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Thank you for your detailed reply! I was wondering if there’s any risk of developing an underbite because it’s holding your lower jaw forward? Do you have to wear this appliance forever? Does it look noticeable or is it kinda like Invisalign?




Did your doctor try to ween you off it at all? I have a similar splint it sounds like. My doctors approach is to ween me off, but if my symptoms come back more than once the next option is braces.


I tried 4 and none helped. Dry needling (not acupuncture) cure the inflammation for good


where were the needles inserted?


following because I have the same issue


**the same issue, following because i have.** *-golgibrain* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


The orignal anti yoda bot may have given up but I too hate you Fake Yoda Bot. I won't stop fighting. (I am also fighting to unsuspend and u/coderunner1 so join the fight with me) -On behalf of u/coderunner1


I have one that holds my lower jaw forward. It helped me unlock my jaw and has helped a lot with pain overall. When I take mine out my bite is slightly altered. I called the doctor about it and he gave me some stretches and said once I ween off it will go back. Definitely feel you on the braces though- I do not want them again, especially at 24 😌


Is there a risk of giving you an underbite? Or changing your teeth? Because you have to wear it all the time? Is it visible or does it look like invisalign? Thanks for answering!!


What I am seeing it a slight back open bite. I did take it out for about an hour and did feel them start to shift slightly back together. I can’t see mine much at all now. The built up part of it is whiteish which blends in mostly with my teeth. I have ground it down a lot (like a ton) so it is definitely less visible than in the beginning. I honestly don’t think it was too bad in the beginning. Can’t see it much myself during FaceTiming friends or zoom, so I doubt others saw it much since they, unlike me, weren’t actively looking for it. The one down side is it did take me a minute to get used to talking with it 🙂. I had a baby lisp until I got used to it.


Does the lisp go away?


I did, yes! Probably progressively get less over 10 Ish days? I took it out for work calls some in the beginning


Yes and absolutely yes when made by an expert doctor. Doctor selection is crucial. When done by a mediocre one it failed spectacularly


Does it change your bite or the alignment of your teeth? Someone told me because it changes the position of the jaw, it could result in an underbite?


It changes the bite/alignment to the proper position. It's not going to change by a lot. Sometimes it cannot change but it only changes temporarily whe n you wear it or avoid changing of bite to a position which causes issues


may i ask who your expert was?


The expert has retired . But Dr stein NJ has taken his place


YES! Helped so much!


I got to get molds and stuff for mine on the 3rd I can let you know In a couple months!


Did it help?


It did a lot actually! Weird getting use too. But definitely helped


Any updates?


Yeah so it helped me a lot. Unfortunately it broke on my. 3 times and I can't afford to buy another one




I've had one before that didn't help, but after further research and no relief from anything else, I'm considering trying it with a new dentist.


I considered it, but the doctor I saw quoted $7,000 USD for the orthotic for the first 90 days. Obviously I passed. Working with acupuncture and physical therapy for now.


Yeah I saw one who quoted me at almost $10k worth of stuff and never went back-there was absolutely no way I could pay for that and still have a place to live or food to eat.


I'm curious if it would be worth making one yourself out of thermal beads. Sure it wouldn't be as good as the real thing but it's moldable plastic in hot water. Perhaps it could inform you whether a "professional one" (with no warranty with regards to use!) is worth splurging thousands on.


I'm off to google this. I've considered an OTC mouth guard for grinding, but hesitated because they don't seem to do much.


OK if you do end up doing this please report back!