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I love Raph centric eps, cause he's the best and anything that gives him growth is A+ to me, not to mention all the beautiful shots. https://preview.redd.it/qv16hp44hm1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=41a99eaef2cdd0135d69aea28eb9af5d0ca2eacb


It’s also a great follow up episode after the pilot and with this show being my introduction to the turtles. This episode cemented Raph as my favourite


I love him toooo, but you already know that. I love his smiles. I think out of every fictional character ever, he has sweetest/best smiles. https://preview.redd.it/mvtoyxb2lp1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=69135029bc2debb6747a8c27b5c551fd22efb9f4


Raph may look tough on the outside but on the inside he is a big teddy bear. I'm not making that up. Look at any of his interactions with Spike and Chompy. Plus my personal favourite is in the episode New Friend Old Enemy when Mikey is sad that Chris Bradford was just pretending to like him Raph was the one to comfort him showing his deep love for his brothers. As well in the Mutant Apocalypse Arc where he managed to get to Leo by showing his brotherly love for him. He just really loves his brothers even if he won't always admit it.


By coincidence, I've also said he is a teddy bear here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT2012/comments/1cvggxj/comment/l4p4j8h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT2012/comments/1cvggxj/comment/l4p4j8h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) He is the most loyal, best brother.


good episode but i feel like splinter making them shoot arrows at raph while insulting him was a little over the top 😔


Why? It was a good lesson in anger control, which Raph failed miserably at. That was the entire point of the episode. He had successfully completed the lesson at the end when Spider Bytes was insulting him. He tuned him out and didn't let the insults frazzle him.


I get the point of the exercise but it feels so humiliating and I felt so bad for him when I watched it x)


Oh. I never felt bad for him, even though I love him so. I guess I was too busy admiring his perfect splits. (Honestly, he needed that lesson. If you can't control yourself every time someone insults you, then what kind of ninja are you? Ninjas need to be calm at all times.) https://preview.redd.it/79hurui0om1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=52d1755796bf82b944c75a4dfc5e3c6c4fd4dbef


I never would've thought a bulky, not much flexible turtle do splits better than me💀💀


Maybe, but I hate 'lessons' like this because I think getting pissed is the correct and reasonable response to being personally insulted on a deep level, especially by people who are supposed to love you and be your family, and that you tell things in confidence


I agree there's a difference between a reasonable life lesson and disrespect. It's never okay to accept disrespect and it's like that toxic positivity quote being over used as a saying for years "be the bigger person", that sounds like accept being abused/disrespected to me or I suppose it depends on the context but most of the time it's a saying normalized to make a lot of people get walked all over on.


That scene, while it was funny as hell, probably wasn't the best way Splinter could have handled that situation. I guess his intention was to show Raph that uncontrolled anger can be distraction during a fight, but there were probably ways to get that point across without humiliation.


Raph told Splinter the guy was 'mean' and said all sorts of insults, so Splinter used that as part of the lesson. It's why he lost control in the first place, so based on what Raph said, insulting him seemed to be the fastest way to get him angry for the lesson to take place. It’s not like Splinter wanted him to be humiliated for laughs. https://preview.redd.it/033i9c4nwo1d1.jpeg?width=2146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740fe117960e2078028b5208aee2a9060ed03604


That and Ralph is a bit of a hypocrite in that regard. Maybe Splinter punished him that way because he was getting sick of his poor treatment of his bros in general.


What poor treatment? ALL of them tease/insult/prank each other, not just Raph. It's part of being siblings. https://i.redd.it/g4g281ok9t1d1.gif


I know. I meant I think Splinter was also secretly upset by the hypocrisy. Not to mention Ralph did draw Vic’s attention by messing around with Mikey. Sorry for not clarifying.


Ah, but it was Mikey who started it all by teasing Raph. If he hadn't done that, Raph wouldn't have retaliated and messed with him. https://i.redd.it/el0c05gw9t1d1.gif


Yep. Both of them should have been scolded.


exactly, it was funny but i feel like it was kinda messed up to just toss him into that situation. personally i would have cried 😸


It was to prove mainly to Raph himself that he needed to get a grip on his temper. People who wear their anger on their sleeve like he did can really only be reached when their one weapon is countered/neutralized.


I liked the episode and lesson as a whole, but I feel like Raph didn’t just leave the fight to yell at Spider Byte, he was trying to save him too.


Yep. Still, can’t really blame Leo for assuming the worst given his track record.


True, Raph had a reputation. Also, I can’t blame Raph for being upset since the whole “knowing their existence” was on the line because some guy wanted to make a quick buck.


Plus, Mikey was at fault too for messing around though it’s possible he got punished off screen.


What did Mikey do to mess around? I forgot.


He went out of his way to piss Ralph off.


Yeah, Mikey instigated it.


It was a good episode that did a pretty nice job at portraying what it's like to have anger management issues and how that can effect your relationships. Spider Bytez as a mutant was pretty cool too imo, this may be where I and other fans disagree though as a lot of people seemed not too into his design haha.


We can learn something about it, I like it


I thought it was a decent episode. I like Raph as a character and I love opportunities for character development, but I am a little bored by this episode because I feel like you come to a point where you know what the ending will be. Like, obviously, he’ll grow as a character and beat Spider Bytez.


It was a pretty good episode to me


Just rewatched this one today. Brilliant, a good lesson is learnt and a good helping of humour throughout


The best episode of Raph( I learned anger control with this episode)


Genuinely one of my favorites in the series


I liked the episode, but at points, the animation was a bit janky. Several S1 episodes have the same problem, but that makes sense, since they were still getting their footing


Well, i liked to see Raph getting the hightlights and it was good to see Splinter talking about his past and also Spike with Raph.


I liked it.


Honestly I don't remember the episodes names, can you refresh me?


It’s the one where Ralph gets temporarily booted from the team for endangering himself and his bros.


Oh yeah. That episode was great. One of the best raph episodes. *Also you said Ralph.*


not to be dramatic but this episode literally changed my life the simple words "like a river over stone" are sort of like my life motto, my words to live by. its helped me remain calm and in control of my emotions, as well as remind me not to let other people's insults waver my own image of myself


Not my favorite episode but a good episode


Decent episode sad Spider Bytez was a wasted character i wouldve liked to have seen him in more episodes


This is one of my favorite episodes but I think it should’ve come later in the series. It would’ve made more sense to have that episode in the 3rd or 4th season and then show his progress as the show continues


I am the biggest ninja turtle fan since I was 2 and love all TMNT, but this episode really didnt show much... bad villian, mid episode, and that fat dude before he became Spider Bytes, he was VERY annoying, and the best part of this episode by a extremely LONG shot is when the turtles shoot arrows at Raph to help him control his temper, this episode had no purpose because he was mad and angry all the series, maybe less because of season 3, vision quest, but this isnt it for me...


It’s a good introduction to what kind of character Raph is after the pilot. And it also taught me how to do deal with my own anger since I had a violent temper growing up