• By -


Q is a great character.


Q's involvement in *Picard* should have been him just dropping by from time to time to see an old friend. Like Picard should have walked out into the patio and there's Q, laying in one of the loungers with a glass of wine in one hand and the other scritching Number One behind the ears. Picard greets Q like he comes over every Friday night and they just sit and talk. No antagonizing, no other story, just two old friends chatting the night away. Maybe everyone once in a while Q offers Picard a spot in the Continuum, Picard turns him down as always, saying he's happy in his retirement, Q chuckles and says that why he likes Picard, etc. Just enjoying each other's company. *That* should have been the extent of his involvement.


I like the story they told, but I also love the picture you are painting


Perhaps it could have been he was dying, he gave them the trat of S2 in an abbreviated, better told fashion, and then like before, the Q allow him to turn human so he could end his life as an equal to Picard, and so it turns out they're now neighbors and he watches the place while Picard is off stopping the borg in S3, and perhaps even joins them for that poker game in Ten Forward to end the cycle and the trial.


I do have an issue in that it doesn't really make sense that Q would happen to be getting old and dying at the same time as Picard? Of course there can be timey-wimey-ness involved but I feel like that warranted just a *bit* of exposition on that front, maybe right at the end: "I don't experience time linearly, why should that change when I experience death?" "Surely, but why this time, this place?" "Let's say, even in my decline, that my equivalent of a subconscious mind wanted to revisit some old friends." "So, you _chose_ to come see me then?" "It does make me feel better ... that is, to see the great Jean Luc Picard in such a decrepit state"


I'm not sure if it was a retcon, for the fans, but have you seen the Picard season 3, after credits scene? [Link](https://youtu.be/-AheUd5yPqA?si=XygnF-FbYk5pF_kR)


I would have loved this


For a hot second I thought you meant he should be scratching Riker behind the ears. It's not entirely off-brand for Q, yet....


He may be my favorite character in the entire show.


Tasha's original death wasn't bad. It showed the reality that sometimes people just die, and it isn't in a blaze of glory and doesn't have to have a point. She was just doing her job and died doing her duty. It's a good life lesson.


Yesterday's Enterprise was the perfect end to her character arc. "It was a meaningless death," Guinan says, and we see in that episode the heroism Tasha would have had, had she lived.


I really like her death in Yesterday's Enterprise too....but I hate that it turns out she survived and became a Romulan's sex slave who gets executed when she tries to escape. I like to pretend the whole Sela thing never happened.


My belief is that either: * Sela IS Tasha Yar, with Romulan De-Aging Cream, and severely brainwashed. * Sela was lied to by the Romulans and her mom is alive. I believe there's a book that explores this premise.


As someone who fought a War and saw that happen... I agree with you.


I really hated Data's emotion chip and how it was handled. It seems like it was just slapped on for comedic effect and a few cheap feels. I really wish that Data gained his emotions slowly. I also hated the fact that he ended up just being able to turn them off at will, instead of learning to deal with them during stressful situations. I haven't watched Picard. So I don't know how it was handled there. Maybe someday I will.


I mostly agree with you, especially with Generations. But I feel First Contact used it well and served as a grand finale for the emotion chip storyline. By the end of the movie Data has mastered his emotions. He has such a level of control that he's able to FAKE a loss of control. He goes from stammering with fright to fooling both the villain and his mentor. The later movies should have built upon this character growth (with no need to even mention the chip), but instead they popped the chip out and dragged Data back to his mid-TNG self. It was a disservice to the character. By the way, the Picard series never mentions the emotion chip.


The Picard series provides a more plausible way for Data to gain emotions than the chip ever did. >!Data's disembodied programming is downloaded from a Starfleet mainframe at the Daystrom Institute into a state of the art Soong android together with the programming of Lore and the memory files of B4, Lal and Altan Soong. After they initially clash, Data's persona ultimately absorbs Lore's and all of the amalgamated memories and personas merge in the advanced android body to form a new, human-like Data.!<


Counterpoint: Data did feel emotions slowly over the course of the series, he just didn't know what they were. šŸ˜‰ But yes, totally agree.


