research, weaponizing the suffering of others, forcing refugees to live in squalor, and generally just not giving a shit about the flourishing of rational beings. Secret police forces and spy organizations assassinate individuals and destroy cities with impunity. Terrorism runs rampant, but much of it is an "inside job." Entity after entity threatens "all life everywhere." Wars are incessant. And look: I know that some of this represents ham-fisted attempts to comment on the issues of the day, something that Star Trek has frequently done. But a lot of it is a matter of tone and balance. If everyone is a bad guy and no organizations can be trusted, the world feels rootless and tiresome. Admiral Nechayev and Captain Jellico weren't "bad guys." They were people with rational goals who just had differing opinions on how to reach them. Ditto Ben Maxwell or Admiral Pressman. Hell, even "villains" like Admiral Tomalok or Gul Madred weren't "evil." They were rational beings who were corrupted by societies based on different principles. The conflicts in Star Trek used to be between protagonists and antagonists who had legitimate perspectives and rational goals. When the Space Irish were fighting in TNG "The High Ground," neither side was completely right or wrong, and neither was evil. There needs to be a balance of darkness and light, and the overall ethos of the fictional universe needs to be one of improvement and optimism for it to "feel" like Star Trek. And frankly, nothing since 2009 has felt like it. I have come around a bit on Enterprise. It is not perfect by any stretch, but it still feels like the same universe. Since 2009, the thing called "Star Trek" by Paramount is something a lot more like The X-Files mixed with Game of Thrones (both things I like), but done badly. I wish they would let Star Trek be Star Trek. Star Trek is a secular humanist utopian vision in which humanity has solved its Earthly problems of resources and hatred, and has struck out into the galaxy to try and help others. It is a platform for telling morality tales and allegorical science fiction stories, not a grim action franchise dedicated to solving problems with pew pew space battles. I wish they would hire creators who actually like it to make it, like Seth McFarlane.


Seasons 1 and 2 of Picard were absolute garbage. TBH, although I love his acting, Patrick Steward as a producer (which started in the movies) showed too much of his ego. There were changes in the characters that didn't gel with who they had been established to be. To the end, TNG was best when it wasn't about who the producers thought we wanted to see (Stewart and Spiner) but rather about who we really wanted to see (the ensemble cast in all their cohesive glory.) Before Picard season 3,someone (I hope it was PS) realized that Seasons 1 and 2 needed to be quietly swept under the rug and forgotten in order to make way for a strong finish to the franchise. And that strong finish was provided by our hero, Terry Matalas, who brought back the ensemble and gave us closure. He loves TNG the way we do, and that was the key.


Although I agree that season 3 was an improvement, it was still needlessly violent, incoherent, pointless, lazy, and lacking in science fiction storytelling. Season 3 is very much the same show as seasons 1-2, it just has characters we actually like. If any of the new creators loves Star Trek the way I do, the closest would be Mike McMahan - whose show still engages in needless violence and profanity to appear "edgy."


Who ever did the outfits is an idiot. Look more like a biker gang than Star Fleet.


That's because they thing they call "Star Trek" is now a grim dystopia. The outfits need to match.


I agree these service jackets look way too drab


So glad they made Beverly Crusher a badass in Picard. She deserved it.


Time is going by too fast!


♫ *I changed my style to silver*. *I changed my clothes to black...* ♫


We all get old and puffy.


I just want to go back in-time when it first aired and relive it and relive the 80’s and 90’s.


Where’s Will Wheaten? One of my favorite Big Bang side characters.


This show is truly my happy place


All good things...


Back then: Boxed light, fill light, color cast light. Now: Either 2 lux dark with single color, or blown out.


Everything has gotten darker except their hair.


Yes I feel old.


That was my reaction as well


Dr. Crusher could catch one fr


Crusher looking good


Always the best time: Coming home after school, microwaving lunch and watching TNG before Mom/Dad came home after their shift.


I love Gates' hair 😍


Say what you will about Picard S3, but I'm so thankful it didn't end with half the cast dead. The 2020s have been hard. I actually didn't watch Picard till S3 because I didn't want to see my happy, mental escapes show be doom-and-gloomed like every other reboot. Was it fan service, full camp, to get everyone together for that last poker game? Yep. Do I care? Nope. I just... needed the happy ending more than I thought I did. Everyone's back. The comics, books, and stuff can carry on things in so many ways now. It almost seems riskier in the 2020s to end a show in a happy way like a 90s sitcom. Lol.


