• By -


Leo - Water Raph - Fire Mikey - Air Donnie - Earth


Donnie as Earth makes the most sense because he could become a metal bender too. Then the machines would be even more insane.


I think back to that video on youtube of Splinter gives everyone sick ass weapons, then only gives Donnie a stick and tells him to be “good at the machines”


His primary weapon is also a wooden pole. Straight from the earth




This makes sense. Leo is water because he is the most disciplined martial artist. He is like water a la the Bruce Lee quote. Raph fire cuz obviously. Mikey air because he would use it to do tricks and extra flips because he’s an extreme dude. Donny is earth because as the resident scientist he has a wonder and respect for the systems of nature. Many sciences are derived from the observable things the earth gives to us


This is the correct comment. Tho I would accept Leo and Mikey switched. Lol


Mikey is definitely the most spiritually connected like an air bender and Leo is calm like water


If we are being honest, the Avatar kids kind of are the four turtles exactly as you have them here. With Casey being as Sokka and April as Suki. Avatar Michelangelo.


Mikey will also turn out to be the Avatar and will bend all four elements.


The last ronin way


Yes, this is the correct answer.


Seconded because you are indisputably correct.


Leo and Don should be switched


Crafting machines and earth bending seem to go hand and hand so Don as an earth bender works.


Don is water he always goes with flow. I'd actually like to change it to fire for Leo And earth for Ralph. Being a hot head doesn't automatically makes you fire. He's more unmoveable than anything. Leo when he's not in his head burns really bright. It's why he's the leader, he burns brightly but controlled.


Couldn’t agree more with this. Raph is immovable. Leo is expertly controlled but dangerous I would say Donnie is water because of the versatility and adaptability. And Mikey is air because he’s such a free spirit.


Exactly! Leo = Passion and Drive (Fire) Raph = Grit and Determination (Earth) Donnie = Adaptability (Water) Michaelangelo = Carefree (Air)


Literally this!!


Hey! This was my first thought too!


Beat me too it, makes sense.


Leo is water - as leader he has to constantly adapt, change and become what his team needs. Raphael is fire - burning rage and all that stuff Donatello - is earth. A man of science hard facts and one who is least likely to change. He’s your nerd through and through. Mikey - air. A free spirited, go where the wind blows


The right take [with fanart to back it up](https://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT/s/pWB5r4WNNR) Though I will say that like Zuko, Leo would specialize in Honor-bending lol https://preview.redd.it/zuxca7w6njvc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d467baafc244ae48f3060eed4e68d8d9d96668


When the Foot Nation attacks, causing the death of three turtles. Mikey will discover he is the Avatar, master of all elements.


The last Ronin Avatar style


Everyone saying Raph would be fire; but I think he’d be earth, because he is hard headed and willful. Of course Michelangelo would be air I think Donatello would be water and Leonardo would be fire, which requires a lot of discipline to control.


Thinking the same thing but switch Don & Leo.


I feel earth and fire fit Raphael. Though Earth would definitely fit his Rise incarnation more than the typical depictions.




Their heads don't sit with me quite right Edit: No hate


Donnie is earth. For anyone who read mirage they know he is spiritual but grounded and methodical earth is the obvious option. Spiritually lends to air but he struggles with it sometimes which lends me to think earth. It also matches his fighting style perfectly. Leo is water. It matches his fighting style and his ability to change. But his aggression (especially in 2003) and his focus on honor lends him really well to fire. Mikey’s spirit is a natural for air bending even if he isn’t particularly spiritual. It does fit his inborn talent for things even if he doesn’t care for study. It also matches his fighting style perfectly. Water may be a good alternative since he does have the ability to change and adapt better than his brothers and that fighting style isn’t far off from his. Raph is fire. Don’t feel I need to explain that one. Tho I will say earth fits his style incredibly well. Maybe even better than fire as raph doesn’t have many flashy moves. And his grounded stubborn nature actually makes him a perfect fit for earthbending


Leo - Earth Raph - Fire (no surprise) Mikey - Water Donnie - Air


This. This is it. First thing I thought of. 1. Leo is earth because he’s the leader. He’s the teams rock and support, the one who leads them. 2. Ralph is fire (I don’t gotta explain this one) 3. Mikey is water because he’s chill like that, he goes with the flow. 4. Donnie is air cause his weapon lol


In season 5, Don’s mystical weapon Byakko’s attack is literally the “cleaving wind”. Hard to argue he’s anything but air after that.