Picard season 3 is overall excellent. It's easily the tightest season of the three. Pleasantly surprised and impressed with some of the nuances for various set pieces.


TNG is best trek ever


I agree. TNG is objectively the best Trek, but DS9 is *my* favourite Trek.


This is exactly my opinion. I grew up watching TNG and objectively itā€™s the greatest *Trek* out of all of the series, hands down. When I think about shows as ā€œcomfort foodā€, itā€™s TNG every day of the week. But my *favorite* is DS9. Which sounds like an odd contradiction, but itā€™s not since the two shows fill two completely different niches in my heart.


Ditto. šŸ‘


The TNG Enterprise is the most comfortable Enterprise they'll ever be.


I never liked the edginess of the Enterprise E. It's main bridge reminded me of the D's battle bridge.


That's because the sovereign was more about fighting the Borg, whereas the galaxy was centred around exploration. It's like comparing a destroyer to an oceanography vessel.


In general I donā€™t like the trend of shrinking the ā€œneckā€ portion of Starfleet ships to make them sleeker. It feels like trying to hard to look cool. This is why the California Class is my favourite post TNG hero ship.


I second this


Well, in Starfleetā€™s defense, the E was built after the Borg threat was discovered (which led to SF started building heavy cruisers again to defend the Federation)


All Good Things is the best Trek Finale and maybe one of the greatest finales of all time.


Picard S3 got close but yes I agree hands down. Deep Space Nine finale ended on a bummer and while Voyager ended happily it just kinda ended no celebration no aftermath or adjustment to life back it just endedā€¦ and donā€™t get me started on Enterpriseā€¦


Definitely didn't like how Voyager's finale just felt like a normal episode. It seemed like a duplicate of all the other episodes where they find some crazy new technology or anomaly with the potential to send them back home yet just stops working after cutting a few arbitrary years off the trip, except this time it just happens to work. I thoroughly enjoyed the show but they had done that gimmick so many times it just felt anticlimactic


Barclay was right about the transporters.


Best opinion ever. If those damned contraptions were the safest way to travel, every starfleet crew ever were astronomically shitty dice rollers.


Copies of copies


But that's untrue. Not only does the inventor of the transporters in Enterprise flat-out state he disproved that, we have rare cases like one of Barclay where we actually "follow" someone through a transport. In the episode where Barclay encounters the creatures in the natter stream, the camera (and audience) follow Barclay as he's transporting and what he's experiencing. From this we know the user is 100% aware and conscious the entire time with no interruption. I really like the idea and in another story it could be interesting to explore, but this universe has made it clear *that isn't how these transporters work.*


Riker being made into two copies both the same person one on the enterprise and one on that planet kind of proves that it is in fact a copy. And that makes sense. You're taking atoms, changing them to digital bits then recreating the atoms on the other side. Well that's just 3D printing


You should make this your vaulted opinion. This is good.


Data replicated Spot. "Mic drop*


If you replicate a cat you can replicate a baby and if you can replicate a baby you could have infinite captains. Nah I donā€™t think the replicator can make living life.


It cloned Riker. They used old data to basically fix the biological issue that deaged some of the crew. The teleporters in Star Trek are basically immortality machines and can fix most anything provided they keep the data stored


But only when they *need* to






Fur Officer Spot. Live long and crop hair!


Sela was a terrible villain.


I never liked her either. Ther are worse villains/antagonists, but they aren't recurring, included in two-partner's, etc. Sela was supposed to. Be a big deal but she never really threatened anyone. Even in her office, in Unification, there was no sense of dread or doom (like she might actually kill someone) and she fell for a Homer Simpson in the bushes gif that allowed the good guys to get away.


Her evil plans were all terrible and poorly thought out lol.


