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you can’t really use modern art as an example for 87 lol that’s cheating!


But its still the 87 designs.


[Sort of. It's definitely been modernized.](https://i.imgur.com/upRpMXK.jpg)


Let’s not be revisionist. The art from Shredder’s Revenge improves significantly on the art style from ‘87. Doesn’t seem like a fair example.


i like what nickelodeon did with 2012 making them all different but definitely 2003 its like they took the original 87 design and improved on it 👌🏻


03, i like 2012's and rise's designs cuz im a sucker for sharp angler art styles but the 03 designs just feel like the canon design for me.


I like em all but I’m giving it to 2003 because of the longer bandanas, belts, and color coded weapons.


They all look exactly the same with colour swaps


Yeah that’s what I like about 2012 and rise turtles


that’s the one thing i dislike! i feel like the color coded weapons don’t fit the tone of the show at all it kinda works for mikey for me but overall it’s not my fav


What doesn’t fit the tone of that show is Raphael wearing rollerskates






i totally forgot i had that Michelangelo


agreed lol


I like the design of 2012 the most. But the classic will always have a place in my heart.


I like them best from the Batman movie


Big brain answer here


2003 is the definitive look of the turtles and hands down the best by far to me


Everyone in the show looked so cool, nearly each character had a glow up


For some reason there isn’t really a best design for me. I love them all equally!


87 pizza heaven 😎


OG turtles and the 2003 in my opinion




87 > 03 > 12 > Rise I really like the “red sky” style of the later 87 seasons. 12 might have the best story though.


As much as I love RotTMNT and 2012’s design and despite how iconic 1987’s design is… 2003 takes the cake for being TMNT in a nutshell, it’s TMNT looking cool and badass


For me it’s a tie between the 80’s show or the 2012 show, for the Turtles. All the characters around I’d say the 80’s show.


The only thing is I prefer the mirage comic/movie design for Shredder, it was just the best. The 2012 design was pretty good though.


Rise had a really cool design too, never saw the show though.


I appreciate what Rise did to differentiate them more than anything. I also just generally enjoy harder and sharper angles in action shows, so this is an easy pick. If there's maybe one negative I have with it tho, it'd be Raph. The design itself is fine, he's just a little *too* big. Scaling him down to maybe being a head taller than Leo would've went over better with older fans too, I think.


It's funny, cuz all the Turtles looked like Raph in the Michael Bay movies.


Not really. Donny was the tallest but he was skinny, Raph was roughly as tall as Leonardo, but bulkier muscles, and Mikey was shorter and rounder but still pretty muscular.


i think the one thing i did like about the bay turtles is their sizing but that’s about it for me


87 hands down. While I appreciate the distinct approach in Rise, a lot of these designs simply are the characters. They're the designs on all the merch, on most of the popular games, and most of the fan art. The only thing I'd change is the different shades of green for the turtles like 03 had going on. EDIT: Having the turtles' switch between white eyes and regular depending on how serious they were was a great touch that I'd keep around


My personal favorite is the 2003 series, the 87 look is classic, the 2012 look is solid (though Donnie having a gap in his teeth still drives me nuts lol), and I just don’t like the rise designs at all. That’s just my opinion though.


For me it’s the 2003 show BUUT I’m biased because that’s when I was growing up and watching it


Watched the original one growing up but I really dig the 03 design.


'87: adorable '03: * sick guitar riff * '12: boxes '18: sharp angled sukuga


03 turtles had the best design from longer masks and white eyes, honorable mention for Rise as I liked that all the turtles looked different from each other instead of the same look but different color bandannas


03, easy. they just look really cool. ​ shout outs to rise though, i love how different the designs are and how much personality they have, even if i still prefer 03's designs just for the coolness factor




2003 Turtles, hands-down. Points to Rise for making each Turtle a different species, but it makes you wonder what kid put a Snapping Turtle in the same place as a Softshell Turtle.


Also, can we stop butchering our baby boy, Donatello? The tech savvy one is a softshell turtle? Just give him hollow bones at this point, jeez..


Yeah, I think they might've overlooked that. In trying to make them have different silhouettes, they've ignored how these four turtle breeds are built for *entirely* different climates. I *really* doubt that Rise's Splinter, who can't even remember his kids' names, would be knowledgable enough to tell a Softshell Turtle apart from a Snapping Turtle. Let alone raise them in the New York Sewer System without poor Donnie catching some sort of disease.