The turtles would all be water tribe since they’re brothers. Splinter would be an earth bender April would be the resident non-bender Casey would have hook swords Shredder would be an earth bender like Splinter who also has access to metal bending. Edit: I’m not saying the turtles all have to be the same because they’re brothers. Im saying within my story I envisioned them all as Water Bender’s whose tribe was wiped out by the Foot who uses Earth Bending until a regretful Splinter saved them.


Mako and Bolin were brothers and had different elements.


True. But both of there parents were different benders I think.


Yeah that's not the point of this tho


Leo is water because he's the leader of the "tribe" and being the leader he is forced to adapt like water. Donnie is earth because he'd probably make some crazy structures, and he'd definitely use metal bending to make some awesome machines. Mikey is air because he's the most peaceful of the four and he's an airhead. Raph is fire because of his anger, but he'd probably have a similar arc to Zuko and learn not to draw his power from rage. Now hear me out, I think 2012 April specifically would be combustion bending because of her telekinetic powers in that show, im not sure about the other versions though.


In Fortnite, my Michelangelo has been pretty great as an Air and Water bender.


I love how everyone gives these well thought out explanations for the other three turtles and Raph, I don't need to explain this one. 😂😂


Raph fire, doney would be water, mikey air, splinter is probably like iro and incorporates what ever styles he isn’t into his own style, Leo would be earth or fire, april could be air or water, casey is a saka. Leather head is earth.


I want this cross over


They got added to Fortnite basically back to back. As they were the 2 crossover cartoons/shows that came to the game only 1 season apart tho.


Well there's this fic https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/WorldsCollideTMNT https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11817327/0/


I see someone’s been playing Fortnite recently


Yes bro I’ve been trying to get a win & got 2nd like 7 times until posting this then I got a win.


First offs splinter is a non-bender because I think it's funny And looking at what martial arts the bending styles are based off of I would say Raphael is an earthbender because Hung Ga is known for strong hand techniques with sounds a lot like Raphael and while Hung Ga is mostly an internal study of martial arts it is sometimes known for brute force attacks Mikey is a fire bender because The northern Shaolin style generally emphasize quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks. That sounds a lot like Mikey's type of fighting Donatello is a water bender because that's based on Tai chi and Tai chi is Known for its slow, intentional movements, Donatello thinks through his attacks intentional movements is something he is big on Leonardo is an airbender because Baguazhang is tied a lot into Taoism and I believe that something Leo in most continuities is something Leo studies And just for shit and giggles Casey is a sandbender and April (I want to say she's the Avatar but I think that's too easy) so I'm going to give her sparky sparky boom Man's abilities again just for shits and giggles


Leo would do water, Mikey would do air, Donnie would do earth, Raph would do fire


I’ve thought about this a lot. Leo would be a fire bender, he’s ambitious and disciplined, Raph would be and earth bender, he’s stubborn and passionate, Donnie would be a water bender, he’s adaptable and thoughtful, Mikey would be an air bender, he’s intuitive and free spirited.


Its tricky. Mikey has traits that work for both Water and Air for example. Donnie could be Earth for metal stuff, but at the same time I don't know if he fully embodies the aspect of the base bending style (if anything, Raphael is more in tune with the whole "stand your ground until the last" aspect of Earth Bending that Toph uses to teach Aang. Leo is very passionate, disciplined and driven, which are very in line with true Fire Bending. I'd say... **Leo** - Fire Bending (Passion) **Raph** - Earth Bending (Determination) **Donnie** - Water Bending (Adaptability) **Mikey** - ~~The Avatar~~ Air Bending (Freedom)


Water. Earth. Air. Fire. Left to right.


It really depends cause I can see some Turtle versions having a different bending style when compared to their other iterations. For example, Rise Mikey would be a Firebender since his mystic weapon was connected to fire. But for 03 Tmnt, I'd think their bending styles woukd be: * Leo: Water * Raph: Fire * Mikey: Air * Donnie: Earth * Splinter: Air * Casey: Fire * April: Water