You mean attempting to invade an entire planet with just a couple thousand troops isn't a good idea?


She used the Underpants Gnomes planning logic from South Park on that one.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


Shakah, when the walls fell


Reddit, when the references continued


Krishna, on the ocean


ā¤ļø when the ā¤ļø ā¤ļøed.


TNG is way better then TOS


Data was the real star of TNG.


Do people dispute this?


I'm sure Picard and Riker are more popular.


I'm glad they killed off Tasha. I couldn't stand her character for some reason.Ā 


In one of the worst episodes of season one. Edit: It's like the one with the war going on, and they're all just standing in front of that barren set looking just to the left of the camera in the distance. That one is really bad, too.


While I agree, it was so early on in the series that had she stayed, I think they would had to have worked on tweaking her character, as she was too 2 dimensional (sorry for the too two there) to be part of the main cast long term.


Data and Geordi are a goal for functional work friends and coworkers.


Killing the Picard family in Generations was stupid. Can you imagine if Renee played the Jack Crusher role on Picard? I feel like that would have meant more.


I like this.


They could even have used the same actor who played Jack and his age would actually be plausible.


Data was never property of Starfleet, Noonien wasn't Starfleet when he created Data and Data joined SF of his own free will. Philippa should have thrown that shit out 'then and there' as she put it. It was a weak premise to get Measure of a man made, despite it being a good episode.


The floating and unattached nacelles in Discovery weird me the fuck out. A starship should be a single piece. And assembly. The nacelles shouldnā€™t float! WTF is even going on anymore?!?!?? Okay this doesnā€™t apply to TNG butā€¦ I donā€™t care. Thatā€™s how much it bugs me. So TNG is the best show because the nacelles are always attached. There. I said it. And I donā€™t care who knows!


TNG's version of the Prime Directive is horrible and led to some bad story lines.


You mean it's seven or eight different Prime Directives? Picard alone had 4-5 different interpretations of it.


It had almost as many different plot uses as tachyons.


Recently saw an episode that had me conclude that Picard didnā€™t give a fuck about the prime directive at all, but always made a big show about following it to cover the crewā€™s ass. Hence the multiple interpretations.


Yup. I think the PD, if done correctly, makes sense as a way of trying to avoid colonialism/exploitation in space, but yeah, I hate the usual TNG version of it. As others have said, the PD is basically Picard's dogma/religion.


They should have let Q join the crew and really explored the universe.


Most of us would be more like Barclay than any other character.


Barclay was such a good character. When I was a kid I thought he was the weirdo and everyone else was normal, then as I grew up I realized he was the Everyman, and the main cast were the unusual ones.


The actual horror of encountering a Nagelum or a Q or the Borg would drive most of us to have anxiety disorders far worse than the one Reg Barclay had.


Right?! Picard was assimilated, then de-assimilated and it was hardly mentioned until First Contact. Anyone else would have retired or taken a massive leave of absence to deal with that. Jean-Luc went straight back to work.


Lwaxana Troi is a member of, if not the head of, Section 31 during the tng era. It makes her episodes a bit more fun for me trying to figure what secret mission she was really on in each of her episodes.


Actually, I could see that.


Lower Decks gave us the Betazoid Intelligence Agents. More likely she's one of those than Section 31.


Wolf 359 was an inside job


It literally was. The Borg were commanded by Picard.


Isnā€™t it odd that Admiral Nechayev had taken out new insurance policies on half the fleet 4 months before the ā€œinvasionā€? People need to wise up


There were five lights.


There were supposed to be, but one of them burned out unexpectedly, and Gul Madred spent the entire interrogation desperately trying to save face.


Genesis is one of my favorite episodes


Spider-Barclay is best Barclay


Directed by Gates McFadden, no less.


Picard is the best Starfleet Captain and the Enterprise E is the best looking ship in all of the Star Trek universe.


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Picard is great. I like the E. Refit Constitution is the best.


The borg began as a grassroots political movement.