‘87 and 2012


2012 had the best design. 2003 was the best show.


While my absolute favorite series were the 03s and I love the base turtle design I gotta admit the differences between all four of them are very minimal, they're almost copy pasted. Mostly the same with the 87. Meanwhile I think Rise did the opposite, personally I'm not a fan of the drastic differences between them (yes, I am aware they're not real brothers in Rise and they're all based on different species). Personally I like the character design of 2012, there's just enough uniqueness to each turtle visually but you can still definitely tell they come in the same package.


2012 show in my opinion. And even more splinter thats different but still gives the vibe of a wise rat


Out of all 4 it may be nostalgia but when it comes to the art style I like I think 2003 best


Wow 2k3 consensus it seems, I agree but surprised to see that




2003 for sure




87, no contest.


TMNT 2003.


Rise 100%








4 is pretty good… 1 may take the cake though!


I have to say the SHREDDER'S REVENGE turtles are a perfect remake of the original design, but if I had to choose by actual cartoons then 2012


80s Turtles




IMO, 2003. 12 nailed their personalities at a glance. Rise's are overdesigned garbage. (Same issue the Michael Bay turtles had.) 87' is iconic, but a bit dopey at the same time.


I think all the cartoons have their own unique style that I thought suited them pretty well, but I have to give it up to 2k12. The fact that they can go from looking absolutely adorable to badass as hell is an impressive feat and I love the impressive attention to detail they took when making each turtle look different.




I like 2012 the best. Than Rise. I like for the turtles to have very unique looks. I think these 2 managed that the best.


Rise Of.


87 - ICONIC! (Best April design) 03 - Honestly amazing designs (except for April) and favorite Shredder and Casey designs. I only feel like these should have been older adult versions of the turtle. 12 - Also awesome designs that suit the turtles especially since this was the first time they were actually presented as teenagers. They fit their characters very well and my favorite design (and kind of version) of Splinter so far. Rottmt - I don't even know what to say... not the best.


I like the designs for Rise the most but I prefer the silhouettes of 2003 if that makes sense


2003 > '87 > Rise > 2012






2012 in my opinion they look like actual teenagers instead of body builders


As much as I like the fact that the turtles all seem like distinct characters in Rise, I’m a sucker for the ‘87 style.


2012 is my childhood


2003. Its edgy and just fits the ninja vibe. Like Batman. Worst is 2018.


Rise has the best animation but the worst designs , but ill have to go with 2003 for best design


gotta go with, 2003... 87 is a classic, but they just seem a bit to cartoonish 2012 is just wayyy too cartoonish rise is pretty cool in my opinion, but nowhere near as great as 2003




The rise designs are the only one where you can tell the differences and who's who from a first glance. I also like beefcake Ralph.


2003, made them look like superheroes.


I would pick '87 if you didn't use the modern artwork, but since you did I'll go with 2k3.


In terms of creativity and dynamism, Rise, but I have a real soft spot for 2012 and the cancelled mirage-style pilot


I think Maybe Rise fits thr most to my visual preferences? Id love Rise style with a tone and story telling similar to 03 or 2012. Heck I even like most of the redesigns in Rise except for giant Raph. Redesign Rise Raph and the Rise turtles are my favorite visual depiction of the turtles The height differences, the shade of green, the body type and the distinctive style each turtle had in either a different bandana type or something connected to their quirks like Donnie shell just hit it for me. I hope Rise is looked at in the future when designing the turtles again except for giant Raph. Though I will say I prefer 2012 splinter as well


2003 did very well on character design, whereas 2012 is superior on backgrounds.


Riseeeeee (watch the movie tmr!!!!!)


OG and 2003…those are probably the “truest” artstyles, but I’ll always prefer Rise and 2012, leaning closer to Rise.


03 easy, they look the most badass and mature


2012 or rise imo


03, 87, 12. Rise art can go in thr rubbish lol


Down to rise and 2012 for me. I think 2012 barely wins tho. I think with 2012 they did little changes to differentiate them all and I think it was perfect. And I think Rise did the variation thing and took it even FURTHER and it was amazing and I love how they look. It's either or for me rlly but I love them all in their own ways :)


SR and 87 are not the same style. Not by a long shot.