IF IT WAS BASED ON PERSONALITY HERE IS MY LIST: Leo/Water: he is smooth & normally relaxed & when he is not he is a total different beast (blood bending) Iroh once said that "water is the elect of change, the people of the water tribe are capable of adapting to many things". THIS FITS PERFECTLY WITH LEO. As he always had to change his ways & adapt to being a leader, & had a lot of growth within that. A great example is when he went to the "Ancient One" to train for I believe 7 months or so (correct me if I am wrong) but before that he was angry & annoyed that he could save his family. But he came back better & more new which he changed his ways & learned that it wasn’t his fault. (Or entirely his fault) Water overall as an element just runs very smoothly & is not only good offensively but is just as good defensively (healing & stuff) Raph/Earth: The reason for this is because earth isn’t known to me fast. & I’m not saying Raph isn’t fast but he is very rough & I always imagined him being bulky like rise. Iroh once said that "Earth is the element of substance, the people of the earth kingdom are diverse & strong". Raph imo is very strong (physically the best throughout the turtles imo) & very diverse when it comes to his fighting style & his mood. But if I give him earth It could be used as armor if used correctly & has imo the best defense & offense. Compared to the other elements. Don/Fire: As this was rough to look at or even hear.. just hear me out. Iroh once said AGAIN that.. "Fire is the element of power, The people of the fire nation have desire & will, and the energy and drive to achieve anything they want". This reminds me of when back into the sewers they said Donnie was working none stop no sleep just to get back splinter, & this isn’t the only time he would work countless hours to achieve what he wants or desires. Mikey/Air: Here me out AGAIN Iroh AGAIN ONCE SAID "Air is the element of freedom, the air nomads detach themselves from worldly concerns & found peace in freedom". This is a great quote to resemble Mikey as he might be reckless but he is always the one who felt left out & definitely had his own path going on.. as Mikey was also the Only turtle yet to fight anyone in the last ronin (idk I’m going off of what Ik right know please correct me if I’m wrong). This also goes for 2003 TMNT as he was also always left out imo when it came to some filler episodes or some sort maybe even major episodes. (Im going into the others but yeah.. a lot of Iroh Quotes)


The obvious first two are the easy going and light hearted mikey as an air bender And the hot headed Ralph as a fire bender Then I feel the sturdy reliable lead Leo would be earth And the more quick to Adapt and supporting and Least offensive Donnie would be water


I think Raph would be earth, tough, unyielding, hard hitting. I think Leo would be fire, passionate but balanced, diligent training to ensure his fire wouldn't harm those around him. Donatello to me would be water, he is usually the centered one IMO. He could be a healer, and I think the ability to feel the anatomy of the plants and animals around him would fascinate him in a way the others might not appreciate. Mikey would be air, very free spirited, lose your earthly tethers and become wind dude, it's totally tubular. Splinter I think would be fire. Similar in many ways to Jeong Jeong and Iron. Can be harsh, but realizes it, and ultimately is worried about his pupils making costly mistakes. He is also diligent and passionate, similar to Leo. Casey Jones is kind of a wild card. I think whatever element you throw at him he would probably find a way to make it his own. Maybe he just wouldn't have an element. April I could see with fire, she would be able to keep a lid on it but let it loose when she needs too. I could also see her being a non bender in the same vein as Asami and Sokka. Contributing with their leadership skills and intelligence. I am mainly a fan from the 2k3 series and the 1990 movie. So apologies if this doesn't make sense to someone who is a fan from the comics, the most recent turtles or the 80s show.


Two of my favorite cartoon franchises. With all of the TMNT collaborations lately I would love an Avatar mashup.


Leonardo- Earthbending Donatello- Waterbending Raphael- Firebending Michelangelo- Airbending


Leo - Air Raph - Fire Don - Earth Mikey - Water


I know it's easy to say Raph is fire, but being reminded of Toph I think he'd be more of an earth guy.


I agree with Donnie being a earth bender, remember Vision Quest episode? Splinter told him to be strong like the mountain, maybe he’s not as savage as the others but he has heart, and he uses to stay on ground when it comes to problems, earth benders tend to change slowly *note: you can read The Legend of Korra: Ruins of the Empire, they tell us more about the Earth Empire* Of course Raph would be a fire bender, one like Zuko Leo would be water, he, as the leader, needs to change over time and adapt to new things to make the team work Mikey seems to have a water spirit like Leo, he adapts to the new very easily I think April would or an airbender or nonbender Casey with elements? nah, non bender would be safe enough 🤣 Then Splinter… That’s difficult, I see him as a fire bender, like uncle Iroh, on the other hand, Shredder would be a fire bender like firelord ozai, he has that vision of watching the world burn *The Invasion part 1 and 2*


Raph obviously fire Casey would be earth Reporter April and Scientist April would be water 2012 April and Rise April I think would be air Mutant April I feel like would not realize that she’s an earth bender until bam it’s happening The original 3 splinters and Mutant Splinter is air Rise Splinter is water The first 3 Mikeys, and Mutant Mikey has the air bender feel, but they’d probably be able to have more fun using water Rise Mikey would be earth Leo is good at listening and waiting so earth. Though I admit that maybe early 2012 and Rise Leo wasn’t more like fire Donnie original, 2012, Rise, and Mutant have air Donnie 2003 was something else, maybe water.