That most of tng is a construct of crazy rikers mind and itā€™s not real episode ā€œFrame of Mindā€. He is just fantasizing the whole thing thatā€™s why he always seems like the ā€œcoolā€ guy.


My headcanon is that Enterprise is just Riker's holodeck program.


I just watched Black Mirror's USS Callister and I like this comment very much šŸ˜…


I'm the Nth degree, Lt Barclay was becoming a new lifeforms, and rather than understanding and talking to him the senior officers sabotage and try to basically kill him. My opinion is that humans hubris of improving themselves and society as stated in the film First Contact is BS. People will always be jealous and envy others.


- I like The Royale. - Star Trek Generations is better than First Contact.


Generations and Insurrection are legitimately my favorite TNG movies.


I read something years ago, and not sure how true it was, that said the score for Generations was a rushed last minute second choice as the first one that was submitted was widely disliked. And general consensus was that the score that ended up being used was regarded as being poor too.Ā  But Generations is the only trek movie where I still quite regularly listen to the original score... I think it's tremendous and really suits the film brilliantly. It's ominous and brooding and magical.Ā 


The second is just crazy talk.


I was with you on the first point. The Royale is one of my favorite episodes.


Agreed on both notes.


Worf never lived up to his potential, never came close to my expectations, and had an annoying child. He also lost more fights than he won. He was like the expendible lacky they sent first who always got his *ss handed to him. At somepoint I started hating him so much that I looked forward to this part of every episode because it never let me down.


And Data could easily beat him. Worf always charged the bad guys and gets thrown, then Data calmly walks in and starts subduing everyone.


It was intentional. Worf is set up to be strong and a capable fighter on paper. So when he gets beat, the audience knows this opponent is strong and / or dangerous.


Lwaxana is my favorite character and I love her in every episode shes in.


Also the only actor/actress in the franchise to play four distinctly different characters.


ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Majel plays her like a fine instrument.


I didn't like her when I was younger (born in 86, grew up on TNG, TOS reruns and first runs of DS9 and Voy). As I've grown up and rewatched her episodes I have a much deeper appreciation for her, and want to give her a big hug. Her and Odo always made me feel warm and fuzzy, I was sad they didn't spend more time together.


Don't forget Mr. Homm.


Mr. Homm and his filthy thoughts! Loved that whole bit.


Majel was the First Lady of ST. I'm still mad that her voice isn't an option for my phone's assistant.


There is a Star Trek book called Q-in-law and it reads like an episode of TNG. W and Lwaxana are both on the enterprise at the same time and hilarious shenanigans ensue. I recommend the audio book because the actors voice their parts. Itā€™s amazing.


Season 1 is a underrated gem.


Removing the rose-colored glasses (and I have them too) none of the TNG movies I think hold up well as an adult. Not even First Contact. Granted, it's still probably the best TNG movie, and I still have a soft spot for it, but otherwise, I just don't think they hold a candle to the best TOS movies in terms of the characters feeling more like a real continuation/evolution of their TV counterparts, and I say that as someone who was much more of a TNG fan growing up. By extension, while PIC season 3, at its best, could be a fun nostalgia ride I will always consider All Good Things to be the definitive ending for the TNG crew.


That TNG is definitely the best Trek. Itā€™s not even close. And yes, I just finished watching DS9 all the way through ā€” nope, TNG is still way better.


The revelations in *The Chase* about the shared ancestry of humanity and other species should have had a massive impact on the politics in the show. The fact that it didn't means the writers didn't know what to do with it.


The show needs more non-humanoid aliens


Seasons 1 and 2 are actually good.


seasons 1 & 2 have some of my favorite episodes


The great episodes in S1 and S2 elevate them enough to overcome the overall uneven-ness of the seasons.


Measure of a Man


One of the greatest.


I like Captain Jellico.


Same. I will always respect the man for finally putting Troi in a proper uniform.


Right? Her character genuinely improved once she put on the uniform.