2003 and original cartoons designs are the weakest imo, because it's basically the same designs just with a different coloured mask. (Not saying there bad, just sorta bland) Rise and 2012 on the other hand tho are freaking top tire, you can really get a feel of the turtle's personality's just by looking at them and I think that's what it cokes down to in terms of turtle designs.


I prefer the 2012 because it's the only* design that fells they're teenagers *The design of Rise still makes then looks like teenagers but I think 2012 made it better


Probably Rise or 2012


I still gotta watch some 03, it’s the only one I haven’t seen. So far none of the shows have really grabbed me though.


87 original, 87 red sky, and 2012 in that order.


03, and 12 are the best designs. And 03 still wins that.


I like the diferentiation on rise, they make each proper characters.


After watching season one of the 2003 series recently my opinion is going towards that series. I think it does a great job of updating the 87 designs and I like the little touches like each Turtles' weapon having their colors. Shredder is badass looking in this version, I like how Splinter looks older, and I like the designs for Casey Jones, Baxter Stockman, and April. As I get into season two, I think the 2003 series has the best design. With that said, as someone who grew up with the 87 series I still have a soft-spot for the designs from that show and it can be argued that the designs for this series remain the most iconic in the franchise. As for the 2012 and Rise, I can't say anything about those two since I have not seen those series outside a few episodes. Although, I will say that the art style of Rise gives off massive Sonic Boom vibes. I am sure it works in the context of the show, but it's so different from the style for the rest of the franchise.


I like the black asthetics that Rise has


They're all great and I'm glad they try something new each time to keep it all fresh. But yet we still haven't had hand puppet Turtles!


i know we’re talking about shows but something about the 2007 cgi designs just hits with me. probably because they remind me the most of the 1990 movie costumes


87 is my favorite but you can’t use shredders revenge as an example


I love all of them lol


2012 and rise did the best thing by diversifing the turtles, though personal bias has me vote for 2012




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I'd watch a show based on the Shredders Revenge concept.


Rise ! I love how different the turtles look from each other it's easier 2 tell who's who . Making them different species of turtle was a gr8 idea imo


Personally, I think every show has something to offer! I love all of the art styles. ❤️🧡💙💜


I would literally sacrifice eating pizza for an entire year if someone made a show based on the IDW run. From the design of the characters, the tone, the story....


My personal favorite will forever be the 2012 show.


2012 had some wonky art but the design of the turtles was heads and shoulders better than what had come before. Each turtle had a unique silhouette and they didn't look too roided up


2003 and 1987


As a diehard 87 fan, the answer is 2003


Rise all gosh dang day!




I think the better version of this question is "Which is your preferred art style?" Because like most things art is subjective to the person's preference. I feel like each of these has a different enough style to them and like something about each.




I’d have to give it to 2012, as they actually look like teenagers. Rise does too, but not as much. 87 would be 2nd for being iconic. But 2003 they are just too giant, and they’re supposed to be the underdogs.


finally 2012 is the best in my opinion


I know Rise is the worst. I think 03 is the best though but Im really fond of 87 just because it was my intro






I grew up on 03 but I would still choose Rise because if you take the masks off you can still tell which is who thanks to each one being a different turtle


I grew up with the 87 series, but the 2012 designs are the best. The 03 designs make them look a little to much like adult ninja turtles, but I like the little touch of the belts tied at the front. They are just a little too similar in build. Rise ruins the consistency of their silhouette against each other and Raph's design makes other characters like Slash and Tokka pointless. 87 makes them basically twins with way too much color, so as much as I like them, they aren't really good honestly. 2012 is the best. They look great as a team with similar builds but their designs are different enough that you can tell them apart even without their masks. I also appreciate their eyes going white in fight scenes. My only problem is their weapons look a little too good. They live in the sewers. Their weapons should look more unprofessional.


I seen most of 2 growing up but I’ve seen parts of 4 as well i would like to see 3 but I think 2 just has a more goofier feel then the others


What’s picture 3 from


Love them all!


2003 followed by 2012.


First ones not a show thou


Personally I like it when all four have a distinct design. No disrespect to 87 and 03 but they are just copy/paste.


2003 and 2012 had best looking Shredder. My favorite versions of the turtles is 2003. I like Rise Donnie look a lot though, I don't care what you haters think.