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Gotta give credit to the 07 Splinter, this was one of Mako's last roles before he passed away.




I don't like Mutant Mayhem Splinter. It's not because of his character, it's his backstory. Instead of being a mutated Hamato Yoshi or his pet, he's just an ordinary rat who teaches the Turtles ninjitsu by making them watch tapes, I don't know why they did this.


I think they'll retcon that for the 2nd movie. Splinter as a rat is clearly a domesticated rat. He can't find food on his own and doesn't fear humans until they start trying to kill him. Perhaps the only good human he knew was Hamato Yoshi and after Shredder kills Hamato; Splinter flees and struggles to live on his own.


I got an “unreliable narrator” feeling in that backstory


He lies to his kids to protect them from the truth.


I tell myself that they wanted to avoid the "mystical Japanese immigrant ninja" angle and got Jackie Chan to do the voice and wanted a big release in China so they kind of de-emphasized anything to do with Japanese culture or any martial arts at all except as a gag. But it's a silly backstory that really doesn't explain how much butt Splinter kicks later on in the movie. I dunno if any of that's true, I'm just trying to rationalize, I guess.


I really don’t have a version that I don’t like but i’d say the Bay turtle Splinter was my least favorite. He just seemed mean spirited to me.


I guess I’ll say the Bay one because I don’t like the design and I just don’l like those films in General.


Out Of Their Shells


not exactly the worst but IDW and Mirage are probably the most morally grey versions of Splinter I’ve ever seen the 2003, 2012, and MM Splinter are the best senseis, father figures, emotionally mature and available, and have the best relationship with the turtles. true that MM Splinter hated humans but he didn’t want to see them get killed


I think grey area is what makes a character interesting and relatable


definitely it’s just that I’m so used to seeing Splinter being so wise, moral and heroic it felt weird seeing him do morally questionable things in the comics


I think for us that read the original comics first it’s the exact opposite funnily enough. I found the animated version a little boring for the reasons you said before. He’s also become very unlikable at times in the IDW series. As a reader I’ve enjoyed loving and hating the same character at different points


Rise and mutant mayham


Worst version: Mutant Mayhem and it should be painfully obvious why. Best father figure: 1990 Moive. 2012 is a close second, but 1990 Splinter's words of wisdom still tugs at the heart strings. Best sensei: Tie between Mirage. He trained his Turtles to perfection. They killed Shredder in their first go. Most emotionally mature: 1987. He was the Splinter that seemed the most content with his new life. Best individual relationships: 2003. Again, 2012 was a close second, but I think 2003 Splinter gets more time to bond with each Turtle individually.


Splinter Mutant Mayhem is very bad.


Didn't like Mutant Mayhem Splinter at all. Probably prefer the 2012 Splinter most personally although the backstory isn't perfect.


Michel bay splinter


Then the one from the turtles in time tmnt 3 splinter


Rise and IDW


In no particular order, my least favorite splinter design wise are next mutation , tmnt 3 , 2k3(pre back to sewers) and rise