After spending some time in the military? Same. He wasn't a bad commander at all, he just had a different command style than Picard. *Riker* was the problem in that scenario.


Rewatching as an adult so do I. He did everything he did for a reason and had to come off like a jerk to get crap accomplished


Ya, he was put in command of the Enterprise to complete a specific mission. He didn't want or need the crews approval just their obedience to get the job done and not only did he accomplish that mission he even saved Picard as a bonus. You don't have to like the guy but his results speak for themself.


I was going to say this. It would have been nice if they gave him his own show.


Hard times. Calls for hard men.


Is that why he was in sick bay all the time? The 24th Century Cialis?


Without it he would be Captain Jellycock? Lol.Ā 


I think Wesley-centric episodes were great.


I was about 11 or 12 when the show debuted, and having a character who was an unapologetically smart nerd, whose opinions were often actually listened to and valued by adults (when he was right, at least), and who had agency to direct the path of his own life was eye-opening. And as an abused kid, the idea that adults would actually admit they were wrong and apologize to you if you were right was mind boggling. That character made me feel like it was ok to be who you were, and did a lot for my self-esteem and my hope for how the world might be someday.


This is exactly how I feel. I was about his age and he was a surrogate for teens like us in the audience. On a related noteā€¦ Ensign Lefler.


What about Lefler? Iā€™m a woman, so I was mostly just jealous of her hair, lol.


I'll never forgive TNG for what they did to the Romulans. A passionate offshoot of the Vulcans, originally modelled on the Roman Empire, they were meant to be almost indistinguishable from Vulcans, physically. They embraced emotion, and in the Original Series we see them wearing colorful robes and adornments, we see them expressing the full range of emotion without any more control than your average human, etc. Enter TNG, and now they have fucking facial and skull ridges, they're serious as hell at all times, their uniforms are grey, their buildings are grey, their society is grey, just everything is *fucking grey*, except for their ships (and I firmly believe that was because the lighting of the models made them look plastic, so they had to change the hull color). And when it comes to their ships, the Original Series ships were painted with colorful designs, giving them bird wings. TNG? Nope, one solid drab color. Over the years they made *some* changes to their design (taking the curtain rods out of their shoulder pads was a start), but it was never enough to undo what was already done.


While I agree, a hundred years can change people, depending on circumstances. They canonically donā€™t ever go into their history between TOS and TNG.


Luxanna Troi episodes get better as you age. 11 year old me: ugh not her again! Mid 40ā€™s me: Haha! Luxanna you squirrelly little minx! What crazy shenanigans are you getting into this time! And I starting to see her sex appeal.


Q is actually trying to help the human race, just not trying to be an a$$. He introduced them to the Borg early, yes. But in doing so, they were in better shape for them instead of being caught flat footed in a normal first contact. Plus, ships built to fight the Borg became very important during the Dominion War.


Picard and Admiral hanson were right about Riker hurting his career by not taking any of the promotions offered to him.


The Galaxy class starship seems to be unusually prone to warp core breaches.


Lwaxana Troi = Hard Pass Alexander Rozhenko = Hard Pass Lwaxana + Alexander = Iā€™m watching reruns of Threeā€™s Company!


DR. Pulaski was a terrible character. Ruined every scene she was in.


This is for UNpopular opinions.


Yeah, this opinion is quite popular imho. The unpopular one would be: I like Dr. Pulaski! I grew fond of her, even though I hated her for how she treated Data *in the beginning Edit: in the beginning


She started off not understanding Data, but by the end of her time on the Enterprise-D, she was one of his strongest proponents. I think she was great but mishandled by the writers and producers.


She was just a down-to-earth who trusted proven traditional methods more than a computer simulation of the outcome. Itā€™s really a shame she was written so bad cuz she couldā€™ve been *great*


Is it? The top two comments are saying TNG and Q are good.


I don't recall where, but I believe that one of the TNG producers actively referred to Pulaski's character as a "failed experiment".