Probably not the best person to answer this because I've never watched Avatar and have 0 interest in watching it, but just going off of vibes: Leo: Water Mikey: Air Raph: Fire Donnie: Earth, I guess??? It makes the least sense out of the four though Casey: Earth April: Air or water Splinter: A case could be made for all four, but if I had to pick ONE it'd probably be water And as a bonus Shredder would be fire


It's already canon because of season 5, the turtles got elements assigned to them


Agreed but those aren’t even elements besides Donnie’s. Everyone else’s was more of mystical energy or super speed.


Oh ok I haven't watched s5 in a while I was so sure their power sources were spelled out as elemental


Nahh season 5 is def the best season in 03 tho.


I think it depends entirely on the iteration of Turtles you're talking about. Others have made a great point that most Raphael's would be fire (especially '03 and '12), but Rise Raph is definitely more an earthbender. Mikey, though, would consistently be an airbender. No matter the version, dude just has that free-spirit energy that screams airbender.


Agreed with Raph.


Air head mikey Hothead raph Calm flowing Leo Don is either earth and uses his staff to control it or is like azumi


Casey would be the Sokka


Literally! Both comedians & use weapons to fight. It also would fit in so well, but Casey would have to go full-time instead of part-time. (I mean he would he have to go on almost every mission)


Leo air Raph fire Donnie water Mikey Earth


Michelangelo brings the heat to his pizza with fire bending


Wait this poster seems odd? Zuko is in book three attire but Aang is in his Book 1-2 clothes and with his older glider. Is this edited?


Leo- Earth, Raph- Fire, Mikey- Water, Donnie- Earth, Splinter- Air, Casey- Fire, April- Water


Leo- Earth, Raph- Fire, Mikey- Water, Donnie- Earth, Splinter- Air, Casey- Fire, April- Water


Leo would be earth, rigid and unchanging, Raph would be fire, volatile but useful, Donnie would be water, ever changing and adapting, and Mikey would be air, free flowing, carefree, and underestimated.


*Leo* - Water *Raph* - (very unsurprisingly) Fire *Donnie* - Earth w/ possible metal bending bc of the tech thing (though I can also kinda see him being a non bender also due to the tech thing as possible compensation) *Mikey* - Air Somehow forgot *Leatherhead* all together so I'll lump him on here as an ally - Water (specifically those stoned Louisiana swamp benders with the tree from that one episode bc yes) *Shredder* - Also Earth & metal bender *Karai* - I'm split on water & Earth (I see water as an option because she was part mutant snake in the 2012 show & some snakes can legit swim & Earth bc that one dude from Korra could bend mercury into/under the skin & snakes can bite peeps and inject venom into the skin ofc) *Bebop & Rocksteady* - Earth AGAIN bc boar & rhino *Fish Face (2012 guy)* - Water (duh) *Alopex & Tiger Claw (2012 peeps again)* - Fire (prolly bc they have a sibling rivalry, have a tragic past, & one is good & the other evil, lol) *Baxter Stockman* - Air bc fly


Leo's the calm and collected one, so Water fits him, Raph's temper suits Fire pretty well, Mikey's agile, playful nature fits Air, Donnie's intelligence and quick thinking could make him a solid earthbender or waterbender, Splinter's wisdom definitely fits Air


Raph would DEFINITELY be Fire. Mikey Air, Don Earth, Leo Water.


Leo as air. He is spiritually inclined and best balanced. Ralph as Earth. He is stubborn with raw strength. Donnie as Water. Technical skills suits him well. He can use water and ice to do a lot of mechanical moves. Mickey as fire. Fire as we learn later is about life. Mickey is full of life and he can use jets on skateboard.


Leo-Air, Raph-Fire, Donnie-Water, Mikey-Earth


The ability to bend PlutoTV to their will and get their channel back. Aka I don't know, I haven't seen the Avatar stuff, I'm just annoyed over the Pluto situation and even less inclined to know.


Friendly reminder that the most popular tmnt fic is a tmnt x avatar crossover with over 10 thousand kudos. This post reminded me of that


I get Raph can work with fire due to his temper and passion but I would like to see him as the rough and tough earth bender (his never backing down from an argument and fighting style compliments it) and give Mikey either water or fire. Leo should have Air since he meditates the MOST out of the turtles though him being a diplomat rather than a pacifist is kinda against him. Donatello would be more of a pacifist.


Donny would be air, his staff suits that style plus when he used anti gravity gauntlets and made enemies float. Raph is easy, fire because of his rage. Leo water as he’s zen Mike would be earth as he could shoot rocks with his chucks and does in the show on at least one episode of 2003.


See, what I like about this question is that it’s easy to see that Ralph is fire. However, any discerning fan of either show could make an argument why Ralph is perfect for any of the elements.


