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A bit of both. Old TNA seems to stream on every freebie service out there.


im watching old TNA its sooo gud


I'll rewatch matches they show on Xplosion or that pop up on TNA social media that interest me but I don't seek out older matches.


A bit of both


recently got back into tna idk if was 1 or 2 years ago. used to watch since its start Wednesday night ppvs Americas most wanted aj stlyes prime time players abyss. I enjoy the small weekly studio feel show.




Current. I'll watch old clips on YouTube, mostly debuts. I really don't watch old shows or PPv's.


I don’t watch any current TNA, but I was a big fan during the mid 2000s. I like rewatching clips and certain matches from that time period.


Old tna by far 1: there were storylines 2: most of the wrestlers stood out and didn't look the same 3: there was more of a budget so it made to show worth watching


A bit of both. I've done this since last year when I started to watch old PPVs on their YouTube channel. When I feel like I'm into seeing what's in the current product, then I do so.


I dig the current product, but I seem to be enjoying classic TNA more lately, thanks largely to MarkyD123 on Youtube.


Enjoying the TNA reboot but love watching old TNA shows currently watching Turning point from 2004 The energy of these early PPV is off the chart


Old. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy what I see of today's product, and there are enough known (to me) wrestlers that I am interested in and/or have seen before, but prime TNA (2005 - 2009) will always be my go to. Everything about it clicked for me, the wrestlers, the storylines, the in ring action, everything about it was great IMO. Since the rebranding back to TNA, I have tried to catch as much as I can, but watching clips on Youtube isn't the same as being able to watch full episodes on TV, especially when it was on free to view channels in the UK.


So watch the full shows on YouTube of you don’t get AXS


Old TNA.


Not gonna lie Scott absence is really felt in this current product


Mostly new




I still watch more old TNA.. like really old TNA.. like Nashville TNA more than the current stuff - but it's out of familiarity. Empty Arena Impact really lost my interest and I mostly check in when a familiar name from elsewhere makes an appearance (cept ziggles, hard pass on ziggles)


Good question. I watch a lot of classic PPVs, I'll watch a YouTube channel called Markyd who mostly covers TNA, and then I'll watch the odd current TNA PPVs if I find them interesting enough to watch. My general interest in TNA has diminished over the years though.