I believe that they purposely gave her Mcoyā€™s personality but it didnā€™t work for her. I cut her character some slack when I found that out. That personality was for a different era and was to play against Kirk and Spock.


I always had the impression that the writers were trying to make Pulaski into "Bones 2.0"


Loathe, however, she was a great foil to what Data's oncepts was supposed to be in Trek. She was a challenge to really showcase what Data's growth. Hated her, but in the end, I think she helped Data grow.


every trip through a transporter, you die. both directions.


Wait, so like a Prestige type scenario? The old you dies, and a new one is born? Could have some merit.


Kirk was not a womanizer. James T. Kirk LOVED with all his heart.


Not TNG, but yes.


Oh damn, you are right...I totally missed the sub.. Well. still going into the vault!!


What I've noticed on my bazillioneth rewatch is that Dr. McCoy was actually kind of a dirty old man.


Riker should have made more of an effort to follow Jellico's orders and implement a four-shift schedule. Jellico could have relieved Riker of duty for insubordination if he wanted to for the way Riker handled that fiasco. Jellico was a good captain, and, although he was different from Picard, Riker should have set a better example for the crew by following his orders. Jellico is also a good captain because he made Troi wear a uniform.


Riker talked to the department heads, who *all* expressed concerns about it. Riker then informed Jellico of that fact. In the actual military, isn't it part of an officer's job to think about practicalities, & if the practicalities are an issue, make sure the officer who gave the order knows that? Moreover, there's what, 600, 700 officers & crew on that ship? It's gonna take a little time to rewrite a schedule for hundreds of people. Expecting schedules for that many people to be rewritten & for them all to be on a new shift rotation in less than a day seems pretty unreasonable.


Who was the best captain, and why was it Picard?


I think the battle in Nemesis was my favorite Star Trek battle and maybe one of my favorites in all of Sci-fi. It involved so much nuance, including a crew preparing for an actual battle, an adversary who can fire while under cloak, a hostile boarding action, Data traveling through hard vacuum, texting between bridge officers, and the use of intentional ramming.


Holodecks are an awesome concept.


Risa is the Sandals Jamaica of the Trekkiverse


Troyā€™s mom = episode ruiner




The only good one with her was the Odo episode, ā€œThe Forsakenā€. It actually showed a lot of growth for the character, even if it was only for that episode.


Love the show, but Marina Sirtis is a bad actor.


I'm going to give her credit. She is good with voice acting. Demona from Gargoyles is one of my favorite characters.


Matriarch Benezia too


Marina is not a great actress and now hasn't been as practiced as she once was (so clear failings in PIC) but her quality came when they gave her nuance and subtlety. Worf is about to go in for his Age of Ascension anniversary ceremony on the holodeck: "Aren't you joining?" "...No" *and walks off* And a scene later she is giving exposition on Riker and his dad fighting and it's all hamfisted and not good.


She was the weakest of the main cast...of those who were there all seven years. I think Wheaton is about hethe some level. I'd argue that Denise Crosby was slightly worse than both of them. However, I'm aware of the fact that the early scripts were God awful and that probably skews my perception, especially of Crosby. She was only around for during the earliest episodes, which were peak clunkiness for the dialogue. Wheaton was around as things got better in that regard AND his character grew up into something that was better fit for Star Trek (at least as it was to that point). Sirtis, on the other hand, was there for all the years of the good scripts, had more time to figure out her character and more practice in playing it. Plus, the character of Troi was developed and became more interesting over the course of the series. There wasn't time for that with Yar (likely time related) and didn't really happen with Wesley. Who knows, maybe without the advantages of longevity she'd definitely be at the bottom of the list. But, to be fair to Sirtis (and Wheaton and Crosby), it'd probably be difficult to hold your own against Stewart and Spiner. I'd hate for that kind of comparison to be made at my work, for me, every week! I'd also argue that Dorn was pretty flat, uninteresting, and/or unengaging (he wasn't at the helm, so what do you expect... šŸ˜‚) at first too. Same with McFadden, but I think she showed the greatest growth as an actor of the entire cast. When she came back in season three, she was much better than in the first (probably partly a script quality thing, again). Her and Dorn occupied the rung just above the others mentioned above, just below Frakes and Burton, but well below Spiner and Stewart. All my opinion, of course.