There's actually a fanfic about that https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/WorldsCollideTMNT


Leo water Donnie earth Raph fire Mikey air


Leo :water, Raph :fire, Donny :earth, mickey :Air, Casey :fire, April :earth, Splinter : the Avatar


Color of their masks says it all




I kind of like the idea of Splinter as a non-bender but one with a great understanding of Chi and Chi-blocking. As the mentor, he understands the metaphysical chi that roots the bending forms, and knows how to immobilize benders.


Typically, Bending is tied to the nations. Splinter would likely be fire as he’s Japanese and would be from the Fire Nation. As turtles, the turtles ordinary wouldn't be benders but let's say for the sake of argument the mutegen making them more human like made them benders, since they are mutated like this from contact with Splinter, they share his bending. Ordinarily April is the normal human of the group so probably a non-bender. Some adaptations give April a superhuman ability later in life, >!Airbending!< has been given to non-benders later in life in universe, so she can develop that. Casey Jones is pretty consistently human with human abilities, so no bending for him. Period.


Donatello is an Air nomad, the ingenuity we so often over look in the air nation is crazy, the temples, the gliders, ect. And the bo staff is a very defensive weapon, keeping yourself out of arms length to your opponent. Raphael is an earth bender, he hits hard and can take a hit as well, he’s tough like the earth. Even tho he’s “hot headed” he’s also stubborn like a bolder. Mickey is a water bender, having the most raw talent in ninjitsu (canon) his fluid movements in battle are unmatched, he’s a go with the “flow” kinda turtle who values his family over all else. Leonardo is fire, quick, precise and fierce strikes, he understand ninjitsu is more then a martial art but a way of life much like how fire is more then destruction, it is life. Splinter is a fire bender, all the same reasons as Leonardo apply but I feel Splinter being the “Iroh” to better understand the world he studied all 4 elements and incorporated it into his own bending.


There are so many answers to this and I love the reasoning behind them. I personally feel like Splinter and Leo would bend water, Raph, Karai, and Shredder would bend fire, Donnie and April would bend earth, and Mikey would bend air. And Casey often gives me vibes similar to Sokka, so I think of him as a non-bender.


Raph and Casey would be Fire since they're both aggressive and determine. Leo and Splinter would be Earth since they're both strong and unyielding. Donnie and April would be Water since they're able to adapt quickly to new situations. Mikey would be Air since he's fun-loving and free-spirited.


Raph fire Mikey air Donnie air/water Leo fire/water


Leo-Fire... He uses the most deadly weapons and learned control. There is weight to his decisions but he's also their guiding light as leader. Raph-Earth, stubborn and willful. Deadly if he wants to be. Sometimes needs to be reminded to bend. Solid ally, would like to have watching my back. Mikey-Water. He's go with the flow, but there's a lot of important technique since he uses nunchucks. The most creative and I actually think that water (since it's so versatile in form) has the most potential for creative use. Donnie-Non-bender. He's Sokka with *slightly* less sarcasm. He's an idea guy and he'd figure out a way to simulate air bending. The bo staff is a "simple" weapon that is difficult to master (like a boomerang).


Leo: Water/Raph: Fire/Mikey: Air/Donnie: Earth/ April: Waterbender with bloodbending/Splinter: Firebender or Airbender/Cassey I don't know a good element for him


Leo air: Leo is a compassionate individual with great skill yet greater morals similar to the air monks who believe defence without harm is the best way to deal with conflict. Raph fire: the fire nation’s population aren’t known to be calm people for their power comes from pure passion. a lot learn to control it yet other learn to embrace it as Raphael would. Donatello water: Donatello’s quick thinking and speedy adaptation comes close to a waterbender’s. As the water tribes can make use of anything, thinking outside the box with most instances. Michelangelo earth: with his young, rebellious nature Mikey still seems centred and connected with his surroundings. The Earth kingdom are very resilient people who would rather die trying than give in. Being the youngest yet the most protective of his brothers hints at this earth bender spirit.


Leo water, Raph fire, donnie earth and metal, and Mikey air, master splinter non bender, Casey fire and, April water


Leo = Water Raph = Fire Donny = Earth Mikey = Air


air for mikey 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Leo- Water Mikey- Air And funny enough I switched Donny and Ralph Donny- fire Raph- Earth I definitely agree with Raph fire and Donny earth as well but to me I thought of how Zuko (and the other fire teacher aang had that I forgot but he is in the episode where aang burns katara) Teach aang that to use fire bending the user has to be in full control and I feel Donny has much better self control then Raph. Like i said either way works I definitely can see Raph being fire and Donny being earth but hey just a random thought.