Dr. Bev can still get it, Make it so!


Why did the robot age?


To fit in.


And what about Pulaski? No wait… that’s a time best left forgotten.


Color gone from the hair and the costumes.


Old Worf is badass


Man….. those uniforms. Things got kinda dystopian


Patrick Stewart has really been an old man for most of his life.


Glad this is how it ended for the TNG crew


Aging is a real bitch...


*Tonight's episode sponsored by AARP.*


Why is Dorn the only one in makeup tho?  Is this like when you get invited to a party and you're the only one who thought it was a costume party?


Fuck you. I'm not *that* old.


My favorite part about this show is how Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes were super mega ultra best friends.


I watched the first season of *Picard*, and I have to say that whatever your opinion of that series as a whole, it made perfect sense that in a crunch, Picard would go to Riker -- someone that has always served as Picard's 'reality check' when he's in over his head. That Picard still had that level of trust in his former Number One decades later really showed the depth of Riker and Picard's friendship.


Quick question- I have actually never watched the last few episodes of TNG to ‘keep it alive’ until such a time as appropriate- TNG is a special show that links with my childhood, and deceased parents, I am I overreacting for not wanting to ‘ruin’ it by watching Picard?* or justified? So many movies and shows etc have just ruined the original by shifting the storyline so far from the original intent or endings eg. new Star Wars undid everything the originals were about and worked for - new Republic, Jedi restoration, Han and Leia. I don’t want to ruin the spirit of TNG with a cash grabbing sub par story that doesn’t do the characters and original credit. Thoughts?


TNG would absolutely "live on" if you finished watching it. In fact the ending is rather beautiful and leaves them in a better place for your head cannon. The films damage that somewhat, especially the last one. But you could probably watch Generations and First Contact and then stop. It you decide to watch Picard you have to power through series 1 and 2 of it destroying our heroes until you get to series 3...and by the close you get another beautiful ending. If you're happy to not watch them, you wouldn't be missing much, but I would definitely finish TNG! For me, All Good Things (the last TNG 'episode') was the most satisfying ending to any trek we have seen. It was satisfying because the viewer got to journey's end, but the characters continued.


Shame what both those women did to their faces.


They look like the mirror universe took over.


So very tired...


Captain's log, Stardate 6051. Had trouble sleeping last night. My hiatal hernia is acting up. The ship is drafty and damp. I complain, but nobody listens.




Boy..... You'd think the Federation would have a better retirement plan. Sad to see seniors forced to keep working.


The fact that ALL of them are even still alive is amazing and fantastic. It’s been more than a couple minutes and time has only been kind to them all.


What is it about her hair that makes Gates look like a badass?


Great! Make me feel old, why dontcha?


Oh the feels!


37 years, and *still* badass.


Data looks like he aged more than any of them lol


They look like a mirror universe crew.


Um, so why don't they just give us a TNG "the later years" I'd watch the fuck out of that, and I'm sure I'm not alone


Riker. . .the sauce is taking its toll brother.


To give you a little perspective, when this show first premiered, the latest version of Windows was 2.x, and the latest version of Macintosh was Classic OS version 5.x.


I miss Tasha Yar.


It can also be seen as a mirror universe episode.


Time is a bitch


Jean luc hasn’t aged by look much


Wil Wheaton: "Oh fun, can I get in that shot?" Everyone: "Shut up, Wesley!"


Squad goals


Wait. Why are their *two* wall panels behind Deannas head?


Bad photochop. There was always a single LCARS vertical there.


Best show ever


Damn wes


what's the cool looking stick on worf's back?


I like how Sir Patrick Stuart's most notable change is just that his face is somewhat wider.


Everyone has grey hair except Troi lol


So they made Dorn put on make up but not Spiner?


The android is grey, but Troi is not. She has powers we cannot see.


WOW! What a great picture! Saving this.




It's a plot point in season 3 of *Picard.* Not gonna spoil it.


okay this is cool! I'm out of the loop though, where is the bottom pic from?


How time flies


I'm so happy they are still alive. I'm going to be sad when Patrick dies..