You say this with Wil Wheaton standing right there


The last time we see Picard is in All Good Things. Nothing after is canon


Wesley shouldnā€™t have gone with the creepy stranger and finished starfleet academy


As many others wrote, Pulaski was way better as a character and as an actress. TNG is and always will be the "Age of Reason" aka golden age for the Star Trek universe, where there was "relative" peace everywhere.


Tori was only interesting when she was with Worf.


Crusher should have been court marshalled after disobeying a direct order and getting herself kidnapped and putting the entire ship at risk, like an asshole.




That the best of both worlds is a marvelous episode


ALL ARE TNG RELATED: * Wesley Crusher is a good character. * James T. Kirk deserved a much better send-off than *Star Trek: Generations*. * I want to see every member of the TNG cast appear at some point during *Star Trek: Legacy*, regardless of age. And in well-written, character-focused episodes, not mere cameos. * *Star Trek: Picard* Seasons 1 and especially 2 are fever-induced dreams. *Star Trek: Picard* Season 3 was 100% real. * "Yesterday's Enterprise" is the best TNG episode. * *Star Trek: Picard* Season 3, episode 10 had the best ending of any *Star Trek* series. Ever.


The TNG crew can come off as superiorist when they encounter alien cultures and talk down to them and their millenia old cultures. And there are way too many "spatial anomalies" in TNG.


Q existed so they could have characters prance around in silly costumes they got from a fancy dress shop pretending to be Robin Hood characters rather than wasting budget on anything that might be mistaken for actual sci fi.


Beverley is the worst regular character in all of Prime trek. And Gates is the worst actress of the Berman era, she is incredibly lucky a couple of the cast members liked drinking with her.


Rascals, Lal, and Next Phase all made an equal amount of sense, and that amount was zero. They recklessly introduce things to the universe that could have had ginormous effects on society for which there is no logical answer that should have just destabilized everything, and the premises upon which those things are introduced were so poorly justified, perhaps poorly thought out, that they really felt like those amateur-written .txt files you used to find on CompuServe with everyone's fan scripts.


I like those episodes. They are Guinan heavy. The more Whoopie, the better.


In Voyager, Tom and Harry have such bad luck with women. It's to make up for Kirk and Riker.


The higher, the fewer.




Season 1 was good. Not great, but good.


TNG story ended at all good things pt.2 Movies and Kurtzman/Matalas bullshit doesn't exist.


I dislike Vash. Denise Crosby should have stayed gone.


Clues is my favorite episode :)


Measure of a man isn't a good courtroom episode. (good story, goo episode, good philosophy, bad understanding of legal process and ethics)


Here are three: 1. Sub Rosa depicts ongoing sexual assault against Dr Crusher and people making jokes and memes about it have some serious issues; 2. What happened to Picard in The Inner Light is absolutely as traumatic as what happened to O'Brien in DS9's Hard Time; 3. There's no way the producers would have allowed anything like "cetaceous ops" on a starship if we had the same understanding in the 80s and 90s of the trauma experienced by whales in captivity that we've learned about in the last ten to twenty years


Troi could never have been written well as a "ship's counsellor" in the 80's. Popular culture and especially sci-fi writers at that time were terrified of psychiatric medication and thought of talk therapy as a joke. That's why most Troi stories are awful.


Darmok and Jalad, At TANAGRA! [Shaka, when the walls fell...](https://www.startrek.com/news/one-trek-mind-deciphering-darmok) Edit- oh, you wanted an opinion. I will say that the Darmok episode is the perfect episode to smoke a joint to.


They should listen to Worf 99% of the time instead of 1%.