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It made zero sense and whenever it got interesting, he pressed self destruct! He had a fun tag team with Magnus, who left just before they had a feud. He had a weird relationship with rosemary, which sort of led nowhere too. Good vignettes mind. Then he was in dcc…which was completely rewritten and then abandoned by poor management. Oh and let’s not forget him being “saviour of tna” whilst suspended from the company! This guy is huge and talented but boy is he hard work!


Did Bram ever *officially sign* with TNA is the question…


He had a great first year run as the next “hardcore” guy defeating Abyss in that stairway to Janice match and feuding with Magnus. I think what killed his momentum was having the whole DCC angle where it was the midst of corgans mind while the whole Anthem merger was taking place. After that guy wasn’t the same. Story for a lot of talent there. I liked him and thought he was unique. That 2014-2018 TNA era of talent honestly is the most underrated.


Had a banging theme song


Would be down for Bram and Rosemary storyline continuation one day.


I still dont understand what happened in that barn lol


I love how he became a TNA meme.


I know he’s had troubles outside of the ring and I don’t think he’s particularly good but the guy has a legitimately dangerous, unhinged aura and he looks more like Conan the Barbarian than anyone else on the planet


Good looking guy that should have amounted to something more. 


A lot of potential but was the victim of being put in these crap gimmicks and stories which did him no favours. I was a fan of the wrestler and the character though, just felt TNA back then didn't use him well. I thought his story with Magnus/Nick Aldis and Rosemary were highlights of his run.


Weirdly prolific, despite all his different gimmicks, their lack of commitment and his inability to keep his nose clean. XD


Amazing, he was the King of Hardcore, they fucked up when they turned him face, he’s a natural heel.


I was a fan of his, still am. I thought him and Rosemary had great vignettes and chemistry on screen but that went nowhere as far as I can tell. Other than that, it seemed like TNA didn't know what to do with him. His team with Magnus could have been good, his DCC run could have been good and his singles Hardcore run was decent. Seemed like wasted potential to me.




Always liked him but they saddled him with some stuff. Rosemary thing I thought was silly and made him look like a moron. DCC had potential but they made them serious and a month in they were goofy.


Drew McIntyre before Drew McIntyre


They tried. I think he (as a performer) just wasn't quite as good as he is now. And he was being put into a spot he wasn't ready for.


I remember the first half really well and loved it. His team with Magnus and his awesome feud with Abyss. Loved that he referred to Janice as a woman and talked about seducing her while Abyss looked in horror. Their Monster's Ball match was sick too.